Not to mention the clothes on the body, in these three days, everyone is almost the same. The scientific examination was originally a matter of suffering. There were not a few people who suffered a major crime when they came out, and very few even fell to the ground directly.

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Chen Zhengmin's state is different from that of everyone. His face is dark and his eyes are red. It seems that he hasn't closed his eyes in the past three days. The whole person is on the edge of rage. Now it seems that he can't be suppressed any more.

People who know Chen Zhengmin always look around. Even if they fail in the exam, they are crying. It seems that they should not be like him? What's more, he still has such a fiancee. I don't know how many people are hurting his luck. If he didn't decide early, he would get that round. "Chen Xiandi, you are..."

Chen Zhengmin dunked his feet, then rubbed his face severely, and pulled the corners of several people's mouths, "sorry, everyone, something happened at home, to be dealt with, and then we will talk with you."

When they realized, they said that their understanding of Chen Zhengmin, even if they didn't do well in the exam, would not lose their temper. However, it seems that most of them had an accident before entering the stadium, but they don't know if it would affect their normal performance. Several people hurriedly told him to hurry back. Everything else could be postponed.

Chen Zhengmin nodded and left without saying a word. He left in a hurry. Every step he took was very big. He has also found all the Chen family who are greeting him. Chen Zhengmin saw their looks and understood that they all knew. They clenched their fists, not to mention the back of their hands, and even the blue tendons appeared on their necks. "Is Li Ruyu looking for you? Did you go to Luo's Although he lowered his voice, it was also like the roar of a wild animal.

"My son, you've worked hard these days. Let's go home first, shall we?"

"Niang, you answer me, don't say these useless now."

When people saw that he insisted, if he could not get the answer, he was afraid that he would stick to it. Chen's mother had to nod hard.

"My engagement with cousin Wan has also been cancelled?" Chen Zhengmin asked eagerly, and with a certain degree of care, as well as the slightly trembling voice and body, all showed to people that he was afraid.

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Chen's family then understood that Jing Wan was right. Without her advice, they would directly tell him about the cancellation of their engagement. They didn't know what he would do. The bodies of all the people were stiff and their lips trembled.

"Lifted? Is it lifted? Huh? Mother, you answer me Chen Zhengmin pulled his mother's arm.

"No, no, not yet," said your cousin Wan. "I'll wait for your palace test. She said that you can do well in the test. If you don't do well in the test, she will. She will ignore you." Obviously, Chen's mother realized how high jingwan's weight was in Chen Zhengmin's heart, which was suspected of misleading Chen Zhengmin.

Sure enough, Chen Zhengmin turned angry into happy. "She really said that. Is that true?" Does it mean that there may be a change in the future? Maybe he was too happy to notice. Maybe he didn't want to admit his fear at all. He didn't want to pay attention to his deception. He wanted to pay attention to the worries and anxieties of Chen's family.

Chen Zhengmin releases Chen's mother's arm and strides to leave.

"Where is my son going?" Chen's mother grabbed him subconsciously.

"Of course, I went to find my cousin. I thought I did well in the exam, so I naturally wanted to share the good news with her."

Although the Chen family watched him smile, he seemed to be more wrong than before. However, it's gratifying that he doesn't seem to influence his performance. At this point, he never talks big? Besides, she's still angry at the moment. How can she meet you? " It should be said that Mr. Chen San deserves to be a person who has been in the officialdom for many years. Compared with the collapse state at the time of the incident, he has now adjusted, become calm and even a little cold.

"Then, what shall I do?" Chen Zhengmin became a little confused again.

Master Chen San suddenly realized that the marriage was a good one. A man wanted to do something great. How could he be so heroic? His elder sister's granddaughter had a great influence on his grandson. If he really wanted to marry into Chen's family, he would not let his son indulge in the gentle countryside. What did they expect from Chen's family. However, he also knows that this is not the time to reprimand him. The most important thing is to appease his grandson and let him prepare for the imperial examination. This is the top priority. "It's natural to go home, have a good wash, have a good rest, prepare for the palace examination, take a good place and then go to find her."

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"Yes, Grandpa. You're right. Go home. Go home now."

Walking like a son and grandson, let Chen family see in the eyes, anxious in the heart. But I can't help it. It's good that he's willing to go home now.

After returning, Chen Zhengmin is very obedient. He can do whatever he wants. It seems that he has returned to normal. The truth just seems.

To say that these two days, everything looks calm, but actually it's not that. Luo Peishan said that he wanted to talk to Princess Cheng, but it's not that simple. Luo Peishan is in a neutral relationship. In addition to public affairs, he has little contact with other people except those who are good with him in private. Suddenly, he found Prince Cheng, but he couldn't attract people's attention. Especially these days, he has been closely watched.

It's ok if you don't pay attention. What Li Ruyu did doesn't come out completely.

