
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Monday Updates –> Chapter 5/13

Chapter 125.2

For a moment, Wen Chi didn’t even know whether he should be surprised or shocked, as he sat up violently from the bed.

Seeing this, Ruo Tao, Ruo Fang, Xiao Shuan Zi and the others were all taken aback, and rushed forward to help him.

The doctor and the two children who followed the doctor were amused by their nervous appearance and the doctor burst out laughing unceremoniously: “Look how nervous you are. The fetus is only 20 or 30 days old now, as long as you don’t let him do heavy work or catch a cold, there’s nothing to worry about.”

After hearing what the doctor said, Ruo Tao and the others blushed a little, but they still held onto Wen Chi.

After Wen Chi sat on the head of the bed, they let go of their hands one after another.

Wen Chi reached into the quilt and touched his flat stomach, wondering if it was because of his psychological influence, but he actually felt a faint force in his belly attracting him.

He couldn’t believe that there was a little life in his belly.

This feeling was so wonderful that it felt like a dream.

Until Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang sent the doctor and others away, Wen Chi still kept covering his lower abdomen. After a while, he caught a glimpse of Xiao Shuanzi still guarding the bed with a smile on his face.


“By the way.” Wen Chi suddenly remembered something very important, “When will Shi Ye come over? I want to tell him the news personally.”

Xiao Shuanzi said: “Soon. Young master, you can raise your baby with peace of mind until then.”

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Wen Chi was a little disappointed.

He didn’t know what’s going on at Shi Ye’s side and it’s even more inconvenient for him to go out and inquire now. If Xiao Shuanzi and others don’t say anything, he can only wait passively.

Xiao Shuanzi saw Wen Chi’s worry and softly comforted Wen Chi.

Wen Chi thought that Xiao Shuanzi would walk away when he finished speaking, but who knew that Xiao Shuanzi just stood by the bed silently and he didn’t seem to have the slightest intention of leaving.

When Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang came back with the medicine, Xiao Shuanzi took the medicine from them and said, “I’ll send someone to decoct the medicine first and I’ll leave Young Master in your care.”

Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang agreed.


Now, Wen Chi finally understood that they were afraid that he would run to find Shi Ye silently like before, so they decided to keep an eye on him.

Thinking of this, Wen Chi felt angry and funny. No matter how impulsive he was, it was impossible for him to take risks with the child in his stomach.


After dinner, Xiao Shuanzi came over with the anti abortifacient medicine.

Wen Chi didn’t have much appetite so he didn’t eat a lot just now. So, when he suddenly saw the black medicinal soup in the bowl and smelled the pungent medicinal smell wafting from it, he almost vomited on the spot.

This bowl of anti-abortifacient medicine looks more terrifying than traditional Chinese medicine.

Wen Chi had been sick for a while as a child and was often forced by his parents to drink traditional chinese medicine, so much so that he vaguely wanted to vomit whenever he saw them or get a waft of their smell.

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“No, no, no, I won’t drink it.” Wen Chi’s face was full of fear. He waved his hands, and almost shook his head like a rattle, “I don’t want to drink this.”

Seeing Wen Chi’s repulsion, Xiao Shuanzi couldn’t say anything and had to pass the medicine bowl to Ruo Tao.

Compared with Xiao Shuanzi who was not very familiar with Wen Chi, Ruo Tao’s attitude was much tougher. Without saying a word, she put the medicine bowl on the table in front of Wen Chi and persuaded him earnestly, “Young Master, the doctor said you need to recuperate for a few days. You can ignore the servants’ words, but you can’t ignore the doctor’s words, can you?”


Wen Chi pinched his nose, trying not to look at the medicine bowl in front of him. He shook his head, “I don’t want to drink it.”

Ruo Tao continued to persuade: “This bowl is not much, you can just swallow it in one gulp and this servant has prepared candy for you.”

After saying this, Ruo Tao took out two coin-sized candies wrapped in thin paper from her sleeve and she spread out her palms for Wen Chi to see, “Look, Young Master.”

Wen Chi hesitated for a moment, then turned his head sullenly and glanced at the two candies lying quietly in Ruo Tao’s palm.

