Chapter 10: Knight Zhan? True Hero?

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Afterward, Uncle and Third Young Master came to my house every few days to do this and that for a calm delivery, which calmed me to a startled state. I felt the baby in my belly wouldn’t be birthed out but scared out.

Thus, my mood brightened up today when the two didn’t visit. I invited my Little Aunt to take a stroll with me by the lake. There were other people, in twos and threes, also taking a stroll by the lake because the weather was so hot. When there are people, there will also be vendors soliciting for business. Vendors were selling kites, candy, jellied tofu, etc.

Little Aunt supported me while I supported my plump belly. We chatted and admired the scenery as we walked. We had unknowingly walked around a large half of the lake when my feet became a little sore. I looked across the lake and saw a willow tree. Below the tree was a few festive and round stones which we could sit on to take a break and avoid the sun. I proposed going over and Little Aunt agreed.

The two of us were crossing the bridge when someone rushed by like a madman. A jellied tofu hawker chased him while carrying his heavy stall on his shoulders and shouted, “Hey! You haven’t paid yet!”

The bridge wasn’t wide and couldn’t tolerate all the shoving. I saw the scalding hot jellied tofu about to splash onto my belly and momentarily didn’t know how to move. Little Aunt was also dumbstruck.

I was a hair’s breadth from danger when someone jumped in out of nowhere. All of a sudden, he hit an acupuncture point on the hawker and kicked the stall into the lake. His movements were clean and beautiful, not sloppy at all. He was already stably supporting me when everyone was still dazed, “Are you okay, Miss?”

I finally snapped out of it, rubbed my belly, and let out a long sigh, “What a handsome talent!”

The actor from the Kyushu Theater had the best quality martial arts I’ve seen, but to be honest, that young actor paled in comparison to this person, as far apart as the sky and the earth. Plus, he could hit a pressure point! This was my first time seeing a living person hit another living person’s pressure point. And the person who was hit became motionless, just like in books. Really opened my eyes and sincerely admire this martial artist.

Looking closely, he seemed to be Pei Yanzhen’s subordinate, the officer I’ve seen twice before, Zhan Yue. What a genius! Officers named Zhan were all experts. History had Zhan Zhao, while the present had Zhan Yue, like a tradition passed down.

Zhan Zhao was a character in “Three Knights and Five Righteous Ones” and is one of the three knights

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Little Aunt finally came back around and she repeatedly said, “Many thanks for the rescue, hero!”

Seeing I was okay, Zhan Yue released his hold and respectfully retreated to one side. He saluted and said, “This Zhan just happened to be patrolling here and did as obliged. There is no need for thanks.” He turned to me and said, “Miss has a pregnant body so must be more careful. Then, please excuse me.” He turned to walk away and saw the heartbroken hawker staring at the jellied tofu floating in the water. He reached out to undo the acupuncture point and fished out a string of silvers from his sleeve pocket, “I have offended you, but the bridge was simply too narrow. Please use the bigger bridge if you want to cross the lake next time. This is money to compensate for your losses.”

That hawker took the money and his sorrow turned to joy. He repeatedly nodded and bowed toward Zhan Yue, “The noble officer is right.”

Zhan Yue waved his sleeves and walked away, leaving behind a straightforward and neat back view.

What a true hero! With strong skills and a Robin Hood nature, once he passed by a situation, he came to help, honest and not wordy. This was exactly my dream man.

I stared at his distant back and suddenly thought…

Rumors say when a woman is carrying a baby, whatever she hears, sees, and thinks about will affect the baby profoundly. Whoever the mother frequently sees is whoever the baby will resemble most. I grieved for having married two pretty boys so I would regret, for the rest of my life, if I gave birth to another pretty boy.

This Knight Zhan Yue had peak level kung fu and didn’t have a scholar’s characteristic of beating around the bush. If I frequently see him, watch him practice a set of moves every day, and occasionally chat with him about Jianghu matters, then it would have great benefits for my baby.

Thus, this was my first time wanting to make friends with and draw close to someone, and it was extremely pressing,

With this thought in my mind, I elatedly returned home with a terrified Little Aunt. Even my gait became lighter.

Unexpectedly, once we reached the front doors, I saw the Pei carriage speeding along. The carriage hadn’t stopped yet when Pei Yanzhen impatiently jumped out of it and took a few steps to stand in front of me. He reached out to hold onto my arm, “Miao’r, were you frightened?” He asked while examining me closely.

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My mood was still pretty good so without shunning, I jumped out of the carriage under his support. Pei Yanzhen must have heard Knight Zhan’s report and came to visit with good intentions. I consoled him, “It’s nothing, you can relax.” Not only was I not frightened, but I was also happy and even gained a bonus in the accident.

Pei Yanzhen saw me supporting my belly and smiling back at him, and he relaxed, his white lips slowly recovered some color. He greeted Little Aunt then supported me into the house. His cautious attitude was like Daddy’s toward his tea leaves, causing me to feel a bit uncomfortable.

I asked him, “Master Pei, how much does the government officials get paid?”

