
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Wednesday Updates –> Chapter 10/12

Chapter 140.2

“Because of me?” Shi Jin couldn’t understand, “What’s it with me? Did we know each other before?”

Wen Liang hesitated to speak: “We…”

Shi Jin’s empty eyes finally had some gleam in them, he looked at Wen Liang intently, waiting earnestly for Wen Liang’s answer.

The two of them faced each other and the distance was so close that Wen Liang could clearly see his reflection in Shi Jin’s eyes. At this moment, an impulse arose in his heart.

He wanted to tell Shi Jin everything.

He wanted Shi Jin to know what his original future was like.

“Prince Xuan, actually we…”

Just as Wen Liang started to speak, he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind him.

Wen Liang and Shi Jin felt vigilant at the same time, stopped talking and turned back together.


They saw a dark blue figure standing at the door of the prison at some point. The figure of that person was extremely tall but also extremely thin. His pale complexion made him look particularly haggard, but his face was also extremely good-looking, as if he had walked out of a painting.

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It was not the first time for Wen Liang to see him but he was stunned for a moment by that face.

On the contrary, the pressure around Shi Jin suddenly dropped and he stared at Shi Ye without blinking, the hatred in his eyes almost overflowing.

It’s a pity that Shi Ye didn’t pay attention to Shi Jin at all but just looked at Wen Liang expressionlessly.

Wen Liang’s scalp went numb from Shi Ye’s gaze and he subconsciously leaned against Shi Jin.

Shi Ye lifted his foot and walked in.

Shi Jin was like a cat with its fur blown out, with fear and anger intertwined on his face. He tried to conceal his emotions with a raised voice: “What are you doing!”

Shi Ye turned a deaf ear to Shi Jin and walked straight to Wen Liang. He was extremely tall and when he looked down on Wen Liang who was kneeling on the ground, the aura on his body was like a huge mountain pressing down.


Wen Liang was almost suffocated by the pressure and hurriedly hid in Shi Jin’s arms, obviously taking Shi Jin as a straw to save his life.

Shi Ye looked at Wen Liang’s wretched appearance and suddenly sniggered, “So the spirit stone really has that much power.”

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Shi Jin was stunned for a moment and then reacted, his voice trembling with anger: “You actually eavesdropped on our conversation!”

Shi Ye raised his eyes and retorted confidently: “I listened openly and honestly, what’s the point of eavesdropping?”

Shi Jin almost vomited blood: “You!”

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At this time, Wen Liang also vaguely understood something. He opened his red eyes in shock, wanted to ask but quickly swallowed the words back. He didn’t know how much Shi Ye had heard and was even more afraid of making too many mistakes, so he bit his lip and didn’t say anything.

Unfortunately, Shi Ye had no intention of letting him go and said, “I still underestimated you, I never thought that you would have such big guts, daring to put your thoughts on spirit stones.”

Wen Liang knew that he couldn’t escape, his lips trembled and he could only pretend to be stupid: “Your Royal Highness, what spirit stone are you talking about? I don’t quite understand.”

Shi Ye smiled but the bottom of his eyes was a sheet of cold ice, “It’s the spirit stone that you intend to use to help Prince Xuan usurp the throne.”

Wen Liang’s face turned pale then green and pale again. His legs were trembling with fright and he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue pretending to be stupid: “Your Highness, I really don’t know what you are talking about and I also don’t know what a spirit stone is, I ……”


“If you don’t know, then you don’t know.” Shi Ye didn’t take it seriously, “I forgot to say that the spirit stone is in my hands. If you want to get the spirit stone, I’m afraid you can only step over my corpse to get it.”

These words were like a thunderbolt, exploding in Wen Liang’s ears.

Wen Liang couldn’t support himself for a moment and went from a kneeling position to sitting slumped on the ground.

His whole face was extremely pale and there seemed to be something floating in his eyes. He came full of hope, but at this moment, he was shrouded firmly in a huge net of despair.

It turned out that the crown prince knew the benefits of the stone long ago and even got the stone before him.

If that was the case, what room for struggle did he have?

He was completely defeated, like the salted fish that was trampled on the ground, without even a chance to stand up.

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Wen Liang got up from the ground numbly, glanced at Shi Jin for the last time and then walked out of the room without looking back.

The eunuch was still guarding outside the house. Seeing him coming out, there was a trace of contempt in his eyes: “Have you finished what you want to say? Let’s go.”

Wen Liang nodded and followed the eunuch without saying a word.

Walking out of the dim dungeon, the bright light outside poured down on his face.

Wen Liang squinted his eyes and after he got used to the light, he saw the tall dark gray wall again, just like his future, which would no longer be embellished with any bright colors.

He was not a person who would succumb to fate since he was a child, but as fate would have it, his struggles, his resistance, and his endeavors had turned into ropes that bound him in the end.

He always felt that his life shouldn’t be like this.

However, the fact proved otherwise and he understood the meaning of the word “resignation” at this moment.



After Wen Liang left, only Shi Ye and Shi Jin were left in the room.

Shi Jin’s mind was in chaos. On one hand, he was thinking about Wen Liang’s baffling words and on the other hand, he was thinking about what Shi Ye said to Wen Liang.

Since even Shi Ye said so…

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So everything Wen Liang said was the truth?

Is there really a stone in this world that can turn back the tide?

Shi Jin no longer knew how he should react, he could feel that Wen Liang still had a lot to say to him, but unfortunately he didn’t have time.

While he was thinking wildly, a few soldiers dragged in a bloody man from outside the prison, leaving a trail of blood and finally threw the man in front of the bed.

The room was instantly filled with a pungent bloody smell.

Shi Jin was brought back from his thoughts and he frowned. He looked at the bloody man on the ground and he saw a familiar face.

“Ping’an?” Shi Jin jumped up from the bed on the spot, stepped forward, squatted down to take a closer look,

The person on the ground was motionless. The clothes on his body had already been soaked with blood and from under the tattered clothes that had been whipped, he could see a strip of horrific injuries that had opened up the skin and flesh.

Ping’an’s face was stained with a lot of blood but it couldn’t stop the expression of pain that has frozen in the moment before his death, perhaps the pain was so extreme that his face was hideous to the point of being frightening.

Ping An is dead, too dead to be dead.


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