
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Tuesday Updates –> Chapter 5/12

Chapter 132.1

The little boy seemed to be frightened by Wen Chi’s fierce reaction and froze for a while before speaking, “If it wasn’t for Shi Ye’s intention, do you think that just Hua Zi Zang alone would be able to take you away from under his nose?”

Hearing this, Wen Chi was speechless.

He had never thought about it…

To be more precise, it should be that he would never have thought that sometimes Shi Ye was behind Hua Zi Zang’s actions, but after listening to the little boy’s words, he suddenly felt as if a sharp thorn had pierced his heart.

It hurts a little bit.

But Wen Chi quickly suppressed the abnormality in his heart and he said to the little boy firmly: “So what? I believe he has his own thoughts and concerns no matter what.”

The little boy was surprised: “You don’t mind if he uses you as bait to lure Hua Zi Zang out of the cave? For Hua Zi Zang, he will not hesitate to put you in danger. Don’t forget that Hua Zi Zang  is a crazy dog that can bite people at any time.”

“Of course I mind.” Wen Chi replied very honestly, but then he said, “But it’s one thing to mind, what I do about it is another thing, I won’t let this affect how I think about him.”

After saying this, Wen Chi paused and changed his words, “I won’t let this matter affect my love for him.”

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“…” The little boy’s eyes were wide open and he stared at Wen Chi in disbelief, as if he had heard something unbelievable. After a while, he said in a daze, “It seems that you really like Shi Ye.”

Wen Chi asked back: “Is it still possible to fake liking someone?”

The little boy looked back at Empress Hua lying in the ice coffin, those bad memories slowly emerged in his mind. Hua Yin’s crazy face was clearly visible in front of his eyes, he frowned, closed his eyes to get rid of the terrible pictures: “Indeed, everything in this world can be faked, even the identity of the crown prince can be faked, but the love for a person can’t be faked.”

Wen Chi stopped talking, turned around and was about to go out.

“Wait.” The boy’s voice came from behind again.

But Wen Chi didn’t want to wait, he couldn’t wait to see Shi Ye, the impatience in his heart almost burst out of his chest but he struggled for a moment and still chose to stop.

“I didn’t finish what I was saying just now.” The little boy looked at Wen Chi with complicated emotions in his eyes and he said, “Shi Ye is an arrogant person and he  never does anything he is not sure of. But now he would rather put you under the dangerous wall in order to capture Hua Zi Zang and the rest of the party as soon as possible. He is anxious, very anxious and you have guessed what he is anxious about, right?”

Wen Chi seemed to understand but also didn’t seem to understand the little boy’s words.


The little boy pouted and there was more sympathy in his eyes: “He should know that his time is running out.”

These words were like a gust of cool wind blowing past Wen Chi, raising goose bumps all over his body.

Wen Chi stood there, feeling cold from head to toe, even his limbs were frozen to the point that he was about to lose his senses.

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After a long time, Wen Chi moved his stiff fingers slightly, thanked the little boy softly and then turned away without hesitation.

Wen Chi is a person who doesn’t have a good sense of direction. If he had been wandering around in this hidden room for a whole day, he might not be able to find his way out. But today, somehow, he just walked straight ahead holding his breath.

After about a cup of tea1(15min), he successfully walked out of the hidden room.

It was late at night outside.

Looking up, he saw that the night sky was a mixture of black and blue and was full of stars, and the stars were twinkling, like countless eyes, as if someone accidentally knocked over a chessboard.

Wen Chi doesn’t know if it is because of the beginning of spring, the night sky tonight has swept away the haze of the past and it has become extraordinarily clear and transparent.

Wen Chi took a deep breath, raised the candlestick he took from the wall of the hidden room, tapped his toes on the spot and then flew to the top of the wall not far away.


Standing on the high wall, his sight was wider than ever. He saw only darkness on the right and a burning flame on the left.

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So he ran towards the fire.

Although this abandoned house was filled with secret mechanisms and tunnels, the area on the surface of the house was not large. In just a moment, Wen Chi used his qingong skills to reach the flames.

As he approached, he realized that a bunch of soldiers had surrounded a courtyard, each holding a torch in their hand and their gaze was directed towards a house not far away.

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Wen Chi followed their gazes, and saw a house in the middle of the courtyard burning in flames.

The fire was huge.

The whitish flames shone on the faces of the soldiers. The soldiers who had not received orders from their superiors and did not dare to act rashly, they all looked dignified.

Wen Chi didn’t realize that the fire was this big fire when he stood on the wall just now. Looks like the fire had spread while he rushed over.

An ominous premonition loomed in his heart and he subconsciously sped up and ran towards the burning house. Before he got close, he saw that the whole house was wrapped in flames and the tongues of flames danced in mid-air with the night wind, as if to illuminate half the night sky.

That house…

Wen Chi felt that it was familiar.

He squinted his eyes and quickly remembered, isn’t that the same house with the darkroom where Hua Zi Zang had imprisoned him?

When he escaped with the little boy, he paid attention to the environment around him and also noticed the deserted small pavilion on the right side of the house.

The ominous premonition in Wen Chi’s heart became stronger and stronger. Just as he was about to continue walking, he suddenly felt a black shadow flashing in his peripheral vision. Before he could react, his shoulder was slapped by a hand. 

The man’s strength was quite strong and he suddenly landed on Wen Chi’s body, causing him to stagger and almost making him fall.

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Fortunately, he steadied himself in time.

Wen Chi was a little annoyed and turned his head with a blue face.

There was a blind spot in his line of sight and he couldn’t see the person’s face clearly, but he could feel the person standing in the shadow behind him and he was about the same height as him.

And the man was wearing the same armor as the soldier.

Wen Chi wanted to avoid that person’s hand but that person didn’t intend to let go of him, so he said in a deep voice, “Let go.”

Unfortunately, that person turned a deaf ear to Wen Chi’s words.

Although Wen Chi was in an urgent situation, he didn’t want to start a conflict with these people. He was ready to move and go look for Shi Ye but then he suddenly heard the person behind him say, “Young Master Wen, please follow me.”



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