
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 6/12


Chapter 150.2

“We have already agreed that Xiao Ye will stay at home with me. If you want to go back, go back by yourself. What if the family member accidentally exposes his identity?” Hua Yanran was speaking.

“Okay, okay.” Hua Yin sighed, “I’ll listen to you.”

Seeing Hua Yin’s compromise, Hua Yanran’s attitude softened. She said in a good mood: “Brother, I am also thinking for the sake of our small family. We have been hiding in this wilderness for a few years and those people must still remember us. We must be careful.”

“Alright, it’s not like I said anything.” Hua Yin said.

“I can say what my brother is thinking just by looking at your expression.” There was a smile in Hua Yanran’s voice. She said half jokingly and half coquettishly, “We have abandoned everything and finally got to this point. I really don’t want to lose anything anymore and I can’t afford to loose anything anymore”

Hua Yin was silent for a long time and then said, “Yanran, I understand what you mean.”

The two people walked away while talking.

It was only when the surroundings were completely quiet that Wen Chi poked his head out and looked outside, Hua Yin and Hua Yanyan had already walked away.


Wen Chi breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Shi Ye: “Xiao Ye, they are gone.”

Shi Ye stopped shaking. He slowly released his hands covering his ears and stood up. He looked numbly at the direction Hua Yin and Hua Yanran were walking away. It wasn’t until their figures disappeared from sight that Shi Ye rose to his feet and stepped out of the flower bush.

Wen Chi didn’t know how to comfort Shi Ye and didn’t want to annoy him by chattering at this moment, so he stayed by Shi Ye’s side obediently and quietly.

Shi Ye said calmly: “It’s getting late, let’s go back.”

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Wen Chi agreed.

As the two walked back, no one spoke.

Shi Ye was like a walking puppet, looking at the ground with his eyes downcast and his two legs stiffly alternating as he walked forward. There was cold air surrounding his body, transforming it into an invisible cage, separating him from Wen Chi.

Wen Chi quietly looked at Shi Ye several times but unfortunately Shi Ye looked numb from beginning to end and it was impossible to tell what was going in his mind.


Finally, Wen Chi gave up and just kept sighing in his heart.


As soon as he returned to the room, a maid came over and called Shi Ye to have a meal.

At this moment, Shi Ye had returned to normal and responded coldly: “I’ll be there right away.”

“Understood.” The maid said and left.

Wen Chi stood in front of the window, staring blankly at Shi Ye as he changed clothes. He hesitated for a long time, wanting to speak but not saying a word.

Shi Ye quickly changed his clothes and Wen Chi thought that he would leave directly. Unexpectedly, he turned around and walked towards Wen Chi.

Wen Chi stared blankly at Shi Ye as he was approaching.

Shi Ye looked up at him: “What do you want to say?”

Wen Chi was confused: “…ah?”


Shi Ye said, “Don’t you have something to tell me?”

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Wen Chi was completely unaware that he had written all the thoughts in his heart on his face, and was still surprised at how Shi Ye knew that he had something to say, but since Shi Ye had asked this, he squirmed and said, “I just have a doubt ……”

Shi Ye said: “Say it.”

“Your uncle, he…” After all, it involves other people’s private affairs. Wen Chi was a little embarrassed to say it, but he can’t bear his curiosity anymore. He can’t wait to know whether his idea is right or not, “Is your uncle… …”

Before Wen Chi could finish speaking, Shi Ye had already given an affirmative answer: “Yes.”

The rest of Wen Chi’s words were stuck in his throat and he blinked at Shi Ye blankly.

“Yes.” Shi Ye seemed to have guessed what Wen Chi was thinking and said, “He is my father.”

Wen Chi was dumbfounded but soon he pretended to cheer up and came up with a very embarrassing idea: “Why don’t I accompany you to dinner? They can’t see me anyway. I’ll stand between you and them and block them out, so you don’t have to look at their faces.”

Wen Chi spoke seriously. He really believed that this method was feasible.

Unexpectedly, Shi Ye burst into laughter.

This was the first time Wen Chi saw Shi Ye smiling so happily. He was stunned for a moment and started laughing involuntarily.

He looked at Shi Ye’s beautiful phoenix eyes narrowed into the shape of a crescent moon and the corners of his mouth turned up. Shi Ye was so beautiful and Wen Chi couldn’t help but say, “Xiao Ye, you look so pretty when you smile.”

