
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 95.2

Jinzhou is not as prosperous as the capital and naturally it is not as busy as the capital. Apart from a few famous brothels and a few good markets, there are no other places to have fun.

The experience of going to the brothel last time had made Wen Chi embarrassed, so no matter what those people said later, he was unmoved. Those people went to the brothel to drink and have fun, so he just nestled in the room and read books to pass the time .

Wen Chi didn’t care about the subject matter or the author when he read storybooks, as long as he saw that the cover was good-looking and the title was attractive, he bought it directly – anyway, he didn’t lack that little money.

Originally, Wen Chi put this book next to his pillow and planned to read it before going to bed tonight but Shi Ye read it first.

He remembered that Shi Ye seemed to have turned to the last few pages, was it that good?

So Wen Chi turned to the first page…

When he read seven and eight pages, he couldn’t bear it anymore and closed the book with a snap.

His eyes were wide open, staring at the beautiful case of the story book for a moment, his face was so red that it seemed to ooze blood.

No wonder the cover of this storybook is so beautiful, it is more beautiful than all the covers of all the storybooks he has seen before…

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Who would dare to say this is a little yellow book!


At the beginning, it is about a scholar who was rushing to the capital for an exam. When it rained heavily on the road, he had to hide in an abandoned house to hide from the rain. Who would have thought that there was a male ghost in that house, and that male ghost was very beautiful. Soon, this person and ghost began various movements for harmony in life.

Wen Chi: “…”

Which hand was holding this book at the time? Is it too late to chop it off?

In the end, Wen Chi stuffed the story book into the cabinet and put it at the bottom of the pile of books, deceiving himself as if nothing happened.


Shi Ye stayed in Jinzhou for a long time.

Wen Chi didn’t know what Shi Ye was doing when he came back, but he seemed to have quite a bit of time on his hands. And almost every evening when he returned to the Zhou residence, he would see Shi Ye waiting for him to have dinner with him.

Shi Ye seemed to be bored, so he read all the books that were on display in his bedroom, and there were even a few that had slipped through the net – little yellow books no less intriguing than the first one.


However, Shi Ye’s expression was serious when he read those books. If people didn’t know the content, they would think that he was reading a book with extremely philosophical significance such as the Analects of Confucius and Mencius.

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Wen Chi strode over, glanced at the contents of the book and suddenly felt the veins on his temples throbbing.

He snatched the book from Shi Ye’s hand and stuffed it into the bottom of the cabinet.

After stuffing, he turned around and saw that Shi Ye had stood up, folded his arms, and looked at him quite innocently.

Shi Ye said: “Bengong has nothing to do in my spare time. I happened to see these things in your room, so I took a look.”

Wen Chi was extremely embarrassed and his face turned red: “You know that those are not proper books and you still read them!”

Shi Ye chuckled lightly, as if a little puzzled: “Since you know it’s an unscrupulous book, why did you still buy it?”

Wen Chi quibbled: “I didn’t know at first, I didn’t know until you took it to see it without asking.”

At the end, he added depressedly, “If I had known what the books contained, I would never have let you see those books.” He would have hid and read them secretly!

Shi Ye: “…”


Wen Chi scratched his hair angrily, Shi Ye burst into a chuckle and then heard him say: “I just read a few books of yours and it made you so unhappy, why don’t this palace pay you back twice as much?”

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Wen Chi froze.

Shi Ye continued: “I’ll return the same types of books to you.”

“…” Wen Chi was furious,  “I can’t afford to accept Your Highness’s kindness, Your Highness should keep those books and enjoy them for yourself.”

After saying that, Wen Chi ran out of the bedroom.

He called Zuo Zhi and Ruo Fang, and asked them to take out all the books in the cupboard in front of Shi Ye and give them away, and as for the little yellow books that they had bought by mistake – they were all burned in the courtyard.

Wen Chi was really angry. On one hand, he was thinking about Shi Ye’s previous farewell without saying goodbye and on the other hand, he was thinking about Shi Ye’s dog-like behavior as always, new grudges and old grudges, making him silent during meals, treating Shi Ye as a transparent person throughout the entire process.

In the middle of the night, Wen Chi thought about these things and still tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

He even suspects—

Did Shi Ye regret giving him those land deeds, so he came all the way to ask him to get those land deeds back.

The next day.

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After Wen Chi woke up, Shi Ye was long gone.

And the snow outside is getting heavier.

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Wen Chi followed Lord Yin out of the Zhou Mansion. They raised the curtain on the carriage and looked around. They saw the streets of Jinzhou covered in white, and everything they could see was white and even the hot air they breathed out formed a conspicuous white mist in mid-air.

Lord Yin looked at the snowy scene and sighed: “It’s snowing and the mountain roads are difficult to travel, I’m afraid we will all have to stay in Jinzhou this year.”


Wen Chi said: “Yes ah.”

Lord Yin turned his head to see Wen Chi’s indifferent face, not looking like he felt as much as he did, so he said, “You’ve been away from the palace for so long, maybe when you go back, things will be different.”

Wen Chi seemed to have heard a different meaning in his words and asked, “Lord Yin, how is the capital now?”

Lord Yin shook his head and was about to speak, when the entire carriage shook violently,  accompanied by the hoarse screams of the horses outside and the abrupt pleas of the coachman for mercy.


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