
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Thursday Updates –> Chapter 8/12

Chapter 145.2


Wen Chi followed Zuo Zhi out of the gate and saw a carriage parked on the roadside not far away.

There was no driver in the carriage.

Zuo Zhi helped Wen Chi get into the carriage without saying a word, and then sat in the driver’s seat.

It wasn’t until the carriage started moving that Wen Chi suddenly understood – Zuo Zhi wasn’t persuaded by him to be willing to take him to Shi Ye, but had long had this intention.

Along the way, the carriage drove very fast and was extremely bumpy.

Wen Chi was shaken around and had to lean on a corner to steady himself. The familiar feeling of nausea returned and he bit his lip and tried not to vomit in the carriage.

He carefully took out the spirit stone hidden in his cuff, held it in his hand and felt the slight sting of the spirit stone against his skin, which made him feel better.

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage finally stopped.


Wen Chi was helped out of the carriage by Zuo Zhi.

His legs were weak and it took a long time for him to stand firm with the help of Zuo Zhi.

The night wind blew loudly in Wen Chi’s ears. He looked up and saw a house that just by looking at its appearance, he could tell had been abandoned for a long time. Moreover, this house looked a little familiar.

Wen Chi followed Zuo Zhi and walked some distance deeper into the house, and suddenly realized why he felt that this house looked familiar – this was clearly the place where Hua Zi Zang had placed him after kidnapping him last time!

“Isn’t this…” Wen Chi said blankly, “Hua Family Mansion?”

Zuo Zhi, who was walking in front of Wen Chi, said without looking back, “Yes.”

Wen Chi wanted to ask something else, but he quickly figured it out. His expression became more and more solemn, his fists clenched and the speed of his feet became faster and faster.

Not long after, they came to a more familiar dilapidated house.


Zuo Zhi looked back at Wen Chi and then walked inside without saying a word.

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Wen Chi followed behind without missing a step.

Wen Chi remembered that there was a secret room in the house and he needed to find a mechanism to open the stone door of the secret room.

But what surprised him was that the stone door of the secret room was wide open. Apparently someone had come here after they left last time.

Before he even got close, he could smell a strong smell of blood, which continuously drifted out from inside the stone door.

Wen Chi failed to hold back and turned around and retched.

He vomited violently, as if he wanted to vomit out everything he had eaten. Fortunately, he had a small appetite these days and ate very little, so he only vomited a few mouthfuls of water.

Zuo Zhi came over and gently stroked his back twice: “Are you okay?”

Wen Chi nodded. At this moment, not good also means good1(he means that he doesn’t feel very good which is better than feeling much worse). He said: “Let’s go in.”

Zuo Zhi was still a little worried about Wen Chi’s health but seeing that Wen Chi could persist, she didn’t say anything and walked into the secret room first.


Wen Chi followed behind and the smell of blood was much stronger as they went in. The smell was mixed with other unpleasant smells, which made Wen Chi gag several times.

Zuo Zhi seemed to be accustomed to these smells. She seemed to be unaware and indifferent of them as she walked through the many hidden rooms in the house with ease – it was obvious that this was not her first time here.

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After walking for a long time, Zuo Zhi stopped. She turned to look at Wen Chi: “We’re here.”

Wen Chi covered his nose with his hand, his face already extremely ugly. After hearing Zuo Zhi’s words, he quickened his steps and walked through the door, looking inside intently.

In the next moment, he retched again.

This room is the room where Empress Hua’s ice coffin was stored, but now, the ice coffin has been smashed, half of Empress Hua’s body is still in the broken ice coffin, and the other half of it was tilted down to the ground.

In addition to the body of Empress Hua, there were seven or eight corpses scattered around the room. Without exception, the corpses were dripping with blood and had severed arms and legs. One corpse even had half of its head cut off with its eyes wide open with fear. 

Obviously, the smell of blood that filled the entire room came from these corpses.

Zuo Zhi also noticed the corpses, but she didn’t even frown and walked into the room.

Wen Chi forced himself back to the door, only to see Zuo Zhi stepping over the corpses on the ground step by step and finally walked to a corpse leaning on the broken ice coffin.

Zuo Zhi faced the corpse for a long time and suddenly squatted down.

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Immediately afterwards, Wen Chi saw the half-open eyes of the corpse slowly rising.

Then..that person is actually still alive?!

Wen Chi was shocked for a moment but then he quickly reacted and strode in.

He took a closer look and found that the man was indeed alive but his breath was extremely weak, as if there was air coming in but not coming out. If Wen Chi’s eyes hadn’t been focused on him just now, it would have been difficult to find out that he was still alive. .


And that person’s face…

He seemed to have seen it somewhere.

“Hua Yin.” Zuo Zhi’s cold voice interrupted Wen Chi’s thoughts. She quietly looked at the man’s bloody face, “The three-day deadline is up and I want an answer.”

Hua Yin?

Is this person Hua Yin?!

He never thought that the person he had been thinking about for so long would appear in front of him without any warning ——

Wen Chi was stunned.

He and Hua Yin met only once. Recalling the first and only time he saw Hua Yin, he simply didn’t dare to compare the skinny man in front of him, who seemed to have been drenched in blood, with that gentle and elegant-looking middle-aged man.

But if he looked carefully at the face of the person in front of him, it was indeed Hua Yin’s face.

For a moment, an uncontrollable anger overwhelmed Wen Chi. He thought of what Hua Yin had done and the poison Hua Yin had given Shi Ye and his body started to shake with anger.

When he reacted, he had already grabbed Hua Yin’s clothes.

Wen Chi didn’t know where he got such strength but he was able to lift Hua Yin halfway up from the ground.

