Jingwan went to Chen's home this time, only Gong Ma followed him. Of course, the groom who had been lurking in Luo's house for a long time was another matter. When jingwan didn't need it, he was still a groom until jingwan married.

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When he arrived at Chen's house, the gate was almost scattered, but from time to time someone came to ask for luck. Jing Wan went in through the side door. Seeing jingwan, Chen's family is very grateful. Jingwan still has good manners. She smiles and says, "I can't do without coming." There was already a death threat there. She was really worried that if she didn't come, they would make Chen's group run to Luo's gate and commit suicide. Well, it's a wonderful species. One family should be enough, not all the family.

I heard that Jing Wan's words were different, but I didn't ask many questions. Most of them were related to his family.

Jingwan has also come to Chen's house once or twice, but he knows where Chen Zhengmin's study is.

Chen Zhengmin's schoolboy, seeing jingwan is really like seeing a living Bodhisattva who saves the suffering.

Jingwan waved and sent everyone out. She left nanny Gong alone at the door of her study.

Chen Zhengmin's anger is over now, but there is no place in the room where he can get down.

Chen Zhengmin sat there, his head bowed, his hair scratched, and he couldn't walk out of the cage. Maybe I heard a slight noise. "Get out of here. I said get out of here. Who let you in?"

"Where does cousin min want me to go?"

Chen Zhengmin raised his head abruptly. He didn't think it would be Jing Wan. He couldn't believe it. "Cousin?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I should not have grown into another look."

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Chen Zhengmin got up, jumped up in a few steps, with accidents and surprises, "cousin, is it really you?!" Subconsciously reaching for her arm.

Jingwan dodged slightly, "cousin min is self respecting."

Chen Zhengmin also finds out that it's not right. He shrinks his hand in embarrassment. "Cousin, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?"

"Look at cousin Min 's mess."

Chen Zhengmin's body is stiff, which makes him realize how impolite his face is. However, he is still being looked at by the girl he loves. He really wants to find a seam to drill in, bury himself, and then drill out after he has taken care of it again. At the moment, he also realized that it was the family who invited Jing Wan to come here. He was annoyed. Why didn't he talk to him? He doesn't think about it either. No matter who comes in and talks, he will blow people out. He won't listen to a word and how to mention jingwan.

"Cousin, if you don't, you can sit in another place for a while. I'll go and wash it and have the study cleaned up."

Jingwan saw that his eyes were slightly red, and he thought he didn't have a good rest. "No, I'll go with cousin min. anyway, I see all of them, and I don't care to see them for a while. Is cousin min awake now? "

"What? Naturally, I am sober. How can my cousin say that? "

"Are you sure you are awake? Does a sober cousin do such a thing? " Jing Wan sweeps around with some knowledge.

Chen Zhengmin is too embarrassed. If he hasn't been sober before, he will definitely be sober after seeing Jing Wanzi.

"It seems that we are really awake, so let's get down to business. Cousin min, you know, I'm disappointed to see you like this, but after all, it's a child who hasn't grown up, and there's room to grow up. It's forgivable to do something stupid occasionally. "

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"In the eyes of my cousin, I'm just a child who hasn't grown up?" For Chen Zhengmin, it was a bolt from the blue.

"Isn't it?"

"I'm two years older than you!" Chen Zhengmin's voice couldn't help but raise two points.

"So what? In my opinion, judging whether a person grows up or not, age only occupies a very small part. A man should take responsibility, be responsible, be calm and calm in case of any problem, and try to solve it instead of huddling in the room and isolating yourself from the outside world. You are so immersed in your own heart, hesitating and fretting, angering others, regardless of those who worry about you. Which point do you think you have grown up? "

Chen Zhengmin is completely stiff by jingwan, but he can't say a word of refutation. It took a long time for me to say, "in my cousin's eyes, I'm such a person. Why didn't you object when I was engaged?"

"At that time, you are not as you are now. You can barely see the past. Moreover, I thought that, in any case, there are still two years to go, you have more people and things to contact, and you should be able to grow up. Even if you still can't grow up to be a big man, and become the support of your family, I don't mind supporting myself for a few years after marriage. If you have your own children, the big deal is to bring the big and small children together, and you should grow up one day. "

"Cousin, have you thought about our future? Say from time to time... " Chen Zhengmin became cautious again.

"Isn't it natural to think about such a thing? What's more, cousin min's point is that you really want to rely on your own daughter-in-law, rather than let your daughter-in-law rely on you? "

Chen Zhengmin became a stiff wood.

"However, heaven wants us to be human. There is nothing else between us except the cousins."

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"We haven't dropped out, we haven't!"

"Why do you deceive yourself so much? You should have realized that even if you didn't quit at that time, there was absolutely no room for relaxation. Besides, I gave the marriage letter to your mother myself."

"Not like this, not like this..."

"Chen Zhengmin, don't be a child again."

Although at first, no one wrote.

In fact, more than half of them didn't know that. They knew that such a situation would occur long ago, so they should break up the article and study it thoroughly. Now, they don't know the content, don't say it, and don't know the style of writing, but "crazy life" might be a breakthrough?

However, those who know it, especially those who have read it on the spot, are starting to sweat. What does emperor lechengdi mean? The arrogance of that article is shocking to them. Do they really want to write according to the style of writing? But what if it doesn't mean holy? How about it? After all, how many emperors would like that kind of "curse the world" article?

Chen Zhengmin is the most complicated person in his heart. He wrote an article that day. Moreover, he has a habit of thinking carefully about the problems he has broken after the fact. Now let him write again, it will surely be better than that one. In fact, the influence of emperor Lecheng's words on him is not big. Although he has a higher mind than sun Yilin, he now wants to write his own things. This problem is too beneficial to him, almost like fraud.

It should be said that the courtiers were also puzzled about lechengdi's behavior. They thought he didn't care about sun Yilin's article. This was the end of the matter. Those who were going to impeach sun Yilin died. Now they are turning it over again. They say that they are well written and have the name of champion. What kind of moth is this?

Li Hongyuan is very leisurely. It seems that this year's palace examination in the previous life is also the subject. However, there should be no matter for sun Yilin to solve the problem in advance. After all, at this time in the previous life, sun Yilin has not yet entered the official arena.

The examinees are thinking hard about whether to write according to the style of sun Yilin.

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"Yilin, please write another one. I also want to see what you will write when you are awake." Yue chengdi said to sun Yilin on one side.

"Yes, the emperor."

The waiter quickly prepared the things for sun Yilin.

After sun Yilin sat down, he thought a little and began to write. He is not an examinee, and he wrote all the arrogant things before. Now, he doesn't need to have much scruples at all. Just write what he wants to write.

While sun Yilin wrote, Chen Zhengmin also began to write.

When Emperor Lecheng was drinking tea, he seemed to think of something. "Luo Aiqing, which son-in-law is your son-in-law to be grandson? Point to me."

Luopeishan is naturally hidden. "Back to the emperor, the one in the middle of the first row on the right is."

Emperor Lecheng raised his head and knocked, "Sun Yilin will put his pen aside and stood up," it's the man who is going back to the emperor. "

"All right, sit down. Don't get up. This time, this kid is a big bargain. If he doesn't have a leap forward promotion this time, even if it's better than the last time, I will kick him to the top three. "

It's a lucky thing to have written the same article before the exam. It's a good thing. Because it's too cheap, it's kicked down. Good luck turns to bad luck. Many people are sorry for him. They will try "the emperor, the maid, look, Chen Zhengmin, Chen Gongsheng seems to have written it."

"Oh? Go, take it up. I'll see. " Pass on Sun Yilin's article to the courtiers to read.

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