Li Hongyuan saw that Jing Wan was speechless to him, but he was still serious. How could he do with this small appearance? It seemed that he wanted to hug him, kiss him, rub him, his fingers moved, but he still controlled himself and didn't really reach out. When can we eat the delicious fat in our mouth? The situation is a little complicated now. Compared with his plan, it's a little biased. However, before it gets out of control, he is not sure when he can take people down. It's not so good that it's unknown. It seems that it's too attractive Well, he'd prefer to look at the radiant euphemism. As for the wolves, ha ha, one is to be slaughtered, and two are to be slaughtered.

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"Wan Wan --"

What's the matter with this urgent and worried voice, as if he would chew her granddaughter, he really wanted to chew it.

Jingwan looked sideways and saw the grandmother coming down from the sedan chair. The one coming down from the other sedan chair was actually the grandfather. It doesn't mean there's an urgent government affair. It's useless for grandfather, but it's also a good book, so it's OK to attend.

Old lady Luo stepped forward quickly, grabbed jingwan and subconsciously led her to the back. Then she saw Li Hongyuan's black face, which made her realize that she had overreacted a little. However, it has been done. "My wife has seen the prince."

"No." Li Hongyuan felt a little grumpy again, and his eyes were dark. "Even if my king is really a wolf, a tiger and a leopard, at least there is some discretion. Old lady Luo doesn't have to guard against my king like this."

"What's the reputation of the Lord? You know it. It's not you, it's the gossip."

Li Hongyuan's face was dark, but this man, first, was an old man, second, Wan Wan Wan was very concerned about his grandmother. He really couldn't do anything about her. Instead, he took a look at Luo Peishan, who was walking slowly, and walked away.

Jingwan stood behind her grandmother, but she thought it was very cola. Her grandmother did not let her go, let alone, because Prince Jin's temper was not as bad as it was said, at least he respected the old man.

Seeing Li Hongyuan get on the carriage of Jin's Prince's residence, old lady Luo is a little relieved. When facing the prince of Jin, though she is tough on her face, she is really nervous. She is not afraid of what he does to herself. She is mainly worried that it really provokes his anger and does something to Wan Wan Wan. That's really fatal.

"Madame, it is not necessary." When Luo Peishan walked in, they could see it most clearly. If Prince Jin had a bad reputation outside, in fact, it was only seven or eight.

Old lady Luo looked at him discontentedly. "Is this what I'm worried about? It's about being seen. "

Well, well, once three girls are involved, he should stand by his old wife's side. Luo Peishan did feel a little guilty. He had a silent beard and looked at Jing Wan. "What did Prince Jin ask you for?"

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"The secret recipe for nourishing skin."

Luo Peishan nodded. At that time, he was also there. Naturally, he didn't need to ask. "Let you give him the prescription?"

"No, it's probably troublesome. Prince Jin asked his granddaughter to open a shop directly. He bought finished products."

"Well, that's good. If Prince Jin pays for it, I'm sure other people won't ask for it. You don't have to suffer losses, three girls. But it's not very good at all. In case something goes wrong in the middle, you have too much responsibility, three girls. The harem is the place of right and wrong, and it doesn't stop for a day. "

"It's not a simple thing to open a shop. I haven't done this before. The most troublesome thing is that it's hard to find the teacher who makes rouge and water powder. What's more, they are all flowers and grass, and they need to be planted in a large area. I'm afraid they won't be able to do it for a while." Said old lady Luo.

"I don't have to worry about my grandparents. In fact, I've thought about it. We can pass on all the responsibilities."

Luo Peishan's eyes brightened, and old lady Luo almost understood jingwan's meaning. "Wan Wan, you mean..."

"When I go back to make some finished products, I will write down the recipe, and then I will go to Rouge Pavilion."

Even the old man luopeishan knows where Rouge Pavilion is. It should be known from the name alone that it is a place that specializes in selling rouge and water powder. In the whole city of the Qiyuan Dynasty, there are their shops, even in other countries around. Concubines in the harem, in addition to their own secret recipes, all the other rouge and water powder used are basically from the rouge and can be described as truly famous all over the world.

Jingwan cooperates with rouge Pavilion. It can be said that even if something goes wrong, she has no responsibility at all. Worker Shifu, Huatian, don't worry about everything. The only thing she has to do is to take out the prescription and then sit and collect the dividend.

"The three girls in our family are smart, so quickly came up with a solution."

Jingwan smiled and said, "Grandpa is flattered. In fact, he had this plan for a long time, but he didn't take the time. Now this is the right time."

"You're not afraid that they won't agree with you, you girl, because you're really rude?"

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Jing Wan, with her lips hooked, did not take a deep look at old lady Luo. "Grandfather thought they would disagree?"

Old lady Luo stretched out her hand and patted her directly. "You are more and more outrageous, even your grandparents dare to tease?"

