Chapter 11 – The Male Lord Appeared

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Translated by fairishalie
Edited by ShinMin

There was a female voice around, laughed, and said: “I have seen so many cheeky people, but have seen no one as cheeky as her. What a fan, she only wants to get in touch with the top actor, befriend with him.”

Ren Qiao looked at her fiercely. “You’re slandering me! You can assault me, but you can’t deny my fondness for the Twilight Lord. From the moment he made his debut, I always pay attention to him. I have seen every one of his works more than a dozen times. No matter, he plays in drama or martial arts series.”


For ten minutes, Ren Qiao kept her mouth shut and mentioned all the movies and TV dramas played by Qin Yiran with a face full of admiration, and even his dubbed cartoons works were also not left behind. As she spoke, her eyes glowed, and her knowledge stunned the actress.

Ren Qiao looked at her with a sigh of relief: “I buy all the products endorsed by the Twilight Lord to show my support to him. Every time his new movie released, I’ll write the reviews in the Baidu Tieba, Luqu and Weibo, calling on more people to watch it. Unfortunately, he has never been to my city for publicity, so I never saw him at a close distance.”

The actress nodded, again and again, apologizing sincerely: “Sorry, it’s my fault. You can go on!”

Ren Qiao was proud of it, and Qin Yiran was a laugh. He was already handsome under his smile. It was like the spring of March. Peach blossoms bloomed all over the mountains. He whispered, “You’re from Jiang City, aren’t you? Indeed, I haven’t been there before. I’ll think about it next time.”

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“Ah?” Ren Qiao looked dazed. “How do you know I came from Jiang City?”

Qin Yiran touched his nose: “I could recognize the accent. When Jiang City people speak, the final syllable sound always rises.” He added: “My assistant also come from Jiang City. He has a very similar accent with you.”

Ren Qiao opened his mouth and tried it, and said with joy, “Amazing, it’s true! I never pay attention to it before.” Seeing Qin Yiran smile, she hurriedly took out the pen from her backpack. Because she didn’t have a notebook, so she took out the script book and asked Qin Yiran to sign on there.

Her script book was full of notes with different colors of pens, densely written the tone of speaking, expression, action, emotional. Not only her role but also the role of others, Qin Yiran admired her. They got the script book for only in a short time, such a thick one, all marked. Although she was a newcomer, but more serious than most experienced actresses.

Qin Yiran solemnly signed his name, and his handwriting was as good as his appearance. If there hadn’t been too many people here, Ren Qiao would pick up the script book and kissed it. No, she was too excited, too happy! Under the excuses of went to the bathroom, Ren Qiao tried to find a secluded place and to express her happiness.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with a big belly rushed out and hugged her. The greasy touch made her feel sick: “Little Beauty, are you the new actress of Xing Can? Follow me, and I’ll make sure you have whatever role you want, as famous as you want!”

Ren Qiao was too happy to notice, so she was assaulted by him. When she regained her consciousness, with her ingenuity, she pushed him away. Before her slap fell on that man’s face, a young man kicked that pervert to the ground.

“You dare to hit me? Do you know who I am?” The middle-aged man on the ground rolled in pain; didn’t forget to threaten.

“If you think it’s not enough to only hit you, I don’t mind calling the police to come over and talk about your molestation to this beautiful woman. If you don’t want to get into jail, get out of here!” As he spoke, he turned around. Because of the light against his body, there seemed to be a halo around him.

Ren Qiao saw his slender body, pale complexion, his facial features had a kind of elegant beauty. Thanks to his cold temperament. He was a boy in a woman’s cloth, but he didn’t even look feminine.

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Recognize who he was, the middle-aged man cried, “Ming Yuan!”

Ming Yuan looked at Ren Qiao with concern: “Are you okay?”

Ren Qiao smiled at him and silently gave a V in her heart. Finally, the Male Lord appeared!

In the other box of the Jialan Hotel, three movie directors quarreled bitterly. Wu Wenjing didn’t put a smiling face in front of everybody, but came up with a burst of cynicism: “If Director Lang has an objection to cooperate, why not privately find the Xing Can’s management? Why must you spread out in front of the people? Give a face to others was like give a face for yourself. If you lose the face of Xing Can in public, aren’t you afraid it may attract Tang Clan’s dissatisfaction?”

Unwilling to be outdone, Lang Li slapped the table and exclaimed, “Stop using Tang Clan to suppress people. Xing Can have been going downhill in recent years, and Tang Clan has injected none of the capital funds. Who knows if they have an idea to sell Xing Can? That’s an easy thing to say, find Xing Can’s management. Do you think I didn’t try it? Zuo Haocheng, the general manager, only say that he doesn’t have time to see me, and the finance department says that they do not have the power to mobilize funds. Who has the time to play kickball with them?”

Ji Wuwei considered: “You’re not planning to stop filming, are you? I was looking casts for more than a year. It’s a pity if you give up. The time is also a cost, ah! If I went to make the other movie this year, perhaps I already earned dozens of billions or maybe won the award.” Dozens of billions were exaggerated enough to express his dissatisfaction.

