Sun Yilin's good mood was disturbed by Ding Guogong's wife's attitude, but it didn't hinder him in general, but it also strengthened some of his ideas.

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Because of her unhappiness, dingguogong's wife originally wanted to perfunctory, but it was also about her son's face, about dingguogong's face, plus the old lady's contribution. If she acted carelessly, she said that she would not be able to attract the old lady's dissatisfaction, which was not good for her.

However, the original sense of jingwan was lowered to freezing point.

now has the final say that he is partial to his son, and he has been married to the state government office. He is not behoove himself. Therefore, in the early stage, she still tried her best to take out the "best" attitude of the government of the people's Republic of China to show the world how much she valued her daughter-in-law. As a matter of fact, it's not the same time that it means to suppress jingwan, so that she can see her identity clearly, and at the same time, it also makes several other daughter-in-law feel jealous. You should know that several of them only talk about their family background, even though none of them are worse than jingwan. Now this is even more valued than the elder daughter-in-law. What's more?

If Jing Wan married in, he would be in a dilemma.

Ding Guogong and his wife moved very fast. Within two days, the matchmaker went to Locke's door.

Originally in the eyes of Luo Peishan and old lady Luo, even if it was handed over to sun Yilin, it would take some time, but I didn't think that there was such a big killing tool as old lady sun in Dingguo mansion, which was powerful at the first move. This grinding talent was ready to fight vigorously, so they had to close down angrily. Therefore, the speed of courtship in Dingguo mansion is too fast for people to react.

What's more, for the first time, the matchmaker brought a gift to his home, it was just "exploring the way". The gift of proposing a marriage was quite valuable. Originally, it only needed more than 30 things representing good luck and good luck. But the matchmaker brought hundreds of things besides what he should have, and each of them was very valuable. If it was for the eldest son, or the Luo family was very high, Naturally, there is no problem, but both of them don't touch each other. When seeing these things, Mrs. Luo's face turns black. Is this a proposal or a forced marriage?

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If there is no sense left, Mrs. Luo would like to sweep the matchmaker out with these things.

Because sun Yilin has been chosen. If she drives people out at this time, there will inevitably be new twists and turns. However, the actions of Dingguo government, or the actions of Dingguo's wife, give rise to a suspicion. Is it really good to marry wanwan into such a family? There is no doubt about Wan Wan Wan's ability and skill. Moreover, if she is willing to let go of her body to please someone, she can't do it. However, if Wan Wan Wan breaks her pride and lets her suffer that kind of grievance, old lady Luo can't think about it.

In fact, the matchmaker was somewhat embarrassed. This one made by Ding Guogong's wife is really a bit unkind. Even if you value this daughter-in-law, you can't hate others at this time. Even if she held her hand and said that the girl had the support of her mother-in-law when she married into the Ding mansion, she still couldn't agree with her. But I said a lot of good things to Mrs. Luo.

Old lady Luo promised to think about it, and then sent the matchmaker out.

It's also a normal thing to say. In addition to special circumstances such as giving marriage, generally speaking, even if both parties agree in advance in private, they will be reserved when the matchmaker first proposes at the mountain gate. However, what the matchmaker feels from old lady Luo is not that the Luo family is reserved, but that they really need to consider.

This time, because all parties are paying attention to it, it's impossible to be as quiet as the first engagement with Chen Zhengmin. Moreover, in order to show off their victory to their opponents, maybe people from Prince Xu Kang's family, together with the dingguogong's wife's willful bluster, said that the whole city could not be too stormy. It's a bit of a forced marriage.

It should be said that this was a happy thing, but there were few happy people in Luo's family. Those servants who were very happy thought that they really deserved to be the three girls in their family. Even if they were divorced, there were better people. Who is sun Yilin? That's the first son of the city, one of the four heroes. The red man in front of the saint. The future is limitless. How many boudoir girls are there It's the girl who is in love with spring. It's going to be their uncle.

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And then by those who have seen the clue, they have been informed of the twists and turns in it. Some people are lamenting, some people are not satisfied. Some people are not like this, some are not like this, some are like a husband, and they are thinking of a kind mother-in-law. How can there be such a good thing?

How could such a good thing happen? Sun Yijia knew that he had met such a good thing. When she knew about it, she was so angry that she cried. She had a comfortable life in Luo's house. No one was in trouble. Her best handkerchief was handed over to her little aunt. Just before she started to discuss marriage, her mother began to figure out how to embarrass her and how to embarrass her daughter in Luo's house? I never thought that if you are not good to your daughter, will they be bad to your daughter? Does she have her own daughter in her heart?

