
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Monday Updates –> Chapter 11/13

Chapter 128.2

Ruo Fang still refused: “If young master needs someone to talk to, this servant can accompany young master.”

Wen Chi was speechless but he didn’t want to compromise again and again, so he held A’Gu stubbornly and didn’t let go. A’Gu was also very cooperative and obediently nestled in Wen Chi’s arms, not even giving Ruo Fang a look.

“Young Master, you…” Ruo Fang’s outstretched hands were empty. She wanted to say something but stopped and finally sighed, “These are all Ruo Tao’s orders, and Young Master doesn’t want me to call Ruo Tao here, right?”

Wen Chi: “…”

Although Wen Chi felt that Ruo Fang was using Ruo Tao to suppress him, he had to admit that Ruo Fang’s method was very effective. After struggling for a while, he reluctantly handed A’Gu to Ruo Fang.

He really didn’t want to see Ruo Tao’s face again and he didn’t want to have conflicts with her again tonight.

A’Gu sensed Wen Chi’s intentions and instantly panicked, pawing at Wen Chi’s clothes non-stop, whining and whimpering.

Ruo Fang hugged A’Gu tightly, preventing A’Gu from jumping into Wen Chi’s arms.

Wen Chi pinched A’Gu’s soft ears. He wanted to say something, but under Ruo Fang’s gaze, he still didn’t say anything.


Ruo Fang asked cautiously: “Young master just called Ruo Tao before, do you need anything?”

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Wen Chi shook his head: “It’s nothing.”

Ruo Fang said: “Then this servant will send A’Gu back first.”

After watching Ruo Fang and A’Gu leave, Wen Chi turned around and returned to the bed. He got under the covers, the furry touch of A’Gu was still lingering in his hands. For some reason, an unprecedented sense of loneliness overwhelmed him.

At this moment, there was another slight sound from the window.

Wen Chi heard it clearly and thought that A’Gu got rid of Ruo Fang and ran in from the window sill again. He was overjoyed, he lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed to greet him. Unexpectedly, he saw a pair of black boots standing in front of the bed at an unknown time.

Wen Chi was slightly stunned, then he looked up reflexively. Amidst the bright red light emanating from the stove, a familiar mask caught his eye.



This is the mask he once gave to Ping An!

The nerves in Wen Chi’s brain suddenly tensed. He remembered that when he let A’Gu in just now, he used a fork to prop up the window. No wonder this person didn’t make too much noise when he came in.

In any case, the visitor did not have any good intentions.

Wen Chi suddenly picked up the quilt and threw it at the visitor, trying to escape while the person’s gaze was obstructed. However, he didn’t expect the person to come prepared and pulled out a tube from somewhere, and with great proficiency, pulled off the lead at the top of the tube.

The next moment, a thick and choking white smoke emanated from the tube. Because the man pointed the mouth of the tube at Wen Chi, in the blink of an eye, Wen Chi’s vision was covered by a white fog so thick that he could not see his surroundings.

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Wen Chi sensed that something was wrong and hurriedly held his breath but before he did so, he inhaled four or five puffs of white smoke without noticing.

This white smoke seemed to have vitality and scrambled to get into Wen Chi’s nose. Although Wen Chi tried his best not to let himself inhale the white smoke, it was still penetrating into his senses little by little.

Not long after, Wen Chi’s legs became weak and he fell to the ground with a thud. There seemed to be something blocking his throat and he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

The man wearing the mask walked to Wen Chi’s side, squatted down and quickly touched the acupuncture points on Wen Chi’s body.

Wen Chi opened his eyes wide, staring at the man in horror.


He wished he could see the man’s face clearly through the mask.

Who is it?

Who is this person?

Is it Shi Jin’s person or Concubine Rong’s?

But why is this man wearing the mask he once gave to Ping An? Or… is Ping An not dead?

Before, he felt that Ping An’s death was a bit strange but since Xiao Shuanzi personally confirmed Ping An’s death, he didn’t go into it further. Could it be that Ping An escaped by luck at that time?

Many people’s names flashed through Wen Chi’s mind, but he couldn’t determine the identity of the person in front of him – Shi Ye had too many enemies, and he was Shi Ye’s person, so almost everyone could have put their attention on him.

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At this moment, Wen Chi finally understood why Shi Ye often distanced himself from him, why he was always ready to part with him, and why he was so anxious to send him out of the palace.

He didn’t expect that those people would chase him here…

Wen Chi couldn’t move his body or speak, so he could only let the man carry him on his shoulder.

His abdomen was right on the man’s shoulder, causing him some pain. He opened his mouth to speak, but after inhaling the white smoke and being hit on the acupoints, he couldn’t make a sound.

The man carried him over the window, hid all the way and flew out of the courtyard with ease.

Wen Chi saw the guards patrolling the house spot them but they turned their heads and pretended not to see anything.

The night wind was so cold that it hurt Wen Chi’s face.

Wen Chi soon realized what was going on and his heart grew cold.


No wonder this person dared to break into his bedroom alone and even carried such a living person like him to fly around the eaves. It turned out that this person had already arranged everything and bribed some people in the house…

This person probably didn’t kidnap him on a whim, but planned it very early on and might have been hiding in the mansion for a long time.

However, Wen Chi was completely unaware that danger was around him.

It would be fine if he was alone but now he has a child in his womb.

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The strings in Wen Chi’s body were tense to the extreme. He was already uncomfortable and with the cold wind blowing against him, he suddenly felt his stomach churning.

He felt like he was going to throw up.

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Wen Chi’s face turned blue from holding back and he desperately patted the man on the back.

Unfortunately, the man couldn’t grasp what he was trying to say and just thought he was dizzy from the shaking and slowed down.

Wen Chi wanted the man to put him down, but after struggling for a long time, the man continued to run forward. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore and vomited it out.

Wen Chi didn’t eat anything before, even if he often retched, he could only spit out some water. But not long ago he was forced by Ruo Tao to drink the medicinal soup, and at this moment he almost vomited up the whole bowl of medicinal soup.

And all the medicinal soup that was vomited out was pasted onto the man’s back by the wind ……

The man instantly stood still.

The night breeze was blowing loudly, and even if Wen Chi didn’t see the man’s face, he could feel his devastation from the person’s stiff body.


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