TNC chapter 4.2

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Published by cheeringradish View all posts by cheeringradish13-17 minutes 24.09.2022

In the quiet and oppressive atmosphere, Old Second Bai and the other two stared intensely at their surroundings, looking around without stop, not finding any hint of activity.  

“Old Liao.”

Old Second Bai could not help but frown, looking at Old Liao. Old Liao, however, frowned hard, remained quiet, and vigilantly got closer to the trees step by step.

Old Second Bai thought about it, also kept being alert, and followed behind him, slowly walking towards the side of the road to the dense jungle were Bai Xia Xia and Da Hua were.

Bai Xia Xia was already coldly sweating buckets, They found us out so fast? There’s no way, right[1]?!

In her last life, she was just an ordinary person, going to school ordinarily, looking for a job.

She had never dealt with outlaws that wandered on the edges of death every day, so how could she have imagined. Da Hua was still hiding among the trees and bushes, without looking anywhere else, just staring at them for a moment. This Old Liao actually seemed as if he had a sixth sense, precisely detecting their location.

Only the heavens knew, in that instant, Bai Xia Xia felt like her head exploded, simply almost dying from fright.

Da Hua bared his teeth silently among the trees, his lip meat trembling following his action.

His four taut limbs were as if they could explode into a powerful jump in the next second, fiercely springing out of the bushes.

In no way would Bai Xia Xia dare to let Da Hua face upfront Second Uncle Bai and Old Liao, two wanted people. She pressed him down, lowered her own head, and came out through the crevices of the bushes.

She intentionally rolled two times on the muddy floor with her snow-white fur, turning battered and dirty like a wild cat.

Just like that, what appeared in the sight of the two people was only a dirty little wild cat with eyes that were opened very round.

Bai Xia Xia made eye contact with Old Liao and Old Second Bai, who had stopped walking, the kitty seemed to have been scared. It retreated, unstoppably widening the distance with these two people.

Bared teeth and bristled fur, with a defensive posture of extreme alertness.

When Wang Peng, who was crouching in his original place, saw that ugly wild cat, he was exasperated.

These days, these two have just simply been startled by every little thing[2].

Becoming like this by anything, and in the end, nothing ever happened.

The only thing they managed to do was frighten me, and not lightly.

He immediately lengthened his voice gloomily: “Yo, Old Liao, so now you won’t even let go of a wild cat?”

“We’re only left with that bit of bullets; you better not waste them on whatever cat or dog. I’m still waiting for you to show me your mightiness, okay!”

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His words were simply too unpleasant. No matter how good Old Liao’s temper was, he also started to become angry. Just as he was about to retort, Second Uncle Bai hurriedly pulled him: “He’s young and doesn’t understand anything, why bother with him?”

Old Liao suppressed his anger with difficulty, coldly harrumphing: “Fine, just because it’s you.”

However, his gaze on Bai Xia Xia became unkind.

Where did this wild cat come from, causing me to lose my dignity and be ridiculed by Wang Peng.

Bai Xia Xia ???

F*ck! You useless[3] coward!

If Wang Peng ridicules you, hit him, ‘kay? What’s the point of taking out your anger on me, a cat?

Bai Xia Xia: Look at how innocent I am!

She could feel that Wang Peng’s gaze that was looking in her direction was full of murderous intentions, becoming increasingly dangerous, as if he would charge over to chop off her head at any moment.

Bai Xia Xia’s mouth was dry, her four limbs maintained a taut posture, but in her heart, she was terrifyingly afraid.

This conceited one that likes letting down his guard, he won’t even let go of a cat.

I’m only a cat ah.

Bai Xia Xia’s big eyes worked hard to send the message: I, little cat, little cat that’s cute, innocent, and powerless!

“Okay, stop, don’t waste time, if we keep dawdling, who knows if those bugs will catch up to us.”

Now, Wang Peng was not afraid anymore, he smugly used his dagger to do a gesture over Qin Xiao’s neck: “It’ll be better if they come, just in time…”

The remaining half of the sentence was buried under the faint sounds of a car engine. Wang Peng put down the dagger, lifted his head in a swoop, and gravely looked at the north side of the small road.


