
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 95.1

Wen Chi thought that he was sick and had hallucinations but when he returned to Zhou Mansion after a busy day, he was shocked.

Isn’t the person sitting openly in his bedroom Shi Ye?

Wen Chi blinked and rubbed his eyes again.

Shi Ye in front of him didn’t disappear because of his actions. Instead, after noticing his arrival, he put down the book in his hand, got up and walked towards him and finally stood still in front of him.

There is a height difference between the two and Wen Chi needs to raise his head to look directly into Shi Ye’s eyes.

Shi Ye was still wearing that pure black half-face mask and the exposed half of his face showed a calm expression. He looked at the sky outside the window and said in a  nonchalant tone, “You’re back so late.”

Wen Chi: “…”

Wen chi didn’t know if it’s his illusion, but at this moment Shi Ye really looks like a wife who is waiting for her husband.

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After thinking this way, he scratched his head and replied: “Lord Yin wanted to discuss something, so I was delayed for a while.”



He also looked like a husband being questioned by his wife.

Perhaps the atmosphere was so strange that Wen Chi instinctively had some kind of reaction. He subconsciously stepped back a few steps and stopped after pulling a certain distance from Shi Ye.

Apparently Shi Ye also noticed his movements, but didn’t say anything. After a pause, he said, “It’s time to eat.”

Wen Chi nodded: “Okay.”

Dinner must have been prepared by Zuo Zhi.

Wen Chi likes spicy food, and Ruo Fang usually cooks spicy food but tonight’s food is a little combination of spicy and light, obviously taking Shi Ye’s taste into consideration.

It’s just that Wen Chi did not expect that Shi Ye would like light and sweet food —the combination was incompatible with him.

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Of course, what Wen Chi didn’t expect was that, as an uninvited guest, Shi Ye would just sit across from him and have dinner with him.

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Holding the bowl in one hand and the chopsticks in the other, Wen Chi quietly raised his eyes to look at Shi Ye who was eating quietly opposite him, suddenly feeling a little dazed.

However, when he turned his eyes to see Zuo Zhi, who was guarding a short distance away and had changed her face1(Zuo Zhi was in a disguise previously), he was quickly relieved.

Forget it, maybe this is the characteristic of their Eastern Palace people – to come and go as they please, without treating others as human beings.

After eating, Ruo Fang and Zuo Zhi hurried forward and cleaned the table in a couple of minutes.

After Ruo Fang and Zuo Zhi left, only Wen Chi and Shi Ye were left in the room.

It was getting late now and Wen Chi couldn’t help yawning. If it was usual, he would have washed up and gone to bed long ago but Shi Ye, the big Buddha, was right in front of him and he still didn’t dare to make his own decisions.

So Wen Chi put his hands on his knees, sat on the chair in an orderly manner, and stared at Shi Ye with a tense face.

After a while, Shi Ye seemed to feel a little bored, and raised his chin to him: “Go ahead.”

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Wen Chi was confused for a moment before he realized Shi Ye’s intentions. He immediately felt relieved, stood up from the chair immediately and strode towards the bedroom.

But halfway through, he stopped abruptly.


He wondered if his eagerness to leave was too obvious and with Shiye sitting here, there was only an archway and a few steps between him and his bedroom …… he might as well ask.

“Your Royal Highness, it just so happens that there are still many empty rooms in my courtyard, which are usually cleaned by the maids from the Zhou Mansion.” Wen Chi decided to make a pre-emptive strike, “If Your Royal Highness has no arrangements tonight, I will ask Ruo Fang to clean up one for Your Royal Highness, so Your Highness can stay for the night. “

Shi Ye faced him sideways, with a cold expression and his lowered eyelids never moved: “Go and rest, don’t worry about me.”

Wen Chi sneered: “How can this be done?”

“Relax, I have my own arrangements for accommodation and I won’t disturb you.” Shi Ye’s words blocked Wen Chi tightly, but after the words fell, he turned his head to look at Wen Chi and changed the subject, ” Or are you suggesting that Bengong stays?”

Wen Chi: “…”

Shi Ye got up, and slowly walked towards Wen Chi: “Since you have invited me so kindly, then I would rather be respectful than obedient…”

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Before he finished speaking, Wen Chi shook his head hastily and said in a sonorous and forceful voice: “It turns out that His Royal Highness has his own arrangements, and it seems that I was too worried. If this is the case, then I will not bother His Highness. “

After saying that, Wen Chi was afraid that Shi Ye would really stay, so he turned around and sneaked into the bedroom. He was clearly recovering from a serious illness, but he slipped away faster than a rabbit.

Wen Chi returned to the bedroom and deliberately chose a corner where Shi Ye couldn’t see to sit down. He took a breath, clutched his chest and felt his heart pounding.

After he calmed down, he couldn’t help but wonder if he had refused too simply. Or should he have pretended to be in a difficult position and talked to Shi Ye for a few minutes before politely refusing him?

But judging from Shi Ye’s brain circuit that can never be guessed by others, he might have been halfway through the negotiation, Shi Ye would have naturally stayed here.

Forget it, forget about it.

In order to divert his attention, Wen Chi took the book that Shi Ye put on the table not long ago to read. He glanced at the cover of the book. Isn’t this the book he bought randomly when he went to the market before?



1(Zuo Zhi was in a disguise previously)

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