Sun Yijia's attention is on the flowers and trees in the courtyard, while others' attention is on her. Naturally, jingwan's arrival is not seen.

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Jingwan stepped on a small branch beside her feet. Although the sound was slight, it was quiet enough in the courtyard. Almost everyone heard it and turned around subconsciously.

Sun Yijia's plain eyes brightened and she wanted to call her when she opened her mouth. However, as soon as she opened her mouth, she subconsciously covered her face and hissed softly. Xiumei frowned and pursed her upper lip. It was obvious that the wound was caused by the sudden opening of her mouth. However, she had no other emotion and waved to Jing Wan.

When sun Yilin saw jingwan, the gray eyes finally had a look. It seemed that she was in good condition except for some minor injuries. But she was very happy. He was just about to say something, so he saw jingwan squatting and crouching, which was a gift, and then he went to the room.

Sun Yilin looks at her sister again. Sure enough, she is standing up and turning back into the room.

"Miss Luo..." Sun Yilin called out.

Jingwan stopped and looked at him. "What's up with grandson?"

"Although Yijia has known you for only a few days, in fact, I have never seen a girl so close to her. She is her own sister. For her, she only maintains the superficial affection. In fact, she is like a relative sister to a stranger. She is in such a dilemma. In the future I hope Miss Luo can persuade her. "

"Sister Jia really treats me with sincerity. I hope she is good. I am no exception. Therefore, I will do my best without more words from you."

Sun Yilin nodded and said nothing more.

Jingwan walks straight into the room, and sun Yijia sits at the table, beckoning her to go and sit.

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Jingwan didn't talk about the etiquette rules, even didn't avoid it. She looked at her face straight. For people who didn't know each other, it was really rude to do so. But if people close to her kept avoiding it all the time, it would be even worse if they ignored it on purpose. Most of her half face was covered with white cloth, and fixed around her head and chin with thin white line. The white line was handled carefully and covered up as much as possible, which is the reason why jingwan didn't see obvious traces on the other side just now.

Sun Yijia reached out and pulled her to sit down, waved to the people who were waiting on her and beckoned them to go out.

Jing Wan understood that she wanted to speak to herself alone and let her people back out.

After all, sun Yijia's nanny was not at ease. Before going out, she couldn't help saying, "girl, it's not suitable for me to talk, so Miss Luo..."

Sun Yijia reaches for her to stop. Obviously, she doesn't want to hear the people around her. Since she was rescued, she has been in a state of chaos around her. First, she wept helplessly, then she was distressed and scolded. Over and over again, she said what she should do in the future. Seeing that she had no expression, she began to persuade incessantly. From her identity, she said how she was favored at home, not only the Dingguo lady, but also the old lady, and the empress Is like her cloud cloud cloud cloud, even if has hurt the face to destroy the appearance, she also will have the good marriage, in the future husband's family also definitely dare not to be bad to her.

Sun Yijia is not stupid. How could she not know what the disfigurement means? How could she say it in such a way that some things are doomed when the sharp stone cuts her face. She didn't react all the time. People thought she was depressed and depressed. Actually, it wasn't so. Her endurance was not so bad. On the contrary, her inner peace was almost weird. She wanted to tell them that she was ok, but she knew that no one would believe her, including her fifth brother. So she chose silence, which made people around her more and more distressed And even sympathize with her, thus forming a vicious circle.

Later, in her cold eyes, everyone finally shut up, but everyone together silence is also a sad thing.

Jingwan's arrival was a rescue.

"Sister Jia, how are you?" Jingwan thinks it's better to see people make mistakes. She always feels that sun Yijia doesn't seem to care so much about her disfigurement. Maybe it's because caring is messy, or it's the deep-rooted idea of the world that a girl doesn't care about her face. The people around her are so nervous and careful that they don't feel sun Yijia's real emotions at all. But jingwan is not sure, so she asks directly.

Sun Yijia nodded without hesitation. In addition to the pain on her face and the pain of bruises and bruises on her body, she was no different from usual.

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Jing Wan breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good."

Sun Yijia smiled and narrowed her eyes. She found the four treasures of the study from the room. After grinding, she began to write: "it's so nice that you can be OK. ——I know that sister Wan is different from other people. I believe what I say, not that I pretend to be strong to comfort you. "

"There's nothing to lie about this kind of thing. If you really lose something you care about, whether you lose your temper or you are sad and silent, you can't be blamed. You don't need to hurt yourself or suppress yourself in order to accommodate others. It should be someone else's tolerance and understanding of you."

Sun Yijia nodded and wrote, "you know me best, sister Wan." Write write a silent sigh, "more than ten years, why not as many as you face it."

