
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 2/12

Chapter 148.2

Wen Chi was lost in thought when he felt a hand touch his head and when he came back to his senses, he met with a pair of dark eyes.

He didn’t know when Shi Ye opened his eyes and was looking at him steadily like this.

Wen Chi stared at Shi Ye blankly for a moment, then looked up and landed on Shi Ye’s hand on his head.

“Holy shit!” Wen Chi was so excited that he wanted to stand up but was afraid of shaking off Shi Ye’s hands. He carefully lay down beside the bed and tried to stay still but his whole face turned red from the excitement, “Can you touch me now? You can touch me!”

Shi Ye didn’t speak, his expression and eyes were very calm. His hand on Wen Chi’s head moved slightly, as if he was stroking down Wen Chi’s hair.

Wen Chi subconsciously rubbed his head against Shi Ye’s hand. He tried his best to suppress the joy that was already boiling in his heart but he still couldn’t help but laugh out loud: “Hahahahaha, great! You can finally touch me and I can touch you too……”

As he spoke, he tapped Shi Ye’s cheek lightly with his fingertips.

Soft and mushy to the touch.

Warm and toasty to the touch.


Familiar yet unfamiliar familiarity.

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In an instant, Wen Chi’s eyes were wet with tears.

Shi Ye seemed to be shocked by his sudden outburst and quickly took back the hand on his head, with a rare flash of panic in his usually cold eyes.

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“Why are you crying?”

Wen Chi realized his gaffe and felt so embarrassed for the first time. He quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, forced a smile on his lips and said, “It’s nothing, I just miss the days when I used to be a human being.”

Shi Ye said ruthlessly: “You don’t even have the memory of being a human being, so what do you miss about it?”

Wen Chi: “…”

This damn kid, just sew your mouth shut if you can’t talk properly.


So Wen Chi became angry again.

He was often angry with Shi Ye, but his anger came and went quickly. Shi Ye usually  ignores him and Wen Chi would get angry all by himself then would soon stick to Shi Ye like a piece of dog-skin plaster.

To put it very humbly, Wen Chi was used to Shi Ye ignoring him, but so what? Only Shi Ye can see him here. If he doesn’t stick to Shi Ye, he would be left alone to digest the loneliness of being alone.

Wen Chi tapped Shi Ye’s cheek twice with his fingertips as if to vent his anger. Before Shi Ye could react, he quickly slipped to the desk and stuck out his tongue at Shi Ye: “Haha, are you pissed off now?”

Shi Ye stared at him silently, then turned his head and closed his eyes: “Childish.”

Wen Chi put his hands on his hips and said shamelessly: “I am childish.”

Shi Ye was too lazy to talk to him.

Wen Chi had nothing to do, so he stood by the desk and sulked. On one hand, he was angry at Shi Ye’s uncaring attitude and on the other hand, he was angry that he couldn’t touch the desk and the chair, so he could only stand.

After standing for a while, a voice came from Shi Ye’s side: “Come here.”

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Wen Chi snorted. He wasn’t going to go there, he wasn’t a puppy that would come and go when he was called upon, so why should he obey Shi Ye’s words?


Wen Chi thought that Shi Ye would ignore him if he didn’t get a response but Shi Ye directly struggled to sit up from the bed.

Shi Ye still had a fever and he felt dizzy. It took him a lot of effort to hold up half of his body and he looked extremely weak.

When Wen Chi saw this, he instantly regretted it, thinking why would he bother with a seven or eight year old child? So he rushed over and forcefully supported Shi Ye to lie down.

“What are you doing? You have such a high fever, so don’t mess around.” Wen Chi blew his beard1(became angry) and glared in a rather parental manner. It was the first time he had lost his temper at Shi Ye since he had known him, “Who made you unwilling to find a doctor? Now you have to slowly get through it.”

Shi Ye was lying on the bed, looking at Wen Chi with confused eyes.

