
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Monday Updates –> Chapter 8/13

Chapter 127.1

Wen Chi only drank that bowl last night, how could he not know what was in the bowl? Even if he didn’t know, he would have understood when he smelled the smell wafting from the bowl.

In an instant, Wen Chi’s face, which was flushed by the charcoal fire, turned blue and then white. He remembered the bitter taste in his mouth last night and was so sick that he almost retched again.

Ruo Fang hid behind Ruo Tao. Originally, she and Ruo Tao had agreed to wait until Wen Chi ate a candy before bringing over the anti abortifacient medicine. However, the taste of this bowl of medicine was too strong and anyone with a nose could smell it.

Seeing Wen Chi poking his head and staring straight at the medicine bowl in her hand, Ruo Fang was at a loss and she didn’t know whether to take the medicine bowl away or pass it to Wen Chi directly.

Ruo Fang hesitated for a while, then turned her head to look for help to the more assertive Ruo Tao.

Ruo Tao stretched out her hand and said, “Give it to me.”

Ruo Fang hurriedly took the candy from Ruo Tao’s hand, and then handed the medicine bowl to Ruo Tao.

Ruo Tao took the medicine bowl carefully, turned around, and was about to ask Wen Chi to drink it, when Wen Chi got back into the quilt without saying a word and a bump was arching over the bed again.

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Ruo Tao shook her head helplessly but she didn’t give up. She stepped forward and sat on the side of the bed, as if coaxing a child, she said “Young Master, you should drink this bowl of medicine first, and then this servant girl will give you sugar to eat, okay?”


Wen Chi remained motionless and did not respond in the slightest.

Ruo Tao said, “Young Master.”

Ruo Fang also tried to persuade him: “Young master, this servant girl only brought a small amount and you can finish it in two or three sips, so you’d better drink the medicine quickly before it gets cold.”

After waiting for a while, Wen Chi’s muffled voice sounded from under the quilt: “Take it away, I don’t want to drink that.”

Ruo Fang said anxiously: “But Doctor Zhang said that your fetus is unstable, so you need to drink the medicine to nourish yourself and for the sake of the child in your belly, please don’t be capricious.”

“But I really don’t want to drink it.” Even Wen Chi didn’t know what was going on with him. He was never a person who couldn’t bear hardships. At that time, the resistance in his heart was extremely strong.

He didn’t want to drink that bowl of medicine. It was so bitter that he could recall the suffocating taste when he tossed and turned in bed last night.

He didn’t know if it was because he was with a child, but he found himself suddenly becoming melodramatic.


Ruo Fang and Ruo Tao persuaded him earnestly for a long time but Wen Chi remained unmoved and continued to wrap himself in a quilt into a rice dumpling, and not even willing to show his head.

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Ruo Fang pursed her lips but she couldn’t bear it anymore. So she stretched out her hand to take the medicine bowl from Ruo Tao’s hand: “Ruo Tao, I’d better take this bowl of medicine back to the kitchen to warm it up first, and bring it over when Young Master is willing to drink it.”

However, before Ruo Fang’s fingertips touched the medicine bowl, Ruo Tao’s hand holding the medicine bowl suddenly turned aside, nimbly avoiding Ruo Fang’s hand that was reaching for the bowl.

Ruo Fang was confused: “Ruo Tao?”

Ruo Tao didn’t seem to hear Ruo Fang’s voice. She stared at Wen Chi who had wrapped himself tightly with the quilt, her gaze was a little cold and her expression became more and more serious.

“Ruo Tao?” Ruofang suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, she put her hand on Ruo Tao’s shoulder, “What’s wrong with you…”

Before Ruo Fang finished speaking, she was surprised to see Ruo Tao pull the quilt off Wen Chi’s body.

Wen Chi didn’t expect that Ruo Tao would be so bold as to come and pull his quilt, so he didn’t wrap the quilt too tightly. When the bright candlelight in the room shined on Wen Chi’s face through the torn quilt, Wen Chi was shocked. 

Ruo Tao ignored Ruo Fang who was still holding her shoulders and suddenly stood up from the bed.

She was still holding the bowl of medicinal soup firmly in her hand, lowering her eyes, looking down at Wen Chi on the bed.


“Young Master, if the person facing this bowl of medicine at this moment is not you but His Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness will definitely drink this bowl of medicine without hesitation.” Ruo Tao’s expression did not fluctuate, and her tone of voice was calm, but it was this look that gave rise to a frightening coldness for no apparent reason, “I know this bowl of medicine does not taste good, but I don’t think that this bowl of medicine is so difficult to drink as to make Young Master so temperamental.”

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This is a translation hosted on KnoxT, copies found elsewhere are either stolen or plagiarized. Please support the translator by reading it at KnoxT.

Ruo Fang who was behind was also shocked. She could not believe that Ruo Tao dared to say such serious words in front of Wen Chi.

“Ruo Tao, do you know what you’re talking about?” Ruo Fang pulled Ruo Tao down with trembling hands and she felt a chill running up her back, “Aren’t you going to apologize to young master!”

Ruo Tao’s expression remained unchanged, without the slightest panic or fear. But she did not show any impatience towards Wen Chi or any other negative emotions, it was as if she just disapproved of Wen Chi’s behavior of not drinking the medicine.

Wen Chi was so shocked by Ruo Tao’s expression that he was rendered speechless. He raised his head and stared blankly at Ruo Tao’s face. After a long time, he finally said in a compromising manner, “Or you can put the medicine on the table, I will drink it later.”

Ruo Tao resolutely refused without even thinking about it: “No!”

Wen Chi: “…”

“Ruo Tao!” Ruo Fang’s face was as white as paper and she went to pull Ruo Tao in a panic, “Are you crazy?”

“Ruo Fang, don’t try to persuade me.” Ruo Tao said coldly and when she turned her head to look at Wen Chi, she seemed to have made up her mind, “Since young master doesn’t want to drink the medicine by himself, then this servant will feed you the medicine.”

After saying that, Ruo Tao fiercely forced a step closer.

Ruo Tao is a martial artist, usually she suppresses her aura and pretends to be submissive, so it was difficult for people to see her true face. But now she no longer hides her aura and her aura pressed down on Wen Chi like a mountain. 

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Wen Chi was so overwhelmed that he couldn’t breathe. He felt the danger and instinctively wanted to hide under the bed.

But Ruo Tao’s martial arts were superior to that of Wen Chi’s. She sensed Wen Chi’s intention to run away, her eyes froze and then she reached out her hand very quickly and tapped Wen Chi’s chest twice.

Wen Chi froze immediately. Knowing that Ruo Tao had tapped his acupoints, he opened his mouth anxiously and asked Ruo Fang for help.

Unexpectedly, before he had time to speak, Ruo Tao tapped his throat twice again.


All that came out of his mouth were inarticulate whimpers.

Wen Chi’s eyes widened in disbelief, watching Ruo Tao approaching with a medicine bowl indifferently. He was really angry and anxious, angry at Ruo Tao for forcing him, anxious because he really did not want to drink that bowl of medicine.

But at this moment, even if he didn’t want to, he couldn’t help it.

Ruo Tao pushed away Ruo Fang’s hand that came to dissuade her, cupped Wen Chi’s chin with her other hand and forced Wen Chi to lift his head. At Wen Chi’s extremely reluctant gaze, Ruo Tao whispered an apology and then lifted the bowl of medicine and pressed it close to Wen Chi’s lips.

Before Wen Chi was ready for it, he tasted a bitter taste.

Ruo Tao’s hand holding the medicine bowl gradually tilted and all the black soup poured into Wen Chi’s mouth.


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