TNC chapter 4.3

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Published by cheeringradish View all posts by cheeringradish9-12 minutes 24.09.2022

A gray-white Bai Xia Xia spit out the mud in her mouth with a series of ‘pft’.

It was her first time making a move against humans, so she was worried about using too little force, but she never thought that, with a single fatal strike, the other party would be knocked out of the ring[1].

It’s just… Bai Xia Xia thought about how everybody had seen her in action.

And was so embarrassed that she wanted to die.

The family jewels… ahhh! I am a noble, elegant, harmless, and cute pet Persian cat, how could I have been this vicious?

Bai Xia Xia lamented the painful loss of her cat act for three seconds.

Just now when she snapped out of it, she instantly noticed the smoke of confrontation in the air, so she jumped over the fainted Qin Xiao and lightly landed in the middle of Da Hua and Lu Jianhua.

Bai Xia Xia called out again.

The cat’s cry was very gentle, but it also contained three parts of urgency and worry that was not in it during normal days.

Bai Xia Xia anxiously cried many times, and Da Hua’s mind that was controlled by his instincts was slowly pulled back.

A small, delicate, but dirty paw hit on the fat tiger’s face with a ‘pa-ji’.

When Bai Xia Xia had jumped out and gotten closer to Da Hua, Song Bei and the others had been stunned.

This cat’s gut is pretty big, to jump out when the tiger is protecting its food…

The events that followed were even more surprising, the Persian cat meowed a few times, the tiger did not get angry despite being slapped, and retreated.

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So obedient that it did not seem like a tiger… it renewed everybody’s knowledge and views.

Song Bai murmured: “What type of performance is this…” A big cat and a small cat fighting shoulder to shoulder, and now, it can even command a tiger.

“Which family’s cat has cultivated until becoming a spirit? Are these really a tiger and a cat?”

“This cat is so unbelievably intelligent. How can it be only a cat, it’s simply Cat Daddy! OMG, this is great.” Guo Chao Ming tsked in amazement, Who ever has seen a household cat hanging out with a tiger.

They aren’t only hanging out together, the household cat seems to have even worked its way into becoming Boss Cat, and it even saved people, protected people.

It seems to know how to distinguish between the good and bad, seriously amazing.

Just… amazing.

Guo Chao Ming remembered once again when they had just gotten out of the car, how he saw Bai Xia Xia’s precise and vicious single claw strike.

That was truly… me and my little friends were all shocked silly, okay.

A cat that specializes on attacking the family jewels… just, I don’t know how to say it. Guo Chao Ming’s internal thoughts were complicated. He looked at the unconscious Captain Qin, and suddenly felt, No matter who dies, Qin Xiao won’t die.


Where did this spirit cat come from, commanding a tiger to come down from the mountains to save Qin Xiao!

Da Hua poked in a corner feeling wronged, the big, big fat tiger’s face was filled with sadness: “I only fought with them because I listened to you, and you still hit me.”

Bai Xia Xia retracted her paw and saw with satisfaction that her paw was clean, “Hit you on purpose.”

Da Hua’s beautiful face marking though, was left with an extremely gray dirt mark on it, looking at it was very comical.

He shook his tail unhappily, brushing past Lu Jianhua, who had already walked until he was in front of him.

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Without even thinking, he twisted his furry butt in what seemed to be venting. The butt sent the person flying away.

Song Bei’s jaw was almost about to fall from shock.

I-it’s also equipped with the ability to take out anger on others?[2] Which family’s tiger is like this?

The people at the back were so frightened that they almost pulled the trigger.

Lu Jianhua, on the other hand, rapidly crawled up from the ground and then dumbfoundedly and anxiously shouted: “I’m fine.”

In fact, he did not even have a scratch injury, he was only startled.

“Fast…” Lu Jianhua had eaten a mouthful of dirt, and after standing up, he urged somewhat incomprehensively: “The tiger has left, hurry and examine Captain Qin, doctors.”

“Captain Qin is bleeding excessively; you must treat his wounds fast.”

Jiang Ping led two young doctors that worked as assistants, lifting his foot to walk. Then, he remembered Da Hua, and his foot stayed in its original place.

Lifting his head, the colorful tiger was retreating in a leisurely pace.

It took the initiative to pull away a long, long distance, lying down ten to twenty meters away from Qin Xiao at the side of the big road, its tail waving slowly.

This is… making place for us?

