
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Monday Updates –> Chapter 12/13

Chapter 129.1

Wen Chi didn’t have time to be embarrassed, the familiar feeling of nausea slid up his throat like a snake.

He had intended to pat the person on the back, but then remembered that he had just vomited all over the person’s back. He quickly withdrew his hand and finally just pushed the man’s shoulder.

The man’s body was as stiff as a log, he didn’t seem to feel Wen Chi pushing his shoulders. He continued to move forward but this time he didn’t use qingong but walked extremely fast with big strides.

Wen Chi felt extremely uncomfortable. He had just vomited not long ago and now he was held upside down by that person on his shoulders. The person’s walking pace was so great that he swayed from side to side, making him dizzy.

The nausea stuck in his throat rose steadily.

He felt sick again.

At this moment, the man’s chilly voice wafted in the night wind: “Swallow it back.”

Wen Chi: “…”

The man continued: “If you dare to vomit again, I will kill you on the spot.”


Although the man deliberately lowered his voice, Wen Chi recognized the man’s identity immediately.

Wen Chi opened his mouth in surprise, he wanted to speak but found that he couldn’t make any sound.

Until the man carried him to an unknown abandoned house, where he was very familiar with the environment and walked through it with ease. Finally, he opened a stone door in a room that looked like a study and walked into a hidden room. 

After entering the hidden room, the originally dim view suddenly became brighter.

There were many candles burning in the hidden room and it is not as dilapidated and outdated as the outside. Instead it has been tidied up and there were even tables, chairs and a bed.

The man unceremoniously threw Wen Chi on the ground.

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Wen Chi felt pain and tried to get up from the ground, but it took him a while to remember that he had been tapped in his acupoints. He had no choice but to give up, closed his eyes and began to rest.

The man walked around in the hidden room, as if he was looking for something. Then he turned around and saw Wen Chi had closed his eyes as if he could fall asleep at any time. The man froze for a moment and then walked towards Wen Chi with obvious anger.


He squatted down, grabbed Wen Chi’s collar and gritted his teeth: “You did it on purpose just now, didn’t you?”

Wen Chi managed to recover a little bit but he still felt uncomfortable. He feebly opened his eyes and glanced at the mask that was close at hand. He opened his mouth and shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he couldn’t make a sound.

The man froze for a moment, thought for a while and unlocked the acupuncture points on Wen Chi’s body.

The rope that invisibly tightened Wen Chi disappeared in an instant and he was relieved. He quickly changed to a comfortable position and sat down on the ground, but the man’s hand was still clutching his collar, which made him a little short of breath..

Wen Chi said: “Let go first.”

Unfortunately, not only did the man not loosen his collar but he seemed to be irritated by his words and gradually increased his strength. He approached Wen Chi, and there was a terrifying coldness in his deliberately low voice: “You can’t run away!” So don’t wait for him to come to you.”

“I know I can’t.” Wen Chi gasped and said, “So I won’t run away.”

The man didn’t seem to have expected Wen Chi to be so sensible. He was stunned for a moment and said ruthlessly: “Don’t try to use any tricks either, if I find out your little ideas, I’ll kill you right away!”

Wen Chi was amused by the man’s words.

The man’s eyes were sharp and his murderous intent was evident, flying towards Wen Chi like a sharp blade.


But he didn’t do anything to Wen Chi, obviously he had some scruples.

“If you wanted to kill me, you could have done it directly. Why did you bring me here to kill me?” Wen Chi looked at the mask in front of him and said with a smile, “Are you tired? Hua Zi Zang.”

Hua Zi Zang suddenly heard his name coming out from Wen Chi’s mouth and his grip on Wen Chi’s collar obviously loosened for a moment.

Wen Chi leaned back a little and frowned: “I’m not a fool, that I can’t even figure out your voice.”

Having said this, Hua Zi Zang knew that there was no need to hide any longer, so he quickly let go of Wen Chi’s collar, reached out and took off the mask.

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Wen Chi raised his head and what caught his eyes was an exceptionally pale face. It had been so long since he had seen Hua Zi Zang and he was thinner than in Wen Chi’s memory, his black hair was messy and scattered on his shoulders. He lowered his eyes and his lifeless eyes stared at Wen Chi for a moment.

He didn’t think that Hua Zizang would one day be reduced to this kind of state and Wen Chi couldn’t hide the surprise in heart.

It could be seen that during this period of time, Hua Zi Zang had not had a good time.

Hua Zi Zang noticed the complex expression on Wen Chi’s face and there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Warm yellow candlelight poured down from the side, sprinkling on the right half of his face. One half of his face was in the light and the other half of his face was in the dark, his slightly grim expression was brightly visible between the light and shadows, looking like a demon that had crawled out of hell.

Wen Chi’s scalp went numb from Hua Zi Zang’s cold eyes and he closed his mouth resentfully.

Fortunately, Hua Zi Zang didn’t do anything to him. After taking a deep look at him, he turned and went to the inner room. When Hua Zi Zang came out again, he had already changed into navy blue clothes and his loose long hair was tied up casually .

There are a lot of things in the darkroom, there was even a lot of food piled up, but there is no place to take a bath. Hua Zi Zang can only fetch a basin of water and barely wipe his back.

But the smell that Wen Chi spit out was too strong, as if it had permeated into the surrounding air. As long as Hua Zi Zang took a breath, he could smell the unpleasant smell of medicine.