Sun Yijia is able to live comfortably under the elder of Luo's family, including Jingbo's kindness to her. She knows that jingwan's love for her house and her love for her country are more reasons. Jingbo looks at her intimacy, and she has weight in her heart, but it's far less than jingwan. After all, they get along with each other for a short time. At this time, let him choose one between himself and WAN's sister. He will definitely choose his sister. She is not jealous, because there is nothing to envy.

However, at the thought of the cold face of the newly married husband, the cold eyes of the gentle old lady, and the temperament of the mother-in-law, sun Yijia would show his unhappiness. She only felt the pain of her heart being cut by a knife, and her mother-in-law could not see her? Besides, sister Wan is such a good girl. There is no second one in the world. Why should she be targeted? Don't you know that the more so, the more you will let your son also centrifugal with you?

After seeing Luo Jingbo come back, sun Yijia looks at him carefully, afraid to see alienation and disgust from his eyes. Luo Jingbo looked at her quietly for a moment. To be honest, after knowing what the Duke of Ding had done, he really got angry. On the one hand is a dear sister, and on the other hand is a wife who has no deep feelings. Naturally, he will be angry subconsciously. However, on the way back, he was stopped by the younger sister's personnel

Luo Jingbo reaches for sun Yijia. "Yijia, you are Luo's family now." Little sister said so, should not be angry to her, she does not know anything, she is innocent.

Sun Yijia hugs Luo Jingbo, tears drop and apologizes. After all, it's her mother.

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However, the life of dingguogong's wife is not easy. Unexpectedly, it's just a moment of anger, but it's like a big mistake. The mother-in-law, whose son accused her, was always strict but didn't say too much, even scolded her directly. The most critical sentence is never to pass. It looks like a loving mother, whose heart is actually more vicious than that of the stepmother.

Dingguogong's wife wanted to argue, but she really forgot that her daughter was still living in Luo's family.

-- no repentance. Then Mrs. Sun told her to get out.

This is not over, and was called into the palace by the empress's mother. The tone of the Queen's voice is the same as usual. However, the content of the words is called the death of Ding Guogong's wife. ——I used to think that my sister-in-law was a wise man. Now I think you are wrong. Are you not only stupid, but also stupid beyond our reach, or are you hostile to my palace or the emperor's son? If the kindness sustained by Miss Luo San is in the hands of the emperor's son, it may even surpass that of Prince Rui. How many people want to marry her? Because of the mother's relationship, those people will stop and Yilin will have a chance to get ahead of others. Do you want to push people out? Would you rather someone else ascend the throne and wipe out Prince Kang's family?

Although Ding Guogong's wife is also very powerful, she just shows up in the problem of the house. Her eyes are still lower on the outside. How could she not think that she is just a little girl?

Believe it or not, once the Luo family refuses to establish the state government, there will be groups of people running to the Luo family to propose marriage right away? No matter what method you use, it's better to do it beautifully and make Luo's family happy. If the Luo family refuses to get married, you don't have to sit in the position of the Duke and wife.

Dingguogong's wife naturally dared not neglect, but at the same time, her lack of good will for jingwan directly turned into hatred. If it wasn't for her, her son would not be separated from her, and if it wasn't for her, she would not be in this situation. What's more, a girl's home is not secure if she is attracted by the storm. How can IKEA fit her room?

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However, no matter what happened in her heart, Ding Guogong's wife made a full gesture and went to Luo's house in person. Her attitude towards Jing Wan was more intimate than that of her daughter. Jing Wan only smiled at her.

Dingguogong's wife kept saying that she really did it just because she valued it, but she didn't want to cause bad results, which was also her thoughtlessness.

Old lady Luo has discussed with Luo Peishan in private. Moreover, Luo Peishan has also sought sun Yilin in private and obtained his guarantee. In this way, Luo Laofu's talent grudgingly agrees.

Dingguogong's wife was relieved. In order to implement this matter as soon as possible, I will go to Luo's house the next day to deliver the gifts.

This time, there is no moth. Although the acceptance ceremony is richer than that of ordinary people, it is also suitable for jingwan's identity. It is a rule of thumb. Because the same time is tight, the wild goose used is also a wood carved wild goose.

Then there is the exchange of gengthe, after wending, the following things are basically smooth and profitable.

The happiest thing is sun Yilin. It seems that his heart has been fulfilled.

However, in the whole process, Jing Wan was the most unprepared and unhurried.

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