
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 4/12

Chapter 149.2

“Alright.” Wen Chi didn’t want to hear Shi Ye’s sarcastic words anymore and covered his ears with his hands irritably, “I understand but I still don’t need you as a child to come and teach me.”

Hearing this, Shi Ye’s face turned ugly and he couldn’t help but raise his voice: “What do you know? You don’t understand anything.”

Wen Chi had been scolded by Shi Ye many times before but none of them had made him as irritable as he was now. He felt that Shi Ye was poking at his minefield and repeatedly jumping around his bottom line, causing every vein on his temples to throb along with it.

He couldn’t bear it any longer and stood up, speaking furiously: ”It’s not for you to judge whether I understand or not! Who are you? What kind of person are you to me? Who are you to talk about me like that!”

Shi Ye raised his head and looked at Wen Chi. His eyes were cold and there seemed to be a little bit of frost condensed in them. His voice was colder than his eyes: “Since you hate me being so nosy, then get out, this is my home.”

“Okay then, I’ll just get out!” Wen Chi turned around and left, “The world is so big, is it possible that I still won’t be able to find a place for me to stay? I’ll never come back to this miserable place of yours!”

Wen Chi walked very fast and brushed past Shi Ye.

Shi Ye seemed to feel a breeze blowing by and suddenly, an indescribable sense of fear arose in his heart. The sense of fear that was like a bloody mouth that swallowed him whole.

“Hey!” Shi Ye finally felt nervous. Like a taut string, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, trying to hold Wen Chi’s wrist, “Don’t leave.”


Unfortunately, his hand went through Wen Chi’s.

Shi Ye watched helplessly as his hand fell. At this moment, the fear in his heart was amplified to the extreme. He could no longer care about such things as his face and shouted at Wen Chi, “Hey, don’t go!”

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Wen Chi stopped, but still had his back to Shi Ye.

Shi Ye’s face turned extremely pale. He stared blankly at Wen Chi’s back. He stuttered for the first time in his life: “I.. “I don’t want you to forget that person. I just don’t want you to be immersed in the sadness of the past and forget the present. You try to remember a completely forgotten past but you even ignore the person in front of you. If we separate, will you remember me like you remember that person?”

At the end of the sentence, Shi Ye’s voice almost cracked so he quickly shut his mouth.

He was afraid that he would reveal himself if he said a few more words and he was afraid that Wen Chi would hear the sobbing in his voice.

He didn’t want to admit it and didn’t dare to admit it, but what he had to admit was that he was jealous1T/N – He is Jealous of his future self lmao.

He was jealous of that person, who had obviously been completely forgotten by Wen Chi.  However, he was like the air accompanying him, like the intricate and slender roots of trees that had penetrated the soil, constantly influencing Wen Chi’s emotions.


He was really jealous of that person.

Wen Chi was stunned for a long time before slowly turning around. When he turned around, Shi Ye hurriedly turned his head away.

Shi Ye deliberately avoided it. But Wen Chi still saw his bright red phoenix eyes and tears streaming from the corners of his eyes. He stubbornly bit his lips, not letting himself make a sound.

Wen Chi’s heart moved and he walked over.

Originally, Shi Ye could hold it back but when he saw Wen Chi walking towards him without hesitation, his tears suddenly overflowed and started gushing out of his eyes.

When Wen Chi came closer, he saw Shi Ye crying expressionlessly and he couldn’t help laughing: “Hahaha, it turns out that you can cry too.”

“I didn’t cry.” Shi Ye said very calmly, “It’s just tears flowing out of my eyes.”

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Wen Chi asked: “Is there any difference?”

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Shi Ye said: “Yes.”

Wen Chi asked: “What’s the difference?”


Shi Ye was very stubborn at a young age: “Anyway, I didn’t cry.”

“Okay, okay, you didn’t cry.” Wen Chi compromised.

This was the first time Wen Chi saw Shi Ye shed tears. He always thought that Shi Ye was a child who lacked emotions, but he never expected that Shi Ye would shed tears because he was afraid of his leaving.

This incident made him feel guilty. Shi Ye was still a child and he was already an adult. He should be more tolerant towards children. Moreover, although Shi Ye often ignored his existence,  Shi Ye had never really resisted his proximity.

Wen Chi sighed and after self-reflection, he said: “I’ve been at fault these past few days, I shouldn’t have brought my bad mood onto you, and I promise you that I won’t do that again.”

Shi Ye turned his head and looked at Wen Chi with red eyes: “Seriously?”

Wen Chi nodded: “Seriously.”

This little incident came to an end and soon, Shi Ye’s family welcomed a big event – Shi Ye’s uncle Hua Yin was about to leave for a while. Hua Yin wanted to take Shi Ye out to see the world and meet other members of the Hua family but Hua Yanran didn’t agree with it.

Because of this, the two siblings had several arguments, each time causing them to break up unhappily and at one point they started arguing directly in front of Shi Ye at the dinner table.

The brother and sister were quarreling so much that their faces had turned red but Shi Ye, the person involved, ate his meal without changing his expression, as if he was used to this kind of scene.

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After returning to the room, Wen Chi asked Shi Ye: “Do you want to follow your uncle?”

Shi Ye said calmly while sorting out his books: “It’s not a matter of whether I want to or not, my mother won’t let him take me away.”

Wen Chi asked: “Why?”

Shi Ye paused while sorting the books. He buried his head even lower and did not answer Wen Chi’s question.

In the afternoon, Wen Chi asked Shi Ye to accompany him for a walk outside. Because Hua Yanran made herbal medicine, various unnamed flowers were planted around the house.


Now the flowers were blooming particularly brilliantly, clusters after clusters, like an oil painting in an exhibition.

Wen Chi ran happily on the grass. As he ran, he found that he was actually flying.

He was surprised and delighted and tried to perform qinggong several times. Each time, he was like a butterfly flying lightly in the wind and then landed steadily.

“Kid, I can do martial arts!” Wen Chi shouted happily, “Heavens, I still know martial arts. I must have been a peerless master when I was alive. I’m so awesome!”

Wen Chi boasted to himself while searching for Shi Ye and after a long time he finally found him behind a jungle.

Shi Ye was squatting on the ground, looking at something seriously. When he noticed Wen Chi approaching from behind, he turned his head, then made a shushing gesture and whispered, “There is a fox there.”

“Fox?” Shi Ye immediately lowered his voice and poked his head curiously, “Where is the fox?”

Shi Ye pointed down, “Behind there.”

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Wen Chi took a closer look, and sure enough he saw a fluffy white tail peeking out from behind the bush, sweeping around nervously.

And it’s still a white fox.

Shi Ye asked: “Can you touch me now?”

Wen Chi tried it and shook his head.

Shi Ye said: “If you want to see that fox, just walk over. It shouldn’t be able to see you. But you have to be careful incase if it suddenly touches you, so be careful not to get bitten.”

Wen Chi felt happy and nodded quickly. He didn’t expect that becoming a lonely ghost would have such advantages. He was about to walk towards the bush but unexpectedly, the white fox cautiously poked his head out from behind the bush.

Wen Chi instantly became nervous and subconsciously hid behind Shi Ye.

Shi Ye was as stiff as a piece of wood, his eyes fixed on the white fox.

The white fox sniffed around in the air with its small black nose. Every time it sniffed, it took a step closer to Wen Chi and Shi Ye. Finally, it came up to the feet of Wen Chi and Shi Ye.

No, to be precise, it was still sniffing at Wen Chi’s feet, but unfortunately it couldn’t touch Wen Chi….…



1T/N – He is Jealous of his future self lmao

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