“Yes, young master.” Seeing this, Ruo Fang quickly echoed, “You have to think about the baby in your womb. Only after drinking Anti Abortifacient medicine can the baby grow up quickly.”

Wen Chi sighed, subconsciously touching his flat abdomen.

He seemed to be convinced by Ruo Fang’s words. So after struggling for a little while, he picked up the bowl of black medicinal soup and took a sip tentatively.

It was too bitter!

It was also mixed with some indescribable taste.

It was very unpleasant anyway, and in Wen Chi’s opinion, this bowl of Anti Abortifacient medicine was even more difficult to swallow than the traditional chinese medicine he had drunk as a child, the strong bitterness crawling over his taste buds like a vine in an instant.

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Wen Chi paused, but still closed his eyes and swallowed the medicinal soup in his mouth, then raised his head and drank the remaining medicinal soup in one gulp.

The bitterness seemed to explode in his mouth.

Wen Chi shrank his neck, his whole face was scrunched due to the bitterness and his fingertips pressed tightly against the bowl containing the medicine.

He was wearing thick clothes, but because he is relatively thin, he didn’t look bloated no matter how many layers he wore. His eyes were a little red and even the tip of his nose was red. When he looked up at the candy in Ruo Tao’s hand, a pitiful air spread throughout his body.

After all, Ruo Tao has been serving Wen Chi for so long and she felt distressed seeing Wen Chi like this. She quickly took the medicine bowl from Wen Chi’s hand, turned around and handed the medicine bowl to Ruo Fang, then peeled off the thin paper wrapped around the candy and brought it to Wen Chi’s lips.


Wen Chi opened his mouth to eat the candy and soon tasted the sweetness.

It’s a pity that the little bit of sweetness couldn’t cover the bitterness in his mouth.

Wen Chi was listless and had nothing to do, so he asked Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang to prepare hot water for him to take a bath.

In the past, when Wen Chi bathed, he would make the servants leave. As a modern person, he was not used to being served by others in the bath. Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang could not refuse him, so they complied with him.

But now that he is pregnant with the eldest son of His Highness the Crown Prince, Ruo Fang and Ruo Tao dare not let Wen Chi’s temperament dictate anything. Although Wen Chi still asks to take a bath alone, Ruo Fang and Ruo Tao both pretend to be deaf and dumb. Not only did they not respond to Wen Chi’s words, they turned around and stuffed Xiao Shuanzi and a few other eunuchs into the bathroom.

Wen Chi was extremely depressed, being watched eagerly by Xiao Shuanzi and others, he suddenly didn’t even dare to take off his clothes.

He didn’t like being waited on by others to take a bath, but he couldn’t stand the pleas of Xiao Shuanzi and others, so he finally compromised.

Xiao Shuanzi and the others took this matter very seriously and even held an emergency meeting in a circle in the corner.

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Wen Chi saw that they all had serious expressions, as if they were discussing state affairs, then they turned around and brought a bigger bathtub and chairs wrapped in cowhide from outside.

They scrambled to pour buckets of hot water into the tub and put a chair in it.

In the end, Wen Chi had no choice but to bite the bullet and step into the bathtub under their earnest gazes and sit on the chair.

The little eunuchs immediately went to work happily.

Xiao Shuanzi understood Wen Chi’s temperament and knew that Wen Chi was not a person who would put on airs, so he also relaxed and talked while bathing and scrubbing Wen Chi.

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The content of the discussion was naturally the child in Wen Chi’s womb.

“Although the doctor said that the prince was only a few days old, time will pass quickly and the prince will be born in the blink of an eye. He will be born just after midsummer, so this servant has to prepare some clothes for the prince early.”

“Summer is good.” A little eunuch said softly, “It’s too cold in winter, it’s not good to freeze our prince.”

Others chimed in.

Wen Chi lowered his head and saw through the clear water that his abdomen was the same as usual. If he hadn’t retched so badly in the carriage last night, Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang would not have thought about it.


T/N – anti abortifacient is the medical term for anti abortion medication. I didn’t like to use the word anti abortion, so I’ll stick with  anti abortifacient. But the use of this word is not common in modern terms. Hope you won’t mind. Sometime you can say anti-fetal medicine as well. 

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