Jingwan's attendants all look bad. Jingwan doesn't change his face. "I have guests here. If she has something to do, let her come back later." The tone is light, but not polite at all.

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"But..." What else do you want to say.

"Why, the guest of three elder sisters is noble. I can't see you as a younger sister." Luo Jingying is dressed in plain color, with a kind of elegant air. She comes with a gentle smile.

Jingwan saw that she was followed by several people, including the mother-in-law who was looking at the courtyard. At this time, the mother-in-law's face was slightly angry and her clothes and hair were slightly disordered. She didn't need to think about it. She stopped Luo Jingying from coming in. Luo Jingying's people forced her.

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No one could hear her saying. Although sun Yijia is the only legitimate daughter of Ding Guogong, there are several common sisters in her family, let alone more cousins. Because she is the most noble, she can't see their flattering faces, so her relationship is similar to that of outsiders. Although she seldom asks about those things, she also knows a lot of bad things. However, it's about sister Wan's family affairs. She sat in silence, and her face was cold again.

"It's not that you can't see it, it's that you don't want to see it. It's a mess."

Luo Jingying's smile froze. She didn't expect that Luo jingwan would be so rude in front of outsiders. "Three elder sister's words can hurt younger sister's heart."

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"If you are sad, go to the doctor to prescribe medicine. I don't see a doctor here."

Sun Yijia almost laughs and quickly covers up her mouth with a veil. Sister Wan is such a good-natured person, and sometimes her mouth is damaged.

Luo Jingying repeatedly admonishes herself to be calm and calm. Her mother's words are echoed in her mind again and again. However, her mother doesn't know that Luo jingwan is a person who doesn't play cards according to common sense. You need to keep "harmony" with her, but she never cooperates. Other people are afraid of speechless words. She doesn't care. She often stabs you in the heart. No matter how good tempered you are, she can be Qi to, let alone her Luo Jingying is not a good spleen.

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"Don't worry about the third elder sister. She just admires Miss Sun's talent, but she has never been able to get along with her. Today, she learned that miss sun came to find her third elder sister. She couldn't suppress her yearning for her for a while. That's why she came to visit." When he turned to sun Yijia, he had a keen look and a good manner.

Sun Yijia nodded, "Miss Luo, Miao Zan, what can I do for my talent? It's just a small fight. It's Miss Luo. Her poems are flexible and graceful. They are excellent." Therefore, even if you are as proud as her, don't underestimate her conduct. In the circle of Beijing, even if you can't reach her height, even if you only see her once or twice, she can remember and know some aspects of this person's talents.

Sure enough, Luo Jingying looks surprised. "Have you seen my poetry, Miss Sun?" Then I accepted it a little bit, smiled modestly, but I couldn't hide the color in my eyes. "I'm just a little better at poetry, which is far better than Miss Sun's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. However, in a word, the three elder sisters are not bad. After all, grandma loves the three elder sisters so much. In the past few years in Qi'an mansion, I must have hired the master to teach the three elder sisters. Three elder sisters are so close to miss sun. If you want to cooperate, it's a good story. "

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"Oh, that really can't be as you wish. The fourth sister doesn't know. I'm a layman. I don't know a few big words. Naturally, I can't play with those elegant things."

Therefore, Luo Jingying always wanted to tear her mouth. If she was too shy to speak, she would always be able to speak out with indifference. She should have been shameless and calm. But from her mouth, it was clear that these were the paths. She would not, but just despised learning.

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