
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Wednesday Updates –> Chapter 9/12

Chapter 140.1


Wen Liang clenched his palms tightly, took a deep breath and said, “I know something that can change your current situation.”

The focus of Shi Jin’s eyes finally settled on Wen Liang’s face, he restrained himself and asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“It is as I said.” Wen Liang took a few steps closer to Shi Jin, “I once picked up a stone on a barren mountain.  I originally thought that it was just an ordinary stone, but I didn’t expect to meet a demon named ‘System’ attached to that stone, which could fulfill my wishes unconditionally.”

Shi Jin frowned and his expression became more and more strange. When Wen Liang finished speaking, he looked at Wen Liang as if he was looking at a lunatic.

Although Wen Liang had already guessed that Shi Jin would not believe his words easily, he didn’t have any evidence, even the stone was not with him, he could only use powerless words to convince Shi Jin.

“I’m not lying, believe me.” Wen Liang said anxiously, “The system has told me many things. It said that the crown prince is violent, murderous and his virtue was not worthy of his position, even if he sat on the throne of the dragon chair, he would be overthrown by someone one day, and that person was you, Prince Xuan. You are the real emperor, you shouldn’t be trapped in this small square inch prison waiting to be executed.”

The more Wen Liang spoke, the more excited he became, but Shi Jin did not have the slightest reaction, his expression was so apathetic that he did not even raise his eyes.

After Wen Liang finished speaking, Shi Jin slowly opened his lips: “You came to the prison just to tell me this?”

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Wen Liang was stunned: “I…”

Shi Jin interrupted him: “In that case, now that you’ve finished speaking , you can leave.”

“No, it’s not like that.” Wen Liang had a hard time waiting for this opportunity, he must not return empty handed. He sprinted forward, kneeling by the bed, his hands tugging at the hem of Shi Jin’s coat with force, “Prince Xuan, I sincerely hope that you can change the status quo, you don’t belong here, you belong to that dragon chair, that’s all because of the system that told me that, as long as you help me to get the system back and that stone, I can help you to turn it all into a reality!”

Just take back that stone!

Although he didn’t know the exact location of the stone, he vaguely heard some rumors. He heard that the stone was the heirloom of the Hua Family and had been enshrined by the Hua Family in the main house before he had picked it up, and then it appeared to have been found.

Now that the Hua family is in decline, it should be easier than before to take that stone away from the Hua family and Shi Jin has contacts with the Hua family, so it may be easier.

Apart from him, there may be no other person who knows the true use of that stone.

The Hua family is all ruined, so does anyone still care about the whereabouts of that stone?


The small calculations in Wen Liang’s heart were pounding, he didn’t believe that Shi Jin had really reached the end of his life. Shi Jin was a prince after all and it was impossible for him to have no confidants running around outside for him.

Even if Shi Jin is watched closely, he can still contact those confidants on his own.

However, before he could finish thinking, Shi Jin suddenly reached out and pinched his chin.

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Shi Jin’s strength was not strong but he still controlled Wen Liang so tightly that he couldn’t move.

Wen Liang was forced to raise his head and meet Shi Jin’s gloomy eyes.

“What? Now that the tigers come down to the plain, of what use are their claws, even a nameless dog like you is eager to step on me?” The contours of Shi Jin’s face were extremely taut, as if he had recalled something unpleasant, the dark currents in the bottom of his eyes were surging madly, “Are you stupid or do you think I am a fool? Or to put it another way, who encouraged you to come and say these words? If you can’t do it once, you want to kill me a second time, right?”

Wen Liang was terrified, tears streaming down his face, he didn’t care about the pain in his chin and he shook his head like a rattle: “No, Prince Xuan… I didn’t lie to you, what I said was true. In other words, the stone should still be in Hua’s house now, as long as you find someone to go to Hua’s house with me to search and find that stone, then I can rescue you from here.”

Shi Jin looked at Wen Liang’s face full of tears, couldn’t bear it anymore, let go of Wen Liang’s chin and turned his head: “Get lost!”

Wen Liang was already crying. He knelt on the ground, not wanting to leave, let alone miss this one and only chance. He cried, “Prince Xuan, you have no way out, why don’t you trust me once and I promise I won’t let you down.”

The room was very quiet and the sound of Wen Liang’s crying voice seemed very harsh to the ears.


Shi Jin closed his eyes, only feeling a throbbing pain in his temples.

In the past two days, he had thought about who would come to visit him but he didn’t expect that instead of a single person on the list in his mind, an unknown person like Wen Liang came to see him.

After thinking about it, he couldn’t think of any intersection between him and this Wen family. Even if what this person said was true, he shouldn’t have gone through all the trouble to come here and just say it to him.

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And he couldn’t afford to gamble anymore…

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He lost everything in this struggle, money, power, status, reputation, all gone, the only thing he had left was his mother, and he didn’t want to risk his mother again.

Shi Jin rubbed his temples, forced himself to calm down and said in a low voice, “Before you told me all these things, didn’t you even ask around?”

Wen Liang asked, “Ask about what?”

Shi Jin laughed at himself: “I am the emperor’s son, how could I be exiled so easily?”

Wen Liang was stunned: “Then you…”

Shi Jin turned to look at him: “I’m just being sent to the frontier, so I won’t lose my life.”

When Wen Liang suddenly heard the news, he didn’t know whether to be happy or disappointed. He was happy because Shi Jin was saved from death and disappointed because Shi Jin hadn’t come to a dead end.

Sure enough, the next moment, Shi Jin said: “Now I am no longer Prince Xuan, but only Shi Jin, no matter what your purpose of seeing me this time, no matter whether what you just said is true or not, I have nothing to bet on. “

In the end, Shi Jin’s eyes fell on the tear stains on Wen Liang’s cheeks.

Wen Liang cried sadly, tears rolled down his cheeks. He was originally handsome but now he has lost a lot of weight, which made his big eyes look extraordinarily soulful.

With tears in Wen Liang’s eyes, he raised his head and looked at Shi Jin with tears in his eyes, despair spreading across his face.

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Seeing this scene, for some reason, Shi Jin felt a strange feeling in his heart. This feeling that he had never felt before drove him to raise his hand, and his fingertips dabbed the tears in the corners of Wen Liang’s eyes.

The warm touch immediately spread from his fingertips to his sensory world.

Shi Jin froze for a moment, the strange thing was that he didn’t reject this feeling, as if this feeling should naturally exist between him and the person in front of him.

“Why?” Shi Jin didn’t care about these things at first, but now he couldn’t help asking, “Why did you tell me these things?”

Wen Liang didn’t speak, only tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Shi Jin continued to ask, “Why?”

Wen Liang cried and shook his head, but after hesitating for a while, he still replied in a crying voice: “Because it’s you.”


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