
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 7/12

Chapter 151.1

Wen Chi thought that Shi Ye’s life would not change much after Hua Yin left but he didn’t expect that Shi Ye would suddenly become busy.

Hua Yanran often calls Shi Ye over to help with chores, working from morning to night.

Before, Shi Ye still had the chance to read and practice calligraphy. Later, Hua Yanran gave Shi Ye more than half of the tasks that the two maids were doing, so that Shi Ye had to work non-stop to finish everything before dinner.

Wen Chi followed Shi Ye all the time and felt very uncomfortable when he saw that Shi Ye was so busy that he didn’t even bother to eat lunch several times.

That night, Wen Chi stood in front of Shi Ye’s bed and advised him, “You better go talk with your mother. You can’t finish so many things and once you miss a meal, she won’t even leave you any food.”

If Wen Chi hadn’t sneaked a few buns from the kitchen this evening, Shi Ye would have fallen asleep hungry again but Wen Chi didn’t come across those good things every time.

Wen Chi still couldn’t figure it out. Before Hua Yin left, Hua Yanran was still good to Shi Ye. Why did she become so mean now?

Although Hua Yanran was not particularly affectionate towards Shi Ye before, she would not ignore Shi Ye all the time like she was doing now.

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Wen Chi even doubted whether Shi Ye was even Hua Yanran’s biological son but Shi Ye and Hua Yanran’s looks were clearly carved from the same mold.


“No need.” Shi Ye’s voice brought Wen Chi back from his thoughts, “It’s a waste of words.”

Wen Chi said: “If you don’t tell her, how do you know that your efforts are in vain?”

“You don’t know her. If you knew what kind of person she is, you wouldn’t say these things to me.” After Shi Ye finished speaking, he turned his back to Wen Chi, obviously not wanting to continue this topic.

Seeing this, Wen Chi couldn’t continue talking, so he had to shut his mouth.

However, from the next day onwards, Shi Ye did not allow Wen Chi to follow him.

Wen Chi tried hard to persuade Shi Ye but failed to convince him. Later on, he also became angry and said coldly, : “If you don’t want me to come, I won’t come with you. Do you think I like hanging around you? If it wasn’t too boring, I wouldn’t be bothered to talk with you.”

Shi Ye didn’t say anything else, changed his clothes without saying a word and turned to go out.

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Wen Chi, who was still standing in front of the window with his arms folded and sulking: “Oh right….”


Wen Chi thought that Shi Ye regretted it and most of his anger dissipated in an instant. He quickly suppressed the corners of his mouth that were about to turn up, and raised his chin in a reserved manner: “Have you figured it out now? It’s too late! I’ve already decided not to bother with you, unless you say a few more good words, I’ll reconsider ……”

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Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Shi Ye: “Don’t touch the things in the kitchen. It’s okay once or twice, but more times will arouse their suspicion. Neither you nor I can guarantee that they will never see you. “

Wen Chi didn’t expect that what Shi Ye actually wanted to say was this. Most of the anger that had dissipated suddenly converged again, making his chest hurt. He was so angry that his face turned red: “It’s not like I can eat those things. Didn’t I get them for you to eat?”

Shi Ye looked at Wen Chi calmly: “Thank you, but I don’t need it.”

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Wen Chi laughed angrily: “How can you say you don’t need it after you finish eating it?”

Shi Ye said: “Look at the flowerpot behind you.”

Wen Chi was taken aback by the words and seemed to realize something. He turned around and looked into the flower pot on the window sill. Good guy, all the buns he stole last night were thrown into it.

Wen Chi stared straight at the two buns. For a moment, all kinds of unpleasant emotions surged up.

This kid is so annoying!

Why hadn’t he realized that children had such strong self-esteem before? They would rather go hungry than eat the buns he stole.


When Wen Chi came to his senses, Shi Ye had already left.

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Wen Chi stood motionless in front of the window. Gradually, those unpleasant emotions dissipated again and in the end, he just sighed.

He should have guessed that Shi Ye would do this. Shi Ye grew up in such a bad environment so, was destined to be more mature than his peers and also have more opinions than his peers.

Wen Chi thought about it alone for a long time, but he was still a bit worried about Shi Ye so he planned to go find Shi Ye secretly.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a whining sound coming from outside the window.

Wen Chi paused, thinking he heard it wrongly.

Just then, there was another whining sound outside the window, this time the sound was clearer than before.

Wen Chi’s face was filled with joy. He hurriedly stepped forward and looked out the window. Unexpectedly, he happened to see a furry white head looking up at him under the window.

The white head tilted slightly, blinked his black grape-like eyes and made a happy humming sound from his mouth.

“Little white fox?” Wen Chi shouted ecstatically, “Why are you here? You actually found this place!”

As if he could understand Wen Chi’s words, the white fox hummed a few more times, then arched his body and jumped up easily to the window sill. He wanted to rub his head on Wen Chi’s arm, but unfortunately it couldn’t touch Wen Chi. So it could only settle for the next best thing, rubbing its head against the window sill.

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Wen Chi tried several times but couldn’t touch the white fox, so he was inevitably a little disappointed, but soon, these disappointments were overshadowed by the joy of meeting the white fox again. He used his index finger to draw circles in the air to tease the white fox.

The white fox wanted to bite Wen Chi’s index finger but he could only get a mouthful of air every time he took a bite.

Wen Chi was overjoyed and laughed.

The poor white fox was so aggrieved that it stared at Wen Chi with its black eyes. Halfway through, it suddenly saw the two buns in the flowerpot and suddenly became active again.


Wen Chi saw the white fox pick up a bun and start chewing it. His expression changed and he said anxiously: “Little white fox, there is a lot of dirt under the bun. Let me help you remove it before you eat it.”

He reached out to touch the bun but still couldn’t touch anything.

The white fox finished one bun in a few bites and immediately went to take another bun.

Wen Chi was very disappointed. He could do nothing but watch helplessly, just like he watched helplessly as Shi Ye was bullied around by Hua Yanran.

After the white fox finished eating the buns, he felt much more energetic than before, and his whining became louder.

Wen Chi climbed over the window and played with the white fox in the yard for a while. He was surprised to find that the white fox was not here for the first time – it had made a nest under the fence.


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