Don't say that Jing Wan has a black heart. She has made things so expensive. From the beginning, she couldn't take the civilian line for her things. What was sent to the palace. Do you want to take the civilian line? In this way, the price will go up to the end. Anyway, those who can afford it don't care about spending more. No matter where it is, there is a psychology. The higher the price, the better the things are. The more unique it is, the more distinctive it is. And this often means an unusual position. And many people also enjoy the unique sense of superiority of "I don't have you". If you launch it in this way, no one will worry about buying it.

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As for those who don't have money but are puffy and fat, "make a system. Some things, even if they are rich, don't sell. Isn't it difficult for yunniang? After all, rouge pavilion has been rooted in the capital for so long. The details of those ladies and girls must be known. As for how to set the threshold, Yun Niang should be more able to grasp it than I am. "

Yun Niang smiled charmingly. "Girl, it's really kind. Why should I be so polite when I meet those people who are too vain to help themselves? Even if it's ruined, it's what they're looking for. The original things of rouge Pavilion may be worse than those of girls, but they are all good things. But even the best ones are not necessarily suitable for everyone. Some people don't understand that the best ones are the best ones. They just choose the most expensive ones. They spend a lot of money. They may suffer. Finally, they blame Rouge Pavilion. I'm too lazy to pay attention They. "

In this part of the capital, there are many dignitaries like dogs. There are too many people who can't afford to offend. Yun Niang dares to speak so loudly. It's just a matter of fact. To say, the hardest backstage is nothing more than the one in power.

Yun Niang is still charming in middle age, even more charming than many big girls and little daughters in law. She can't be a Lecheng emperor. What's wrong with her. For a while there was some imagination.

Yun Niang sees Jing Wan looking at herself and touching her face, showing a special charming smile. "Can't I be so beautiful today that even the girl is fascinated?"

Jing Wan, who was flirted with, didn't have a little self-consciousness and smiled seriously. "Yes, Yun Niang is really charming."

You should know that sincere praise from the same sex is often more pleasing to the people than that from the opposite sex. Obviously, Yun Niang is really pleased by Jing Wan, and she laughs again in a daze. "You are so popular, little girl. No wonder the eldest princess, who has never been very fond of things, is very fond of you."

"Yun Niang, Miao Zan." Jingwan is more and more interested in the origin of yunniang.

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Because of the retention of yunniang, jingwan spent more time in the rouge Pavilion. Tea and snacks are very good. During that time, I talked about many other things. Then, Jing Wan found that yunniang was actually a talented woman. She was familiar with history, was good at poetry, was proficient in rhythm, and was very good at painting and calligraphy. The paintings on the wall in the compartment were the best proof.

When jingwan looks at the wall, yunniang looks at jingwan with good eyes. "It's better to be young. I'm old after all. No matter how I raise it, I can't look so tender. It's a blessing that some man will marry you in the future. " Yun Niang said with a deep smile.

Jing Wan didn't understand.

Mother Gong coughed twice, discontented.

Yun Niang glances at Gong Mammy and turns her mouth. She sees too many people. Besides, Gong mammy deliberately shows some hidden things. Can Yun Niang not see that this mammy is not an ordinary role. "If Miss Luo San can raise such a look, she will never be so simple with these things. What's the secret? Can you share it with me?"

If jingwan can keep well, it's not just those things. If it's so magical, there's no need to do anything else. It's enough to apply those things directly. Then everyone who has used these things will be the same as jingwan. So the beauty and beauty industry will be at its peak at this time. There's no one else to do 。 In fact, jingwan doesn't use many things to maintain her skin in daily life. She only plays an auxiliary role. Most of the time, she is nourishing internally. Her endocrine is balanced and there is no toxin in her body. Therefore, it's difficult to have a bad complexion.

Therefore, jingwan is not stingy, simply said some health preservation methods. In fact, jingwan and Gongma are not the only ones who know these methods. Many people know that jingwan's combination of what she knows and Gongma's mind, combined with Gongma's twelve points, has the best effect.

Therefore, after jingwan said those things, yunniang thought that jingwan was secretive. However, she was not that kind of narrow-minded person, and didn't have a bad view of jingwan. Anyway, it was just a little girl. "I still have something to do, so I don't want to leave more girls. After the things are made, I ask people to send a copy to the girl. If there is something unsatisfactory, the girl can be frank."

Jingwan also saw that yunniang didn't believe it and didn't say much. She just got up and left.

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Yunniang asked people to pack a large bag of rouge powder and cream for her. "Naturally, girls can't see these. However, there should be many people like it when it's used to send people. After all, there are several kinds that are used by the ladies in the palace." Yun Niang smiles and blinks.

