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Chapter 8: Gold Mine? Forbidden Love?

“Zhan Yue, who is it?” A young master came out from behind the screen in moonlight colors, gentle and refined.

I stared blankly.

“The customer next door who was competing with you wants to, with Young Master…” The attendant leaned to the side to reply but was interrupted by the person when he saw me.

“Miao’r?” Pei Yanzhen knitted his brows, twitched his eyes, and pursed his lips.

“Young Master?!” Lu Ying behind me blurted out. Then she immediately corrected herself, “Lord Uncle…”

This is a strange situation where my former husband and I accidentally meet in a brothel and bid on the same little groom.

This… This actually wasn’t worth making a big fuss over. Who was I, Shen Miao? I have weathered through many storms and survived a dragon’s slap. Moreover, Pei Yanzhen and I were once husband and wife, so I gave a dry laugh and said, “Since Uncle wants that She Lian, then I won’t snatch him from you.”

Old before the young. Daddy had taught me since little to respect my elders.

In the past, I simply didn’t know Pei Yanzhen ate both men and women… No wonder the attendant looked familiar. Now I remembered that he was the officer who barged into my wedding with Song Xiyuan. Being an officer nowadays must be hard. Not only does he have to work in the government office during the day, but he had to accompany his boss to the brothels at night. Tsk tsk, every profession has its untold hardships.

I was about to leave and come back another day when Pei Yanzhen took a few steps and blocked me with his hand on my shoulder. “Miao’r, why are you here? And wearing something so flimsy?” He tightened his grip, grabbing me until it hurt, “Was it really you calling for the little groom just now?”

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He used the same gentle tone as before, yet I felt my neck grow a little cold. It seemed like I did wear too little.

“Fifth Auntie, Third Young Master has said that he must choose She Lian today.”

I was pondering how to respond to Pei Yanzhen when a little servant opened the door diagonally across from us to call for the brothel keeper.

I instinctively raised my head just in time to see, through the open door, a few people drinking and chatting. At the head of the table was Song Xiyuan.

Well, there’s no difference between bumping into one ex-husband and bumping into two ex-husbands. It was also not strange that all three husbands and wife chose the same little groom.

Song Xiyuan saw me when he raised his head and a trace of panic flitted across his face. He anxiously stood up, walked a few steps to stand in front of me, and blurted out a sentence that made me feel like water was caught in my throat, “Wife, are you here to catch me in the act?” With a face of righteousness and only missing the pose of vowing to the heavens, he said, “Believe me, I am innocent! I’m only here for a business dinner. The little groom is for the other guests!”

Following, his face suddenly turned sinister, “Miaomiao, why are you visiting the brothels with Master Pei, hand in hand?”

I looked down to see Pei Yanzhen had, at some point, changed from holding my shoulder to holding my hand. I threw his hand off and said, “It was a coincidence. I originally wanted to experience this She Lian’s kung fu, but since you both picked him, I won’t be able to see him today. I’ll come back tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?!” Pei Yanzhen and Song Xiyuan said together, their tones quite impressive.

Could it be they wanted to choose him tomorrow too? I was always easy-going and tolerant so I gently said, “Or it could be the day after.”

Even before the words were finished, the two’s faces turned increasingly worse. My whole back turned cold. I trembled and weakly said, “Could…Could it be you reserved him for the month?”

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Song Xiyuan’s face immediately turned fierce while Pei Yanzhen popped a few veins.

I glanced downstairs at the little grooms then looked at Song and Pei. For a moment, I was concerned. With these two’s fair and clear appearance, I didn’t know if they will use the Eighteen Forms on the little grooms or if the little grooms will use the Eighteen Forms on them…

While thinking so, Pei Yanzhen grabbed my hand and said, “Miao’r, this place is filthy. I will send you back home now.”

At the same time, Song Xiyuan grabbed my other hand and watched as the brothel keeper led an androgynous person in spring colors up the stairs. He raised a brow and said to Pei Yanzhen, “Master Pei has already taken a tablet and should go about your business. It’s better if I take Miaomiao back home.”

Pei Yanzhen gently smiled and looked at the table of bosses in Song Xiyuan’s room. “Third Young Master was doing serious business so how could you delay? She Lian should accompany Third Young Master today. This Pei will pick up the bill.” After saying so, he left while still holding my hand. The officer named Zhan Yue followed closely behind.

Zhan Yue slashed a hand at Song Xiyuan’s waist, forcing him to let go of my hand. Then he continued toward us with a displeased look.

The brothel keeper behind us stamped her foot, “The three young masters, in the end, who is taking She Lian…”

The carriage jolted off in the moonlight. In the carriage sat three people, me, Pei Yanzhen, and Song Xiyuan. Song Xiyuan hid a hypocritical smile and said, “I’m used to seeing Master Pei’s uncontaminated noble appearance. I never thought that on this short trip, I would see Master Pei loitering in the red light district. This Song has opened his eyes today.”

