
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Thursday Updates –> Chapter 7/12

Chapter 145.1

Wen Chi’s eyes gradually focused and Ruo Fang’s panicked face was reflected in his eyes.

He stared at Ruo Fang blankly. After a long time, he felt his consciousness slowly come back. He opened his mouth and found that his voice was extremely hoarse: “What’s wrong with me?”

Ruo Fang breathed a sigh of relief and said: “Young Master, you were having a nightmare.”

Wen Chi recalled the contents of those nightmares and couldn’t help but shudder. He stretched out his hand to touch his face and felt the cold sweat on his hand.

Seeing Wen Chi’s lingering fear, Ruo Fang didn’t dare to let him sleep anymore. So she helped Wen Chi to sit on the head of the bed, saying softly: “Young Master, are you thirsty? This servant girl will pour you a glass of water.”

Wen Chi shook his head.

Ruo Fang added: “If young master doesn’t want to sleep, this servant can stay here with young master.”

Wen Chi’s face was still very pale. He raised his head and glanced at Ruo Fang and tugged at the corners of his mouth, “Thank you, Ruo Fang.”

Then he suddenly remembered something and asked, “Could you please help me bring those two things over.”


Those two things were the scroll and the spiritual stone given to him by Shi Ye.

Wen Chi knew that these two things were precious and did not dare to place them carelessly, so he hid them inside the cabinet as before.

Under Wen Chi’s guidance, Ruo Fang took out the scroll and spirit stone from the cabinet and handed them to Wen Chi carefully.

Wen Chi took the spirit stone and soon felt the cold temperature on the surface of it

He spread his hands and saw that the spirit stone was glowing brightly in the dim candlelight, like a star in the sky.

He had to say, this is really a beautiful stone. No wonder Wen Liang was attracted by  it at first sight.

But when Wen Chi looked at it, he couldn’t see anything different about this stone. Apart from being more beautiful than ordinary stones, it seemed to be just an ordinary stone.

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Wen Chi fell into deep thought. He still couldn’t figure out why Shi Ye took out the spirit stone and put it beside him.


“Young Master, is this stone important?” Ruo Fang squatted beside the bed, raising her head curiously.

These days, Wen Chi would take a look at the spirit stone from time to time and stare at it and Ruofang saw it all.

“Very important…” Wen Chi thought for a moment, then turned to look at Ruo Fang who was propping up her chin with her hands, “Ruo Fang, if you were to give something to someone, what do you think you should be doing it for. “

Ruo Fang tilted her head and thought seriously for a while: “Young Master, are you talking about giving gifts?”

“No.” Wen Chi hesitated for a moment, then simply told the truth, “This stone was given to me by Shi Ye. I had already put it away before but that morning, Shi Ye took it out of the cabinet and placed it beside me. What do you think he means by doing this?”

“This servant guesses that perhaps His Majesty wanted to remind the Young Master to do something and that what he was going to do had something to do with this stone?” Ruo Fang said hesitantly, scratching her chin, “But what can such a stone be used for?” 

Wen Chi echoed in despair: “Yes, what can it be used for…”

His words stopped abruptly before he finished speaking.

A fleeting thought flashed through his mind.

This time, he did not miss it but accurately captured that thought.


Ruo Fang’s words suddenly woke him up.

Only then did Wen Chi realize – yes, he had thought about so many crazy things, how could he have missed the use of the spirit stone?

This spiritual stone contains a system that can change Wen Liang’s destiny and it also contains infinite power. The main purpose of Shi Ye snatching it from the Hua family was to save the former emperor.

This spiritual stone is almost omnipotent…

Why did he just ignore this?

At this moment, it was as if a breeze came and gradually blew away the mist in front of Wen Chi’s eyes, his vision quickly became clearer, and all kinds of past events emerged in front of his eyes.

His breathing became rapid and his hands holding the scroll and the spiritual stone were shaking slightly but he still opened the scroll with great speed.

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The familiar figure on the scroll once again came into view.

During this period when Shi Ye was missing, Wen Chi opened this scroll countless times.

The more he looked at it, the more he remembered every color and detail of the painting. He didn’t know if it was his illusion but the more he remembered the painting, the more he felt that the person in the painting was not someone else, but him, Wen Chi.

Wen Chi had never thought about this before. Since Shi Ye said that there was another person, he was very stubborn in thinking that there was someone who looked exactly like him in this world.

However, once he stepped out of this fixed mode of thinking, many exaggerated speculations sprang up like mushrooms in the rain.

If the person in this painting is really him, then it means——

Shi Ye had seen him before they met and what he saw was a slightly older version of himself.

When this sudden idea took root in Wen Chi’s mind, it grew at an uncontrollable speed. His face turned blue and his almond-shaped eyes were filled with shock.


For a long time, his eyes fell on the spiritual stone lying quietly in his hand.

He finally understood.

For a moment, he didn’t know whether he should cry or laugh.

It turns out to be like this ……

He had been going round and round for so long, but he hadn’t been able to figure it all out until now, and it turned out that everything was so simple, like a ring connected end to end, trapping not only his life, but also his thinking.

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“Hahahahahaha!” Wen Chi couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He tightened his hands and the scroll was crumpled underneath his palms. The spirit stone pinched his palms and it hurt, but he was oblivious to it and laughed recklessly.

