Chapter 7: Good Kung Fu? Eighteen Forms?

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Whether it was lucky or unfortunate, this arranged date fell apart when Uncle and Third Young Master interfered. Not only that, originally only the young masters in Yangzhou avoided me, now the matchmakers in Ice Hall looked at me as if I was a poisonous snake. No one would mention me and marriage in the same sentence again.

From now on, I lost the pleasure of going on blind dates. How will I spend those long and boring days? I could only temporarily watch plays during the day and chat with my little brother during the night.

The weather today was pretty good and the Kyushu Theater had just presented a new play. The male military lead had top-notched kung fu. Rumors said he used to train at a Shaolin temple, but he recently joined the theater troupe to support his family. I set out in high spirits to watch the play with my personal maid, Lu Ying.

Our family rented a little balcony in that theater all year round. Firstly, Daddy could conveniently lead his business partners to watch a play. Secondly, my aunts could come to watch plays with their companions at leisure. None of us would have to mix in with the crowd on the ground floor. I also used that little balcony on certain days.

The show today wasn’t bad. The main actor had some talent in kung fu. His kicks, punches, and slashes were clean and powerful. The only shortfall was that he was a bit too slender and not manly enough, completely didn’t have the air of a heroic general. A smooth and slender person wielding a broadsword was unbearable to watch. I could not tell who was wielding what. The sword was better off wielding the person.

My mind wandered halfway through the play. In the public venue below, all the old masters were watching with red bloodshot eyes. I heard a middle-aged man with a little mustache say to the waxen-faced man beside him, “How is it? What does Grandpa Li think of the new actor? Powdered face, flushed cheeks. A few looks and you will think his toughness is excellent…” Little Mustache laughed, cocky yet with a hint of indecency.

The waxen man smiled with mutual understanding and said “Grandpa Chen only thinks the actor is good is because there is no comparison. If he was placed in Qinchu Hall, I’m afraid he could not compare.”

秦楚 (QinChu) 秦 = surname Qin as in Qin dynasty 楚 = surname Chu as in the warring states Chu

I would have translated it if it have actual meanings…

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“Haha, that means Grandpa Li hasn’t seen him barefaced yet?” The Little Mustache Grandpa Chen gleamed and complacently said, “I’m acquainted with the theater troupe’s Boss Li. We were reminiscing backstage when I coincidentally saw that actor before he put on his costume and makeup. I dare say, those limpid eyes and rippling skin could match Qinchu Hall’s Little She Lian.”

That waxen man immediately lit up, with eyes shining bright, he said, “Really? He can compete with She Lian? That She Lian could be said to be Qinchu Hall’s trademark!” With a wretched smile, he continued, “Even if his appearance is comparable, his “kung fu”… Hehe, how could that be compared?”

I became curious watching the two discuss enthusiastically and turned toward Lu Ying, “Where is Qinchu Hall?” The actor on stage had the best kung fu I have seen in the past dozen years of watching plays, yet there was someone with even better kung fu. Naturally, I have to pay a visit.

Lu Ying blushed and evaded my eyes, looking everywhere but me. She stalled for a long while, but under my intense stare, finally gave an ambiguous reply, “Qinchu… Is… It is… A man’s place…”

A man’s place? A training hall? A wine shop? I suspiciously look at her?

Lu Ying stamped her foot and twisted her head away, saying “It’s a flower pavilion with only little grooms!”

“Huh? Little grooms?” I stared blankly. I know flower pavilion means brothel, but what is this little groom?

Lu Ying closed her eyes and crossed her heart before giving me a thorough explanation. I still didn’t feel that it was real after listening to her speech. How could two men get together?

At that moment, I slapped the table, “Let’s go. We’ll visit that Qinchu Hall.” Seeing is believing. Besides, I had nothing to do these days. It was so difficult to find something new and interesting so I would be letting myself down if I didn’t see it once.

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Lu Ying was extremely frightened. She stretched her hands out to block me, “Eldest Miss, that’s unacceptable! If the Old Master finds out, he will break this servant’s legs!”

I stroked her head, sympathetic, “Then we won’t let Daddy know.” How could she not think outside the box?