Pei Yanzhen calmly said, “It was for official business. In order to investigate a cold case, I infiltrated inside.” Although his appearance was indifferent, his tone was sincere, with both eyes turned toward me.

Song Xiyuan laughed with sparkling eyes, “Master Pei has such a timely reason to visit the brothels. What a good excuse!”

“Just stating the truth.” He looked at Song Xiyuan, unmoved, “It doesn’t fall short of Third Young Master coming just for business deals.”

“You! …” Song Xiyuan stifled his red face. He glared at Pei Yanzhen on one side and anxiously told me on the other, “Miaomiao, you must believe me.”

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I haven’t answered when Pei Yanzhen gently asked me, “Miao’r, is your body feeling unwell? If you feel the jolts, I can let the driver drive slower.” He then added another silk cushion behind my waist.

I stared helplessly at the two going back and forth, like wolves in sheep’s clothing, then thought over everything that I’ve seen in Qinchu Hall today. Suddenly, a thought gushed forth, a brilliant idea that gave me a feeling like I achieved nirvana.

If this wasn’t jealousy, then what else could it be?

In a three-person relationship, there must be an adulterous situation.

I originally believed both Pei and Song married me for the Shen family’s wealth. Since marrying me means having the biggest merchant as support, just like having a gold mine, they wouldn’t have to worry about not being able to tackle a major project. I never thought…there was some other ulterior motive…

No wonder Pei Yanzhen sent his officer on the day of my and Song Xiyuan’s wedding. It wasn’t a day earlier nor a day later, but that specific day. He clearly didn’t want us to marry. Later, when he found out I was pregnant, he insisted on sending a doctor for another diagnosis and insisted that I was four months pregnant. Clearly, it was so Song Xiyuan and I would break up. Although Pei Yanzhen was usually calm and didn’t expose any emotions, I never thought he would use such painstaking effort for Song Xiyuan!

Song XIyuan, as well, was usually clever and eloquent, yet in front of Pei Yanzhen, he lost his touch. Moreover, once Pei Yanzhen was mentioned, he would scowl fiercely and fume with rage. Could it be… Perhaps… Pei Yanzhen had already used the Eighteen Forms on him…?

I glanced at Song Xiyuan with pity, then looked at Pei Yanzhen while shaking my head in my mind. Pei Yanzhen looked gentle and elegant, yet his admirers could not grab his heart. But the one who obtained it…

However, from what I saw, Song Xiyuan may not be completely unmoved. Thinking back, when Song Xiyuan mentioned She Lian, he was making sarcastic remarks. If that wasn’t being jealous, then what would be?

Both people have ambiguous feelings and so, to hide from secular gaze, they restrained themselves and buried it in the bottom of their hearts. And to avoid attention, they used me as a meat shield. Their lover was near, visible and audible, yet they could not love each other, as if they were on the opposite ends of the world. This forbidden passion in front of me really moved me from the bottom of my heart!

If I hadn’t stepped into Qinchu Hall today, then I would have never opened my eyes and seen the whole picture. I was completely unaware in the past.

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When Lu Ying supported me down the carriage, Pei Yanzhen watched her and gently asked, “Lu Ying, how long have you waited on your Young Miss?”

Lu Ying respectfully lowered her head and replied, “It’s been six years.”

Pei Yanzhen then said, “So to say, it hasn’t been short. Then you should have grasped what is frivolous and what is serious.”

Lu Ying paled and repeatedly agreed. Pei Yanzhen turned and told me, “Miao’r, I know you have an inquisitive mind, but that place is filthy, with crooks mixed within the common people. It’s a really bad destination. You should rest early today. I will visit you again tomorrow.”

At that moment, Song Xiyuan hopped off the carriage and lovingly said, “Miaomiao, you are carrying my little daughter so you should not run everywhere indiscriminately. Be obedient.”

I was still immersed in their sad longing, unable to extricate myself, so I repeatedly nodded my head. Only when I stepped in through the door did I react, turning my head to warn Pei Yanzhen, “Master Pei, since you are going the same way, it so happens that you can send Young Master Song back home.”

Pei Yanzhen was startled. Song Xiyuan was also distracted but shortly blurted out, “I don’t dare to trouble Master Pei.” I ferociously glared at him and he closed his mouth, baffled.

Pei Yanzhen said, “But the Pei and Song residences, one’s in the east, one’s in the west. The way back is a little too far from each other…”

As it turned out, men were also hypocrites, not speaking from the heart. I earnestly stared at Pei Yanzhen. After a long while, Pei Yanzhen finally said, “Since Miao’r said it… Third Young Master, please get in the carriage.”

Song Xiyuan got on the carriage under my gaze, depressed and uncomfortable.

After watching them leave in the carriage, I raised my head to look up at the night sky. I sighed in my heart, feeling I was a lot more noble and upright.


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