
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 10/12

Chapter 152.2

Wen Chi said: “I just came to see…”

Before he finished speaking, Hua Yanran’s sharp voice enveloped him: “Why am I here? This is my home, this is my drug store, why can’t I come?”

Shi Ye suddenly heard Hua Yanran’s voice and his thin body trembled subconsciously. The fear in his eyes became more and more intense and he said rather urgently to Wen Chi: “Get out of here.”

“I won’t leave,” Wen Chi said, “I’ll stay with you…”

This time Wen Chi still didn’t get to finish his words and was interrupted again by Hua Yanran’s angry voice: “What did you say? Get out? Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this!”

After saying that, Hua Yanran raised her foot and kicked Shi Ye’s back in anger.

Shi Ye was already very weak but after being kicked by Hua Yanran, he was directly flung onto the wooden frame that was only half a meter away from him.

There were seven or eight layers of wooden shelves on which stacks of dried herbs were neatly arranged. And with a bang, the wooden shelves were knocked to the ground by Shi Ye. The stacks of herbs also fell down heavily,with some landing on the ground and some smashing onto Shi Ye’s body.

The stacks of herbs were not light and they made a dull sound when they hit Shi Ye. He was in great pain, but with his hands tied behind his back, he could only curl up into the shape of a shrimp.


Wen Chi rushed forward to protect Shi Ye, but to his despair, he couldn’t protect Shi Ye at all. He couldn’t even touch a finger of Shi Ye.

The only thing Wen Chi could do was to stand on the side, watching all this happen. Watch Hua Yanran fling the whip in her hand towards Shi Ye, watch as Shi Ye convulse in pain because he didn’t even have the strength to avoid it. He endured every whip thrown by Hua Yanran.

At the end, Wen Chi felt like the blood in his body had turned cold.

It seems like he can’t even move…

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At this moment, how much he longed for himself to hold that whip and if he could, he would have preferred to fling the whip at that crazy woman’s body.

Time became extremely long.

It seemed like a long time passed before Hua Yanran calmed down. The madness in her eyes gradually dissipated, leaving only a layer of surprise.

“Oh my god, how could I do such a thing…” Hua Yanran suddenly seemed like a different person. She dropped the whip in her hand, staggered forward and knelt on the ground, seemingly wanting to touch the beaten and bloodied Shi Ye. But she didn’t dare to touch him and her hands were held up in mid-air for a long time before drawing her hands back.


“I’m sorry, Xiao Ye. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I was just a little angry.” As she said this, tears gushed out from Hua Yanran’s eyes. She cried so sadly, like a helpless child, “It’s mother’s fault. Those herbs were already difficult to distinguish to begin with, mother shouldn’t have punish you for this little thing.”

Hua Yanran covered her face and cried as she spoke. Tears overflowed from between her fingers and flowed down her arms.

Wen Chi was shocked. He no longer knew what words to use to describe his feelings, he froze for a few moments before muttering, “What a lunatic.”

Then, he moved his numb hands and feet and slowly squatted in front of Shi Ye.

Only to see that Shi Ye’s body had new wounds on top of old ones, each wound was drenched in blood and the blood that flowed out soaked his tattered clothes. Shi Ye looked like a person who had walked out of a dye vat filled with blood.

For a moment, Wen Chi seemed like he couldn’t even feel his own breathing. He spent a lot of effort to find his voice: “Xiao Ye.”

Shi Ye heard his voice and raised his head slightly.

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“Xiao Ye!” At this moment, warm liquid overflowed from Wen Chi’s eyes and he choked, “I’m sorry, I can’t do anything.”

Shi Ye struggled to raise his head to look at Wen Chi but unfortunately he was too weak and tried many times to no avail.

Regardless of her appearance, Hua Yanran knelt on the ground and cried intermittently for a long time before slowly gathering her emotions. She wiped the tears on her face with the back of her hand, got up from the ground and soon returned to her dignified and beautiful appearance. 


She glanced at Shi Ye who was still curled up, turned around and walked out of the drug store.

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Not long after, two maids came in in a hurry.

The two maids were already accustomed to this kind of situation and they didn’t show much surprise on their faces. Then they skillfully cut the rope around Shi Ye’s body with a knife.

“Let’s carry the young master back to the house first… ai, I don’t know what’s wrong with the madam. No matter how hard she beat the young master before, she has never hit him so hard. This is simply trying to kill him.”

“It’s not like you don’t know Madam’s temperament. Now that the young master has grown up, Madam seems to be even more seriously ill.”

“Let me tell you, Madam should really go see a doctor. If things continue like this, I’m afraid that sooner or later, she will take his life, in that case, won’t we both become accomplices too?”

The two maids were talking quietly when they suddenly saw Shi Ye’s eyes moving very slightly.

They were startled and quickly shut their mouths.

