
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Saturday Updates –> Chapter 1/4

Chapter 154 (Final Chapter)


Wen Chi couldn’t see anything.

He knelt down in the darkness and couldn’t help crying.

As he cried, he suddenly saw some faint dots of light shining in front of him. He froze for a moment, slowly stopped crying, and subconsciously got up and walked towards the dots.

The moment he took a step forward, the darkness around him suddenly cracked open at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, scenes emerged one after another and there was a familiar face in all the scenes – that was Shi Ye.

He kept going.

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He saw Hua Yin and the Hua family rushing into Shi Ye’s room. They took the dagger from Hua Yanran’s hand. Hua Yanran didn’t resist and sat on the ground, motionless. Hua Yin sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Shi Ye’s head comfortingly. Shi Ye raised his head and his bloodless face was streaked with tears.

He saw Shi Ye, who was about ten or so years old, forcing Hua Yanran into the corner. Shi Ye’s expression looked indifferent, like a god of death. His hand broke open Hua Yanran’s chest and crushed Hua Yanran’s heart. Hua Yanran’s pupils were wide with shock and pained to the extreme and she soon lost her breath.


He saw Shi Ye living on the street.

He saw Shi Ye finding the Hua family and then being sent to the palace by the Hua family.

He saw Shi Ye being assassinated one after another by spies sent by the Hua family. One spy set fire to the East Palace, wanting to die with Shi Ye and it was at that time that Shi Ye’s face and legs were burnt.

He saw Shi Ye instructing Eunuch Zhu to arrange for someone to encourage Wen Changqing to replace Wen Liang with Wen Chi.

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Wen Chi walked faster and faster and his steps became more and more unsteady.

He also saw Shi Ye taking out the painting again and again, looking at him in the painting lost in thought as the candlelight danced on Shi Ye’s face. At that moment, the aura of loneliness emanating from Shi Ye almost solidified into substance.

It turns out that Shi Ye had been waiting for him…

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It turns out that Shi Ye had been looking for him…


Although Wen Chi had already guessed that the person in the painting was him, when he truly understood the meaning behind the painting, he was so sad that it was as if he was immersed in a sea of pain. He was drowning in that sea of pain and he could only allow himself to sink down.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were waiting for me, I’m sorry…” He was so sad that every breath hurt. He gasped and said, “I didn’t know you had been waiting for me for so long, I’m sorry.”

It turns out that Shi Ye arranged for him to enter the palace. It turns out that Shi Ye recognized him on the night they got married. It turns out that Shi Ye kept saying that he was an enemy but he was just angry with him because he couldn’t remember anything…

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry ……

When Shi Ye was struggling to survive with all his memories, not only did he not know anything about it, but he also treated Shi Ye as an imaginary enemy and was wary of Shi Ye at every turn.

Wen Chi kept walking forward.

Keep moving forward without stopping.

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After walking for an unknown amount of time, he finally saw those light spots again. He was getting closer and closer to the light spots. And just as he was about to approach them, all the surrounding scenes disappeared and everything became quiet.

The world paused for a moment  before coming to life again in an instant.


He heard the sound of the wind blowing and the sound of the lake surging. His eyes gradually focused and finally he could clearly see the lake in front of him, illuminated by the moon.

He looked down at the stone in his palm as if feeling something. There was still warmth in his palm but the stone had been broken into two halves – now the spirit stone had truly become an ordinary stone.

Wen Chi tucked the stone and the broken clay figurine into his sleeves, raised his head and looked forward and vaguely saw a man lying by the lake.

He walked towards the man.

As he got closer, he saw clearly that the person was none other than the unconscious Shi Ye.

At this moment, Wen Chi’s tears burst out again and he whispered: “Thank you for finding me.”

Fortunately, I found you too.

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The author has something to say: 

This concludes the text!

There are additional extra chapters later, which are written next. You can continue reading. Hehe, I have four extras in my plan. I will write as much as I can.


T/N – Okay, I’m crying now. TT. 

P.S – Although this is officially the end of the novel there are 7 extra chapters. I will be updating 3 extra chapters today and 4 more tomorrow. 

It’s not time to say good bye yet!!!!


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