After Li Ruyu went home, he didn't have the courage to "send people to sleep". At that time, he seemed to realize that he might have done something stupid. Then he thought of jingwan's words. The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was. Besides, how domineering he was in the ordinary days is just a spoiled little girl. Several of them add up. He couldn't bear it for a while, and even started a fever.

In a daze, she only shouted "pain" and "Luo jingwan beat me". A Royal Princess was beaten by a woman from the official family. She was very angry. However, when Li Ruyu was wiped by her servants, the princess of Chengjun found that her daughter's "injury" was not normal. It was not like she was beaten. She thought of some possibilities and was scared to death. She was scared to death The servant girls all roared out, leaving their trusted mother. The princess of Chengjun was shaking all over. For a while, she did not dare to let her mother examine Li Ruyu. Naturally, she did not know what the situation was.

"Master, some things should be done sooner rather than later."

The princess of Chengjun closed her eyes and said, "look at it, Mammy."

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The mammy took off Li Ruyu's pants, just looked at them, and then she was sure that the princess had been broken. It must have been last night. Besides, the other side was ruthless and didn't have any pity for the princess. If jingwan wants to know about Li Ruyu's situation, she is afraid that she should not be praised for her strong willpower, not showing any clue in front of her, or scolding her for being stupid.

"Lord, Princess..."

It's unnecessary for Mammy to say that the princess of Chengjun has seen it. It's dark and almost fainted. If mammy didn't hold her fast and fall to the ground. The princess of Chengjun cried uncontrollably, and even called out "evil and evil.".

"Master, it's not the time to cry now. You have to find out what's going on. Who is so bold to do this to the princess?"

The princess of Chengjun wakes up. "Bring those two little cheap hooves who are going out with the princess." What's more, didn't she go to Dingguo mansion and stay in Dingguo mansion at night?

The two servant girls were hurt on their faces. It can be seen that on the way back, they were whipped again. At this time, they knelt down in front of the princess of Chengjun, shaking and shoving. They didn't have to ask, but said all the things as if they were peas.

The princess of Chengjun almost died of anger. Her daughter did such stupid things. It doesn't count to give a man medicine to let her sleep, but also dare to find his fiancee's house and ask him to leave. It's a light thing to beat her, and it's worth killing her. Moreover, in the view of Princess Chengjun, jingwan is just a little girl. How many times can she start? Li Ruyu has no scars of being beaten. "Drag these two cheap maidservants down and kill them with their sticks."

"Princess of the county, Princess of the county, spare your life Well

How could two servant girls have survived such a scandal. "And the coachman?"

Soon, I came down to report that the rickshaw puller had disappeared. No one knew when or how he disappeared. After a close inspection, I knew that he was a widower alone. What's important is that he was an illiterate mute, mostly afraid of being killed and running away secretly. Fortunately, she was still dumb and would not shake it out when she ran away. The princess of Chengjun was too lazy to go to him. Besides, I'm looking for a servant in a big way. Didn't I tell others that something happened to Chengjun's mansion.

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The returning Princess Cheng only knew that her daughter had been beaten. Then she came in and shouted who had bullied her. He wanted to get justice for her daughter. Prince Cheng is also a man who always shouts to kill his grumpy temper. Li Ruyu gave him the whip. Li Ruyu is a man of such temper. Prince Cheng also takes half of the responsibility. He seemed to care more about Li Ruyu. In fact, he was just using this way to maintain the majesty of Chengjun palace, but he didn't know that the more it was like this, the less others would treat him. Such a vicious circle made the status of Chengjun palace more precarious.

The princess of Chengjun has a headache. The population of Chengjun's mansion is actually relatively simple. However, it's not likely to be able to live happily when she meets such bad goods. "Little girl, you'd better stop fighting." It's too late for her to cover up such a scandal now. How dare she go to the door and try to make it known to all?

Chengjun had to give up angrily, but when luopeishan came to find him, he blew up.

Luo Peishan is naturally angry. Since he doesn't want to be embarrassed, don't blame him for being rude. He sneers, "hit her? If there is such a shameless thing in my family, I will kill her directly. "

"Old PIFF, what do you say?"

"Your good daughter is my granddaughter's fiance. Who can I send it to? The girl who sleeps in Hualou needs money. This one in your family, ha..." Luo Peishan, it should be said that Jing Wan is exactly the same as her grandfather.

Prince Cheng was stunned at first, and then furious, "Lao Pifu, you are an old man who never dies. A young man who is not well-trained, even arranges my daughter. I will kill you today."

Luo Pei Shanming knows that Prince Cheng is such a thing. Naturally, he will not go there alone, let alone irrelevant people. At this time, naturally, he will come out to block and hurt Lord Luo?

The result of this uproar was that it came directly to lechengdi.

Le chengdi was also confused after hearing this. However, he also knew that the seriousness of this matter was related to the reputation of the royal family

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