
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Monday Updates –> Chapter 6/13

Chapter 126.1

Perhaps it was because he had gradually accepted this fact, and when he raised his hand to touch his abdomen again, the wonderful feeling was no longer as strong as before.

But he still felt a sense of wonder at the thought of a little life inside.

Xiao Shuanzi and those little eunuchs were still chattering about the matter of the prince and their words were filled with longing, as if hoping that the prince would be born from Wen Chi’s belly in the next moment.

Wen Chi listened quietly to what they were saying for a while and suddenly realized something: “How can you be sure that this child is a boy? Maybe it’s a girl.”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Xiao Shuanzi and those little eunuchs changed and even the movements of their hands scrubbing Wen Chi slowed down, then those little eunuchs looked at Xiao Shuanzi one after another.

With a flattering smile, Xiao Shuanzi said softly, “Young Master, it would be great if you could give birth to a boy, but if you give birth to a girl…” Xiao Shuanzipaused for a moment and suddenly the topic changed, “It’s okay, just give birth to a girl first, then later you can give birth to a boy.”

Wen Chi: “…”

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Xiao Shuanzi seemed to see the gloom in Wen Chi’s expression and while scrubbing his body, he persuaded: “Nowadays, His Royal Highness’s harem is empty and the only people who can get close to His Highness is you, Young Master. So take this opportunity to give birth to your eldest son.”

Wen Chi was quiet for a long time and then he just sighed.


He had forgotten that he was in ancient times, where patriarchal thinking was extremely serious, even if the child in his womb was a boy with a mole on his brow, he would still not be recognized as Shi Ye’s first son.

What’s more, Shi Ye is the current crown prince and is very likely to inherit the throne, so how could he not want a son?

Originally, Wen Chi didn’t care whether the child in his belly was a boy or a girl and even vaguely hoped that it would be a girl. He helped many people raise children before he transmigrated. Most of the boys he took care of were mischievous and difficult to look after and only the girls were quiet and obedient.

But after hearing Xiao Shuanzi’s remarks just now, he couldn’t help feeling a little worried. He was worried that the child in his womb was really a girl and he was also worried that Shi Ye didn’t like girls but only boys.

If I had known earlier, he should have asked Shi Ye what he thought…

Wen Chi could feel that he was at a dead end. The more he thought about the future, the heavier his heart became. So, he simply stopped thinking about it and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Xiao Shuanzi and the few young eunuchs had been observing Wen Chi’s reaction, and seeing Wen Chi’s face gradually becoming serious, they closed their mouths tacitly and concentrated on scrubbing Wen Chi.

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That night, Wen Chi’s mind was full of what Xiao Shuanzi said, so much so that he lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

He didn’t feel sleepy until the sky outside the window turned gray.

When Wen Chi woke up, it was already afternoon.

Although it is spring, it is still very cold outside. Luckily, Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang have already prepared a stove and put it in front of his bed. The charcoal was sizzling in the stove, warming the whole bedroom.

Wen Chi didn’t sleep well and now he looked listless. He wrapped himself in the quilt like a rice dumpling, sat on the head of the bed and stared at the bright red fire in the stove.

Just then, some noises came from outside the window, as if someone accidentally stepped on a broken branch on the ground while walking.

The sound was only heard for a moment and then disappeared – but it was still caught by Wen Chi.

Wen Chi froze for a moment, then turned his head to look at the window reflexively.

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Since there is a stove in the bedroom, Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang did not dare to close the window too tightly, so they used wooden sticks to prop up the window halfway. From the perspective of Wen Chi, he could see the ground mixed with broken snow and branches that had not yet been cleaned outside the window.

After thinking for a while, he made sure that he had heard correctly, got out of bed, put on his shoes and walked slowly to the window.


Looking out, he just saw a servant in gray clothes sweeping the snow and branches on the ground with a broom. The servant stepped on the snow and branches, making creaking noises.

The servant felt Wen Chi’s gaze, looked up and found that it was Wen Chi leaning against the window looking at him and the servant quickly lowered his head in fright.

“Young Master, the steward ordered this servant to clean up the branches on the ground. I have disturbed you, young master.”

“It’s okay.” Wen Chi heaved a sigh of relief and waved his hand at the same time.

Since he had nothing to do, he wanted to stand by the window and watch the servant clean but the servant seemed afraid of him. Being stared at by him so much, he dared not move, standing in place like a statue.

Wen Chi rubbed his nose in embarrassment, turned around and was about to leave, but before he left, he suddenly remembered hearing the sound just now and turned his head to ask, “By the way, when did you come here?”

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“Ah?” The servant was confused. He didn’t know why Wen Chi would suddenly ask such a question. He shrank his shoulders nervously but he still answered honestly, “Young master, this servant arrived just  now and before I had time to clean up, I was seen by you.”

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Wen Chi frowned: “Then did you see someone just now?”

The servant was confused: “Who is the young master referring to?”

Seeing the servant’s bewildered expression, Wen Chi knew that the servant hadn’t seen anything, so he shook his head and said nothing, then turned and returned to the bed.

After a while, Ruo Tao, who heard the noise, came in with a basin and washing tools.

“Young Master, are you feeling better today?”


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