Chapter 13 – Fish Bait

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Translated by fairishalie
Edited by RandomAlex

The woman in white is named Su He. When she raised her head, at that moment, the beautiful music from the lute became flat; it didn’t even represent 1/10000 of her own beauty.

She didn’t apply any cosmetics, the green silk naturally draped down the back of her head, bright and beautiful as heaven deity. Her Phoenix eyes flew in affection, not obvious, but lingering enough.


“Xie Xiu, we’re not married yet. You shouldn’t call me by my maiden name.” It was harsh words, but in her sweet and waxy voice, it was as soft as a lover’s whisper.

“I’m being impetuous.” Xie Xiu bowed his head in shame.

Su He didn’t mind it, smiled and got up. She moved slightly to the painting. She wrote a poem, with her small hand. Her handwriting was beautiful, it complements the painting.

This scene was Xie Xiu before marriage; in her previous life. Because they used the narrative techniques, the shoot was directly before the reincarnation of Xie Xiu and before she followed Xuan Qingzong. This scene appeared only as of the memories of Devil of The Night.

At that time, she still called him Su He, and Xie Xiu had not entered the road of obsessions with Dao. They could play the lute and sing together, made the world envy the pair of immortal lovers.

Unfortunately, all the beautiful memories were just an illusion.

The shoot for this scene was over, but Ji Wuwei hadn’t asked them to stop. Ren Qiao and Qin Yiran looked at each other and stood where they were, afraid to do anything.

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The assistant called out, “Director Ji?”

Just like waking up from a dream, Ji Wuwei praised: “The performance is good!” He patted Ren Qiao on the shoulder. “Xiao Tang, you’re a born to be an actress. If I’m not the one who discovered you, I wouldn’t believe this was your first time acting.”

He pulled up the previous script, looked up at Ren Qiao again and again, and even said a few good words: “Your eyes are full of emotion, and every person would think that you have a deep affection for him.”

Ren Qiao was embarrassed by being praised. It was not difficult for her. She just imagined the person in front of her as Zhou Yunqing — the one she loved wholeheartedly when she was still Xie Anran. That persistent feeling, until this day, always felt a little incredible. But for her at that time, loving him was everything.

In the evening, Ren Qiao and Qin Yiran walked side by side to the crew’s bus. Ming Yuan rushed at her and waved, “Tang Shu, I’ll give you a ride!” He was driving an old silver-gray classic car, which had been discontinued and the price was expensive. The car’s body line was smooth and well-made, not as extravagant as a supercar, but low-key and luxurious.

Qin Yiran whispered to Ren Qiao and warned: “He is the illegitimate son of the real estate tycoon, Ming Guang. You need to be careful.”

What she needed to be careful of, he didn’t say clearly, but Ren Qiao understood. The rich young master had a crush on the small actress, and the other side can leave her at any time. Once she developed feelings for him, it’s was the same as destroying herself.

Ren Qiao smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Brother. I will behave appropriately.” Ren Qiao was the signed actress under Xing Can now, so she was in the same entertainment company with Qin Yiran. He helped her a lot, even taught her how to act. Calling him a ‘brother’ is a must.

Qin Yiran nodded. “See you later, then.”

Ren Qiao walked to Ming Yuan’s car, she surrounded by a lot of buzzing sounds and mockery: “It’s good to be beautiful, only entering the entertainment circle for few days, but she could hook up with the general manager from the Ming family.”

“Why don’t you learn from her? Maybe you could catch a rich guy.”

“What nonsense? You should consider my acting skills too.”

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In the car, Ren Qiao who sat in the passenger seat bowed her head slightly, and her long eyelashes cast a shadow on her face. Seeing her bow down, Ming Yuan asked, “What’s the matter?”

Ren Qiao shook her head and didn’t speak. Ming Yuan turned to her side, and his approach made Ren Qiao shrink back and tighten. Ming Yuan shook his head and smiled. He helped her fasten her seat belt and sat back in place. “You haven’t worn your seat belt. If the traffic police catch you, my points will be deducted.”

His tricks made Ren Qiao giggle, and Ming Yuan started the car engine. “That’s right, give me a smile!”

“I really can’t smile when you keep coming to see me.” Ren Qiao looked out of the window. “Mr. Ming, I’m different from you, and I’m not the same with the actresses you used to keep previously. You’re up there, and I’m just an 18-line actress. Your casual meal will be enough for our family for a year. If you think I am ridiculous, but in my eyes, love is very sacred. I won’t sell my body for money. Director Ji discovered me, and I thanked him for his kindness. I just wanted to go back to Jiang City after this filming. Buy a house, go on a blind date, and get married.”

Ming Yuan slammed on the brakes: “Who told you I am keeping a female star?” When he touched Ren Qiao’s face, his fingertips were moist with Ren Qiao’s tears; Ren Qiao cried.

Ming Yuan had seen a lot of people cry, but none of them cried more beautifully, silently, and quietly than Ren Qiao. That beautiful Phoenix eyes, infected with water vapor, making people who saw it feel pity. The crystal tears slid across her white jade cheeks, like pearl jade.

At that moment, Ming Yuan even thought, no wonder the tears of the legendary mermaid turned into pearls. If the mermaid was as beautiful as Ren Qiao, maybe even better than pearls.

