
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 5/12

WARNING – This chapter contains brief mention of incest. The particular section will contain a separate warning. So if you find it uncomfortable or disturbing, please feel free to skip it. 

Chapter 150.1


Wen Chi was startled. He looked at Shi Ye who was also surprised and then looked at the white fox who was still sniffing at his feet. After a while, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably: “It’s as if it can see me! “

“No ‘if’s.” Shi Ye corrected him seriously, “It really can see you.”

“But why?”

Shi Ye shook his head: “I don’t know either.”

Wen Chi thought for a while but could not figure it out, so he gave up. No matter what the reason was, the fact that a being other than Shi Ye could see him was enough for him. He squatted down and tentatively tried to touch the white fox.

The white fox saw his hand and reflexively wanted to hide, but it just wobbled for a moment and soon became steady, as if waiting for Wen Chi to touch him.

Unfortunately, Wen Chi’s hand passed directly through its body.


The white fox was lying on the ground, making a grunting sound from its mouth, and sweeping its tail around uneasily, looking extremely pitiful.

Wen Chi looked at the white fox’s watery little eyes and felt his heart going soft. He wanted to feed the white fox but Shi Ye came out without any food.

“It’s so pitiful.” Wen Chi squatted next to the white fox. His hand poked through the white fox’s body. “It’s skinny and dirty, it probably hasn’t had a full meal.”

When he took a closer look he saw that there is a small area of ​​baldness on the white fox’s right leg. The white hair was gone and the pale pink flesh was exposed, not sure whether it was bitten by another animal or accidentally rubbed in the bushes.

Shi Ye looked at Wen Chi, whose face was full of sympathy and explained calmly: “This white fox is only a few days old. For some reason, it has lost its mother. It is very lucky that it can live to this day.”

Wen Chi immediately understood the implication of Shi Ye’s words: “You mean it can’t survive anymore?”

Shi Ye nodded: “Although it is cruel to say this, it is natural selection and survival of the fittest. This white fox has no ability to survive in the wild and has lost the shelter of its pack. In all likelihood, it will be buried in the wild. Food alone will make it difficult for it to survive.”

What Shi Ye said was indeed cruel but Wen Chi also knew that every word he said was true. For such a thin and scarred fox to survive in the wild, it would be a lie to say it was not difficult.

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Wen Chi didn’t think he was a particularly sympathetic person but when he faced the white fox, all of his unwillingness to give up came bubbling up at the same time, especially when the white fox grunted at him, he even had the impulse to ask Shi Ye to adopt the white fox.

Fortunately, he suppressed this unreasonable impulse.

“Why don’t we go get some food for it.” Wen Chi took a step back and asked Shi Ye anxiously, “It looks very pitiful, let’s help it.”

Shi Ye said: “One meal cannot solve its survival problem.”

Wen Chi clasped his hands together and looked at him pitifully.

The white fox at his feet seemed to be aware of it and it also whined at Shi Ye.

Shi Ye was silent for a while, then sighed in compromise: “Okay.”

Wen Chi was overjoyed and regardless of whether the white fox could understand him or not, he solemnly told the white fox to stay here and not leave and then urged Shi Ye to go back together to get some food.

When the two of them brought the food over, the white fox was still obediently hiding behind the bushes.

Hearing their footsteps, the white fox poked half of its head out from behind the bushes. and only after seeing their figures clearly did the white fox run towards them with a grunt.


Wen Chi couldn’t touch the food and the white fox, so he could only squat beside him with envy and beside them with envy and jealousy, watching helplessly as Shi Ye ripped off a piece of bun and passed it into the white fox’s mouth like an emotionless toolman.

The white fox had been hungry for a long time, but it neither snatched food nor gobbled it up. It ate as much as Shi Ye fed it.

Finally, the white fox ate six buns in one go.

As the sun set, Wen Chi reluctantly said goodbye to the white fox and followed Shi Ye back.

On the way, he would pass by a pavilion, surrounded by flowers and covered by many trees. From the outside, one could only vaguely see inside the pavilion.

Wen Chi passed by the pavilion several times and never met anyone but this time, he suddenly heard some strange sounds coming from the pavilion.

Wen Chi paused and turned to look at Shi Ye, who was still walking forward: “Did you hear anything?”

Shi Ye answered quickly: “No.”

“Really? But I seem to hear someone talking…” Wen Chi touched his nose and saw Shi Ye walking away, so he quickly followed him, “Forget it, maybe I heard it wrong.”

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As soon as he finished saying this, a woman’s charming laughter came from the pavilion. This voice sounded familiar…

At this moment, Shi Ye’s face had become extremely ugly. He gradually quickened his pace and even urged Wen Chi: “Let’s go quickly.”

“Kid!” Wen Chi followed and whispered, “It sounds a bit like your mother.”

Shi Ye pursed his lips and the line of his jaw tensed extremely tight.

Wen Chi realized that something was wrong and quickly walked around in front of Shi Ye: “Kid, what’s wrong with you?”

Shi Ye raised his eyes and glanced at Wen Chi. Somehow, Wen Chi noticed that the tails of his eyes were faintly red. After a while, he said: “It’s nothing.”



