Chapter 9: Tea Egg? Miscarriage Prevention Dish?

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I woke up early and was taking a stroll in the back courtyard to look at some flowers when I saw someone by the goldfish pond. He was facing away from me and wearing a purple brocade robe with a green jade ornament hanging on his waist. His head was lowered as if he was concentrating on the fish in the pond.

I paused, about to turn back until I thought better of it, and seeing him hungrily staring at the fish, I asked, “Did you want to eat fish or swim with them?”

Song Xiyuan reluctantly turned my way and smiled brighter than the sparkling pond, “Miaomiao, you’re finally awake.” Without warning, he grabbed my hands, “Miaomiao, are you concerned about me? I’m so touched! Relax. Although you dumped me, I believe, because of our affections, that status is just fleeting thing. I won’t take things too hard and commit suicide.”

“Ah! Lecher!”

I was about to correct Song Xiyuan that the divorce was for his own good when I heard the outcry. Turning back, I saw Lu Ying, who went to get my breakfast, with a face of shock and panic, and an overturned basket on the floor. It looked like the impudent girl didn’t see Song Xiyuan clearly. Of course, most people also would not think it would be him. If another servant saw a strange man suddenly came into the residence in the morning and grabbed the young miss’ hands, naturally she would scream.

Song Xiyuan stared at Lu Ying with a resentful face, “Have you seen such a faithful lecher before?”

I seized the opportunity to extract my hands from his. Taking pity on Lu Ying, who was stunned and unable to respond to Song Xiyuan, I said, “You can go. I will eat breakfast in my room later.”

After watching her leave, I turned back to ask Song Xiyuan, “What was Young Master Song doing standing by my backyard’s pond so early in the morning?”

Song Xiyuan smiled while fixing the hair on his forehead, “Obviously, I’m waiting to meet with Miaomiao. I just borrowed the pond’s reflection in passing to look at my image.”

I suddenly felt the sun was too intense, giving me a headache. I just recalled that Song Xiyuan always had this habit where every time he passed by anything reflective, he would stop to use it as a mirror and stare for a while, infatuated. His narcissism had reached unprecedented heights. But, that wasn’t the main issue. The question was why didn’t the servants notify me when he came to pay a visit today? I avoided the topic. Besides, this was the back courtyard of the inner Shen residence. No one could enter without either my or Daddy’s permission.

I saw a bush of trampled roses in a corner of the yard. My heart skipped a beat and a thought flashed through my mind. Perhaps… I then asked, “How did you enter?”

Song Xiyuan replied, as a matter of course, “Climbed over the wall.”

As suspected!

I breathed in, trying to stay calm. The doctor said I should keep my mood steady or the baby might crawl out ahead of schedule.

Song Xiyuan lowered the corner of his mouth, just like when my little brother suffered a scolding from Daddy. He grieved, “When I go through the front doors, you won’t see me so I could only climb the back wall.” Suddenly his expression changed to show happiness, “Miaomiao, could it be you like this feeling of secretly meeting?”

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I looked at him and earnestly replied, “Not even one bit.”

After saying so, Lu Ying hurriedly walked over from the corridor, “Young Miss, Master Pei is here. The Old Master is requesting Young Miss to go to the reception hall for a chat.”

“I understand.” While turning away, I saw Song Xiyuan with a fallen expression. “Miaomiao, why can Master Pei visit you but I can’t?”

First of all, Master Pei was an official and I was a commoner. Secondly, he was my uncle and I was the younger generation. If he summons me, how could I dare not go?

I was about to explain when I recalled yesterday’s encounter. I invited him, “Why don’t Young Master Song follow me to the hall?”

Song Xiyuan’s complexion cleared up a little and walked by my side.

Immediately after walking into the reception pavilion, I saw Pei Yanzhen leaning against the window in a moonlight white robe, refined and elegant, as if he brought along his own immortal aura. He was just standing casually, yet it was as if he was in a painting, making a commoner like me sigh.

