
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 11/12

Chapter 153.1


Wen Chi knew that Shi Ye didn’t want him to see him in such a mess, so he wandered in the yard until dawn before going back.

Surprisingly, as soon as he entered the house, he found that Shi Ye was already awake.

Shi Ye was not only awake but he had also called for water to scrub his body from head to toe and had just changed into clean clothes.

Wen Chi was stunned, thinking that Shi Ye had some kind of immortal physique. He was beaten half to death yesterday but just after one night, he was as alive and kicking as if nothing had happened.

Shi Ye noticed Wen Chi coming from the corner of his eyes and immediately frowned. He turned to look at him: “Where were you last night?”

This was the first time that Wen Chi was accused by Shi Ye in such a tone. He felt strange and at the same time a little guilty. He scratched his head and said, “Didn’t  you want to be alone? I just strolled outside and didn’t go far.” 

Shi Ye’s brows furrowed tighter and tighter: “Walked around all night?”

Wen Chi stammered, “Yes, yes.”


Shi Ye said: “Don’t stay outside for too long in the future. since I can run into you, maybe others can run into you too.”

After hearing these words, Wen Chi realized that Shi Ye was worried about him. For a moment, a warm current seemed to flow through his heart. He nodded vigorously and said, “I won’t go out randomly in the future.”

After saying that, he changed the topic, “By the way, how are your injuries?”

“It’s nothing serious.” Shi Ye replied calmly while sorting out the tattered clothes he had changed out of. But he obviously didn’t want to say more and his tone was a little perfunctory, “I have a healthy body, so I recover quickly. You don’t have to worry too much about me.”

But Wen Chi is not a fool. How could he believe what Shi Ye said? He stepped forward and asked Shi Ye to take off his clothes.

However, Shi Ye refused to say anything and only repeated that his wounds have healed.

Wen Chi was helpless, but he couldn’t touch Shi Ye, so he could only stand on the side and stare.

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Shi Ye simply tidied up the room as usual and then went out to do some work.


Wen Chi failed to persuade him, so he had no choice but to follow.

Next, having an actual physical body became Wen Chi’s new obsession.

He had already planned it out. As long as he could touch Hua Yanran, he would definitely beat up Hua Yanran severely, preferably to the point of becoming disabled, so much so that Hua Yanran would never be able to pick up that whip again.

He never thought that one day he would want to beat a woman so much. He thought that it was not a glorious thing for a man to beat a woman, but he was willing to do this dishonorable thing for Shi Ye.

He just waited and waited for more than ten days, but he still didn’t get the chance to touch Hua Yanran.

Instead, Hua Yanran went crazy and picked on Shi Ye a few more times.

But Wen Chi couldn’t do anything. Each time he watched angrily and helplessly like the first time. If his eyes could kill a person, Hua Yanyan would have been cut into a thousand pieces by him long ago.

Shi Ye was in poor health. He had to do so many things every day and ate very little. He had hoarded a lot of food in the cupboard but he didn’t listen to Wen Chi’s advice and fed it to A’Gu instead. Maybe it’s because he didn’t have much of an appetite himself. Sometimes he would rather lie in bed to rest rather than go out to eat.

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And so it went on day after day.

One day, Shi Ye became overwhelmed and fell ill.


Shi Ye’s illness came on faster and more violently than last time. He fainted while collecting herbs and was carried back to bed by the two maids.

One of the maids touched Shi Ye’s forehead. It was so hot that she immediately retracted her hand: “It’s so hot!”

Another maid said worriedly: “The young master seems to be very ill. Do you think we should tell the madam?”

“Madam’s temper has been unstable recently. If I tell her, what if she comes back to torment the young master?”

“Then let’s not tell her?”

“But the young master will definitely not be able to do anything now that he has fallen ill. Even if we don’t say anything, the madam will know sooner or later…” The maid pondered for a moment and then made a decision, “Let’s make some medicine for the young master first. After the young master finishes drinking the medicine, then we’ll go back and see Madame’s intentions.”

“That’s a good idea!”

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After the two maids discussed it, they went out to make medicine.

Wen Chi, who could do nothing, could only lie beside the bed and worry. He saw Shi Ye’s cheeks turned red and his brows twisted into a knot, looking extremely painful. He did not dare to call Shi Ye’s name and didn’t even dare to breathe too heavily. 

About an hour later, two maids returned with freshly boiled medicine.

They carefully gave Shi Ye medicine, covered him with a quilt and finally left quietly.

Wen Chi lay beside the bed, staring at Shi Ye in a daze.

He originally thought that if he had a physical body, he would give Hua Yanran a good beating, even if he and Hua Yanran died together, it didn’t matter. But now, he suddenly had a new idea. He didn’t want to die together with Hua Yanran, he just wanted to take Shi Ye out of here.

He wanted to take him away from this sparsely populated haunted place, away from this disgusting and f*ked up family, away from his mother who could go crazy at any time and away from the father who is as useless as a fart.

As long as he was with Shi Ye, it would be fine.


Oh, right! And there is also A’Gu!

A’Gu is so good and obedient and clinging to them, he would definitely be willing to go with them.

He can give Shi Ye a family, he could be Shi Ye’s brother, friend, family member ……

If Shi Ye nodded, he could even be Shi Ye’s father1T/N – Umm …Wen Chi?? [Bombastic side-eye]. Although he didn’t want to admit that he was older, he had to admit that he was at least one round older2(Twelve years older → Lun refers to a reincarnation and cycle. Chinese people calculate the cycle based on the 12 zodiac signs in terms of age. The older round means the same zodiac sign, the older round is 12 years) than Shi Ye. So he should be more than enough to be Shi Ye’s father.

