
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Thursday Updates –> Chapter 6/12

Chapter 144.2

Young Master Zhang was still as enthusiastic as yesterday. He ran downstairs to greet Wen Chi in person even though it was inconvenient for him to walk.

Wen Chi followed Young Master Zhang to the second floor with ease, only to find that there were about six or seven brightly dressed young men and women sitting in the private room on the second floor.

These young men and women all have one thing in common, that is, they are all pregnant. They must be the people Young Master Zhang mentioned yesterday.

Obviously those people already knew Wen Chi’s identity, So before Wen Chi could  approach them, they all got up and warmly greeted him, introducing themselves to him.

Wen Chi greeted one person after another in a daze.

It wasn’t until Young Master Zhang stepped in front of him and dispersed those people in feigned anger that he was able to catch his breath.

Throughout the afternoon, Wen Chi stayed in Ju Shan Restaurant with Young Master Zhang and these young men and women.

While chatting with them, Wen Chi learned that these young men and women were not only from well-known families but also had a certain status in their respective husbands’ families. Unlike him whose family had fallen out of grace and he did not even have a good status around Shi Ye. At best, he was just an ordinary person. concubine.

But even if he was a concubine, he was still the only concubine beside Shi Ye, and a concubine who was pregnant with his firstborn son, which was a very special thing.


So everyone’s conversation almost focused on Wen Chi. From how he married into the East Palace on his brother’s behalf, to how he made up for his mistakes during disaster relief, everyone was like a curious baby with endless questions.

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Before they parted, everyone had almost no other topics to talk about other than Wen Chi.

For the first time, Wen Chi felt that he was a piece of cake, being stared at by a group of evil wolves… It was not surprising that he had such thoughts, it was because some of these people’s questions crossed the line which made him speechless for a long time. 

Wen Chi was afraid that trouble would come out of his mouth1(Disaster emanates from careless talk) and did not dare to stay long, so when Xiao Shuanzi arrived to pick him up, he immediately felt as if he had seen a savior and left quickly with Xiao Shuanzi regardless of everyone’s attempts to make him stay.

Young Master Zhang personally sent Wen Chi downstairs.

“Sorry, I originally wanted them to help ease your anxiety, but I didn’t expect them to be so rude.” Young Master Zhang apologized to Wen Chi.

Wen Chi said awkwardly: “I am the one who ruined the occasion. I have been at home for a long time and I am not used to so many people.”

Young Master Zhang smiled: “Today is an exception. Young Master Wen, please rest assured that I will not call them out in the future.”


Wen Chi nodded: “Okay.”

Not long after returning, Wen Chi received an apology gift from the servants sent by those people. Each gift was prepared extremely delicately and it was obvious that the person who gave the gift had put a lot of thought into it.

Moreover, the gifts were delivered at the same time but none of them was Young Master Zhang’s – those people must have agreed to throw olive branches at him behind Young Master Zhang’s back.

Wen Chi looked at the gifts and sighed.

He suddenly remembered a joke he had seen on the Internet before – There were six people in a dormitory, but there were eight small groups in private.

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Young Master Zhang, who kindly introduced them to meet him, did not expect that those people would go behind Young Master Zhang to win him over.

Ruo Fang observed Wen Chi’s reaction and seemed to understand something: “Young Master, these gifts…”

“Send them back as they are.” Wen Chi said, “Let them know what I mean.”

Ruo Fang didn’t ask anything, just nodded and said: “Yes.”

That day, Wen Chi waited until late at night but did not see Shi Ye. Instead he fell asleep while waiting.


When he woke up the next day, he stared blankly at the half-empty bed. He didn’t know how long it took before he was brought back to his senses by the footsteps of Ruo  Fang walking in.

“Young Master,” Ruo Fang said, “Young Master Zhang has sent someone over.”

Wen Chi was helped by Ruo Fang to sit up. He rubbed his aching temples, shook his head slightly and said, “Reject him.”

Ruo Fang said: “Yes.”

Wen Chi thought for a while and then said: “Don’t let his people come in in the future.”

Hearing this, Ruo Fang was stunned: “Young Master, don’t you want to associate with Young Master Zhang anymore?”

Wen Chi hummed.

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Although those people didn’t ask him anything important yesterday, the faces of those people gradually approaching gave him a sense of fear.

He did want to make some friends, but he didn’t want to join this so-called circle, where a group of people with plastic relationships2(Relationships can be broken at any time and fake friends) gathered together to chat and drink tea for their own benefits.

If this was the case, he might as well stay peacefully at home and wait for Shi Ye.

After thinking it through, Wen Chi felt relieved.

Unfortunately, Young Master Zhang didn’t seem to want to give up. He sent someone over on the second and a third day and every time he asked that person to bring snacks that he had freshly made early in the morning. 