My foot had just lightly stepped through the door when Pei Yanzhen turned around as if he had a pair of eyes in the back of his head, and shallowly smiled, “Miao’r.”

I had no time to respond when Song Xiyuan rushed ahead of me and cupped his hands, “Master Pei.”

Pei Yanzhen subdued his smile and lifted his brows, “Third Young Master was here too?” His intonation was smooth yet the ending sound had an unknown overtone.

Song XIyuan lowered his head and smiled, “Master Pei can come, so why can I, Song Third, not come?”

I sense an unusual atmosphere pervading between the two and watched them go back and forth. I sighed in my heart, noblemen have their own mature charm. I moved toward a rosewood chair to sit down when Pei Yanzhen took a few steps toward me and supported me, “Miao’r, this wooden chair is too hard. You should sit on the armchair.” With his gentle words and cautious movements, he led me to the armchair.

Song Xiyuan’s eyes twitched. Not good, I hastened to throw off Pei Yanzhen’s support when Daddy pulled off the curtain in the back and energetically walked out. He said, happy, “I found it! I have spent a lot of money to buy Wuyishan’s Crimson Form oolong tea from Fujian. Yanzhen, you are lucky to have a chance to taste this…”

Daddy carried a jar of tea leaves into the hall and saw Song Xiyuan. He paused, then shortly said, “Xiyuan, you are here too? Come, come, try my new tea.”

Song Xiyuan’s expression changed. He promptly walked toward Daddy with bright eyes, “Crimson Form?! Daddy Shen has good arrangements! I also admired this tea for a long time. I regret not being able to get it and never thought I would be so lucky today!”

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Ever since Pei Yanzhen and Song Xiyuan became my ex-husbands, my dad obtained a strange and out of place address of “Daddy Shen.” Daddy also was unconcerned and let them do what they wished.

Daddy used a teaspoon to carefully scoop a spoonful of tea leaves and placed it in the teapot. From the pot to the cup, every move was made with great care to display the tea’s precious quality. Daddy’s attitude regarding tea was the complete opposite of his attitude toward us three siblings. We siblings were like the chicken in a peasant’s home, Daddy never cared if we were knocked into. But if a servant reported that a jar of tea leaves broke, Daddy would be so depressed he would have difficulty falling asleep for a few months.

Song Xiyuan and Daddy were the same on this point. He also spent money and looked for famous teas all over the world. And so he became soulmates with Daddy by attracting him with teas.

I also thought it would be a pity if they were not soulmates. Which tea peddler in Yangzhou doesn’t know that Old Master Shen and Third Young Master spent money on teas without blinking an eye? Moreover, the two were “teadiots.” Not only were they obsessed to the point of being senseless, but they were also foolishly confused. They had never been able to distinguish if the leaves were straight or slightly bent and if the leaves were picked in the spring or in the summer. They were so easy to deceive. Once tea was mentioned, the two’s usually astute business sense went right out the door.

Therefore, every few days, a tea peddler would strike up a conversation with Daddy or Song Xiyuan and sell them some tea leaves. Even in my dowry when I was married Pei Yanzhen, there were ten jars of Daddy’s so-called Junshan’s Silver Needle white tea. Once, I had mistakenly steeped a pot of tea with those tea leaves and Pei Yanzhen, not knowing it was from my dowry, frowned while drinking it. He then asked if we had run out of tea.

Song Xiyuan’s capability to distinguish tea leaves were even worse than Daddy’s. There was a day when someone swindled him into buying a jar of the supposedly best Qimen black tea. Song Xiyuan treated it as treasure and steeped a cup for me. When I tasted it, I immediately thought it was a familiar flavor. Sipping a few more times, I recognized it as the flavor of the tea eggs my wet nurse cooked for me when I was little. How pathetic.

Daddy must have wasted more money and benefited another sweet talking tea peddler for the oolong tea today. Forget it, good mood can’t be bought for a thousand gold, as long as Daddy was happy drinking his tea.