The two maids gently carried Shi Ye back to the house, put him on the bed and then turned around and went out.

With a creak, the door was gently closed.

Wen Chi followed them back without leaving. When he saw them going out, he thought they had gone to get medicine for Shi Ye, so he laid down beside the bed and waited anxiously.

However, after waiting for a long time, he didn’t see them come back.

Fortunately, Shi Ye finally woke up, but before Wen Chi could rejoice, he heard the word “get out” from Shi Ye’s mouth.

Wen Chi was stunned, wondering if he had heard it wrongly.

Shi Ye closed his eyes and opened them again. Seeing that Wen Chi hadn’t gone out yet, he added weakly: “You go out first, I want to be alone for a while.”


Obviously Wen Chi didn’t want to leave. If it were before, he would definitely not listen to Shi Ye’s words but now that Shi Ye was so seriously injured, he couldn’t bear to refuse Shi Ye’s request, so he had to turn around and went out through the open window.

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A’Gu was not in the yard, he must have gone out to play.

Wen Chi lingered outside the window for a while, then went to find the two maids.

He wandered around the house like a headless fly and finally found two maids working in the front yard. Their expressions were solemn and they seemed to be in a bad mood. They weren’t talking to each other and each of them were squatting in the corner, weeding the flower beds.

Wen Chi walked back and forth in front of them many times but unfortunately they couldn’t see Wen Chi and they were both busy weeding.

Wen Chi was so angry that he was shaking all over. He thought they had gone to get medicine for Shi Ye but he didn’t expect them to be pulling weeds in this place!

What about Shi Ye then?

Are they just going to leave Shi Ye just like that? Didn’t they see that Shi Ye was so seriously injured and bleeding heavily?

Wen Chi stayed beside the two maids for a long time, but he couldn’t touch them, so he had no choice but to go find Hua Yanran.

During this period of time, he had been staying in Shi Ye’s room and rarely came out, so he was not very familiar with this house. By the time he found Hua Yanran, the sky outside had already darkened.

Hua Yanran stayed in her bedroom, sitting in front of the bronze mirror as motionless as a piece of wood. She looked at herself in the bronze mirror with an indifferent expression and her dull eyes looked as if she was looking at something else through the bronze mirror.

Wen Chi tried to touch Hua Yanran, but still couldn’t.

Sitting in front of the bronze mirror, Hua Yanran didn’t know that there was an extra person in her bedroom, nor did she know about the small gestures Wen Chi had made towards her, she withdrew her thoughts and sighed.

Wen Chi was startled by Hua Yanran’s sudden movement and thought he had been discovered. He turned around reflexively and was about to run out but after running a few steps, he stopped hastily.

Wouldn’t it be great to be discovered? It means that he can meet Hua Yanran!

He was already dead anyway, so it was better to take Hua Yanran with him to save her from cruelly abusing Shi Ye in the future.

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Thinking of this, Wen Chi suddenly became happy, turned around and ran back.

But when he came to Hua Yanran, he realized that he still couldn’t touch Hua Yanran, and Hua Yanran hadn’t noticed him just now, she was just sighing.

If he looked closely, he could see clearly that Hua Yanyan’s phoenix eyes were red, and it was obvious that she had just cried.

Hua Yanran was extremely beautiful and even when she cried, her eyes looked like pear blossoms with rain drops. But when she looked at the bronze mirror, she seemed to be unaware of her own beauty, and was just immersed in her sadness.

“Brother, it would have been better if I hadn’t given birth to Xiao Ye. I’m not a good wife or a good mother. As long as I see Xiao Ye’s face, I will think of the things we did.” Hua Yanran was talking to herself and tears came out of her eyes as she said, “Xiao Ye should not have come to this world, much less come to us. It was so hard for me to leave him in the palace and come alone to you. But why did you have to bring him here too?”

Wen Chi stood behind the bronze mirror and looked at Hua Yanran’s tear-stained face expressionlessly. He could not feel any sympathy for this beautiful woman who was crying sadly, but instead felt disgusted.

He just felt that this woman with two faces was really disgusting!

Obviously she and Shi Ye’s appearance are similar to each other, but they were like the sky and the earth. She couldn’t even compare to one finger of Shi Ye’s.

Hua Yanran couldn’t feel Wen Chi’s gaze. She covered her face with her hands and said while sobbing: “Brother, I did something wrong again. I promise this is the last time. From tomorrow onwards, I will treat Xiao Ye well. “

Wen Chi couldn’t listen to it anymore and left without looking back.

He was afraid that if he continued to listen, he would die of anger. One day if he gets a physical form, he would not let that woman go.

T/N – Well I can’t help but agree with Wen Chi. Shi Ye’s mom is a psycho!! But medically speaking, she is just bipolar. 

P.S.- Two more chapters to go!!



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