However, Wen Chi remained unmoved.

After about ten days, Young Master Zhang finally gave up.

In the past ten days, Wen Chi never left the house and lived a life almost isolated from the world. However, during this time, many things happened outside.


Shi Jin was exiled to the frontier.

Concubine Rong and the Grand Princess couldn’t endure anymore in prison and hanged themselves one after another. When they were discovered, their bodies had long become cold. 

The succession ceremony came as scheduled, but Shi Ye did not appear at the ceremony. The third and sixth princes presided over the ceremony with the assistance of General Lin.

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The new emperor ascended the throne, but there was no sign of the new emperor. This was the first time such a thing had happened since the founding of the Kingdom.

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Although the ministers dare not speak out in anger, some unpleasant words will inevitably spread in private.

How could a new emperor leave important court affairs to the prime minister and to the two princes after taking office?

It’s absolutely absurd!

Wen Chi inquired about these one after another, although he did not want to admit, but he had to admit – Shi Ye has disappeared.

There was no news from Shi Ye.

This knowledge was like a rope that tightly tightened Wen Chi and he began to become anxious again. He couldn’t sleep at night, couldn’t eat during the day and looked forward to Shi Ye’s return like a watchman’s stone3(It is said that in a poor rural family , after the wife gave birth to a baby girl, she unfortunately died of illness and left the baby girl behind. Fortunately, a neighbor woman also gave birth to Lin’er . She pitied the father and daughter’s plight and was willing to breastfeed the baby girl . A few years later, the two children are now 6 or 7 years old, and they are getting along well with each other as childhood sweethearts . Soon the girl’s father died of illness due to overwork, and the orphan girl became a child bride . When she grew up, she got married and had a pair of sons with her husband, and the family was happy. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. One year there was a drought and the rice harvest failed. In order to survive, the husband was forced to leave his wife and children and go abroad to make a living with his fellow villagers. Unexpectedly, he never returned and there was no news at all. The wife and children live a miserable life, but they still hope to be reunited as a family one day. Therefore, the woman holds her youngest son in her arms and carries her eldest son on her back every day, climbing the mountains and looking into the distant sea, hoping for her husband’s return. This goes on day after day, no matter the weather. The mother sadly asked when her husband would come back. One day, when the three mothers and their son were climbing the mountain to watch as usual, they suddenly encountered strong winds and heavy rain, thunder and lightning , and the three mothers and their sons suddenly disappeared from the world due to the collapse of the earth. However, a huge stone appeared where they were standing, which looked very similar to the missing three mothers and their sons. There is a legend that his deep feelings moved the heavens, so he turned them into stones to guard the mountains forever. This sad and touching legend gradually spread widely) all day long.

Not only that, he was having nightmares.

He dreamed of Shi Ye dying countless times in front of him.

Shi Ye in the dream stretched out his hand to him. He tried to hold Shi Ye’s hand, but found that his hands had no strength at all and it was difficult to even lift his hands up.

Then Shi Ye would vomit a mouthful of blood and fall to the ground dead.

“No!” Wen Chi suddenly opened his eyes, “Shi Ye!”

“Young Master?” Ruo Fang’s anxious voice sounded in his ears, accompanied by a hand gently tapping his shoulder, “Young Master, are you awake?”


1(Disaster emanates from careless talk)2(Relationships can be broken at any time and fake friends)3(It is said that in a poor rural family , after the wife gave birth to a baby girl, she unfortunately died of illness and left the baby girl behind. Fortunately, a neighbor woman also gave birth to Lin’er . She pitied the father and daughter’s plight and was willing to breastfeed the baby girl . A few years later, the two children are now 6 or 7 years old, and they are getting along well with each other as childhood sweethearts . Soon the girl’s father died of illness due to overwork, and the orphan girl became a child bride . When she grew up, she got married and had a pair of sons with her husband, and the family was happy. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. One year there was a drought and the rice harvest failed. In order to survive, the husband was forced to leave his wife and children and go abroad to make a living with his fellow villagers. Unexpectedly, he never returned and there was no news at all. The wife and children live a miserable life, but they still hope to be reunited as a family one day. Therefore, the woman holds her youngest son in her arms and carries her eldest son on her back every day, climbing the mountains and looking into the distant sea, hoping for her husband’s return. This goes on day after day, no matter the weather. The mother sadly asked when her husband would come back. One day, when the three mothers and their son were climbing the mountain to watch as usual, they suddenly encountered strong winds and heavy rain, thunder and lightning , and the three mothers and their sons suddenly disappeared from the world due to the collapse of the earth. However, a huge stone appeared where they were standing, which looked very similar to the missing three mothers and their sons. There is a legend that his deep feelings moved the heavens, so he turned them into stones to guard the mountains forever. This sad and touching legend gradually spread widely)

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