The more Wen Chi thought about it, the more he felt that it was a good idea. He was full of expectations for the future, but soon, he thought of a problem.

As a man, he can provide Shi Ye with fatherly love, but he cannot provide Shi Ye with maternal love at the same time. It is best for children to grow up in a family with healthy parents… No, he has to find a mother for Shi Ye.

Wen Chi wondered if he could find a female ghost to help him.

He had to prepare quickly and look for someone early so that he could decide on the candidate and re-form a happy and joyful family of three together with Shi Ye.

Wen Chi’s imagination was running wild. By the time he finished thinking about it, it was already dark outside.

Wen Chi had been lying beside the bed for a long time and wanted to stand up and take a walk.

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But suddenly he heard the sound of the door being opened behind him.

He thought it was the two maids coming but when he turned his head, he saw an unexpected visitor- Hua Yanran.

Hua Yanran was wearing a white dress, with her long black hair slightly messy and scattered behind her. Her stunning face was not adorned with makeup and she even looked faintly tired, as if she had just woken up from a dream.

Wen Chi immediately became vigilant and stood beside the bed, staring at Hua Yanran for a moment.

Unfortunately, Hua Yanran couldn’t see Wen Chi. Her complex eyes fell directly on the unconscious Shi Ye. She stood in front of the door for a while, then closed the door and walked straight towards the bed.

“Crazy woman, what are you doing here?” Wen Chi wanted to stop Hua Yanran, but as always he couldn’t touch her. His hand passed through Hua Yanran’s body several times, “Get out! Don’t come over!”

Wen Chi was about to explode. He clenched his fists and shouted until his voice became hoarse. But to Hua Yanran, he was just a ball of air, a ball of air that could not even touch her.

Hua Yanran walked through Wen Chi without any hindrance and stood in front of Shi Ye’s bed. She lowered her eyes and looked down at Shi Ye, her expressionless face exactly the same as that of Shi Ye’s.

Wen Chi had no other choice but to go and shout at Shi Ye.

But no matter how loud he shouted, Shi Ye just couldn’t wake up.

Just when Wen Chi was about to become desperate, Hua Yanran turned around and walked away. She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Wen Chi stared blankly at Hua Yanran’s figure disappearing outside the gradually closing door. Suddenly his legs went limp and he sat down on the floor. He raised his hand and touched his face, it was full of cold sweat.

This time, he strengthened his determination to take Shi Ye away.

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Even if he takes Shi Ye to sleep in the open air, it is better than living in fear in this home.


Wen Chi kept watch for the whole night, but Shi Ye did not show the slightest sign of waking up.

Early in the morning, the two maids came again, but they left after giving Shi Ye medicine.

Wen Chi continued to guard beside Shi Ye. Suddenly, he heard vague voices coming from the window. He was a little confused. Apart from the two maids, only Hua Yanran was left in this house. There were only a few people in the house and it was usually deserted, when was it ever so lively?

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So he climbed out of the window, followed the sound and came to the front yard.

Before Wen Chi could get closer, he saw at a glance a dozen people gathered in the front yard. There were men and women among those people and they were all dressed in bright clothes. He could guess at a glance that they came from wealthy families.

At the front of the group was a familiar face, Hua Yin, who had been away from home for a month.

Hua Yin greeted them politely and led them into the main hall.

Wen Chi followed behind those people, and the more he thought about it, the more puzzled he became.

Didn’t Hua Yin say before he left that he would be away for half a year? Why did he come back so soon? And why did he bring so many people back?

Hua Yanran, who rushed over after getting the news, didn’t seem to have expected this either. When she saw the crowd behind Hua Yin, her joyful smile froze for a moment. Fortunately, she recovered in time, but her smile looked stiff no matter how you looked at it.

Hua Yin knew Hua Yanran and naturally noticed the change in Hua Yanran’s mood, but he didn’t pay attention to it. Instead, he calmly asked the guests to sit down and asked the two maids to bring tea and water.

During the whole process, Hua Yanran sat in the host’s seat with a stiff smile.

Wen Chi blatantly stood in the middle of the main hall, waiting for Hua Yin to finish his tasks and then began to listen to these people’s conversations.

After listening for a while, he realized the identities of these people – it turned out that they were all relatives of Hua Yin and Hua Yanran, and they all had the surname Hua.

The main purpose of their visit was to persuade Hua Yin and Hua Yanran to return to Hua family mansion with their child.

The Hua family used to be prosperous and children with special abilities were born one after another in the family. However, during the past ten years, the Hua family has been gradually declining. Nowadays, almost all the children born are ordinary children. Hua Yanran and Shi Ye have enviable special abilities, so they should go back to make contributions to the family.

Hua Yanran’s face became more and more ugly as she listened to these people’s persuasion. She almost embedded her nails on the seat handle. When she heard the latter part, her face turned livid. She couldn’t bear it anymore and she stood up suddenly. 

Everyone who was still persuading was stunned when they saw this.

At this moment, Hua Yanran could no longer maintain her fake smile. She glanced at Hua Yin with cold eyes: “Brother, come with me.”

Hua Yin agreed, stood up and told everyone to wait, then followed Hua Yanran through the side hall.

Wen Chi quickly followed.


1T/N – Umm …Wen Chi?? [Bombastic side-eye]2(Twelve years older → Lun refers to a reincarnation and cycle. Chinese people calculate the cycle based on the 12 zodiac signs in terms of age. The older round means the same zodiac sign, the older round is 12 years)

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