He seemed to be unable to smell the pungent smell of blood and the rage boiling in his eyes was about to overflow. He stared at Hua Yin’s half-dead face and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: “How to cure the poison in Shi Ye’s body?”

Hua Yin was only hanging on by a breath, he didn’t even have the strength to struggle. He tilted his head as if he had broken his neck and only after a while did his lax gaze focus on Wen Chi’s face.

But his eyes did not stay on Wen Chi’s face for long but went straight down and landed on Wen Chi’s protruding belly.

Hua Yin opened his lips very slowly and his voice sounded like a mosquito: “How old is the child…”

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Wen Chi’s fingers on Hua Yin’s clothes tightened violently. The tails of his eyes were blood red and that little bit of redness spread to the tip of his nose, making him feel sore at the tip of his nose. He even had the urge to cry for a moment.


Why did Hua Yin ask him this?

Where did Hua Yin get the nerve to ask him this?

This man who didn’t deserve to be a father, nor did he deserve to ask him about his child either!

“Let me ask you.” Wen Chi approached him and asked one word at a time, “How to detoxify Shi Ye?”

Hua Yin stared blankly at Wen Chi’s belly for a long time, then gently twitched the corner of his mouth and said,  “There is no solution.”

In an instant, tears burst out of Wen Chi’s eyes and at this moment, he had the heart to kill Hua Yin.

“Where is he?” Zuo Zhi stood up, her voice was terrifyingly low and the murderous intent in her eyes was no less than that of Wen Chi, “If you tell me I can consider leaving this woman’s body intact. If you don’t talk, don’t blame me for chopping up her body and feeding it to the dogs!”

Faced with Zuo Zhi’s threat, Hua Yin remained unmoved. To be precise it should be that he didn’t even have the energy left to move. He was numb and wretched, very much in line with the characteristics of a person who is about to die.

Zuo Zhi was so angry that she suddenly pulled out her sword from her waist. The sword tip went down and with a whoosh, it stabbed into Empress Hua’s brow and pierced through Empress Hua’s head.

Empress Hua had her eyes closed peacefully, her face serene, and only the sword that pierced through her brow appeared very jarring.

Hua Yin saw this scene from the corner of his eye, and his body, which had been nearly lifeless, shook violently.

In an instant, hatred filled Hua Yin’s blood-stained face like a tide. He seemed to want to struggle, but it was extremely difficult for him to even breathe.

Finally, he gave up.

His eyes returned to Wen Chi’s face, and slowly, he revealed a cruel smile: “He fought with us and was injured …… He won’t be able to live for long ……”

After saying that, he looked away and searched the ground with great difficulty for a long time, and then settled on a certain place.

Wen Chi’s face was covered with crisscrossing tear tracks, he bit his lips and tasted the fishy-sweet taste of blood. But he desperately suppressed the urge to kill Hua Yin and turned his head to follow Hua Yin’s gaze.

He saw a crushed clay figure, with only the upper body left lying alone on the ground.

The clay figurine was wearing clothes, and the snow-white clothes were very familiar to Wen Chi, because Wen Chi put those clothes on for the clay figurine himself.

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At the same time, Hua Yin’s weak voice sounded in Wen Chi’s ears: “Even if he escapes by chance, he will not be able to survive… The poison has long been devouring his life little by little and now his body has been exhausted. Deng Ku… If you go out and look carefully, you may still be able to find his body ……”

As soon as Hua Yin finished speaking, Wen Chi suddenly reached out and pulled out the sword that had penetrated Empress Hua’s body. He flipped his wrist holding the sword and under the surprise gaze of Zuo Zhi, he quickly thrust it into Hua Yin’s chest.

With a piercing sound.

The entire sword blade sank into Hua Yin’s body.

The sword head passed through Hua Yin’s body and tilted downwards. A steady stream of blood burst out from the wound like a spring and the blood flowed downwards along the sword head.

In the blink of an eye, a large pool of blood flowed on the ground.

Hua Yin’s face was as pale as death, his mouth opened wide, his eyes bulging like copper bells and he didn’t know whether it was because he was in extreme pain or was shocked by Wen Chi’s move to kill him.

Wen Chi drew out his sword.

Hua Yin fell to the ground and his body twitched slightly.

Wen Chi stabbed Hua Yin’s chest with his sword again.

Hua Yin squeezed out a hoarse and unpleasant sound from his throat and those copper-bell eyes stared fixedly at Wen Chi.

“The renowned head of the Hua family, you didn’t expect that one day you would die in the hands of a nobody like me, right?” Wen Chi smiled sarcastically and tears flowed down again, “Before you, I didn’t dare to kill, nor did I think I would kill anyone. You made me break my precepts. You made me realize that there are still people in the world who are worse than pigs and dogs…”

After a pause, he said, “After you die, I will throw yours and Empress Hua’s corpses one south and one north.  During your lifetime, there were many obstacles between you two and after death, don’t expect to be together either.”

Hua Yin was furious, his eyes widened in pain and despair: “You…”

However, as soon as spoke, he fell silent again – Wen Chi swung his sword and slit his throat.

Hua Yin was dead.

His expression frozen at the peak of his fear, hideous and frightening.

Wen Chi looked at Hua Yin’s body with cold eyes for a while, then walked towards Zuo Zhi and handed the sword in his hand to her.

Zuo Zhi never dreamed that Wen Chi, who was once as timid as a mouse, would kill someone with his own hands. She was so shocked that she instinctively took the sword from Wen Chi and watched blankly as Wen Chi turned around and walked to the corner, picking up the clay figures thrown on the ground.


1(he means that he doesn’t feel very good which is better than feeling much worse)

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