Intimidated by the two prominent directors, Wu Wenjing’s attitude was still very arrogant: “If the two of you don’t want to keep filming, you can leave. Xing Can already invest in billions of movies, why must they afraid to not find other directors? The contract is in your hands. After you pay the liquidated damages, we will return everything in its place! But you have to think about it. They wrote clearly in the contract. If Xing Can dare not to pay you, you can take Xing Can to court and let Xing Can suffer the bankruptcy. So, have a good thought about it. Why would Xing Can do such a bad thing?”

At this point, Lang Li no longer confronted her. In one hand, he didn’t want to bear liquidated damages; On the other hand, he was responsible for the publicity. No matter the production or the cast lineup, they were very formidable. In the future, they will earn a lot of money. Now that he had squeezed in, there was no reason to force the soon-to-be-cooked duck to fly.

(soon-to-be-cooked duck to fly means impose circumstances)

After saw their attitude softened, Wu Wenjing pursued victory: “As for what Lang said, the Tang family didn’t care about Xing Can. Let me tell you the truth, Zuo Haocheng already left the company to give a position for Ms. Tang. You must have heard of the well-known, The Witch Tang Ya. With her existence, do you think Xing Can will fall?”

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Lang Li’s last doubt was dispelled: “Well, then I’ll wait for the funds to arrive.”

Ji Wuwei was very satisfied with this: “As long as we’re still filming, it will not waste my efforts all of this year.”

Finally, the trio left the box and Wu Wenjing’s face attached with a decent smile. On the way back together, at the corner, they happened to meet Ming Yu helping Ren Qiao rub her feet.

Previously Ren Qiao pushed away from the pervert with too much movement, and she accidentally twisted her left foot. The injury was not serious, but Ming Yuan was not assured. He let her sit on the stone platform, help her twisted her muscles and bones. (as in the TCM [Traditional Chinese Medicine])

Ji Wuwei asked with concern, “Xiao Tang, what’s going on?”

Without waiting for Ren Qiao to open his mouth, Ming Yuan was the first to explain: “I just argued with someone else. Ms. Tang passed by and was kind enough to help me. I didn’t expect that It will make her foot sprained.” To avoid embarrassment, he covered up Ren Qiao’s attacked by a pervert, and Ren Qiao smiled gratefully at him.

Ji Wuwei said with a smile: “Xiao Tang is warm-hearted!” Lang Li also praised a few words, but Wu Wenjing didn’t look happy.

Back in the box, the three bigwigs smiled, the actors found out that the crisis was over. Each other said a playful word and made the atmosphere became very lively. Wu Wenjing, as the representative of Xing Can, gave a toasted to everybody. When it was Ren Qiao’s turn, she said, “Do you know who that young man was?”

Ren Qiao held up her glass, above her beautiful face, she looked innocent. She leaned her head, and her voice was soft: “He said his name was Ming Yuan.” Her action was delicate and lovely, and her face was gorgeous and unparalleled. Two distinct beauties of purity and charm strangely intertwined in her.

Wu Wenjing eyes twinkle, voice strict: “Ming Yuan is the general manager of Orange Sky Entertainment, and they had a competitive relationship with Xing Can. Don’t get too close to him.”

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Ren Qiao didn’t understand what she said: “Don’t worry, I’m not Xing Can’s employee. What’s the competition between him and Xing Can? Moreover, we just befriends. He didn’t ask me about Xing Can’s trade secrets, and I won’t tell him about the shooting content either.”

These words made people hard to felt ease, Qin Yiran who was sitting next to her, and pulled her sleeve, reminded her to be cautious. Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Ji Wuwei quickly stood up: “Young people are not sensible. Director Wu don’t need to test her general knowledge.”

Ding Lingling smiled and defended Ren Qiao: “I think she’s right. I also not an employee at Xing Can. Do I have to keep my distance from everyone at Xiayu Entertainment after I join as the crew? Then I dare not ask the driver to pick me up tonight. His salary is from Xiayu Entertainment.” As she spoke, she winked at Ren Qiao and was very playful.

“Of course not.” Wu Wenjing smiled awkwardly and stopped talking about it.

After three rounds of wine, and the five flavors dishes over, some people drunk and picked up by their friends. Some other people squatted on the toilet and vomited. Ji Wuwei was old enough, so he left early. Lang Li was still bragging about his past with several young actresses. Wu Wenjing was missing, and Ding Lingling was also missing.

Outside the box in the secluded place, came the voice of an angry female: “You touched her, how could you touch her? Is it because she’s younger and prettier than me then you’ve changed your mind!”

The young man pressed her against the wall and kissed her, and the woman groaned, and the screaming voice became fragmented. After the kiss, the young man stroked her head and said, “Good girl, I just having fun with her. You’re the only one I truly like. Here’s the area of Tang Family. Don’t make any trouble, okay?” The voice was gentle as the water of the spring river.

Suddenly, the flowerpot fell down in the distance, and the young man asked cautiously, “Who is there?” A shadow flashed by quickly, and the young man hurried chase after it.

On the top floor of the Jialan Hotel, the presidential suite, the door smashed like a rainstorm: “Brother Yunqing, help!” Zhou Yunqing, who was dealing with his official business, closed the computer and opened the door. Ding Lingling fell into his arms.

She ran sweaty, looked scared, rabbit-like eyes, full of dependence, and very pitiful. Zhou Yunqing was not the one who has a tender heart and desire to protect a woman. He pushed her away and said, “What’s the matter?”

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