Jingwan sees what's in it with her own eyes. She thinks about the selling price she saw before. Roughly, it's close to ten thousand Liang silver. Yunniang gives it to her without blinking an eye. Seeing yunniang is speechless, they are all big local heroes. They think they are jingwan of little rich woman. They don't think they have it any more Money man. "Strike" not light Jing Wan "facial expressionless" leave Rouge Pavilion.

But she didn't think about it. She didn't say that she would give it away before she gave it away. It was more valuable.

After jingwan and her family left, the smile on yunniang's face disappeared. At that moment, her whole momentum became fierce. Even though it was still clothes, you could not feel the wind and dust at all. If jingwan saw her now, she would use two words to describe the queen. Then he gathered his hair, "take down the things, let the masters quickly make them, and then make a place to put them in the shop. As for what Miss Luo said, you have heard. Specifically, I don't need to tell you how to do it. "

"Yes, Lord." The two maids beside respectfully replied.

Yunniang takes up the tea cup and sips it lightly. Her movements are elegant and noble, and her expression is so unpredictable.

"Ma Ma, do you know the origin of yunniang?" said Luo Jing Wan asked.

Mother Gong's face was a little calm and hesitant. Jingwan saw her expression for the first time.

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Jing Wan became more and more curious, "why, Mammy doesn't know, or it's inconvenient to say."

"Girl, if you expect it, the identity of yunniang is different." Mother Gong looked at the two servant girls in the same car. "It's no good knowing more."

Jing Wan understood that Yun Niang was afraid that she might not have the emperor as a concubine as she thought.

You should know that Yun Niang's kind of woman who can dye "wind and dust" at first sight is the most taboo one of the backyard women, but no one of them refuses the things of rouge Pavilion. On the one hand, it may be because the things of rouge pavilion are really good, on the other hand, it may be that Yun Niang is not an informal person, and there is nothing ugly about Yun Niang without seeing such a decent person as Gong Nang Dharma.

As for the identity of yunniang, I'm afraid that I can only find another time and ask in private.

Jingwan returns to Luo's house, and then runs into Luo Jingying in the garden. Jingwan is not sure if she is waiting for her. This time, though, she was very polite.

Naturally, it's no surprise to see the things in the servant girl's hands, the place of rouge Pavilion, or the best one. How could Luo Jingying not know that she has been there once? After that time, she dare not go there. It's not that the things are bad. If she can, she can't empty it. But the cheapest box of rouge in it needs hundreds of Liang What a small box, save and save, just grudgingly strong can use a month, go there, special trip to let people see jokes? "Three elder sisters went out to buy a lot of things."

"Four sisters say that? I didn't buy it. The owner of rouge Pavilion gave it away. "

"Three elder sisters are really popular. At least they are thousands of things. It's really generous to say that they will send them as soon as they are sent."

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"Yes, Yun Niang is very generous indeed."

"Yunniang?" Although Rouge Pavilion is a place for selling women's things, it's impossible for a woman's private property in such a large industry all over the country? Is Luo jingwan a fat man with a swollen face, or does he dare not admit it?

"Four younger sisters don't know the owner of rouge Pavilion is Yun Niang? I thought it was well known. "

"Of course my sister knows." Can you admit that you have been in the capital for several years, and you are still so ignorant?

Jingwan nodded. "It's thanks to the four younger sisters that yunniang is so generous. Because the secret skin nourishing recipe in the hands of the four younger sisters and the three elder sisters is known by the king of Jin, and they want to honor the lady. However, the prince of Jin doesn't want the recipe. They want the finished product, but the things in the hands of the three elder sisters are all agreed by the people who have used them. I think the people who will use them are not only the princess of Su One person, three elder sisters can't do so much anymore. It's too troublesome to open their own shop, so they just find Rouge Pavilion. Unexpectedly, they just met yunniang, who is very optimistic about her sister's things. She not only gave 40% bonus, but also gave so many things when she left. Alas, my elder sister is still worried about how to deal with it. After all, four younger sisters also know that I don't use these things on weekdays. "

Don't give it all to me! Luo Jingying almost shouted this. Fortunately, she held back, but she closed her lips and clenched her teeth. She didn't speak for a long time. She was afraid that she would lose her temper once she spoke. What really made her blush was the 40% bonus and 40% bonus. She didn't know how much it was. But she was sure that Luo jingwan would spend her whole life doing nothing.

"Four younger sisters tried their best to extract the secret recipe in my hand. Now they have got what they wanted. I believe that the first batch of rouge Pavilion will be launched soon. However, according to yunniang, it will be a little expensive. It's probably several times, dozens of times, dozens of times, hundreds of times of those in her shop. Are you ready for the silver? "

Luo Jingying's finger

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