Hua Zi Zang himself is a bit of a clean freak, but recently those people have been chasing him tightly and he has been hiding like a mouse to barely avoid being caught by them.


However, the process of hiding was not pleasant. He thought he was used to this way of life, but the pervasive smell of medicine still made him breakdown. 

Hua Zi Zang felt very anxious, as if there was a beast living in his chest and that beast was crazily scratching his body all the time, so that his mood was getting worse and worse.

He walked out of the inner room, looked up and saw Wen Chi had got up from the ground at some point, climbed onto the only bed in the room and was lying comfortably in the middle of the bed, even pulling a corner of the quilt to cover his abdomen.

Hua Zi Zang: “…”

He took a deep breath, barely suppressing the anger that had risen to his head and strode towards the bed.

He saw that Wen Chi was not only lying in the middle of the bed, but had also closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep.

Hua Zi Zang couldn’t bear it anymore, with palm technique1the technique of controlling the wind with your palms he slapped Wen Chi’s side.

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The bed surface suddenly sank down and Wen Chi opened his eyes and met Hua Zi Zang’s extremely gloomy gaze. He was startled and quickly rolled towards the other side of the bed. After stabilizing his body, he angrily exclaimed, “What are you doing?!”

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Hua Zi Zang withdrew his hand, his gaze was cold and condescending as he looked down on Wen Chi on the bed, “Get out.”

Wen Chi was tormented by Hua Zi Zang’s erratic temper. which made him feel a bit overwhelmed. He still remembered how polite Hua Zi Zang was in the past, and even when he was extremely angry, he wouldn’t say a word. He didn’t expect Hua Zi Zang, who had taken off his mask, to have such a temperament. He didn’t know whether the recent events had had too much impact on Hua Zi Zang or whether Hua Zi Zang had acted too well before.

Wen Chi dawdled on the bed for a while, but in the end he was reluctant to get out of the bed.

In this room, only this bed is the most comfortable to lie on. The other places to sit are either bamboo chairs or stone benches.  He tried them just now and it was really uncomfortable to sit on.

“Do you want to sleep on the bed? Otherwise I won’t lie down, I’ll just sit on the side for a while.” Wen Chi tried to bargain.

“Get out.” Hua Zi Zang rejected Wen Chi with a cold voice, “Since you don’t want to get out, shall I help you?”

Wen Chi, who was threatened, quickly climbed out of the bed.

Wen Chi thought that Hua Zi Zang would use the bed, but he had no intention of sitting or lying down at all. He glanced at the bedding that Wen Chi had messed up, turned around, walked to the stone bench and sat down.

Wen Chi: “…”

What’s wrong with this man?!

Wen Chi thought for a while before he realized that Hua Zi Zang treating him like that just now has nothing to do with whether he needed the bed or not. Hua Zi Zang  just wanted him to suffer.

With this in mind, Wen Chi moved step by step to the stone bench opposite Hua Zi Zang. As soon as he was about to sit down, he heard a harsh sentence thrown across from him: “If you want to die, just sit down.”

Wen Chi froze for a moment and didn’t dare to sit down. Standing in front of the stone bench, he looked at Hua Zi Zang who had closed his eyes: “You keep saying that you want to kill me. If you kill me, what else will you take to threaten Shi Ye?”

Hua Zi Zang pursed his lips tightly and did not answer Wen Chi’s words.

Seeing this, Wen Chi immediately climbed up the pole and continued to test the waters, “What Shi Ye wants to see should be a living me, not a corpse.”

Hua Zi Zang  seemed to be getting impatient with Wen Chi’s words, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. He didn’t open his eyes, his lips moved, and he said coldly: “You also said that he only wants you alive. There are a thousand ways to keep you alive, as long as you’re still hanging on to your breath, ……”

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After that, Hua Zi Zang slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of hostility fixed on Wen Chi’s face. He smiled lightly, but unfortunately there was no trace of a smile on his face. “I don’t mind letting you experience those ways of living,” he said

Wen Chi fell silent for a moment.

Although he knew that Hua Zi Zang would not kill him casually, he didn’t dare to challenge Hua Zi Zang’s bottom line easily. Rabbits would bite when they were cornered, not to mention that Hua Zi Zang looked like a desperado now.

But one thing is certain, Shi Ye’s situation should not be as bad as he imagined before.

Otherwise, Hua Zi Zang would not put his attention on him, let alone take the risk of threatening Shi Ye with him—if Shi Ye didn’t buy into Hua Zi Zang ‘s words, then everything Hua Zi Zang did would be in vain.

He is the last straw that Hua Zi Zang holds in his hand, maybe even Hua Zi Zang doesn’t know whether his straw is useful or not.

Wen Chi didn’t expect that it was he who dragged Shi Ye down in the end. He looked around the room carefully and found that the room was very large, but there was no vent. The only place for ventilation was the door that was opened just now.

But after the stone door opened, it was tightly closed again.

Wen Chi stared at the stone door for a while and wanted to walk over to take a closer look, but just as he took a step, Hua Zi Zang suddenly opened his eyes as if sensing something.

Hua Zi Zang furrowed his brows and looked at Wen Chi.

After Wen Chi weighed the strength between himself and Hua Zi Zang. He was a little afraid of Hua Zi Zang and after getting a piercing gaze from Hua Zi Zang, he hastily retreated to the position just now.

Hua Zi Zang then closed his eyes again.


T/N- Chapters will get relatively longer from this chapter onwards. And taking a longer time for this translator to translate. [cry face]

1the technique of controlling the wind with your palms

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