
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Friday Updates –> Chapter 12/12

Chapter 153.2

Hua Yanran was clearly angry and kept walking forward. She didn’t stop until she reached the woods outside. Then she turned around and slapped Hua Yin on the face.

The slap was exceptionally loud in the silent woods.

Hua Yin was knocked to the side and five red and swollen fingerprints quickly appeared on his cheek, but he was not annoyed at all. He touched his cheek with the back of his hand, then looked at Hua Yanran and smiled softly: “Have you calmed down?”

Hua Yanran was stunned. The next moment, her eyes were filled with tears. She threw herself into Hua Yin’s arms and cried: “Brother, you know that I don’t want to go back, so why did you bring them here? I just want to be with you and I don’t want to be burdened by so many worldly things.”

Hua Yin hugged Hua Yanran distressedly. He sighed and after thinking for a moment, he said tactfully: “Yanran, I found that we can’t do it alone. We live in this barren mountain and we lack a lot of things. Besides, I’m not a doctor. Sometimes when you get sick, I really can’t do anything…”

Before Hua Yin could finish her words, she was interrupted by Hua Yanran’s sharp voice: “Brother, you don’t like me anymore?”

Hua Yin didn’t expect Hua Yanran to have such a violent reaction and explained anxiously: “Yanran, I didn’t mean that. I just think that we have been isolated from the world for too long, as if we are living in a world with only the two of us and that there’s already a chasm that we can’t cross between us and the outside world.”

“Isn’t this what we wanted in the first place?” Hua Yanran wiped away the tears on her face. She looked sad and angry. She raised her head and looked at Hua Yin, “Or do you regret it?”

“No, I have no regrets, I just…” Hua Yin paused, “I just…”


He suddenly couldn’t say the rest.

He didn’t know how to explain to Hua Yanran nor how to describe her illness. Ever since he managed to get Xiao Ye, who was still an infant, from the palace, Hua Yanran’s character had become more and more bizarre every day.

She gradually became sensitive and fragile and sometimes she would even make a big fuss over trivial things ……

He originally thought that their family of three would live a happy and comfortable life, but as time passed, their life gradually changed and it was contrary to his expectations.

He didn’t know if Hua Yanyan could sense the change in his temperament, the only thing he was sure of was – he didn’t want to continue like this.

Before it was too late to undo everything, he wanted Hua Yanyan to change back to the carefree little girl she used to be.

“Yanran,  trust me, okay?” Hua Yin grabbed Hua Yanyan’s shoulders with both hands. He lowered his head and met Hua Yanyan’s eyes in a serious manner, “No matter what decision I make, I’m doing it for the good of you and me, for the good of Xiao Ye, for the good of our little family. Maybe going back to the Hua family isn’t a bad thing and even our lives will be better.”

Hua Yanran shook her head gently: “Have you forgotten how they opposed us in the past? Have you forgotten how they forced me to marry the emperor? They would not agree to us being together.”

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“That was in the past.” Hua Yin’s hands gradually tightened on Hua Yanran’s shoulders and he said, “It’s different now. Now he needs us, he needs Xiao Ye to help them secure their position, we are no longer fish on a chopping board to be slaughtered.”

Hua Yin said a lot more but Hua Yanran couldn’t hear a single word.

Hua Yanran’s expression gradually faded as if she had shed all her sadness, anger, and other emotions. She stared at Hua Yin with her beautiful phoenix eyes expressionlessly.

When Hua Yin finished speaking, she suddenly raised her lips and smiled: “Since my brother has already made his decision, I’ll listen to my brother.”

Hua Yin thought that Hua Yanran would not compromise so easily but he did not expect that Hua Yanran would yield in so quickly. After being stunned for a moment, he became really surprised and happy and excitedly swept Hua Yanyan into his arms, “Yanyan, thank you for your understanding, in the future, you will understand my intentions.”

Hua Yanran leaned obediently in Hua Yin’s arms. The curve of the corners of her mouth gradually dropped and soon her smile disappeared.

Hua Yin naturally couldn’t see the change in Hua Yanran’s expression but Wen Chi next to him saw everything clearly.

Wen Chi had an ominous premonition, so he followed Hua Yanran step by step.

When Hua Yanran received guests, he hovered around, when Hua Yanran prepared the lunch, he hovered around and when Hua Yanran left, he followed closely behind.

Hua Yin and everyone else were drinking tea and chatting in the main hall. The only two maids in the family were also busy serving. The quiet long corridor only had Hua Yanyan’s silhouette and she walked so lightly that the sound of her footsteps could barely be heard.


The sun was just right, shining on Hua Yanran, blurring the outline of her face but she seemed unable to feel the warm light. She walked forward numbly, like a puppet without a soul.

Wen Chi followed her through the corridor and returned to the bedroom.

Wen Chi thought she was a little tired and wanted to come back to rest, so he planned to wander around and leave but then he saw her walking straight towards a cabinet.

Hua Yanran stood in front of the cabinet blankly for a long time, then opened the cabinet and took out something.

Wen Chi had a bad premonition and quickly took a closer look. He actually saw Hua Yanran holding a dagger as long as his forearm!

He saw her slowly taking the dagger out of the iron sheath. The silver blade was glowing with cold light and the edge of the dagger was slightly curved. Hua Yanran’s beautiful face was immediately reflected on the blade. She lowered her eyes but her long eyelashes could not hide the obvious killing intent in her eyes.

Wen Chi instantly understood what she was going to do.

“Crazy Woman, you are a fucking lunatic!” Wen Chi cursed and backed away. His feet weakened and he stumbled, then he turned around and ran outside.

