Sun Yijia's face was still a little red after washing, but she felt more comfortable than before. She could not help whispering: "sister Wan, you are smart." It's hard for ordinary people to change the things in the monthly affairs belt into cotton. The stitches are very thin and dense. They can hardly be seen. They won't be worn at all. They sew them on the special pants. They are comfortable and close to the body. It may be very troublesome for ordinary people. But for these expensive women, how many people serve them, even if they change frequently, it doesn't take much to do. Moreover, it's almost all It can't be disassembled and washed. Most of them are newly made and used ones are disposed of.

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Jingwan chuckles, "sister Jia may be a little tighter in her clothes, but if you want to come and wait for you to go back, the people around you will help you deal with it." Haven't you seen sun Yijia's nanny come out yet, and mother Gong is still in the house.

When sun Yijia sees Jing Wan, she is calm and self-confident. Gradually, she is not shy. No matter in her heart or outside, the most private things are shared. Her own sisters and relatives are not so close. Sun Yijia thinks, how does sister Wan look? If she is a sister-in-law, it's ok. It's the same to let her be her own sister-in-law.

In less than a day, sun Yijia can completely open her heart to a person without any precaution, which can definitely be called a miracle. However, maybe she can feel that jingwan has no bad thoughts for her.

"Girl, it's done." Green plum brought a small bowl of reddish brown water.

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Jingwan beckoned to sun Yijia, "I told the kitchen to cook it, drink it, replenish the blood, and warm the stomach."

Sun Yijia doesn't hesitate at all. He picks it up and drinks it with a spoon. When sun Yijia finishes drinking, he wipes his mouth. "Sister Wan, what is it cooked with? It's good to drink. After drinking, it's warm and comfortable."

"When you go back, I will give you the prescription, which can be used by all the women. Although the obvious degree of the utility is different, it is beneficial and harmless. You can go back and ask the servants to boil it for you to drink. You can also drink some in the ordinary days."

Sun Yijia accepted it.

"How is it? Is it still painful?" Jing Wan takes sun Yijia's hand and touches some red palms.

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"I don't know what your mammy wiped for me. It's very comfortable to wipe it on my hands. It's much better than I just didn't know. When I go back, I'll be fine."

"That's the cream made by Mammy. It's very effective for these small bruises and scratches. I often play with the flowers and trees by myself. It's inevitable that I will get a little hurt on my hand. It's Mammy's contribution that can make my hand maintain so well."

Sun Yijia fiddles with Jing Wan's hand, "really, it's more beautiful than me, but not only the hand, I think sister Wan's skin is very good." He stroked jingwan's sleeve and fondly touched her arm, which was not enough, and even reached for her face.

Jingwan laughs and dodges, "I have my own exclusive secret recipe, but I've run out of things, and I haven't been able to make it since I came to Beijing. Otherwise, I'll give you some try, or I'll give you the recipe, and you'll have it made?"

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"No, such a precious recipe is unique. Do you think it's the recipe for tonifying blood and so on? Grab a handful? It's really heartless of you to send them when you see them. "

Jing Wan used his chin to point at the direction where Wei Zi was. "Sister Jia is not the same as her lack of heart."

"I borrowed flowers for Buddha, not my own things. I don't care at all."

"Like sister Jia, although it's my thing, it's not very important, so it doesn't hurt."

Even so, sun Yijia refused. This kind of good thing can't be kept secret when she takes it back for someone to make it. There are too many dignitaries in contact with. It's better to let it flow out of sister Wan. Maybe she can get some benefits. For her, these benefits are just icing on the cake. They're not necessary at all. They may play a big role in sister Wan's hands. "Just give me more finished products. I'll hide them secretly and use them myself. No one will give them."

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Jingwan smiles and nods.

When sun Yijia's nanny came out, she saw her girl had a good spirit and a ruddy complexion. Not as usual, she was always sallow and bloodless these days. She said something casually. Sun Yijia praised what she had just drunk. Sun Yijia's nanny was very clear that her state was not only because of the bowl of "sugar water", but also because of her good mood Su, but it all comes from jingwan, so he thanked jingwan very seriously.

"You're welcome, Mammy. Since you call me sister, it's not for nothing." Jing Wan said with a smile.

If jingwan is good to a person, it can be completely unreserved. Even the invisible rule of "don't give people things at the entrance easily" doesn't care much.

"Girl, here comes the four girls." A little girl came in and said.

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