
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 1/12

Chapter 148.1


Wen Chi thought for a while before he remembered that he had indeed said such words and had indeed left the place. However, when he walked out, he realized that the scenery here was extremely beautiful, but it was also extremely remote. There were cliffs in front and woods behind.

Wen Chi walked in the woods for a long time without seeing anyone. Even if he was a lonely ghost, he would be scared, so he came back dejectedly after walking around in a circle.

But he will never admit his cowardice!

“What do you mean look elsewhere? If I went to look elsewhere, wouldn’t you be the only one left here?” Wen Chi put his hands on his waist and raised his chin confidently, “Your parents and those two stupid maids don’t like to talk to you, only I’m willing to be merciful and talk to you, when I’m gone, you’re afraid that you won’t even have anyone to talk to.”

Shi Ye said without looking back: “I don’t even care.”

“Hey! You kid, your words are too unpleasant!”

Wen Chi huffed and puffed as he walked to the cabinet, staring at Shi Ye who was in the middle of changing his clothes with his almond eyes wide open, he made a gesture to point at Shi Ye’s forehead, but unfortunately, he couldn’t touch it.

Shi Ye has long been accustomed to his pawing and he took off his clothes expressionlessly without even raising his eyes.


Wen Chi clicked his tongue and leaned against the wardrobe with his arms folded, looking up and down at Shi Ye’s skinny little body.

Somehow, Shi Ye, who was only seven or eight years old, had several old wounds on his body, which were hidden in relatively obscure locations. If Wen Chi, who had grown mushrooms in his spare time1(idle), had not looked carefully, he really wouldn’t have been able to find out that Shi Ye had suffered so many wounds in the past.

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“To be frank, where did your injuries come from? It doesn’t look like you bumped into something, it looks like you were beaten…”

Before Wen Chi finished speaking, Shi Ye pulled down his clothes expressionlessly, covering the old wounds tightly.

Wen Chi was speechless for a while, remembering that he had always used his hot face to stick to children’s cold buttock like a lap dog during this period of time, his heart was really annoyed and aggrieved.

“Isn’t it because I care about you!” Wen Chi said angrily, “Have you ever seen me care so much about others?”

Shi Ye was tidying up the clothes he had changed out of and when he heard this, he faintly lifted his eyes, “Isn’t it because I’m the only one who can see you?”

Wen Chi ”…”


Wen Chi was left speechless.

This is indeed one of the reasons…well, this is 100% the reason.

But this is not important, meeting is fate. Fate made the two of them meet but this child even treated him with such a bad attitude, it is really too much!

On one side, Wen Chi was about to become a puffer fish with anger, but on the other side Shi Ye acted as if nothing had happened. He fetched water from outside to wash his hands and feet and then went to bed to lie down.

By the time Wen Chi finished huffing out his anger, Shi Ye had already closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

But Shi Ye seemed to be sleeping unsteadily, his crow feathers like long eyelashes kept trembling and the corners of his mouth were pursed extremely tightly.

Just now Wen Chi noticed an abnormal flush on Shi Ye’s face. Now when he took a closer look, he saw that the flush on Shi Ye’s face had spread to the roots of his ears.

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Wen Chi stared at Shi Ye for a while, then suddenly realized something and carefully reached out to touch Shi Ye’s face.

Unfortunately, his hand passed directly through Shi Ye’s face.

Wen Chi had no choice but to shout: “Kid? You seem to have a fever. I can’t help you if I can’t touch you. You have to go find your parents by yourself.”


Shi Ye’s long eyelashes trembled twice and after a long time, he finally opened his eyes with great difficulty. His distracted eyes slowly focused on Wen Chi’s face and he said, “Leave me alone.”

Wen Chi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Isn’t it because he was too kind-hearted or else he would have been too lazy to care whether this impolite kid was dead or alive. As a result, his kindness was treated as a donkey’s liver and lungs2(evil intent, maliciousness, misunderstood): “”I don’t want to care about you but I’m afraid that you’ll die in front of me. Even though I’ve lost my memories, I haven’t lost my principles. I’m not someone who refuses to save the life of a person.”

