
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Tuesday Updates –> Chapter 4/12

Chapter 131.2

He increasingly felt that the plot had deviated beyond his control and a deep sense of powerlessness surged up, as if a big hand had tightly grasped his throat.

Wen Chi was shocked for a long time and it was hard for him to find his voice. It was as if he was holding a book with a hundred thousand whys. The doubts in his heart could be wrapped into a ball of yarn: “Didn’t Empress Hua died in a fire?I don’t see her as having gone through a fire at all and she’s already dead, why not let her be buried? Who on earth put her here?”

Facing Wen Chi’s questions, the little boy didn’t show the slightest impatience, he seemed to be a little cold and retreated to the door of the room before calmly speaking, “The fire in the palace was caused by Empress Hua. Her personal maid became the charred corpse in her place and she sneaked out of the palace under the arrangement of that man.”

Wen Chi never imagined that such a story would be interspersed in the short life of Empress Hua. He remembered that when Shi Ye was still a baby, he was robbed and carried out of the palace shortly after Empress Hua’s death.

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Everyone thought that the person who took away the baby Shi Ye was the enemy of Empress Hua, but at this moment, Wen Chi suddenly realized that the person who took away the baby Shi Ye should be the person arranged by Empress Hua.

The little boy continued: “Empress Hua didn’t go back to the Hua family. She chose to go far away with that man. But unfortunately the good times didn’t last long, when the Hua family got news of her again, she had already become a corpse and her heart had been crushed by someone’s bare hands and she died in peace.”

Wen Chi subconsciously looked at the woman lying in the ice coffin.

Wen Chi saw that woman was wearing perfect and gorgeous clothes and her chest was neatly tended to, without any visible scars.

“As for why you asked me why I’m here, isn’t the answer obvious?” The boy’s voice suddenly pulled back Wen Chi’s thoughts. “I’m a human panacea just like Shi Ye and our blood has the same healing ability.”


Wen Chi opened his mouth but he couldn’t say anything.

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He watched helplessly as the little boy walked to the ice coffin and bit his right index finger.

Blood instantly spilled from the tiny wound.

The little boy asked Wen Chi to push the lid of the ice coffin and open it a little and in an instant, cold air rushed out from that gap.

“Look.” After the little boy finished speaking, he pointed the wound of his index finger down to the gap in the ice coffin. After a while, the blood soaked from the wound gathered into drops and fell on the woman’s snow-white forehead.

In the next instant, the scarlet blood disappeared without a trace on the snow-white skin——it actually seeped in!

Wen Chi was dumbfounded.

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The little boy withdrew his hand, casually wiped his bitten hand on his clothes and asked Wen Chi to pull the lid of the ice coffin back to its original position.


Like a puppet on a string, Wen Chi completed the little boy’s orders in a daze. His mind was in a state of turmoil. He couldn’t digest the excessive amount of information that was stuffed into his mind and his head was so confused that it seemed like it was going to explode.

Finally, he asked, “Who is that man?”

“No one knows the identity of the man who eloped with Empress Hua back then.” The little boy shrugged and then changed the subject, “And the person who presumptuously wants to revive Empress Hua is naturally her twin brother who was in good terms with Empress Hua.”

“Hua Yin?”

The little boy didn’t deny it and said with a sullen face: “He thinks that the blood of Shi Ye and I can resurrect Empress Hua. And for this unrealistic idea, he pretended to cultivate Shi Ye while continuing to look for a seedling in the Hua family but unfortunately, after searching for so many years, he only found an unlucky person like me.”

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Wen Chi thought of something: “At that time, the poison in Shi Ye…”

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“You should have guessed it, right? It was his good uncle Hua Yin who poisoned him. The grand princess wanted to borrow Shi Ye’s hand to gain power, Hua Yin had scruples and didn’t dare to blatantly take Shi Ye’s life. So he secretly poisoned Shi Ye’s body, letting those poisons devour Shi Ye’s body little by little and when Shi Ye found out, it was already too late.”

The last words were like a heavy hammer, which fell hard on Wen Chi’s head, making Wen Chi dizzy.

Wen Chi’s footsteps were unsteady, his body turned sideways and he accidentally leaned against the coffin. The coffin had been filled with ice all year round and it had become extremely cold but Wen Chi didn’t seem to feel anything.

His eyes seemed to dim for a long time. When he barely supported his body, he realized that his arms and waist were frozen and he was about to lose consciousness. He shook his numb arms and walked towards the door.


“You don’t need to look for him, he will be here soon.” The voice of the little boy sounded behind Wen Chi, “Didn’t you realize that you are just a bait? You are the bait that Shi Ye used to catch Hua Zi Zang.”

Wen Chi turned his head violently, his eyes were red and his fists were clenched tightly: “What do you mean by that?!”

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