Before he could run a few steps, he heard the sound of the cabinet door closing behind him.

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He looked back and saw Hua Yanran’s pale face.

Hua Yanran’s right hand, which was hanging down at her side, gripped the dagger tightly as she walked step by step in his direction.

Wen Chi knew where Hua Yanran was going. His breathing tightened and his heart beat faster. At this moment, he was so exhausted that even the strength to curse had disappeared. He had to force himself to walk out.

He must arrive before Hua Yanran!

He definitely didn’t want that crazy woman to hurt Shi Ye!

But the more impatient he was, the more likely he was to make mistakes. He wanted to leave Hua Yanran behind but unexpectedly he lost his way after running for a while.


Wen Chi was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. He used qinggong to fly across the roof and finally found Shi Ye’s room.

He couldn’t wait to fly down and walked in through the door, only to see Hua Yanran already standing in front of Shi Ye’s bed.

“No…” Wen Chi’s pupils suddenly contracted and the blood on his face faded completely. He ran over and shouted desperately, “Shi Ye, Shi Ye, wake up!”

At the same time, Hua Yanran had already raised her dagger.

“I’m sorry, Xiao Ye. It would have been better if I had not given birth to you and you wouldn’t have to suffer so much criticism for no reason.” Hua Yanran’s expression was still numb, but there were big tears rolling down from her eyes. “Mother can no longer bear the look of those people and I won’t let you go back and bear it either. Let’s end this here. From now on, we can finally live freely and we no longer have to bear the burden of the world and be the topic of conversation for other people. I hope you can be reborn in a good family in your next life, with parents who love you and live a comfortable life. You go first and mother will follow you.”

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After saying that, Hua Yanran closed her eyes and fiercely stabbed the dagger down.


Wen Chi subconsciously threw himself on the bed, trying to block the dagger with his body, although he knew he couldn’t block it at all…

But in an instant, a sharp pain came from his thigh.

This was followed by Hua Yanran’s frightened scream: “Who are you?”

Wen Chi was in so much pain that cold sweat broke out on his face, but he ignored the pain and turned around to see Hua Yanran’s fearful gaze staring blankly at him. The dagger in Hua Yanran’s hand also deviated from its direction and stabbed his thigh due to his sudden appearance.

Scarlet blood gushed out and wet his white pants.

Can Hua Yanran see him?

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Can Hua Yanran touch him?

Wen Chi was almost overwhelmed by the surprise. He struggled to get up and went to grab Hua Yanran.

Surprisingly, Hua Yanran reacted faster than him. She directly pulled out the dagger stabbed in his thigh and went around him to kill Shi Ye.

Wen Chi was injured on his leg and had no strength, so he could only hug Hua Yanran with all his strength, shouting Shi Ye’s name.

The two of them were entangled for a long time and Wen Chi gradually became exhausted.

But Hua Yanran didn’t seem to have any intention of killing him and her red eyes kept looking at Shi Ye on the bed.

Shi Ye was finally awakened by Wen Chi’s shout. He opened his eyes and barely supported half of his body. When she saw that Shi Ye was awake, she fiercely pushed away Wen Chi, who was already weak and raised a dagger to thrust it straight into Shi Ye’s heart.

Almost there…..

They, mother and son, were about to be liberated….

Hua Yanran couldn’t help but smile as she thought that she would be able to get rid of her long-standing psychological burden soon.

For the first time she felt relaxed.

However, the dagger did not stab Shi Ye.

At this critical moment, Wen Chi used his last strength to block Shi Ye – the dagger sank into his abdomen and scarlet blood gushed out like dazzling red ink dripping into clear water, quickly staining the white clothes in front of Wen Chi’s abdomen.

Hua Yanran didn’t expect that Wen Chi would be so crazy. In order to save Shi Ye, he would even risk his own life. She was startled and suddenly let go of the dagger and staggered back.

At this moment, Wen Chi felt a heart wrenching pain, as if countless hands were tugging at him from all directions.

He tasted a fishy-sweet taste in his mouth and the vision in front of him began to become blurry.

He turned his head with difficulty and saw an expression of disbelief on Shi Ye’s face from the corner of his eyes. Tears overflowed in Shi Ye’s eyes. The child’s mouth was agape as if he was frozen at that moment.

Wen Chi wanted to speak but found that the vision in front of him became more and more blurry and even Shi Ye’s desperate face was blurred.

The surrounding pictures faded into old scrolls and it seemed as if countless hands were ruthlessly tearing those scrolls apart. Blank pieces appeared one after another, the entire illusion was shattering, and the entire world was collapsing.

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Those hands pulled him down in unison, as if they were dragging him somewhere.

Wen Chi’s body started sinking.

At this moment, he could no longer feel the pain. He could only feel something that originally belonged to him rapidly drilling into his mind… It was his memory, his memory had returned!

He remembered!

His name is Wen Chi and he came to see Shi Ye.

He finally remembered…

Wen Chi’s eyes were filled with tears and he couldn’t help but cry. He wanted to reach out and grab Shi Ye, but the vision in front of him was so blurred that he could no longer see Shi Ye and the strength of those hands pulling him became stronger and stronger.

He knew it was time to go back to where he came from.

“Shi Ye! My name is Wen Chi!” Wen Chi shouted loudly,  “I’ll be waiting for you in the future, so you must live on!”

“I will wait for you no matter what!”

“You must come and find me!”

“My name is Wen Chi!”

And then darkness fell before his eyes.


T/N – Wow that was one hell of an intense ending!! (Translatornim was holding her breath while translating the last part.)

P.S. – One more chapter to go!

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