Once Wen Chi became anxious, he would jabber on and on.

Shi Ye slowly closed his eyes amidst his chirping voice.

“Hey! Why did you fall asleep again?” Wen Chi shouted, “You can’t continue like this. You still need to see a doctor and take medicine to get better. While you still have the strength, go find your parents.”

Shi Ye closed his eyes and said, “That man is not my father.”

Wen Chi was confused: “Huh?”

Shi Ye said in a cold voice: “He is my uncle, my mother’s twin brother.”

“…” This sudden revelation caught Wen Chi off guard. He was strangely silent for a long time and asked weakly, “That woman must be your mother, right?”

Shi Ye hummed.

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Wen Chi was embarrassed.

Not to mention that the twins look nothing alike, but in terms of their words and deeds, how do they look like twin siblings? They were clearly more like an old married couple.

In Wen Chi’s understanding, ordinary brothers and sisters would not kiss their foreheads or rub their ears together from time to time like they did. And the atmosphere between them felt ambiguous no matter how you looked at it.

But Shi Ye said so and it couldn’t be false. Although Shi Ye’s temperament was too cold, he was not someone who would joke about such things.

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Maybe he really thought too much…


“Really? Hahahahahaha…” Wen Chi scratched his head, trying to cover up his embarrassment with a dry laugh, “It seems that your mother and your uncle have a really good relationship.”

Shi Ye didn’t respond and Wen Chi didn’t know whether he was asleep or simply didn’t want to talk to him.

Wen Chi urged a few more times but Shi Ye was indifferent. Later, Wen Chi said he was tired and was too lazy to talk anymore, so he walked around the room boredly – many times he couldn’t touch the beds and chairs, so he could only stand or walk. Fortunately as a lonely ghost he couldn’t feel tired, or else his legs would have long since been useless.

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In the latter half of the night, after Wen Chi’s countless attempts, he finally was able to touch the bed again.

Wen Chi gently lay down beside Shi Ye. Since the area that Shi Ye vacated was not large, Wen Chi lay on his side facing Shi Ye in order not to fall off the bed.

He and Shi Ye were very close. If Shi Ye opened his eyes, he would be able to see his face close at hand.

It was also because of the close proximity that he could feel Shi Ye’s difficulty in breathing so clearly. Shi Ye’s thin lips were slightly open. Every time he exhaled, it was extremely heavy and his chest rose and fell violently.

Wen Chi looked at Shi Ye’s face for a moment and suddenly realized that he didn’t like the sick Shi Ye at all. He would rather Shi Ye respond with a cold face than Shi Ye feeling so uncomfortable.

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Wen Chi got out of bed and tentatively touched the water basin Shi Ye put on the shelf. He could actually touch it!

He could even touch the towel that Shi Ye put on the edge of the basin!

Wen Chi suddenly felt happy and touched the water in the basin with his fingertips, it was cold water. He didn’t realize that Shi Ye had been using cold water to wash himself these days. Wen Chi was surprised for a moment and his mood became a little complicated for a while.

He moistened the towel with water and rested it on Shi Ye’s head.

However, not long after, the towel turned warm. 

Wen Chi had to re-wet the handkerchief with water every once in a while. Fortunately, he was able to touch the water basin and the cloth the entire time and not only did he not feel tired from running around but it was much more fulfilling – at least he had something to do.

The rest of the time, he lay beside the bed and watched Shi Ye’s sleeping face.

He always felt that Shi Ye looked familiar, that he should be someone he knew before his death and even had a good relationship with him. But whenever he speculated like that, Shi Ye would mercilessly shatter his illusions.


What a kid.

Still a proud and difficult child to get along with.

1(idle)2(evil intent, maliciousness, misunderstood)

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