I was always direct and efficient. I immediately found a clothing store to change into a young master outfit and dressed Lu Ying like a manservant. Then we hurried along toward Qinchu Hall. My female-turned-male outfit may have been unconvincing and I wouldn’t be able to deceive many people, but money talks, right?

When I stepped into the spring colored building, the brothel keeper by the door stopped me and politely said, “Miss… This shop only receives male customers.”

I opened my fan to hide a smile. Behind me, Lu Ying handed over a gold ingot. The brothel keeper smiled, “Young Master, this way please.”

I nodded my head, “I want your best private room.”

The brothel keeper consented, “Of course, please use the Moon’s Embrace Pavilion.”

As I walked past with my fan covering my face, I saw the place full of men together, hugging, whispering sweet nothings, and casting amorous glances. Unexpectedly, I heaved an elated sigh. So this was the reason I couldn’t be married off. It seemed like all the young masters who didn’t want to marry me were here. As it turned out, men also like men nowadays. No wonder…

Lu Ying clutched onto my clothes the whole way to the private room. She looked as if she was condemned to have fleas biting her entire body.

“Which gentleman will Young Master choose to serve you?” The brothel keeper placed a stack of tablets in front of me with a smile.

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I glanced at the pile, then sat down with crossed legs, “I want the one with the best kung fu, She Lian.”

Lu Ying coughed repeatedly. The brothel keeper paused then said awkwardly, “Unfortunately, the Fragrant Sky Pavilion to the right just requested for She Lian.”

I placed down a silver note and boldly said, “I’ll pay double.”

The brothel keeper glued her eyes to the banknote and said, “Very good. I’ll call She Lian over now.

She walked out while I studied the room. Other than the numerous curtains, the gaudy colors, and the strong cosmetics fragrance, the other parts of the room was not bad. There was even a bookshelf by the wall full of books.

I randomly pulled out a book, opened the cover and saw big letters staring at me — “Longyang Eighteen Forms.” Flipping through the books, there were only erotic drawings. Each one was so detailed that they popped out of the book. I finally understood that this was how they did it.

Long Yang is a male pet of King Anxi, a reference to homosexuality

Beside me, Lu Ying was about to cry, “Miss, you are carrying a baby. How will I explain if there’s a mishap?”

I consoled her, “No harm. I just wanted to see and chat with She Lian. We won’t perform any Eighteen Forms.”

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After hearing, Lu Ying’s complexion worsened. She mumbled, “Miss doesn’t qualify even if she wants to do it.”

Just then, the brothel keeper came back in and awkwardly said, “Young Master, please forgive me. Fragrant Sky Pavilion’s Young Master said he would pay triple for She Lian. Qinchu Hall has many other gentlemen. Why don’t you see if any other is suitable?”

Shen family might lack some things, but money was definitely not one of them. I said, “I’ll put forth four times the amount.”

The brothel keeper’s eyes twitched. Afraid that I would regret wasting money, she immediately left to deal with the customer next door.

Never thought that the one next door was also willing and able to shell out money. Needless to say, the brothel keeper returned to tell me he was willing to put forth fives times the amount. It goes to show that this She Lian’s kung fu was exceptional. Unexpectedly, even a brothel has hidden talents. Truly, a master appears in every trade. Being a characteristic little groom was not easy when they need to practice martial skills.

I knew I would be the last one standing in a wealth competition, yet I could not squander money just because my family has a lot of it. If we kept on going, the only winner would be the brothel keeper instead. Besides, I only wanted to see the little groom’s kicks and punches and it wouldn’t take much time. It would be better to ask the customer next door to grant an hour’s time. An hour later, I would send him back. Therefore, I didn’t raise the price under the brothel keeper’s expecting eyes.

I led Lu Ying out to the Fragrant Sky Pavilion and knocked on the door. An attendant opened the door and looked at me suspiciously, “What’s the matter?”

I felt the man was very familiar, yet couldn’t remember where I’ve seen him and dropped the subject. I replied, “Troubling you to notify your master that I am the customer in the Moon’s Embrace Pavilion next door and I want to discuss a matter with him.”

“Zhan Yue, who is it?” A young master came out from behind the screen in moonlight colors, gentle and refined.

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