Chapter 12 – For a Half Month

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Translated by fairishalie
Edited by RandomAlex

Ding Lingling patted her panting chest, still looked afraid: “Brother Yunqing, you are right, Xing Can is like deep water, they are too strange.”

Zhou Yunqing’s face was cold, and his eyes were also frozen. “I’ve told you not to get involved with them. Do you turn a deaf ear to what I say?”


He had always believed silence is gold, and Ding Lingling had not heard him say such a long sentence for a long time. Such a beautiful voice, if only it wasn’t to scold her, it would be even better.

Ding Lingling flatted her lips and said aggrievedly: “If I didn’t know there was an emergency channel, I wouldn’t even know whether I would still be alive when I come to see you. It’s not a big deal if you never comfort me. But why would you still scold me!”

Seeing that Zhou Yunqing ignored her, she was not discouraged and tugged at his sleeve. “Brother Yunqing, It’s not that I want to get involved. I accidentally heard other people’s secrets. I’m afraid they will find me soon.” She confessed to Zhou Yunqing what she had seen earlier.

Zhou Yunqing finally had a fluctuating look and called his subordinate: “Xing Feng, you are in charge of Ding Lingling’s safety during this period.”

As she left the Jialan Hotel, a tall man in black followed Ding Lingling, and she stamped her feet in anger. She was looking for a reason to get close to Zhou Yunqing, not to get a bodyguard! When she was a child, Zhou Yunqing was so gentle to her. Why did he grow up and become so oily and salty? Anyway, she won’t give up!

(oily and salty = hard to grab on to/ distant and sarcastic.)

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It was late at night when Ren Qiao returned to the Tang Villa. When she heard the noise, Tang Ya opened the door. She yawned in a set of modest silk pajamas and asked, “Sister, what you’ve been up to recently? Always coming back home so late at night.”

“Is there anything else?” Ren Qiao avoided answering.

Tang Ya raised her eyebrows and looked at her. “Sister, are you prepared to be independent and grown-up? Or would you like to taste some stewed dog meat? Although that big yellow dog looks too old and the meat must be very lean. But I know a lot of good cooks to take care of it, I’ll make sure you have a pleasant meal.”

(editor: bi**h!)

“Don’t touch Da Huang!” Ren Qiao pulled Tang Ya’s collar up and lifted her into the air.

With her feet off the ground, Tang Ya was not afraid nor felt threatened, “You dare to hit me? If you hit me once, one of my subordinates will hit Renda Couple a hundred times! You’ve ruined Zhou Yunqing’s first impression of you, and I will arrange another chance for you. If you cooperate well, why would I have a problem with that old dog? But, if you don’t cooperate, not to mention a dog, even a certain person would be on trouble.”

Ren Qiao loosened her hands, hid her hatred, and put Tang Ya back on the ground. On the other side, Old Fang still got no news about Mr. and Mrs. Renda. Ren Qiao herself looked for a private investigator and got nothing. For now, she had to listen to Tang Ya if she wanted to keep the Renda Couple safe.

“Good girl! In the future, please be well-behaved, don’t always force me to threaten you. I don’t want to waste my saliva.” Tang Ya smiled with satisfaction and slammed the door.

Tang Ya arranged Ren Qiao to follow the dignified and virtuous wife way. She had already investigated. Zhou Yunqing was born in poverty. When he was young, his family was poor, and his parents were farmers. Such a person, what kind of woman he likes, Tang Ya could guess even with her eyes closed.

On the one hand, he had no extraordinary education and must have wanted to marry a capable woman, which would be conducive to the development of his future generations. On the other hand, with such a family background, he must have some deep-rooted male chauvinism, like most men in the Zhuxia Country, who like flexible women. Trust in the male lead outside but being a capable female lead inside.

In response to these, Tang Ya has developed a series of training programs for Ren Qiao. In the art course, she had to learn piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. She also enrolled her in the private courses such as cooking, sewing, and so on.

Ren Qiao was too busy, her feet didn’t touch the ground. As for the four arts (zither, chess, calligraphy, painting), she was very good at them in her previous life. As for cooking, ahahahahaha, she really needs to start the devil training from cutting vegetables!

Fortunately, Tang Ya will be going abroad to attend Somuns’ fashion conference soon. For half a month, Ren Qiao could catch her breath. If there was a choice, Tang Ya didn’t want to go abroad at this moment. Ren Qiao was like a little donkey; she’ll move only after being whipped. As soon as she leaves, Ren Qiao would become lazy again.

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But that was Somuns! The global fashion benchmark, the fashion icon for the next quarter. All of the fashion industry people sharpened their heads and drilled there. As long as Tang Ya was still in Jiahe Clothing Company, she could never miss the Somuns event.

Before Tang Ya left, she told Ren Qiao, “Even if I’m not in China, your homework can’t be left behind. I’ve discussed with the subject teachers to monitor you strictly, and I’ll also have a video call with them to track your learning progress.”

Ren Qiao pointed to the electronic screen at the airport. “It’s time for you to board on the plane.”

Looking at the back of Tang Ya’s beautiful figure, Ren Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, a half month? It should be enough.

She was asked to official shoot, according to the above arrangement, to mobilize the cast’s emotions and mood. The shoot would start from easy to difficult scene; the initial scene was mostly outside, followed by green screen shooting.

Beneath the indigo blue horizon, large swaths of bamboo forest swayed with the wind, seemed like a green jade influenced by the great waves. The bamboo joint was tall and straight, the bamboo leaves were green, and among the bamboo forest, a teenager was wearing a cyan straight robe, dancing with a sword. His beautiful body swayed, wrist turn, long sword pulled out a sword bloomed, and the speed made people only see the cold silver light.