“Motherf*cker, you jinx!” Old Liao exasperatedly ran to Qin Xiao, “Let’s take him away first.”

With such a good hostage, the future was worth expecting! They needed to plan well how they would escape from Cuilian Mountain, and they could not directly collide with the troops either.

Wang Peng’s temper was indeed impatient and irritable, but he had a brain. He immediately decided to put away his dagger and bent his waist to carry Qin Xiao.

“Da Hua!”

A piercing and terrifying cat cry like that of a baby’s cry accompanied by the growl of a tiger similar to when it comes down of a mountain sounded at the same time.


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Da Hua moved lightning fast, jumping out of the trees and bushes in a flash.

Sharp teeth viciously bit first instance into Old Second Bai’s right hand that was holding on the gun.

Two blood-curling and painful screams were heard, without much time difference. Almost at the same time as the striking tiger bit off Old Second Bai’s arm, a white form passed by like a meteor, and blood started gushing from the half-crouched Wang Peng’s crotch.

Real man that bleeds and sweats but does not cry . Wild and wanted person Wang Peng’s both eyes burst into tears, beads of sweat started to pop out on his forehead, and the dagger fell at once.

In this moment, he was utterly not able to care about others, much less remember anything about Qin Xiao. Covering his blood-drenched lower half that was torn apart by a cat’s claw, he hurt so much that he rolled all over the floor. Even those who heard his painful shrieks felt terrified.

“Which mother*cker snuck up on this laozi… ah…” Even with just speaking, Wand Peng had to draw cold breaths, hurting so much that he was not able to straighten his waist, and when he lowered his head, he saw the figure of Bai Xia Xia elegantly leaving with slow steps.

Wang Peng who was dying from pain was shocked: Cat? That cat from just a moment ago?

Actually taking advantage of me not paying attention to it to sneak up on me, Wang Peng struggled between shock and anger, but was also horrified, thinking that it was inconceivable, like he was dreaming, and ended up not being able to do anything in time. His lower body ached extremely; he could not stand up properly and started to let out agonizing screams again.

His miserable appearance, compared to Old Second Bai, whose arm had been bitten by Da Hua and who had been thrown seven to eight meters away, was more miserable by ten folds…

Each of the three wanted people was more baffled than the other from being caught off guard, them being snuck up on by a tiger was fine.

But for there to also have been a wild cat…

Not far away, the Colonel Song that had anxiously jumped out of the SUV to rescue: F*ck!

Eyeballs were about to drop from their sockets from staring, jaws were about to cover the whole floor from falling from shock.

It was simply unbelievable[4], cries, shrieks, shrill screams, all entered their ears.

All males felt their crotches go cold. There were also two little soldiers that scrunched up their faces, showing a feeble and suffering expression of someone who was sharing the same experience.

No one was able to hold back from looking at Bai Xia Xia, Good thing we came with the colonel.

We’ve gained experience, gained experience! A cat that knows to attack family jewels[5]… who taught it?

One soldier unconsciously used his hand to cover the same place.

In this moment, they could not spare attention to anything else, saving people was more important.

“Captain Qin.”

“Little Qin.”

Song Bei and the others wanted to charge in at once, but there, Da Hua was using his meaty paw to hold down a wretched Old Liao that had a collapsed chest.

Maintaining its king of hunting stance, it seemed to have heard movements, slowly turning its big, fluffy head.

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The fierce tiger’s lower lip still had some residual traces of blood, and at its side, there was splattered blood, as well as a wounded person that was rolling all over the place.

The few soldiers that had followed felt their scalps go numb. Truthfully, Da Hua had a majestic build, and in this moment, its ruthless and fierce posture made people feel intimidated.

If it were not because Lu Jianhua had warned them many times before coming, that a tiger had carried Captain Qin, that it was Captain Qin’s saviour.

They would have already started to shoot. Even now, they still raised their guns out of fear and instinct.

But they only kept them raised. Bai Xia Xia and Da Hua protecting Captain Qin and taking care of Old Liao, everybody had seen it with their own eyes.

Everybody had been very curious, Lu Jianhua had said that a tiger was guarding, and a Persian cat was too.

Everyone believed, but no one would have thought that Old Liao and the others would appear, and that they would be gotten rid of by them.