Pei Yanzhen looked at me and said, “My salary was completely given to you for safekeeping in the past. Miao’r should be clear on the answer so why are you asking now?”

“Uh… I wasn’t asking for the magistrate’s salary, but the officer’s salary.”

Knight Zhan worked at the government office so constantly meeting him would be difficult. I thought since both were work, why not invite him to work for my Shen family? My Shen family could be considered a respected household so working for my family shouldn’t be below his standards. Of course, he couldn’t randomly tread on Master Pei and just suddenly start working for my family.

From a young age, Daddy had told us that “using emotion to move people” was inferior to “using money to move people,” which would bring faster results. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated. I would grasp Knight Zhan’s salary from Pei Yanzhen today, and tomorrow I could assign someone to invite Knight Zhan over with double the price. Let’s see if he could refuse that offer.

Pei Yanzhen paused, then in a show of understanding, he said, “Miao’r wants to thank Zhan Yue with a gift? It’s no bother, I have the money to thank him. Miao’r need not worry and should be concerned about recuperating at home.”

I felt Uncle’s perception was usually pretty good, but today his perception was a little off the mark. But, hearing what he said, I couldn’t question him again. I could only find another route.

After two hours, Pei Yanzhen had just left when Song Xiyuan came by. I was always softhearted and seeing them just missing each other, I pitied them, “Young Master Song was late by a step.”

Song Xiyuan tensed as if he was facing his nemesis, “Ah? Miaomiao, did you and Master Pei renew your relations? Blame me for finding out late! But I already came as fast as possible after hearing you were in danger. Seeing me this infatuated, Miaomiao, you cannot treat me this way.”

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Seeing him this concerned for Pei Yanzhen, I was deeply moved. I carried over a plate of pastries and appeased him, “Relax, I haven’t renewed my relations.”

Song Xiyuan’s mood immediately brightened up. He pulled me over to confirm I was alright then happily stared at the bulge of my belly, “Miaomiao, I recently thought of a good name for my little daughter, Song Wantang. Daughter is in the “Wan” generation of our Song family. The “Tang” was carefully chosen as a homonym for “candy” and “pond.” When I first saw you, you were eating candy. In the second meeting, you fell into the water. This is the “Tang” in our fate.”

Names were sometimes made up of three characters with a surname, generation character, and unique character. The generation character was used by the members of the same generation in the family

宋宛唐 (SongWanTang) 宋 = surname 宛 = winding 唐 = Tang dynasty/to exaggerate

糖 (Tang) = candy 塘 (Tang) = pool/pond

“It’s indeed fate.” I added, “But the child will not be able to use this fated name.”

“Why?” Song Xiyuan’s complexion wavered.

“Because the surname is not Song,” I truthfully said.

“Don’t tell me it’s Pei?” Song Xiyuan grew fiercer.

I calmly told him, “No, it’s Shen.” The imperial physician had already determined that the child was not related to the Pei nor Song families. From now on, the child has to rely on the mother’s family for food, clothes, and training, so naturally, the surname will be Shen.

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Song Xiyuan became depressed hearing that. After he sat for a while, Old Chen came in to report that a shopkeeper was waiting to submit his accounts so Song Xiyuan had to leave.

The next day, I prepared some money and smoothly scouted out Knight Zhan’s salary. I instructed a servant to tactfully express that there was a position for Knight Zhan to be a guard in the Shen family.

Knight Zhan was indeed straightforward. Without thinking about it, he immediately refused.

In my mind, I was delighted that I haven’t made an error in judgment. This Zhan Yue was really loyal and honest, the so-called faithful servant with only one master. I also believed that with my family’s financial resources, I would be able to wear down this iron man until he becomes an embroidery needle. Thus, I increased the salary by another fold.

Today, I was waiting in the lobby for a reply. Unexpectedly, instead of the longed-for Knight Zhan, Pei Yanzhen, who haven’t come by for two days, walked in.

Didn’t know if he was about to go to the office or he had just left the office, but Pei Yanzhen came in wearing his cinnabar red official robes. I expectantly looked behind him but didn’t see Zhan Yue.

“Who is Miao’r waiting for?”

I looked back to see Pei Yanzhen staring at me with raised brows. His red clothes contrasted with his pale skin which made him look like white jade. I stared blankly, not knowing what to say. Fortunately, the baby in my belly kicked me and jolted me from my daze. I retrieved my gaze from Pei Yanzhen’s face that inspired reverence.

I inevitably thought that I might have eaten too much of Uncle’s vinegared cabbage these past few days and might have soured my brain. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have thought scholars were actually to my liking, completely overturning my nineteen years of belief. What a sin. To recognize my mistake and be able to reform was a great virtue. Luckily, I immediately turned back.

While I was reflecting, I saw Pei Yanzhen suddenly give me a smile, slowly drawn out and floating on his face. He seamlessly drew nearer, “Miao’r~”

That sound was really enticing, like water, guiding patiently and systematically.

This was the authentic Pei method of collecting demonized enemies.

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