I originally couldn’t distinguish the quality of the teas, but, following Pei Yanzhen for two years, I could differentiate better now. I sipped the tea Daddy poured for me. As expected, it was only the common Wuyiyan oolong tea. Luckily it wasn’t too far off, the leaves were still from the same mountain. I had thought the peddler would use another region’s oolong tea to fool Daddy. Apparently, the tea peddlers still had a shred of conscience.

Song Xiyuan repeatedly praised, “Such a sweet fragrance. Crimson Form deserves its reputation!”

Daddy stroked his beard, extremely happy. He then expectantly turned toward Pei Yanzhen. Pei Yanzhen set aside his teacup and smiled, “It’s not bad.”

Thus, Daddy compared the nonsensical soulmate, Song Xiyuan, and the reserved guest, Pei Yanzhen, and contentedly continued on his way of being “teadiots.”

While drinking tea, servants came in to report that the Opulent Spring restaurant had sent some dishes for Miss Shen. I was startled, completely unable to recall ordering food from Opulent Spring. Song Xiyuan, however, immediately stood up and took initiative to answer for me, “Bring them in.” He turned to me and said, “Miaomiao, I called for the ten whole supplementing dishes. You are pregnant now so it won’t do to be this skinny. You ought to properly supplement your body.”

It was named “ten whole supplementing dishes” so I thought it was only ten dishes. It had not occurred to me that “ten whole” was meant as “ten out of ten” or “complete” until I saw a whole table completely full of food, like an imperial feast. Deer, ginseng, turtle, chicken… Along with numerous dishes I was unable to make out. I was afraid I would die from indigestion eating this much in the early morning. Fortunately, no one has eaten breakfast yet, so I called Daddy, Song Xiyuan, and Pei Yanzhen to eat together with me.

I had just sat down when Song Xiyuan put a black unidentified thing in my bowl, “Miaomiao, eat some stir-fried bee larvae.”

I froze. Song Xiyuan saw my strange complexion and put another pile of things in my bowl, “Don’t like it? Then try some candied bee larvae.” Seeing I was still motionless, He switched it out for another dish, “Or does Miaomiao want to eat the sauteed bee larvae?”

I glanced at the fleshy carcass in my bowl and calmly said, “The crux of the problem isn’t stir-fried or sauteed. I don’t like bee larvae.”

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Song Xiyuan scowled, “But, Miaomiao, the larvae are good for calming the nerves to raise the baby.”

And I thought it took all my strength to not be shocked, not to mention “calming the nerves…”

Pei Yanzhen wordlessly picked out some radishes from the deer dish and placed it in my bowl. Song Xiyuan watched as I ate the radish, as it was more to my taste, and his expression had a hint of resentment.

Daddy stopped eating and asked, “Miao’r, I heard you went for an arranged date the other day?”

“Yes,” I bluntly replied. Pei Yanzhen silently chewed on some rice, while Song Xiyuan ate some bee larvae, both with their heads down. I momentarily felt oppressed, then thought it was because the summer mornings could be stuffy.

Daddy slapped his thighs and blurted out, “What arranged a date! A husband is like wealth, merely worldly possessions and dispensible. How could you not figure it out!”

Uh… I paused, with a sudden flash of insight, everything became clear. I answered, “That’s right!”

Pei Yanzhen stopped eating and stared out the window with a hand propping up his head. Song Xiyuan poked at his food looking lifeless.

As expected, Daddy had a wide range of experience. It was trivial if a child doesn’t have a dad. I didn’t have a mom, yet I lived perfectly alright to this age! A girl from a little family must have a husband to support and raise a family. My Shen family have no shortage of money so raising a baby was easy as pie. I was narrow-minded before, but luckily Daddy advised me.