No one had ever seen animals that were so smart and intelligent, Weren’t humans all the same in the eyes of animals? For them to actually know to protect Captain Qin, it was simply a miracle.

But even if it was like that, no one dared to be careless. The unconscious Captain Qin was still lying by the side of that tiger, not even one meter away.

After witnessing how Da Hua had taken down the wanted criminals, every single person was highly strung, fearing that this tiger would become ferocious abruptly, harming Captain Qin.

The tiger had just saved Captain Qin, but no one knew if that was a coincidence or not.

If by any chance the tiger became aggressive, Captain Qin would be done for.

They had to guarantee Captain Qin’s safety, had to kill it in one shot before this tiger moved.

Only Wang Peng’s high and low screams and howls, as well as the sound of him writhing remained in the place.

“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot!”

Lu Jianhua anxiously rushed to stand in front of the comrades that had their guns raised, blocking their sight.

Nervously swallowing saliva without stop and with his back facing Colonel Song and the others, he difficultly and persistently walked towards the tiger that kept a posture of full aggressiveness: “Me, it’s me…”

“I came here just now, we don’t bear any hostility, we only want to save someone, you still remember me, right?” With both hands above his head, he indicated that he was harmless. Lu Jianhua worked hard to use his eye expression to transmit friendliness, stepping to the front step by step.

“Little comrade.” Song Bei called out Lu Jianhua, but Lu Jianhua acted like he did not hear him, still blocking the muzzles from the people behind, getting closer to Captain Qin with his head full of cold sweat.

“I’m not hostile…” This tiger has saved Captain Qin, we can’t turn against it and harm it.

Da Hua’s eyes were filled with menacing wildness, his paws pressing down on Old Liao that still wanted to struggle.

With one slap, Old Liao fainted with his eyes rolled.

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Low growls that were like threats were emitted from Da Hua’s throat. The short but dangerous fierce fight from just now had stimulated the beastliness and wildness in his bones.

After tigers have finished hunting, the biggest taboo for them was when outsiders came close to their prey.

Those that dare to come and steal food, they’re enemies, must be bitten to death.

Da Hua slightly changed directions, strong forelegs lowered as if in preparation to charge, sticking to the ground.

The tail that would usually be leisurely waving around was not shaking anymore, and instead, as if it had become static, it slid down gently.

However, everybody could feel it, the tiger was currently emitting hostility and warning.

Song Bei and the others’ hearts strung up to their throats. Lu Jianhua was empty-handed, and he was also so close to the tiger.

A jump from Da Hua was enough to easily bite off his throat.

“Da Hua.”

Translator’s comments:

Ouch, poor Wang Peng. But who told him to not even let go of a ‘harmless’ cat~

Eyyy, if there are any men reading this, please tell us how you felt when Xia Xia struck at the family jewels (> ∇ <).

Also, some people have left some reviews in NU about the series and the quality of translation, and we’re absolutely thrilled that you like them, thank you. Since we’re so happy, we’ve decided to schedule a last-minute extra release for today, so yeah, another chapter part has been released in addition to this one.

Please, don’t forget to comment, like, and leave a review in NU if you haven’t done so, it literally gives us the charge-up that we need to be on our best while translating.

With love, Cheering Radish.

Translator’s notes:

[1] The author wrote ‘太厉害了吧 (tài lì hài le ba)’, which means ‘too great, right?’, but doesn’t make sense in English, the equivalent was left in the translation instead.

[2] Idiomatic expression ‘惊弓之鸟 (jīng gōng zhī niǎo)’: lit. translation is ‘startled bird’, used when someone is startled by very simple things, such as slight movements.

[3] Idiomatic expression ‘无能狂怒 (wú néng kuáng nù)’: literally means ‘impotent fury’ but is used to say that someone is very dissatisfied with something that has happened but isn’t able to change or solve the situation due to their own limited abilities.

[4] 目瞪狗呆(mù dèng gǒu dāi): lit. meaning ‘with glaring eyes and like a stunned dog’. Something like this:

[5] The author uses ‘下三路(xià sān lù)’, which can mean ‘lower part of the human body’, or just simply ‘family jewels’ (we shall assume everybody knows what this means?), we opted for the latter based on context through the whole chapter.

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