Jingwan quickly and nimbly dodged, jumped up behind luopeishan, stretched out his head, smiled and said, "Grandpa, is that what I said?"

Luo Peishan looked at old lady Luo's face, looked at the wrinkles less than his peers, didn't say, and didn't have those speckled spots, touched her beard and smiled, "three girls are absolutely right."

Jingwan laughed more happily, but old lady Luo couldn't help but blush and spit at luopeishan. "I'm not old enough."

Luo Peishan can't help but laugh. The old wife's body and bones are pretty good. Although her children and grandchildren are so unsatisfactory, they can still live on the whole. There is a lovely grandchild like three girls. He feels in a good mood and full of energy in recent days. Well, how can he have such a day today.

"Girl, let's go. Ride with Grandpa today."

"Grandfather doesn't have to go to the government hall, but can go home directly?"

"Well, you can go straight back."

In this way, Jing Wan no longer talks much. As for why she didn't participate in the emergency government affairs, she can't ask. So, he took luopeishan's arm directly, like supporting old lady luopeishan on a regular basis, "grandma, I'll go with Grandpa?"

Old lady Luo looks at luopeishan's very useful appearance, laughs and nods.

Old lady Luo got on the other carriage of Luo's family. However, mother Gong didn't follow up. Instead, she chose to follow Luo Peishan's carriage. The accident in Bailong temple made mother Gong dare not be careless any more. Even though it was in the city, when the accident came, it was impossible to prevent.

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Luo Peishan didn't dare to watch a middle-aged mammy follow the carriage, but he sat beside the coachman himself, so he quietly gave up his position and walked down.

Mammy Gong took a look at his small body, which was not very strong. When she walked back from here, she was sure that she would not be too tired to breathe? But she did not refuse. The boy was looked at inexplicably, but he always felt that the mother's eyes were wrong.

"You're a dutiful and loyal mother." Luo Peishan nodded in the carriage.

"Isn't that still the person who is looking for in the capital?"

"Well, your eldest aunt is looking for it. She's using her heart." Luo Peishan said lightly. My daughter-in-law, the contact with nature is even less. It's not bad to see a few daughters-in-law mixed up.

"The eldest aunt is naturally good."

Luo Peishan is not her own daughter. If she can use five points of her mind, she will be fine. If she can find one that is very good in all aspects, it's the luck of three girls. She should be surrounded by such a person.

"There was a war at the border, but it shouldn't be serious. Grandfather didn't play a role in this, so he took the initiative to ask the emperor to leave early. The emperor left brother min behind. " Luo Peishan suddenly said.

Luo Peishan tells her about this. Jing Wan is not surprised, "that's cousin min's creation."

"Will the girl be unwilling?"

"Unwilling? No, it won't. There's nothing to be unwilling to, and nothing to be unwilling to. Even though my cousin is brilliant and prosperous in the future, I am poor and poor. Sometimes in your life, you must have it. Don't force it when you have no time in your life. You shouldn't have to. That's what you're looking for. "

"It's just that you are too rational and thorough to say that you are a bad girl. Some things, you don't try to ask, how do you know it's not your life? "

"My grandfather was right, but my granddaughter was lazy by nature. She didn't want to ask for anything that slipped away from her hand. Grandfather, you should think so. If you don't have it this time, you may have a better initiative. "

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"That's right. If you are really poor in the future, it is really unfair. "

"Grandfather, don't say that. God can't control so many people, and maybe people don't go back to their families at all. Everyone blames god for their bad fate. How can God be innocent?"

Luo Peishan laughs, "you girl's reason is pile upon pile, grandfather can't say you."

"They are telling the truth."

"Yes, my grandfather will not fight with you. By the way, wench, when my grandfather was still in Qi'an mansion, didn't you often be by your grandmother's side? Why didn't my grandfather see you several times? "

Jing Wan stares at him with "why don't you know?" so Luo Peishan thinks he's stupid? Slightly some exasperated bent the finger to knock Jing Wan's head.

Jingwan covers her head and flattens her mouth. Weiwei looks at luopeishan wrongfully.

Luo Peishan thought that he had hurt her. He regretted it. "Girl, my dear grandson, does it hurt? Grandpa, have a look? "

Jingwan laughs and dodges, "no, I'm playing with you. But grandpa can't fight next time. "

"Well, if you don't, you can't. ——Grandpa is not as smart as our family. Please tell him why. "

"My granddaughter just thought that my grandmother should want my grandfather to accompany her. When you are here, all the other idle people should disappear. Are you right? " Jing Wan blinks.

"How old were you then, and how could you think of that?" Luo Peishan's face is incredible.

"I can't think of my granddaughter, but we have something ready-made in the second room. My mother would like to stick with my father all day long. If my father doesn't go out one day, she will

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