At this time, the sun had fallen, there was an afterglow in the distant sky, the clouds burned into a faint golden color, and outside the window was a verdant bamboo forest. Ming Yuan couldn’t see anything; the woman in front of him attracted all of his attention.

Big drops of crystal tears, silently across her jade face made it rain inside his heart. This strange feeling made him very scared. How could he put a woman in his heart? Something’s out of control!

When Ren Qiao saw the car stop moving, she pushed the car door to open: “Mr. Ming, find someone else to play your game, I can not afford it.”

Before Ming Yuan cleared his mind, his body had taken the first step, chased it out, and grabbed Ren Qiao’s hand, “This is not a game. Tang Shu, I like you. Let’s date!”

Once the truth was spoken, all became smoother: “I know it’s a bit abrupt. We only have known each other for a short time, but I trust my instincts. My intuition tells me that if I miss you, I will regret it for the rest of my life! Will you give me a chance to pursue you?”

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Deep at the bottom of the ocean, inside the moving castle, team leader Tianzi reported the situation of Ren Qiao to Silver Night in real-time: “Ming Yuan went to ask the crew for the fifth time and sent Ren Qiao a bunch of white lilies, which is Ren Qiao’s favorite.”

“Ming Yuan invited Ren Qiao to dinner. They ate French cuisine. Ren Qiao praised foie gras. Ming Yuan specially called the chef to thank him. The tip was very generous.”

“Ming Yuan takes Ren Qiao for a ride and looks at the stars in the mountains at night.”

Silver Night nodded slightly: “In the future, you don’t need to tell me Ming Yuan’s method to pursue Ren Qiao in detail.” There was no emotion in his voice, no sense of joy or anger.

The next day, looking at the information received in his hand, the group leader showed a look of embarrassment. Silver Night asked loudly, “What’s the matter?”

The team leader replied: “Ren Qiao took advantage of the break time, to personally make a love lunch, and sent it to the Orange Sky Building for Ming Yuan.”

He was just wondering, this wasn’t Ming Yuan’s method to pursuit Ren Qiao right? It should not be counted. After all, this was Ren Qiao’s response, so it needs to be reported, right?

It was Silver Night who took the initiative to ask questions, but he was silent after hearing his subordinates’ answers. For a long time, he didn’t hear any response, and the team leader doubtfully asked: “Master?”

“If I remember correctly, it has been seven years, and this is the first time she has responded to other people’s pursuits.” Silver Night waved and asked him to stand down. Just a simple action, but it made the team leader feel palpitations. Why did he feel that the Silver Night seemed to be even more dangerous?

Zhanhong conference room; a large area of floor-to-ceiling windows created a sense of transparency. The combination of gray and white gave people a bright feeling, while the black leather chair was looked capable.

At the end of the oval table, the CEO;  Zhou Yunqing, sat in a dark suit, looked as gloomy as water, and the whole person was like a black hole.

“How’s it going with Xing Can?” His voice was icy, and there was an imperceptible grumpiness in it.

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This was the first time Li Ming saw such a grumpy Zhou Yunqing, and it was acceptable because Zhang Mingyu’s was missing. But this was Zhou Yunqing! Since he met him at the University, he had always been calm. Even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him; his face might not change a color!? But, what’s going on now?

“Mingyu was previously a person in charge, you know, holding Xing Can just like the old Youtiao, raising prices was useless. Once we up the price, the more they feel they were seeing a ghost.” To suppress his doubts, Li Ming replied.

“Where’s Zhang Mingyu? Only a small thing, why does it take him so long? You don’t need to raise the price, no need to give a slight advantage for them. Put pressure on them in the name of Zhanhong, and then cut them off. I’ll see if they sell it or not!”

“Cut them off?” Li Ming didn’t understand. “Boss, Mingyu has been sent abroad to attend Somuns’ fashion conference.”

A water blue-colored figure, stopped in front of Li Ming, gently put down a cup of coffee, “Mr. Zhou, today’s third cup of black coffee. According to your preference, no sugar. But drinking too much coffee is bad for your health. If you told me to make the fourth cup, I’d say no.” Her voice was as gentle as water, but there was no doubt about what she said.

She was Zhou Yunqing’s secretary, Lan Ruo. She had a goose egg face and unlike the famous network celebrity beauty, but very nice to see. She had a bit of baby fat on her cheek, couldn’t say that she had amazing facial features but the combination looked very pleasant.

She quietly mentioned Li_Ming, “Mr. Li, have you ever heard of ‘besieging the Wei to rescue the Zhao‘?”

(besieging the Wei to rescue the Zhao= to relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the enemy.)

Li Ming suddenly realized: “Yes, these old guys were not just Xing Can’s shareholders. If I strike all the other companies in their name, let’s see if they can still sit on their throne or not!”

Zhou Yunqing didn’t touch the cup of coffee. “Secretary Lan, do you need me to remind you of your position?”

Lan Ruo quickly apologized: “It’s my fault, Mr. Zhou. I’m your secretary, not a family doctor. I shouldn’t comment on your health condition. I’m sorry!”

“First, if Zhang Mingyu doesn’t come back for the time being. When Somuns ends, asks him to go to the US and follow up on our latest project. Second, get a share of Xing Can in the shortest time. I want to sit in the shareholders’ meeting this quarter.” Zhou Yunqing left with that iceberg face.

In the conference room, Li Ming held his head and lamented, “What’s wrong with the boss? Don’t you think he looked grumpy today?”

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