"Old lady, old lady, three girls are back, three girls are back..." Old lady Luo's big servant girl was so happy that she could not even care about the etiquette. She hurried to the guest room where old lady Luo lived. Her voice could be heard far away. In the past, mothers have long scolded her, but now the situation is different. Not only haven't they scolded, but they are all as happy as they are, and they are all going to congratulate old lady Luo.

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It has been nearly ten hours since the accident. Even though Mrs. Luo knew that jingwan was "safe", she did not see anyone and did not know how she was injured. She could not let go of her heart. She stayed up all night and ate nothing. She was old and could not stand such a toss. Everyone was worried that she would fall ill, but how to persuade her It's useless, because the two words of persuasion attract the cold eyes of old lady Luo. It's not her own child. Of course, you don't care. Let alone, my old lady is surrounded by a group of heartless things. It's really hard to experience the torment of that kind of anxiety if you have not experienced it in person or met your own close relatives.

Old lady Luo said such cruel words. Naturally, no one dared to say another word. She only hoped that the three girls would come back earlier.

It's Luo Jingbo who always accompanies old lady Luo. He didn't say anything comforting. At the beginning, he said something like this to old lady Luo: if my sister is really bad, I will support her for a lifetime. If I leave before my sister, I will leave my last words and ask my descendants to treat their aunts and grandmothers as I do. Otherwise, I will leave the house.

This may sound like a mantra, but it is the most real and practical care. Old lady Luo took his hand and almost burst into tears. ——The fate of human beings, it can't be said that it's a lifetime. It's hard to have a worthy person, to cherish, to cherish. "

The words about jingwan from the grandparents and grandchildren stopped, although they were waiting for her. Luo Jingbo told Mrs. Luo some interesting stories in the capital. He said that all kinds of friends he made could distract Mrs. Luo's attention as much as possible, which made the grandparents who were not very close to each other close to each other. Luo Jingbo never left when she couldn't hold her eyes closed for a rest.

This finally made people wait to come back. Old lady Luo seemed to wake up abruptly. "Wan Wan came back?"

"Yes, grandma, little sister. She's back." Luo Jingbo is also very happy. He is busy with his servant girl to help her up.

Originally, she didn't change clothes. Old lady Luo stopped the servant girl from combing her hair and went out in a hurry.

If they are worried about jingwan, how can jingwan be heartless? She is also afraid that her grandmother will be over worried. She is also afraid that the people who fall down the cliff together will be ruined for a lifetime. After waiting for the person to find her, he went back immediately without saying anything. Before that, he had already treated the wound between his neck, and some things with traces of Li Hongyuan had also been wiped clean.

On the way back, other people were worried that she would not be able to bear the long journey. After all, the road was full of potholes. Before walking from the foot of the mountain to Bailong temple, you could hardly step on a flat place. What's more, it was a long journey. Unexpectedly, Jing Wan didn't drag her back. Instead, the servants of Luo family continued to go on the road without resting for a while. They were so tired It's not light. It's slower than the seven old and eighty old people. If they go on so slowly, they don't know when they can return to Bailong temple. Jing Wan decides to go ahead with the two monks.

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To some extent, this decision is very risky. The monks from Bailong temple are not old monks either. They are all young, strong and strong. Of course, they can find jingwan together. There is absolutely no problem with their character. They are all people who are dedicated to Buddhism and observe the rules and regulations. But the people of Luo family don't know how they can rest assured that their girls will follow them Even if there is nothing wrong with the two "Wai men" who are seen, the girl's reputation will surely be affected.

However, jingwan can't wait any longer. Once sensibility prevails, it's hard for rationality to suppress it. She is willing to trust the people of Bailong temple and gamble.

From the beginning to the end, the two monks were not sad or happy. They knew that the servants of the Luo family did not trust them, did not open their mouths to explain, and did not guarantee anything. Only after jingwan made a decision, jingwan escorted jingwan back to Bailong Temple dutifully.

To Jing Wan's surprise, she didn't meet anyone along the way. At first, she thought it was because of the remoteness. Later, she gradually found out that it was wrong. In the daytime, the foot of the mountain in front of Bailong temple was very busy. It turned out that two monks quietly avoided others, protected Jing Wan in their way, and put an end to the things that Luo family servants worried about 。

"Thank you two masters."

"You are welcome, benefactor." One of them opened his mouth. This was the first time Jing Wan heard them after seeing them.

Entering the room in the backyard of Bailong temple, Jing Wan saw Nanma Gong and others waiting there, which had a kind of feeling like the afterlife.

It's really a surprise to see jingwan move freely, not like the wounded. Although mother Gong had known for a long time, she still showed her joy at the right time and said that God bless her.