"It's probably the so-called confidant."

Sun Yijia was stunned. "Yes, it's not" the so-called confidant ". Few of the real confidants are the closest people around."

"How will sister Jia do in the future?" After seeing the state of sun Yijia, Jing Wan was right on the point and pointed to the core.

"Sister Wan's heart is really hard, but it's not a common wound. Before the scar is scabbed, it's hard to tear it apart. She has to face the cruelest reality."

"I just believe that sister Jia is not a person who can escape."

Sun Yijia looks at Jing Wan's black and white eyes and writes seriously. She cares about herself from the bottom of her heart. She is only herself, not something attached to her. "Sister Wan, do you know that my face would not have been so badly hurt. I deliberately turned my head when I met that sharp stone. I'm not sure if I could avoid it in another direction, or maybe I won't hurt my face. At that time, my only idea was that when my face was gone, my value was gone, so they didn't have to worry about how to use me for the best benefit. "

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Jing Wan looks at the words on the paper, reaches out and rubs them, and throws them into the censer.

Sun Yijia took another piece of paper. "Sister Wan is too careful."

Jing Wan did not open her mouth, but took over her pen and wrote: "for whom am I? If it is seen by others and spread to your parents' ears, can you have a good life? "

"I didn't expect sister wan to write well."

Jing Wan was a little embarrassed. "Now is the time to say that?"

"I don't have a good life. I can't do anything else." She is very clear about the reactions of those people in her family. The only ones who really care about her are probably a few -- five brothers, grandmother, nanny, or two other maids who grew up with her. Even if her mother, for herself, for her children and grandchildren, even if she is her only daughter, she will still give up her. Better than others, she probably won't Practice her. If there is a little kinship and a little conscience, she may be married to a man who can barely make it, rather than simply using waste to extract her last value.

"Is it worth it?" It's worth to get rid of the fate controlled by the close relatives, or a bit of spirit struggle, and fall into the dust.

"What if I say it's worth it?"

Jing Wan nodded, "that's worth it."

"Sister Wan, it's very kind of you." This kind of behavior is clearly to be severely reprimanded. She is deviant. She knows no good or evil. She is in bliss and does not know how to be blessed. Her five brothers will not agree with this behavior. Jing Wan, she said it was worth it, and she did not hesitate to stand on her side.

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"The way you choose is to kneel and walk. You don't regret it."

"Is sister Wan worried that I can't suffer? In fact, the situation is far from the worst. The fifth brother will always protect me. My grandmother will not ignore me. She will not eat and wear badly. There are more people who laugh at me, less people who call me, and more slaves who meet me. That's all. However, I'm afraid that in order to protect me, he will have to make compromises under threat. After all, he's the son of heaven's closest minister, and has many advantages over others. "

"He is a man, and his ability is not bad. Even if there are some difficult things, he can figure out a way to deal with them. Besides, a man's husband must be able to bend and stretch. It's not a bad idea to take these things as a discipline. When he can handle the calculation of his close relatives easily, what's the fear of those people outside? Besides, you are his own sister, protecting you and doing something for you. Only the kinship in this life, since the relationship is harmonious, you should cherish and guard. "

"Sister Wan means that I don't need to feel guilty for him to make compromises and forbearance for me. Instead, I can summon him to my heart's content. If there's anything I can do for him, he's done it for me. That's right. If he doesn't do it well, he's incompetent? That's what it means, right? " Sun Yijia's eyes are as bright as a child's, and she is waiting for her approval with a little excitement to find something wonderful. In the words of her previous life, it is "praise".

Jingwan is helpless again. The more she gets along with sun Yijia, the more she feels that she is seriously inconsistent with the rumor. She has a clear and proud appearance. In fact, she is rebellious and a little bad. She has been hidden well before or all the time. She has not found it herself. Jingwan is not sure whether she has released such a side of her. If it is true, it is true Guilty. Knowing that sun Yijia deliberately misinterpreted her meaning, and looking at her little expression, her face was so hurt that she was pitiful, jingwan forced her head to nod, "you can understand it like this."

Looking at her squinting eyes like a little fox, jingwan silently mourns for sun Yilin in her heart. She will be killed by her sister in the future. Don't count it on her head.

Now that sun Yijia is ready to face the future, Jing Wan doesn't say much anymore. It doesn't make sense.

Jingwan looked at her face again. "In the future, don't do this again." It's not good to hurt yourself to achieve your goal.

"This time it was just the right time. I just made the disaster that I couldn't avoid more serious. I never thought of doing it on purpose."

"Sister Jia has a good idea.

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