
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Thankyou @Panda_moei, @Ko-fi Supporter, @Incendiuum @kyoonggege, @Akeen and @Somebody for the Ko-fi!!

Tuesday Updates –> Chapter 1/12

Chapter 130.1

The distance between Wen Chi and Hua Zi Zang was short and he could clearly see that the expression on Hua Zi Zang’s face gradually became more subtle and Hua Zi Zang looked at him with slightly strange eyes.

Then Hua Zi Zang slowly whispered: “Who told you that it was for the Hua family?”

When Wen Chi heard these words he thought that he had heard wrong or that Hua Zi Zang had said it wrong but it turned out that he had heard correctly and Hua Zi Zang did not seem to be joking.

“Otherwise what are you doing for it?” Wen Chi sneered, “Could it be for love and ambitions?”

Hua Zi Zang was amused by Wen Chi’s words and let out a giggle, his face and eyes overflowing with laughter. But for some reason, even if he laughed from the bottom of his heart like this, it still sent shivers down one’s spine.

“Do you know who his biological father is?”

Wen Chi was confused for a moment. He thought to himself, isn’t Shi Ye’s biological father the emperor who has passed away? Why did Hua Zi Zang’s topic of conversation suddenly turn to this?

Hua Zizang caught a glimpse of the confusion in Wen Chi’s expression and sneered, “Back then, Empress Hua had someone special in her heart and didn’t voluntarily marry the former emperor. Later, when she became the empress, she secretly communicated with her former sweetheart. As for Shi Ye… you think he is still the son of the former emperor?”


Wen Chi blurted out: “Why not?”


Wen Chi doesn’t know if it was his illusion but he seems to have seen the corner of Hua Zi Zang’s mouth twitch a few times.

Wen Chi saw that Hua Zi Zang suddenly fell silent and added: “Even if Empress Hua was entangled with other men, she is still an Empress. While living in the harem, serving the emperor, why is the child she gave birth to not the emperor’s son?”

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This is a matter of probability. Although there is no 100% possibility that Shi Ye is the emperor’s son, one cannot directly deny this possibility.

After that, Hua Zi Zang became even more silent.

Wen Chi observed Hua Zi Zang’s expression. He couldn’t figure out what Hua Zi Zang was thinking, since Hua Zi Zang didn’t speak, he also shut his mouth embarrassingly.

After a while, Hua Zi Zang said: “Did Shi Ye tell you about Empress Hua’s secret affairs with other men?”


Wen Chi shook his head.

How could someone as strong and proud as Shi Ye tell him these things? It sounds quite humiliating. ……

Hua Zi Zang stared straight at Wen Chi: “Then why aren’t you surprised?”

Wen Chi paused, then laughed awkwardly: “I’m quite surprised.”

He had always known that Shi Ye disliked his mother, but he did not expect that Empress Hua had done such a thing before. If she had been placed in the twenty-first century, she would have been drowned by the spittle of netizens.

After Wen Chi finished speaking, Hua Zi Zang’s expression became even uglier.

Hua Zi Zang’s original intention of saying these words was to arouse Wen Chi’s curiosity and lead Wen Chi to ask further questions. But Wen Chi’s attitude was completely opposite to what he imagined, which made him feel passive again and also made him feel anxious and impatient.

“Is it because I didn’t make myself clear or you didn’t understand what I meant?” Hua Zi Zang became angry. Suppressing his fury, he said, “For so many years, Shi Ye has enjoyed the glory and wealth in the name of the crown prince, but he is not qualified! He is not the son of the former emperor, he is not a prince, he’s just a wild seed from nowhere, he shouldn’t have come to this world in the first place!”

As if Hua Zizang had recalled some unpleasant memory, he became emotional, his chest heaved up and down amidst the sound of panting and the corners of his eyes gradually turned a little scarlet.

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Wen Chi was a little afraid of Hua Zi Zang’s crazed appearance but the fact that Hua Zizang scolded Shi Ye with such unpleasant words made him furious.


After struggling for a while, he retorted without confidence: “What wild seed? Watch what you say!”

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Hua Zi Zang sneered: “He is a bastard, but he was lucky enough to fly up the branches to become a crown prince but a civet cat can never replace a crown prince, and a wild seed is a damned wild seed after all.”

Wen Chi replied angrily: “You can’t spit ivory out of a dog’s mouth. You’re the one who deserves to die, your whole family deserves to die!”

Hua Zi Zang, “…”

Hua Zi Zang didn’t seem to have expected Wen Chi’s reaction to be even more intense than his. He was taken aback for a moment and then there was an obvious murderous intent in his eyes as he stared at Wen Chi.

Wen Chi was so frightened that he quickly shut his mouth, shrunken his shoulders while protecting his abdomen, hoping to huddle up like a penguin1.

Hua Zi Zang met Wen Chi’s evasive gaze and laughed back in anger: “It’s come to this, and you’re still so protective of him?”

Wen Chi didn’t want to fight with Hua Zi Zang anymore, so he simply pretended not to hear Hua Zi Zang.

