
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 9/12

Chapter 152.1


Shi Ye didn’t expect Wen Chi to suddenly pounce on him. He was stunned for a moment and then he started struggling: “Let me go.”

“I won’t!” Wen Chi not only refused to let go but also hugged Shi Ye tighter. He was afraid that Shi Ye would run away if he let go.

“Let go!” Shi Ye became agitated.

“When I said I won’t let go, I meant what I meant!” Wen Chi was even more worked up.

Shi Ye never liked to argue with others, let alone have physical conflicts with others. He was used to giving Wen Chi the cold treatment, and after a cold war, Wen Chi would become a bit obedient.

But at this moment, the cold treatment method obviously had no effect.

Wen Chi wrapped his hands and feet around Shi Ye’s body, giving Shi Ye no chance to break free and escape.

“Tell me the truth, where did the injury on your wrist come from?” Wen Chi was panting from exhaustion, but still wanted to break the casserole and ask, “Did your crazy mother bully you?”


Speaking of Hua Yanran, Shi Ye’s body stiffened for a moment.

Wen Chi immediately knew the answer.

He suddenly let go of Shi Ye, turned around and walked out with a gloomy face.

“Wait!” Now it was Shi Ye’s turn to pull Wen Chi, “Where are you going? What are you planning to do?”

Wen Chi looked in the direction of the door with cold eyes: “I want to go find that woman to settle the score.”

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“Stop making trouble!” Shi Ye was frightened by Wen Chi’s words and pulled Wen Chi back with a pale face. “Don’t forget the state you are in now. Even if she can see you and touch you, you’ll be throwing yourself into a trap.”

It’s a pity that Shi Ye is young and has a small physique. His strength was no match for Wen Chi. Instead of saying that he is pulling Wen Chi back, it is better to say that he is being pulled forward by Wen Chi.

In the blink of an eye, the two people rushed to the door.


Wen Chi was furious. He was so angry at what Hua Yanran had done. She irresponsibly gave birth to Shi Ye, raised him irresponsibly and now she even violently abused Shi Ye after Hua Yin left… …

What kind of mother is this?

How could there be such a mother in this world?

“Did she often treat you like this before? No wonder you are so afraid of her and haven’t seen you say a few words to her. It turns out she is this kind of person.” Wen Chi gasped, “I didn’t expect that she has two faces. “

“That’s enough.” Shi Ye held Wen Chi’s waist tightly with both hands and tried his best to stop Wen Chi, “That’s enough.”

Wen Chi was surprised by Shi Ye’s indifference. After his anger dissipated, he slowly calmed down. He let Shi Ye hug him, looked down at Shi Ye’s head buried in his chest and said softly: “She bullied you so much, aren’t you angry?”

When Shi Ye heard these words, he slowly loosened his hands. He still buried his head in Wen Chi’s chest, so Wen Chi couldn’t see his expression. He could only hear him calmly say: “What’s the use of being angry?”

“Why is it useless? You obviously have so many ways to solve this problem.” Wen Chi hated that iron could not become steel1(be exasperated at sb. ‘s failure to make good;   regret that one’s offspring does not live up to one’s expectations) and his heart ached. He was reluctant to say harsh words to Shi Ye, “Your mother doesn’t dare to reveal her original face in front of your uncle, which means that your uncle still cares a little about you. So all you need to do is to tell your uncle about this matter and he will talk to your mother, which is better than just sitting around waiting for death.”

Shi Ye was silent for a long time and then he shook his head.

Wen Chi asked anxiously: “What are you still worried about?”


Shi Ye opened his mouth, but didn’t say a word. He reached out to touch Wen Chi’s hand and saw his own hand passing through the back of Wen Chi’s hand. He seemed relieved and turned around to walk back.

Only then did Wen Chi realize that he had returned to a disembodied state. His face turned blue and white with anger. He walked up to Shi Ye and started chattering again.

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Unfortunately, Shi Ye once again adopted a cold approach, turning a blind eye to Wen Chi’s figure and turning a deaf ear to Wen Chi’s voice. He found A’Gu who was resting under the desk, carried him to the window sill and drove him out. Then he took off his clothes and went to sleep.

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Wen Chi talked for a long time without getting the slightest response and he was  instantly infuriated by Shi Ye’s behavior. He didn’t even want to continue staying in the room, so he ran outside and played with A’Gu for the rest of the night.

So the next day, the two naturally started a cold war.

Wen Chi deliberately avoided Shi Ye. He rested in the room during the day. When Shi Ye came back at night, he quickly ran outside to look for A’Ggu. He didn’t know if Shi Ye was also intentionally avoiding him, for a period of time, he really did not meet with Shi Ye once.

When he found out that Shi Ye hadn’t returned for two or three days, it was already a long time later.

At first Wen Chi thought that Shi Ye was still angry with him and that’s why he didn’t come back. Then he couldn’t help but go out and wander around and he accidentally walked in front of the two maids.