On the bamboo branch above him sat a young girl. Around 28; her hair was tied into a pair of buns, wore a goose yellow coat and a long skirt with the same color. She carried a pile of fruits in her arms, swung her legs and revealed a pair of azure shoes that were embroidered with pink butterflies. She sat on such a slender bamboo branch, but her figure was as stable as Mount Tai, which showed how superb her Qingong was!

(Qingong = kung fu skills to defy gravity, jumping while seeming like flying/ looking weightless.)

As she spat out the lychee shell, she pointed at the young man, “The sword movement is too hard!”

“The direction is wrong! It’s crooked.”

“Haven’t you eaten breakfast this morning? Exert all strength on your wrists!”

The lychee shell fell like snowflakes, one of which fell in the boy’s hair. He took off the lychee shell awkwardly, and the girl burst into laughter: “Hahaha!”

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It embarrassed the boy; he threw the sword at the girl. The tip of the sword swiped the girl’s green silk. She bent her waist, returned it to the boy’s hand, and stood on the floating sword. He looked calm. “Shikong Xue, don’t disturb me!”

Shikong Xue flew down with a fiery red whip in her hand. As soon as she lifted it, there was a slapping sound from the red whip in her hand. She provoked a smile, her skirt moved along with the wind: “Young man, you want to pick a fight ah? Don’t think you can teach me a lesson just by taking the name of my brother. I graciously pointed out that your longevity swordsmanship was wrong. You didn’t thank me, but also dare to point that sword at me. Such great swordsmanship to learn, ah? Today I will show you the genuine martial of Xuan Qingzong!”

Autumn wind rustling, bamboo leaves flying, yellow girl and the Tsing Yi teenager stood against each other. The wind rushed; even if they were under the same mentor, unexpectedly had the intent of killing each other.

This scene was Xie Xiu’s scene after she followed Xuan Qingzong. At first, Shikong Xue did not have a good relationship with him. Before Xie Xiu went up to the mountain, Xuan Qingzong’s beloved person was her younger apprentice, Shikong Xue. Since master often compared Xie Xiu with Shikong Xue; where the original intention was to encourage Shikong Xue to practice diligently, he did not expect it would make Shikong Xue look for Xie Xiu and trouble him all the time. Xie Xiu had the sensitivity and stubbornness of a youngster, who refused to admit defeat. So, they got along like enemies.

“Cut! Xiao Ding, Xiao Qin, Good job.” Ji Wuwei shouted, nodded and then added, “Xiao Ding, you need to be more eccentric. Try to act out the feeling of teasing and making fun of people as a little sister. This level should be grasped well, and if the performance were too unruly and careless, it would be too much and lack ability.”

Ding Lingling smiled, agreed, and they took two more shots. It finally passed. It was noon, and the sun was shining. Ji Wuwei ordered dinner and continued shooting in the afternoon. Ren Qiao was still learning the script, so her assistant sent her a lunch.

A slice of meat and a vegetable combined with fragrant white rice. Everyone could see the movement of her index finger. As soon as Ren Qiao was about to lift her chopsticks, she heard a commotion from the crowd.

In the middle of the crowd, a young man came with two big plastic bags, and several people followed him, all carrying things from left to right, just like him.

“Wow, you provide us with another meal today! Thank you, Manager Ming.”

“We’ve got someone’s generosity here, don’t forget to thank him!”

“Let me see. Fried prawns and steamed stripped-bass, all the signature dishes of Chen Fuji!”

The crew was distributing the takeout, and Ming Yuan approached Ren Qiao with a bouquet of roses in his arms. He wore a gray t-shirt, dark slim jeans, and lace-up shoes. Casual; without losing his elegance.

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“Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady. My Princess, good afternoon.” Ming Yuan passed the roses to Ren Qiao and laughed.

Two smudges of red clouds flew over Ren Qiao’s cheeks. She bowed her head and sniffed the flowers and said with a slight complaint, “Yesterday I told you not to come visit the set. Why are you here again today?” She was beautiful, and now she was shy. It added three points of her beauty, Ming Yuan was almost stunned.

After hearing this, he could only use one reason, “I came here to show my gratitude. The last time you help me at Jialan Hotel until you sprained your foot, it made me feel bad.”

Ren Qiao looked around and smiled helplessly: “It’s okay for you to lie to others. You know what happened on that day, you are the one who helped me!”

As she spoke, the wind blew a strand of her hair to her forehead. Ming Yuan reached out and tried to put it behind her ear. She subconsciously stepped back. Ming Yuan’s hand stopped awkwardly in midair, but he was not annoyed. Instead, he asked: “Would you accompany me to dinner tonight, just to show gratitude?”

“Okay.” Ren Qiao nodded, “I also have something to talk to you about.”

After all, Orange Sky Entertainment was Xing Can’s competitor. To avoid suspicion, Ming Yuan did not stay longer and left soon.

In the afternoon, the set was still in the bamboo forest, but the role had changed, not Ding Lingling, but Ren Qiao.

The sky was clear, and the cloud was white, bamboo leaves drizzled. Qin Yiran changed a blue round-necked turquoise shirt, was painting against the bamboo forest. He was confident that he could draw a good picture, and in a few strokes, he sketched out a picture of a bamboo branch.

Beside him, there was a woman in white, leaned over the chest box and caressing the lute. The sound of the lute was cold and murmuring, as light as the wind blowing clouds. From this point of view, we can only see her green silk looking like a waterfall and snowy white clothes. 

At the end of a song, the painter asked, “Su He, look at this painting. What is the best title for the poem?”


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