
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Monday Updates –> Chapter 9/13

Chapter 127.2

Wen Chi was already resistant to the extremely bitter taste and it took him a long time to recover after drinking it in one gulp last night. At this moment, Ruo Tao was worried about spilling the medicine soup and the action of feeding the medicine was relatively slow, which made the medicine taste even more bitter. The hard-to-swallow medicinal soup passed through Wen Chi’s mouth before sliding down his throat.

For a moment, Wen Chi felt as if his whole body was soaked in the black medicinal soup, as he sank and floated in the soup, the bitter medicinal juice coming from all directions and drowning him.

He was suffocating with pain.

He was unable to move or speak because he had been tapped in the acupuncture points by Ruo Tao, so he could only tilt his head back and open his mouth to bear the warm medicinal soup.

After drinking, he couldn’t swallow anymore and began to cough violently. The medicine juice overflowed from his mouth, slid down the corner of his mouth and soaked his snow-white clothes.

Wen Chi seldom went out. Even though he had been tanned a lot after staying in Jinzhou for two or three years, he soon turned fair again. Due to the violent coughing just now, his face turned paler, while his beautiful almond eyes were tinged with red and he looked pitiful with black medicinal juice at the corners of his mouth, neck and on his shirt.

At this point, Ruo Fang finally couldn’t stand it any longer and stepped forward to grab the bowl.

“That’s enough.” Ruo Fang glared at Ruo Tao angrily, “Ruo Tao, you’re really going too far.”

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Ruo Tao looked down at the medicine bowl in Ruo Fang’s hand and then undid the acupuncture points on Wen Chi’s body without saying a word.


Wen Chi immediately fell down on the bed, lying on the edge of the bed, coughing and retching, his thin shoulders shaking violently.

Ruo Fang was at a loss and stepped forward hesitantly: “Young Master…..”

“You guys go out first.” Wen Chi hurriedly interrupted Ruo Fang and after saying this, he retched again.

“But young master…”

“Get out.”

Ruo Fang wanted to say something more but seeing Wen Chi’s miserable state and remembering how she stood by and watched in shock just now, she really couldn’t bear to stay any longer. She consoled Wen Chi with a few words and walked away carrying a medicine bowl without even looking at Ruo Tao.

Wen Chi retched for a long time but the nausea didn’t dissipate. Fortunately, the cough subsided.

He turned over and collapsed on the bed. He closed his eyes and rested for a while, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Ruo Tao still standing there, silent as a ghost.


Seeing Wen Chi look at her, a look of shame finally appeared on Ruo Tao’s face, and she knelt down to the ground: “Young Master, it is the fault of this servant, please punish me.”

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Wen Chi didn’t even want to look at Ruo Tao and he closed his eyes again: “I won’t punish you, I just want to be alone. So get out.”

Ruo Tao didn’t intend to leave and even kowtowed: “Please punish this servant, Young Master.”

Wen Chi was speechless.

Before Wen Chi could speak, Ruo Tao said: “Young Master’s child is the first child of His Royal Highness, if it is a boy, then he is very likely to inherit the position of His Royal Highness. So what you are carrying is not only your own child, but also His Highness’s child, and more importantly, the future of this Kingdom. The Crown Prince has been so desperately trying to protect the throne for you and the child, but for the sake of a bowl of medicine, you have been so irritable. Have you ever thought of the child in your womb or of His Highness who is still trapped in the palace?”

After saying this, there was a long silence.

Wen Chi didn’t expect Ruo Tao to say such a thing, he was shocked for a moment, then stood up in surprise and looked at Ruotao who was still kneeling on the ground.

He saw Ruo Tao almost burying her head in her chest, her emotions were quite agitated. Her thin body was tense, as if she was desperately suppressing something.

Wen Chi knew that Ruo Tao was originally someone close to Shi Ye and he should think of Shi Ye from Shi Ye’s perspective, but he could never have imagined that Ruo Tao would be so upset with him over the past two days.

Originally, Wen Chi was still a little angry but when he thought of Shi Ye, he suddenly couldn’t get angry anymore.


“I know, I don’t blame you.” Wen Chi held his forehead, sighed and said, “Get up.”

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But Ruo Tao still did not rise and continued in a muffled voice, “If in the future, Young Master still throws small tantrums like this, this servant will still choose to do what she did just now. “

Wen Chi: “…”

Ruo Tao pursed her lips and said nothing more.

Wen Chi really wanted to be angry and did not know how to be angry, in the end he could only reassure himself that Ruo Tao had no bad intentions while forcing himself to calm down, he said, “Don’t worry, I will try my best to drink medicine from now on.”

Ruo Tao immediately climbed along the pole1Climb along the pole – to climb along a pole, pinyin is shùn gǎn pá, to climb up along a pole Metaphor caters to the owner’s will in order to gain reputation and status. In daily language use, it is a derogatory term.: “And Eat well.”

Wen Chi choked for a moment, then sighed a few times: “ok, ok, ok.”

Ruo Tao received Wen Chi’s promise and her face, which was so tense to the extreme, gradually burst into a smile. She climbed up from the ground and looked at the medicine stains on Wen Chi’s body. She was at a loss and felt guilty: “This servant will bring a basin of hot water to wash.”

Wen Chi didn’t refuse, just nodded feebly.

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Unexpectedly, the impact of that bowl of medicine on Wen Chi lasted until midnight.

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Wen Chi was lying on the bed, still feeling the bitterness in his mouth. He got out of bed and poured himself a glass of water, then raised his head and drank the water in one gulp. Unfortunately, the water could not dilute the bitterness in his mouth at all.

Wen Chi drank another four or five glasses of water in one gulp until he could drink no more, then he put the glass down and went back to bed to lie down.

The stove beside the bed emitted a bright red warm light and the sound of charcoal burning can be heard from time to time.

Wen Chi wrapped himself in a quilt with only his head exposed. He curled up at the head of the bed, facing the stove and the bright red warm light fell on his face.


He stared blankly at the charcoal fire in the stove.

After some time, he suddenly felt as if his eyes had been burned and a sour feeling surged up quickly.

Wen Chi blinked, his originally clear vision was instantly blurred by the watery mist and his tears flowed out, running across his cheeks and soaking his face in no time.


1Climb along the pole – to climb along a pole, pinyin is shùn gǎn pá, to climb up along a pole Metaphor caters to the owner’s will in order to gain reputation and status. In daily language use, it is a derogatory term.

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