Wen Chi softened his heart, sighed, picked up the towel that had fallen by the pillow, soaked it with water and put it again on Shi Ye’s forehead: “Let’s see if this can reduce the fever. If not, tomorrow you still have to find your mother and your uncle to talk about it, the body is more important than the face2(face as in being proud).”

Shi Ye closed his eyes: “Hmm.”

Then he suddenly added, “Come up and rest.”

Wen Chi never dreamed that such words would come out of Shi Ye’s mouth and he couldn’t help but be stunned: “What did you just say?”

Shi Ye didn’t speak again but patted the intentionally vacant space next to him with his hand.

After realizing the meaning behind Shi Ye’s words, Wen Chi couldn’t hold back the upturned corners of his mouth. He pretended to be reserved for a moment, then climbed onto the bed and lay down next to Shi Ye.

The bed is just big enough for two people lying side by side.

Wen Chi couldn’t feel sleepy and could only stare blankly at the top of the bed.

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Suddenly, Shi Ye’s lowered voice rang in his ears: “Thank you for taking care of me.”

At this moment, all the grievances and dissatisfaction in Wen Chi’s heart disappeared.



Speaking of which, Shi Ye’s physique is really peculiar.

When he woke up, his fever was gone, his illness improved. And like nothing has happened he returned to his usual unsmiling little cool guy3(酷哥 [kù ɡē] in chinese meaning handsome and stern young fellow) demeanor.

Little cool guy was very busy and had a full schedule throughout the day. Wen Chi didn’t want to run around with him, so he stayed in the house for longer and longer periods of time.

Sometimes Wen Chi could touch real objects, so he would flip through Shi Ye’s books and paintings.

Shi Ye was not only good at calligraphy but could also paint beautiful pictures. Those lifelike characters and scenery simply did not look like they were drawn by a seven or eight-year-old child. Wen Chi look at them over and over again many times, and every time he looked at it, he was shocked.

Faced with Wen Chi’s exaggerated reaction, Shi Ye calmly asked back, “Can you paint?”

Wen Chi was speechless for a moment, thinking that not everyone knows how to play zither, chess, calligraphy and painting and he, a salted fish, only knows how to eat, drink and play.

But such embarrassing words would definitely not come out of his mouth. He thought about it and said stiffly: “Of course I can. Painting is such a simple thing, anyone with a hand can do it.”

Shi Ye glanced at Wen Chi, who was blushing from lying and without saying a word, he spread out a blank piece of paper and started dripping water to grind ink.

Wen Chi was shocked: “What are you doing?”

Shi Ye didn’t even raise his head: “Of course I’m giving you a chance to show off your skills.”

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Wen Chi: “…”

Is it too late for him to regret it now?

It turned out that it was too late. Shi Ye carefully grinded the ink and made a gesture of invitation to Wen Chi.

At this moment, Wen Chi was already riding a tiger and found it hard to get off4(get into a position from which there is no retiring).  So he had no choice but to pick up the brush and dip it in some black ink. He stood in front of the desk, looked at the blank paper and thought for a while, then rolled up his sleeves and started drawing.

After only a cup of tea5(15 min), Wen Chi finished painting.

Wen Chi put down his paintbrush and silently stood to the side.

Shi Ye walked up and took a look at the content of the painting. His expression suddenly became incomprehensible. He glanced at Wen Chi with complicated eyes, then looked at the painting and asked tentatively: “Is this…..a chicken?”

“…” Wen Chi’s face darkened, “This is a Phoenix.”


T/N – Hahahaha LMAO, this is why I said at the beginning of the novel that the chicken will be making a cameo in the later half of the story. Wen Chi himself was the main source of his suffering at the beginning of the novel. lol



1(became angry)2(face as in being proud)3(酷哥 [kù ɡē] in chinese meaning handsome and stern young fellow)4(get into a position from which there is no retiring)5(15 min)

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