Once I had figured it out, my heart was free from worry. I picked up a sea cucumber and chewed it a few times. Suddenly, I recalled Old Chen saying sea cucumbers boost sex drive and my stomach heaved. I turned around and covered my mouth to cough a few times, then said, “I’m full. You continue eating.”

Song Xiyuan said, “How could you eat so little? Come eat a little more.”

Pei Yanzhen poured a cup of water for me, “Does Miao’r not like greasy food?” Seeing me nod, he leaned over and warmly asked, “What does Miao’r want to eat?”

I thought about it and felt besides one thing, everything else was a little hard to take in. I bluntly told him, “Vinegared cabbage.”

Song Xiyuan immediately vetoed, “Cabbage has no benefits for the baby.”

Nevertheless, Pei Yanzhen rolled up his sleeves, “Miao’r, you eat some rice porridge first. I will make it for you.” After saying so, he had some servants lead him to the kitchen.

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Although Pei Yanzhen could not dance with blades and handle swords, I thought he was pretty good at handling a spatula. He was a deeply hidden chef among the populace. In those two years, he would personally make a few dishes when he had time. The taste probably didn’t lose to those from Opulent Spring’s head chef. I was shocked the first time he cooked since there was a saying that noblemen stayed clear of the kitchen. Pei Yanzhen was not only a gentle and refined scholar, but he was also a Parent Office Magistrate, yet when he couldn’t figure things out, he would cook in the kitchen. When I asked him, he smiled faintly and said, “It’s a skill the body depends on. If by any chance, I stopped working as an official, I can still feed my wife and not let her starve.”

“In those days when your mom had you, she also loved eating vinegared cabbage,” Daddy sighed with regret. I came out of my daze and saw Song Xiyuan scooping me a bowl of chicken soup, unresigned, “Miaomiao, this chicken soup isn’t greasy. It was stewed without oil.”

I lowered my head to drink some water and saw that my cuff had a tear. I believed it was from a branch during my walk earlier. I said, “I’m going back to change clothes. Daddy and Young Master Song eat slowly.”

Behind me, I heard Song Xiyuan mutter, “Still haven’t drunk the soup, so why are you changing clothes?” At once,  Minister Qu crossed my mind.

After changing clothes, my stomach unexpectedly growled. Pei Yanzhen’s culinary skill came to mind again, and unable to endure, I walked toward the kitchen to conveniently check on the vinegared cabbage.

I pushed the door open and saw a blazing fire. Pei Yanzhen was nimbly brandishing the spatula, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and robes arranged by his waist. There was a different aura from usual. The way he was standing was like the autumn rain passing through, willing the kitchen to be less noisy and fiery.

He turned to give me a smile, “Miao’r, don’t rush. The dish is almost done.”

He was obviously facing the other way, yet he somehow knew I had come in. I looked at him, confused, and saw a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, burned from the fire. I unconsciously took out a napkin from my sleeve and reached out to wipe off his sweat.

Putting my hand down, I became aware of the awkward silence between us. Looking up, I saw Pei Yanzhen gazing at me, with deep and clear eyes.

My heart skipped a beat. I lowered my head and blurted out, “I was afraid your sweat would fall in.”

I was shocked by my initial reaction. In hindsight, I continuously worried that Song Xiyuan’s peculiarities was contagious and rubbed off on me.

Pei Yanzhen lightly smiled and turned back to pour the cooked cabbage onto a plate. I impatiently tasted one and was so satisfied that I couldn’t help but close my eyes in bliss. When I opened my eyes again, I nearly bumped into Pei Yanzhen’s nose. I was completely unaware of when he had sneaked in this close…

I watched as the pair of lips that were so close it couldn’t be closer moved and spat out a word like the wind brushing against my lips, “Miao’r.”

My mind became a sheet of white and I was unable to move a single step.

“Miaomiao, Miaomiao.” Song Xiyuan was outside of the corridor meowing like a cat. I immediately reacted, picked up the plate of cabbage and swiftly retreated, abandoning Uncle behind me.

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