The two maids had finally gotten some free time. They sat together in the courtyard to bask in the sun and they could help talking about certain things.

“Should we stop Madam or not? If this continues, the young master’s life will definitely be in danger.”

“But how are we two servants going to stop it? We’re so small and insignificant, I’m afraid that if we fail to stop it, we’ll get ourselves involved instead.”

“But we can’t just watch the madam beat the young master to death. Not to mention that it’s a person’s life, if the master comes back and learns of this news, we’ll also be unable to bear the consequences.”

“Ai, we really are in a tough spot.” The maid sighed and then touched her shoulder in fear, “I don’t know why the madam is so resentful towards the young master. Every time the master leaves, the madam turns strange and will change her ways to torment the young master. Since she doesn’t like the young master, why did she give birth to him? Why give birth to him and then mistreat him?”

“Isn’t it because the master likes children?” Another maid whispered, “Have you forgotten that when the master took the young master away without permission, the madam threw a huge tantrum behind his back?”

“It’s really strange to say that the madam loves the master so deeply but she hates the child she gave birth to with him so much…”



Then the two maids changed the topic and the matter of stopping Hua Yanran naturally died down.

After hearing these words, Wen Chi, who was standing in front of them, felt a child run down his spine.

He turned around and left. He wanted to find Shi Ye but he didn’t know the layout of this house. In order to avoid seeing things he shouldn’t see, he had never been to the area where Hua Yin and Hua Yanran often lived.

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He searched around like crazy and finally found Shi Ye in Hua Yanran’s drug storage2(pharmacy).

When he walked in, he couldn’t believe what his eyes saw.

He never dreamed that Hua Yanran, the mother, would tie up Shi Ye with a rope and make Shi Ye kneel on the hard ground.

When he got closer, he discovered that Shi Ye’s clothes were all torn by a whip and the scars inside were clearly visible. Although the wounds were no longer bleeding, they still made his scalp tingle.

“X-Xiao Ye?” Wen Chi was so shocked that he almost couldn’t make a sound. He moved his legs forward with great difficulty, “Xiao Ye, are you okay?”

Unfortunately, Shi Ye didn’t react at all.

Wen Chi knelt down and leaned over, only to see Shi Ye’s pale face covered with cold sweat.

Shi Ye’s lips were a little purple and his eyes were closed tightly. Although he barely maintained a kneeling posture, he seemed to have lost consciousness.

“Shi Ye, can you hear me?” Wen Chi was so frightened that his voice was trembling. He subconsciously touched Shi Ye but he still couldn’t touch him. He was helpless and frightened, so he could only keep shouting, “Wake up, Shi Ye, you can’t fall asleep, wake up quickly!”

However, no matter how much Wen Chi shouted, Shi Ye did not open his eyes.

Shi Ye looked like he was hanging on to his last breath, and as time passed by the breath became weaker and weaker.

Wen Chi shouted until his throat hurt, but he still couldn’t wake Shi Ye up no matter what. He became like an ant on a hot pot, stood up and walked around anxiously inside the drug storage.

He felt like he could blow up at any moment.

At this moment, a creaking sound came from behind him.

Someone was coming in!

Wen Chi’s spirit suddenly lifted and he quickly looked around only to see Hua Yanran, who was dressed extraordinarily delicately, walking in from outside.

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Today, Hua Yanran was wearing a violet dress, a silver hairpin, and earrings inlaid with white pearls. Her skin was as fair as Shi Ye’s, which made her facial features incredibly beautiful.

But for such a gorgeous beauty, the expression on her face was extremely cold and she looked at Shi Ye as if she were looking at a dead person.

Hua Yanran stared at Shi Ye with cold eyes for a while, then slowly walked behind Shi Ye.

After getting closer, Wen Chi noticed that Hua Yanran was holding a long whip in her hand.

“Fuck, this crazy woman.” Wen Chi couldn’t help but curse.

Wen Chi walked quickly between Hua Yanran and Shi Ye, trying to separate them. Unfortunately, it was of no use. Hua Yanran’s eyes passed through him and fell directly on Shi Ye.

Wen Chi was so anxious that he almost went crazy. It was the first time he felt so helpless. It was also the first time he hated himself so much that he was just a lonely ghost. He squatted next to Shi Ye and tried to touch him again and again. 

“Xiao Ye, wake up, your mother is here!”

The nearly unconscious Shi Ye, finally heard his voice and his long eyelashes trembled several times before he slowly opened his eyes.

His gaze was lax, and it took him a long time to notice Wen Chi’s presence.

When Shi Ye raised his eyes to meet Wen Chi’s gaze, Wen Chi had the urge to burst into tears. His throat rolled and he struggled to squeeze out a sentence: “Be careful, your mother is here.”

Shi Ye looked at Wen Chi blankly. He didn’t seem to take Wen Chi’s words into his heart and asked weakly: “Why are you here?”


1(be exasperated at sb. ‘s failure to make good;   regret that one’s offspring does not live up to one’s expectations)2(pharmacy)

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