Shi Ye suddenly bumped into Wen Chi’s light brown eyes. Those eyes were exceptionally clear, like spring water that one could see the bottom at a glance and he was reflected in them.

So clear, so bright…

Suddenly, his smile froze on his face.


Before Wen Chi realized what was going on, Shi Ye’s cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. The redness spread extremely quickly and reached the roots of Shi Ye’s ears in the blink of an eye.

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“Oh, you’re blushing!” Wen Chi pointed at Shi Ye’s cheek and laughed wantonly, “Hahahahaha, your face is as red as a monkey’s ass, you really like being praised don’t you?”

Unexpectedly, when Wen Chi laughed like this, Shi Ye’s face turned even redder, so red that it looked like it could drip blood.

“Stop laughing.” Shi Ye said angrily, “It’s not funny at all.”

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“I’m sorry, I won’t laugh anymore.” Wen Chi was quick to admit his mistake. But he made it clear that although he would apologize humbly, he would never correct himself. Although his laughter had stopped, he looked like he was struggling to hold back his laughter.

Shi Ye was angry and annoyed. He glared at Wen Chi with a reddened face and then turned around and left.

“Hey, Xiao Ye.” Wen Chi’s voice sounded from behind, “Why are you leaving? Where are you going?”

Shi Ye originally didn’t want to talk to Wen Chi, but for some reason, after taking a few steps, he still couldn’t control himself and said, “I’m going to have dinner.”

After saying that, he regretted it again.

He knew clearly that the guy liked to climb up the pole1(meaning a metaphor that caters to the will of the host.) and would have to hang the guy out to dry a few more times before he would settle down, so he shouldn’t have answered the fellow.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished thinking this, Wen Chi ran over happily: “Let’s go have a meal together.”

Shi Ye: “…”

Although Shi Ye seemed reluctant, he did not stop Wen Chi from following him. When the two came to the main dining hall, Hua Yin and Hua Yanran had been waiting for a long time.

As expected, Wen Chi stood directly between Shi Ye and Hua Yin Hua Yanran like he promised.

Whenever Shi Ye looked up, Wen Chi would smile at him and wink, with a proud look on his face.

The corners of Shi Ye’s mouth twitched slightly. Fortunately, he controlled it very well this time and lowered his eyes calmly. However, he couldn’t even hear what Hua Yin and Hua Yanran were saying beside him.

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Hua Yin was leaving tomorrow morning and the farewell meal ended hastily in Shi Ye’s absent-minded state.

After finishing the meal, Hua Yin and Hua Yanran seemed to want to reminisce for a while and had the maid come over to clean up the dishes before hurriedly returning to their own room.

When Shi Ye saw them leaving, he also got up and walked back.

Wen Chi quickly followed behind Shi Ye. He glanced at the direction where Hua Yin and Hua Yanran disappeared and then remembered the scene where Hua Yin and Hua Yanran were flirting at the dinner table and he felt like poking his own eyes.

“They’re really something too, can’t they see that you’re still beside them? People should also take into account the place when showing love.” Wen Chi who was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food felt very upset, “How old are your mother and your uncle, still so shameless.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Ye turned to look at him.

Wen Chi noticed Shi Ye’s gauging eyes and thought that Shi Ye was unhappy with what he said, so he stopped talking and thought whether he should explain himself or not.

In the end, Shi Ye said coldly: “You look about the same age as my mother.”

“What did you say?” Wen Chi’s face distorted, “I’m the same age as your mother? Do you think you can talk like that? Do you have the right to talk like that? Your mother is in her twenties and gave birth to a son as big as you. Do I look like someone who has a child as big as you?”

Shi Ye paused for a moment before saying, “You look like someone who has had a family.”

“How do I know if I have ever had a family?” Wen Chi was speechless, “I don’t remember anything now.”

When Shi Ye heard what he said, he seemed to have figured something out and gave Wen Chi a rare smile: “That’s right, that was all when you were alive and it’s already a thing of the past.”

Wen Chi was creeped out by Shi Ye’s smile and his scalp tingled. He thought to himself that the child was becoming increasingly strange.



1(meaning a metaphor that caters to the will of the host.)

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