As soon as Wen Chi spoke, Shi Ye’s expression suddenly changed. Before he could react, Shi Ye had already nimbly drilled into the bushes next to him.

There were rustling sounds and everything became quiet.

The bushes were only half a person tall, but they were big enough to accommodate the thin Shi Ye. Shi Ye hid very well. At first glance, it was impossible to tell that there was a person hiding in the bushes.

Wen Chi still stood there blankly, confused as to what was going on.

But soon, he knew——

He turned around and saw a man and a woman.

The pair were Shi Ye’s mother and uncle.

Wen Chi saw them walking on the other end of the path while talking and laughing. Hua Yin put his arms around Hua Yanran’s shoulders, lowered his head and said something in Hua Yanran’s ear. Hua Yanran covered her mouth with her sleeves and laughed so hard that the flowers on the side trembled.

Wen Chi didn’t expect that what he heard just now was really Shi Ye’s mother’s voice. At the same time, he was also surprised that Shi Ye reacted like a thief. He walked to the bushes and said in amusement: ”It’s really your mother but what are you doing? Those who don’t know would think you are doing something shameless.”

Shi Ye was quiet and turned a deaf ear to Wen Chi’s words.

“Hello?” Wen Chi raised his hands to his mouth to make the shape of a trumpet and deliberately shouted at a high volume, “Kid, can you hear my voice? I’m asking you, may I ask how long you plan to hide inside?”

Shi Ye remained silent.

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Wen Chi even wondered if the child had fainted and died among the bushes.

Wen Chi shouted a few times but when he got tired, he stopped. He stood in front of the bushes for a while and was about to get into the bushes to see what Shi Ye was doing but suddenly he heard some strange noises coming from behind.

He paused and turned to look.

The next moment, he had goosebumps all over his body.


He actually saw Hua Yin and Hua Yanran kissing!

Wen Chi was so shocked beyond words, that he thought he had seen it wrong for a moment but just as he was rubbing his eyes, Hua Yanran took off her coat very skillfully.

Hua Yin looked at Hua Yanran’s slender figure and his eyes became a little more intense and along with that even his movements became a little rough. As he lowered his head and bit Hua Yanran’s neck, he turned her around.

Hua Yanran turned her back to Hua Yin, helplessly leaning on a tree.

Disjointed sounds came out of her mouth, as if pleasure was greater than pain. She tilted her neck up and her long closed eyelashes trembling like a butterfly fluttering in the storm.

After realizing what was going on, Wen Chi’s entire face turned red.

He quickly turned his back to them.

But at this moment, he found it hard to calm down.

He could never have imagined that Hua Yin and Hua Yanran had such a relationship besides being brothers and sisters. No wonder he always felt that the atmosphere between them was very ambiguous and they would sometimes do things that ordinary brothers and sisters would never do.

It turns out they…

Wen Chi suddenly felt nauseous, especially when he heard the blushing gasps coming from behind him. The nausea that hovered in his heart reached its peak in an instant.

Really disgusting.

Too disgusting……

They were twin siblings, they were related by blood, how could they do such a thing in front of Shi Ye?

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Wen Chi felt faintly nauseous. He just wanted to leave this place quickly but if he leaves, Shi Ye would be left alone to face such an embarrassing situation.

After struggling for a while, Wen Chi still couldn’t bear to leave.

So he got into the bushes and soon found Shi Ye curled up in a ball.

Shi Ye sat in the dirt, burying his face deeply into his knees. He covered his ears tightly with both hands, as if doing so would prevent him from hearing the unbearable sounds.

When Wen Chi got closer, he realized that Shi Ye was shivering.

“Xiao Ye.” Wen Chi sat down next to Shi Ye. He stretched out his hand to touch Shi Ye’s back but unfortunately his hand passed through Shi Ye’s body. He stared at his hand and let out a long sigh, “I’m sorry, we should have left earlier.”

If he hadn’t delayed too long with the White Fox, they wouldn’t have traveled back so late, much less run into Hua Yin and Hua Yanran on the way back.

But Shi Ye was so skillful in hiding, so good that it seemed that this was not the first time he had encountered this situation.

Wen Chi recalled that when he initially recognised Hua Yin as Shi Ye’s father, Shi Ye did not object to his claim, and it was only later when he fell ill with a fever that he stubbornly emphasized that Hua Yin was his uncle and not his father.

So, is it possible that…..

Hua Yin is not only Shi Ye’s uncle but also Shi Ye’s father??

This sudden thought startled Wen Chi himself and what followed was unspeakable anger.

He lost his memory and couldn’t remember what his parents were like, nor what other people’s parents were like. However, in his understanding, parents should never be like Hua Yin and Hua Yanran, who for their own momentary pleasure would let their children fall into eternal suffering and humiliation.

If Shi Ye was really their biological child, why didn’t they keep this a secret? Why did they let Shi Ye find out the truth? Why let Shi Ye bump into such disgusting things over and over again ……

For a moment, Wen Chi’s breathing was chaotic.

He wanted to hug Shi Ye, who was still trembling, but his hands passed through Shi Ye’s body countless times.

For the first time, he hated himself so much for being a ghost.

After an unknown amount of time, the panting finally tapered off, followed by the rustling sound of clothes being put on, accompanied by the sound of them talking.



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