Jiang Ping was very surprised. However, this moment was not the time to be thinking unnecessary things. Rushing to Qin Xiao’s side, a series of commands were made, to treat Qin Xiao’s wounds.

The solders that had come with them, on the other side, used their quickest speed to charge over, containing Old Liao and the others.

Only, these three guys were honestly miserable.

Old Liao fainted and remained unconscious, a part of his chest was collapsed, and it was unknown how many bones had been broken.

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Old Second Bai’s right hand was broken, blood gushing out of it unstoppably, and even though he was still conscious, both his eyes were dead, not even screaming despite hurting.

As if he had taken a big blow and become stupefied.

Song Bei pondered, if it was me who was caught and dealt critical damage by a pet Persian cat that led a tiger, I would also go mad.

That Persian cat really isn’t normal, it really seems to be able to distinguish between good and bad. It’s just very extraordinary, Song Bei guessed, it’s probably a cat that was saved by Qin Xiao before.

So, this cat came to repay the favor?

The two people suffered grave injuries, but by the looks of it, none of them were more miserable than Wang Peng.

When two soldiers picked up Wang Peng, even they were able to feel how weak his four limbs were, his hands and feet trembling.

The person was half conscious and half unconscious, drenched in cold sweat, which soaked his clothes. That blood gushing out of the ripped crotch without stop…

When he was carried into the car, even Song Bei was not able to hold back from taking a few more glances.

This, this is truly the most wretched smuggler in history… being disfigured by a Persian cat… cough, cough…

Song Bei simply was not able to stop himself. As he waited for the emergency equipment to come, he said to Bai Xia Xia who was sitting by Jiang Ping’s side looking at him doing first aid: “Thank you. Next time, it’s better if you don’t scratch at the crotch, it’s very horrifying.”

Bai Xia Xia raised her head a bit surprised, Giving thanks to a cat? This big uncle is interesting.

After Song Bei said those words, there was no more movement from him, he also did not care if Bai Xia Xia understood him or not.

Everybody waited anxiously for Jiang Ping to save the person.

It was not until Jiang Ping took out the bullet and stopped the bleeding for Qin Xiao that Song Bei’s nervous expression relaxed some.

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Everybody’s tight strings were loosened, Jiang Ping also said to wait for the car at the back to send him back. When the time came, sending him directly to the hospital was okay, for more details, they had to go to the hospital to do examinations.

It was not life-threatening temporarily, for Qin Xiao to be able to keep his life was good.

The person that she had worked her ass off to save did not end up in doing things in vain, Bai Xia Xia was also happy. Once she relaxed, she immediately realized that she had rolled around until her whole body was covered in mud, feeling extremely uncomfortable. Just as she was feeling irritated, she had heard Song Bei talking to her, and was pretty surprised.

A small head titled up to look at Song Bei. Song Bei was a slightly fat uncle wearing military uniform, with a round face that looked very kind. Right now, he was looking at her while smiling, taking the initiative to converse. Bai Xia Xia moved away from him, pretending that she did not hear him.

“Colonel, it’s a cat, do you really believe that it has become a spirit? To even be talking to it, if it did pay attention to you, then that would be what’s weird.” Jiang Ping stopped Qin Xiao’s bleeding, and everybody let out a breath. Right now, they were waiting for the car at the back to come, and after relaxing, Guo Chao Ming had squatted by Bai Xia Xia’s right side like a dog.

The two coincidentally sandwiched Bai Xia Xia in the middle, with one in the left and another in the right. The bookish air in Guo Chao Ming’s eyes was strong, he joked sloppily with Bai Xia Xia: “Cat Daddy, what do you think? Yes, or no?”

“Fortunately, you saved Qin Xiao, thank you, ok?”

Bai Xia Xia, who was flattened into a patty, kept her furry cat face indifferent: Want to lay a language trap for me? Dream on!

You are the one that’s Cat Daddy, your whole family is Cat Daddy.

The dirty Persian cat jumped up, leaped into Guo Chao Ming’s chest, and all the dirt was rubbed on his clothes.

Translator’s comments:

Xia Xia is the boss, at the top of the pyramid, or not? Since she’s bullying a baby tiger.

Cat Daddy hahaha!

Translator’s notes:

[1] The exact translation here should’ve been ‘fall to the floor and become a box’.

[2] The true translation here was ‘this, this also comes with taking out anger on others?’ but did not make sense in English.

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