Ruo Fang was startled by Wen Chi’s sudden reaction: “Young Master?”

“Ruo Fang, I understand. I know what Shi Ye wants to say to me.” Wen Chi was so excited that he threw the scroll on the bed, clenched the spirit stone in his hand and got out of bed, “I’m going to find Shi Ye.”

Ruofang was bewildered, she didn’t know what Wen Chi had figured out, but she knew that she couldn’t easily let Wen Chi leave here. If something happened to Wen Chi outside, she couldn’t afford to pay for it even if it cost her this miserable life. .

“Young Master, please calm down.” Ruo Fang quickly stood up and blocked Wen Chi’s path, “Young Master, the sky outside is still dark and pitch black. Where are you going to find the emperor?”

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But at this moment, Wen Chi could no longer listen to any persuasion. He pushed away Ruo Fang’s hand that was holding him back.  He was so excited that the tail of his eyes were red. He took a deep breath and barely managed to keep himself a little calm, “Ruo Fang, I know how to save Shi Ye. I’m going to go save him.”

Ruo Fang said anxiously: “But Young Master, it’s still the middle of the night. Can we wait until the morning to talk about it? Otherwise, if you don’t find the Emperor and something happens to you, this servant girl really can’t take the responsibility.”

Hearing her say this, he stopped moving obediently.

Upon seeing this, Ruo Fang thought Wen Chi had given up the idea of ​​going out to find the emperor, so she quietly breathed a sigh of relief and her originally nervous expression relaxed.

She was about to persuade Wen Chi to go back to bed and rest, when she heard Wen Chi speaking to himself: “You are right, I may not be able to find Shi Ye if I go out now…”

“Yes.” Ruo Fang coaxed in a gentle voice, “Young Master, you are still pregnant. If not for yourself, you should think about the child. Get some sleep first. When daybreak, I will accompany you to find the emperor.”

Unexpectedly, Wen Chi didn’t even hear Ruo Fang’s words at all. Before she could finish her words, Wen Chi spoke again: “Eunuch Zhu and Zuo Zhi must know the whereabouts of Shi Ye. I can ask them.”

Ruo Fang’s eased expression became serious again: “Young Master…”

Wen Chi said: “I want to find Xiao Shuanzi and I want him to take me to Eunuch Zhu.”

Ruo Fang was so anxious that she almost cried: “But Young Master…”

Wen Chi didn’t want to waste time tangling with Ruo Fang. He quickly walked around Ruo Fang and walked out, since his pregnancy his movements have never been so flexible.

“Young Master!” Ruo Fang’s urgent and helpless voice sounded behind him, accompanied by the sound of footsteps following him, “Young Master, don’t be impulsive. How about you just wait here and this servant girl will help you find Xiao Shuanzi.”

Wen Chi suddenly stopped.

Ruo Fang who was following behind was startled and stopped quickly for fear of bumping into the pregnant Wen Chi.

Wen Chi turned his head and his eyes fell on Ruo Fang’s little face that was dripping with cold sweat. His expression was unprecedentedly solemn and he opened his mouth and said, “Ruo Fang, I don’t want to sit here and wait for death anymore, so don’t stop me.”

Ruo Fang gaped and looked at Wen Chi blankly.

After serving Wen Chi for so long, this was the first time she had seen him so stubborn in wanting to do something. The coldness in Wen Chi’s eyes was like a basin of cold water pouring down, making her stumble back subconsciously.

Wen Chi said nothing more, gave a deep look at Ruo Fang, then turned back and continued walking out.

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This time, Ruo Fang didn’t dare to stop him.

Wen Chi walked very quickly and soon reached the door outside. He opened the door and saw a slender figure standing quietly outside the door.

The candlelight in the room slanted and shone on the visitor. Without saying a word, the visitor took a step forward and revealed a familiar face from the darkness.

When Wen Chi saw the face of the visitor clearly, he could not help but be shocked, “Zuo Zhi?”

The visitor was none other than Zuo Zhi.

Zuo Zhi was wearing dark clothes and her black hair was tied neatly behind her head. She was standing outside the door just now, almost blending into the dark night.

Zuo Zhi maintained her usual cold expression on her face and her gaze swept silently across Wen Chi’s face, as if she was determining something.

Without waiting for Wen Chi to speak, Zuo Zhi said, “It’s late, where is Young Master Wen going?”

Hearing this, Wen Chi suddenly came back to his senses. He was like a drowning man grasping the last straw to save his life and he grabbed Zuo Zhi’s arm regardless: “Zuo Zhi, I found a way to save Shi Ye, where is Shi Ye? Where is he? I want to see him.”

Zuo Zhi looked at Wen Chi expressionlessly, her dark eyes reflecting Wen Chi’s pale but extremely excited face.

Her eyes moved slightly and suddenly it seemed like a ripple was rippling on the lake of her heart.

“I know where His Majesty went.”

By this time, Ruo Fang also caught up and vaguely guessed what Zuo Zhi was going to do and anxiously called out for Zuo Zhi.

However, Zuo Zhi turned a deaf ear to Ruo Fang’s voice. She looked at Wen Chi for a moment and in a rare moment, she pulled up the corners of her mouth and let out a shallow smile, “I’ll take you there.”



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