
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Thursday Updates –> Chapter 9/12

Chapter 146.1


The clay figurine had broken into two parts and a small piece of his right arm was missing.

Wen Chi squatted down with great effort and groped for a long time on the blood-stained ground before he found the missing right arm. He held the broken clay figurine in his hand and suddenly found a thick stain of blood on the ground.

The important thing was——

He vaguely smelled a familiar light fragrance.

It’s the smell of Shi Ye’s blood!

The smell of blood in the room was so strong that it was almost solid, effortlessly covering up the faint scent. If Wen Chi hadn’t been so close, he probably wouldn’t have been able to detect Shi Ye’s blood in this corner.

Wen Chi gradually tightened his grip on the clay figure. He stood up slowly and as if he could not hear Zuo Zhi call hik, went straight to the outside of the house in search of that trace of light fragrance.

Wen Chi didn’t know if it was his illusion, but the further outside he went, the clearer the light fragrance became.


He moved forward in a daze and he walked out of the secret room in a roundabout way.

“Young Master Wen!” Zuo Zhi’s anxious shout came from behind him. She chased in a hurry and did not know exactly where Wen Chi was going. Then she actually got lost inside. “Young Master Wen, don’t move around. Wait for me… “

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Wen Chi walked forward leaving Zuo Zhi behind.

Wen Chi continued on regardless. His pace became faster and faster and at one point he even started to run. He ran out of the abandoned house and ran towards the back of the house without looking back.

He passed through groves and paths, through a similarly dilapidated house and across a pond …….

Finally, he stopped by a lake.

The bright moonlight shone on the endless lake and the dark surface of the lake was filled with dots of light, which appeared and disappeared with the slight undulation of the water.

The surrounding area was too dark, all that could be seen was the hazy night and all that could be heard was the sound of the water.


The night wind blew away the light fragrance floating in the air.

Suddenly, Wen Chi couldn’t smell anything.

He stood by the lake in a daze, like a lost child who couldn’t find his home. After a long time, he raised one hand, spread out his palm and under the moonlight he could see a stone lying peacefully and quietly in his palm.

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Apart from being colorful, this stone didn’t look significant. 

But tonight, even its unique feature was submerged in the darkness.

Wen Chi lowered his eyes and looked at the stone in his palm and unknowingly, tears fell from his eyes.

He didn’t know what to do.

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He seemed to be standing at a crossroads, not knowing which way to go.

Even if he holds this magical stone in his hand, he is not a protagonist like Wen Liang after all. The stone will not play any role in his hands but he still wants to use this stone to save Shi Ye…

Wen Chi’s tears became more and more wanton, overflowing from his eyes and flowing down his cheeks. He sobbed and clenched his fists and the stones made his palm ache.


What should he do?

What should he do next to save Shi Ye?

Wen Chi’s hands kept shaking and he put his clenched fisted hand to his lips as tear after tear fell onto his fingers.

“Will you help me?” There was a heavy crying tone in his voice, as if his voice had been soaked in water, making it so wet that one couldn’t breathe. “What do I have to do? Will you tell me?”

“I’m begging you, give me a hint.”

“Help me find Shi Ye…”

Before he finished speaking, the stone in his palm suddenly shook.

Wen Chi’s breath hitched, his entire body froze, only a steady stream of tears still overflowing out of his eyes like broken beads. Soon, he felt a trace of warmth.

The warmth came from the cold stone.

Wen Chi spread his palms out and as he opened his fingers, strands of golden light spilled out from between his fingers like flowing water illuminated by the sun.

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When he opened all his fingers, he discovered that the stone was glowing. The light did not appear dazzling in the night, instead it seemed to be alive.

At the same time, the stone trembled even more violently, as if there was something hidden inside that was struggling to break free from its bonds.

Wen Chi was bewildered, but then he became surprised and happy. His heart was pounding and he carefully raised his other hand, holding the stone with both hands.

The stone and the broken clay figurine were close together and the golden light slowly transitioned to the clay figurine and then quickly climbed up along Wen Chi’s wrist.

In a blink of an eye, Wen Chi was also drawn into the light.


He felt that his body was very light and soft, like a feather floating in the air. The night in front of him was gradually taken over by the light, and in a short while, his entire vision became so bright that it turned white.

The white light gradually became dazzling.

Wen Chi closed his eyes with difficulty, only to find that the stinging pain kept drilling into his brain.


The only thing left in his sensory world was pain.

It hurt as if there were countless ants gnawing at his brain.

After an unknown amount of time, Wen Chi became numb from the pain and slowly lost consciousness.


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Wen Chi  snapped his eyes open.

What came into view was the blue sky and white clouds, as well as the birds circling in the sky.

The cool breeze blew by and he heard the clattering sound of the wind blowing the grass, accompanied by the subtle sound of the soles rubbing against the grass.

When he was still in a daze, a childish little face suddenly appeared in his sight – the little boy was born with a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, the ends of his eyes were slightly raised and the corners of his mouth were pursed tightly. And when he looked down at Wen Chi, there was a sense of disdain in his eyes.

This kid looks so familiar!

Looks like he has seen him somewhere.

Wen Chi thought to himself, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen this child. He couldn’t even remember who he was or where he came from. His memory seemed to be shrouded in a hazy veil and he didn’t even remember his own name.

The little boy couldn’t hide the surprise in his eyes. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing and just kept looking at Wen Chi.

Wen Chi blinked at him blankly, turned his head left and right and found that he was lying on the grass, with the little boy standing in front of him, looking down at him.

“Hi.” Wen Chi was a little embarrassed, so he laughed dryly, “Who are you?”

The little boy’s face was expressionless and he replied indifferently, “And who are you?”

Wen Chi scratched his head: “I forgot who I am, I don’t remember anything.”


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