But jingwan felt that Gong Ma's eyes always seemed to fall on the handkerchief wrapped around her neck. Jingwan, who didn't care much because of the scratch, had some inexplicable feelings under her eyes. "Don't worry, Mammy. It's the time to fall down. Just raise it."

Does she have such a wound on her neck, does mammy Gong know? She doesn't have to think about it. "The girl has suffered. I'll show you later. I think the wound is not deep. I'll take good care of it and leave no scar."

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"Good." Say on the mouth, in the heart but more empty is how to return a responsibility?

"Do you want to wash or see the old lady first?"

"See grandma first." I know it's not easy to survive if I fall from such a high place. I'm so lucky. If I still dress neatly and brightly, I don't think I appreciate her beauty at first, but I doubt she's covering up. It's better to let Grandma and her old man see what she's like. I'm more relieved.

As we walked in, we asked about other people.

It's not only guilt and remorse, but also heartwarming to learn about Mrs. Luo's words and deeds.

Those servants did not say much, but they were placed properly.

Yuan Qiaoqiao broke his leg and hurt his heart. In the future, he was afraid that he would fall ill. But Zhou yingshuang injured his head and accumulated a lot of blood clots. Master Chen showed it to himself. He said that he might lose his sight. There were several bruises in other places, all of which hurt bones to different degrees, but they were not serious

Jingwan's lips wriggled twice. I don't know what to say. "And sister Jia?"

"Miss sun was the least hurt..."

Jing Wan breathed a little sigh of relief. At last, it was not bad news.

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"It's also the heaviest," she sighed

Jing Wan's voice didn't finish sending and blocked her back, which made her feel hurt. She quickly asked, "what's the matter?"

"Miss Sun hurt her face, and from here to here," mother Gong said on her face, "and it's very deep, and it's hard to recover."

Jingwan was stunned. If the whole person was hit by lightning, she would not care much if she was hurt in her own face. But these girls are different. That face is more important than life. Isn't it the most serious? If she destroys her face, she will lose most of her life. If she can't stand it, she may even think about it.

"Wan Wan..."

Old lady Luo's voice made Jing Wan immediately return to her mind. She seemed to be a lot older in the evening. She looked haggard and her hair was slightly disordered. It was one thing to hear from mother Gong. It was another thing to see with her own eyes. She was so heartbroken that she stepped forward quickly. "Grandmother..."

Old lady Luo was afraid to hold her because she was worried about her injuries. "Tell Grandma about the injuries? Why don't you just lie down and come to see your grandmother? "

"Grandma, it's all skin injuries, no bones, no viscera. Don't worry, it's really OK."

"How can I be ok if I fall so high? The clothes are dyed through, dare you say you are OK? Jingbo, hurry up and invite master Chen to give your sister a good look. " Old lady Luo, as she counted, carefully touched jingwan's neck.

It's hard to forget how hurt you are when you've been noticed this place again and again. Jingwan resists the urge to step back.

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"I'm going." Luo Jingbo believes in his sister's words. After all, it has been a long time since she fell off the cliff. If she is seriously injured, she can't have such a spirit head. Although she looks haggard, it's more like she didn't have a good rest. Of course, he also noticed the slightly strange expression on jingwan's face.

Jing Wan is surrounded by a large group of people. It's not easy for Jing Wan to bring it up to see other people, especially sister Jia. Maybe she doesn't want to see anyone.

Master liaochen is probably OK now. Luo Jingbo will go to invite him, and he will come soon.

Master Chen didn't want to see Prince Jin's obsession in such a situation. He also confirmed that she was the third person he was related to this year. Although he couldn't approve her life, it didn't hinder him. When he saw Jing Wan's face clearly, he didn't show it on the face, but he was quite moved. He was different from the prince of Jin. Although he couldn't see some specific things clearly, he could roughly guess one or two. They should be together.

After all, if they can't be with each other in their whole life, it's not just the two of them that will change their lives.

What's more, jingwan's original fate should have been safe and successful in the past ten years. After marriage, there will be a major turning point. The fate will be bumpy and twists and turns. Even if the heart is firm and unyielding, it will not escape the fate of death. Now that difficult life path has been cut off, gradually showing a happy life, but still hazy, which means that there may be some twists and turns, because there is Prince Jin forced to change her life, naturally everything is uncertain.

Master liaochen has always believed in following the nature, and everything has its own destiny. However, there are always some people who can't bear it.

Jing Wan, with clear eyes, open mind and good thoughts, should not suffer so much.

The prince of Jin insisted on changing her fate. In addition to his obsession with her, he owed her "debt", the salvation of his previous life and the "Reconstruction" of his life.

This is not a fixed number?!

Jingwan is very fond of master Chen. This is a real eminent monk with the same heart and kind eyebrows

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