Unfortunately, Hua Zi Zang didn’t seem to want to give up until he achieved his goal. Seeing that Wen Chi didn’t respond, he continued to sow discord and said: “You are protecting him but he doesn’t necessarily protect you. If he had paid some attention to you, you wouldn’t have been caught by me and suffered here, not to mention the fact that you’re still pregnant with his child in your stomach, not only does he not care about you, he also doesn’t care about your child.”

Wen Chi was oddly surprised and couldn’t help but say: “Since he doesn’t care about us, then why did you kidnap me?”

Hua Zi Zang was rendered speechless.

Wen Chi couldn’t no longer stand Hua Zi Zang’s voice and deliberately gave him a  smirk: “It’s one thing to say it but it’s another thing to do it in action. Young Master Hua, you didn’t used to be so tongue-tied in the past.”

Hua Zi Zang found that he really couldn’t speak to Wen Chi and he had never experienced Wen Chi’s eloquence before, so he said angrily: “I just wanted to try my luck.”

Wen Chi said: “This shows that you also know that Shi Ye cares at least a little bit about us father and son, doesn’t it?”

Hua Zi Zang, “…”


Hua Zi Zang almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

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He was really crazy to come here and say these things to Wen Chi.

Since he has eaten a lot of turtles2eat turtles –  deflated, forced to give in and admit defeat. in the hands of Shi Ye’s people these days, so much so that he was upset when he saw Wen Chi, and even more so when he remembered that Wen Chi still had Shi Ye’s child in his womb.

He originally wanted to provoke the relationship between Wen Chi and Shi Ye and plant a seed of insecurity in Wen Chi’s heart, but he didn’t know that Wen Chi’s head seemed to be made of stone, not only could he not listen to anything he said but he could also justify himself on every single thing.

He is really crazy.

This person is really crazy to trust that monster Shi Ye so unreservedly!

Shi Ye is so cruel, with the blood of countless people on his hands. He would even kill the people around him at any time even if he was even a little unhappy. But Wen Chi turned a blind eye to these things and still protected Shi Ye as if he was a child, and even if he said a bad word about Shi Ye, he would act so unhappy.

How could Shi Ye deserve to be treated like this by Wen Chi?

The more Hua Zi Zang thought about it, the more he couldn’t figure it out. He took a deep look at Wen Chi, whispered under his breath, then turned around and walked towards the stone door.

Wen Chi realized that Hua Zi Zang was going to open the stone gate and immediately became nervous, staring at Hua Zi Zang’s movements without blinking.

However, he didn’t see any special move from Hua Zi Zang but the stone door opened slowly and heavily as if sensing Hua Zi Zang’s approach.

It wasn’t until the stone gate was closed again that Wen Chi walked to the stone gate.

He searched carefully in front of the stone gate but he didn’t find any place that seemed to be a mechanism. Instead, he became more and more exhausted due to lack of oxygen.

He gasped for breath and had no choice but to sit back on the stone bench.

On the stone table lying peacefully was the thing that Hua Zizang had brought in not long ago. It was wrapped in thin paper but it was impossible to see what was inside.

Wen Chi hesitated for a moment, brought the stuff in front of him and unwrapped the thin paper—there were neatly arranged pancakes3 inside but the pancakes were completely cold and didn’t look delicious.

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Only then did Wen Chi realize that he seemed to have not eaten for a long time.

He couldn’t see the sun from this room and he didn’t know whether it was day or night outside, as if time stopped the moment he entered this room and he couldn’t feel the passage of time.

But the feeling of hunger still persists. As soon as Wen Chi pushed the pancake away, he heard his stomach gurgling.

Wen Chi: “…”

He sighed and reached for a piece of pancake.

After taking a bite, I found that there was meat filling in the pancake. The pancake was already cold and the meat filling inside was not warm at all.

Wen Chi felt a little nauseous after eating and he spat out the minced meat. When he saw the solidified oil stains on the minced meat, a strong sense of nausea suddenly him.

He hurriedly put down the pancakes and poured himself two glasses of cold water to suppress the nausea.

But after sitting like this for a while, the lingering hunger didn’t disappear. So Wen Chi had no choice but to tear off the white flour at the edge of the pancake and eat it. Although it was so dry that it was hard to swallow, it was good enough to fill his stomach.

After tearing three pieces of pancakes in succession, Wen Chi stopped.

He was suddenly tired, so he lay down on the bed and slept for a while. When he woke up, Hua Zi Zang hadn’t come back yet.

The candles in the room were always lit and the warm yellow candlelight filled the whole room. Wen Chi got out of bed and the candlelight stretched his figure for a long time, giving him a sense of loneliness.

When Wen Chi came to the stone gate, he groped around for a while but still found nothing.

The extensive movement made him lack oxygen and he rested in front of the stone gate for a long time before recovering. At this moment, he heard a rattling sound from outside the stone gate, as if someone was hitting the ground with a stone.


12eat turtles –  deflated, forced to give in and admit defeat.3

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