Jingwan and sun Yilin's relatives must have been. Even if the Luo family completely turned to Prince Kang and made many people sigh and wring their wrists, there were naturally some people who were gnashing their teeth with hatred. If they lost after many battles, they might not be reconciled. But not so stifling. In this way, let alone Li Hongyuan, who wants to know the relationship between sun Laofu's people and le chengdi, and other people, who don't want to know, is that all parties come together, and it's bound to find out.

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Li Hongming's fist was clenched. Before that, all the other people in Luo's family had no contact with his big brother's family. It was not so easy for them to get involved. The original people rejected him because he would thin their benefits, while Luo Peishan was not on his own, so he was not willing to be involved.

So he may not be able to turn things around. If you don't say anything else, Luo Sanye dare to come to the door. Don't want to quit at this time. Once this separation plan is used, it's a big weapon. Maybe it can bring the enemy to pieces without a single soldier.

Luo Jingying is still resenting jingwan's good fortune. She once retired from her relatives, but she still has a good marriage that all the girls in the capital envy and envy. But she can't express it at all. At this time, she received a set of things sent in from the outside. Although Luo Jingying didn't know how to do it, at least she had 12 sets with sun Yijia One set of the head is equal to the other, and there are 18 pieces. Luo Jingying can't like it one by one. Then she finds out her most beautiful clothes and puts them on one by one.

However, she was not satisfied with the result. In her opinion, the dress was so poor that it didn't match her face at all. There were many good materials in sun Yijia's dowry, such as Yuehua silk, peacock silk, and sailing yarn, and there were more than one. But the granddaughter, who was once famous in the capital, was as mean as Luo jingwan.

"The girl's head is very beautiful."

Luo Jingying made a tough one. Looking back at her mother, she hurriedly wanted to take things down. She was frightened and angry. "I said, no one is allowed to come in?"

If such a thing is known, she will not die without peeling.

"Don't panic, girl. I will never tell anyone about it, including my wife. The maidservant serves the girl, which is one. " "Well, it's really beautiful. It's suitable for girls. It's just that there's no clothes left, but I'm afraid there's no clothes for such a good head? ——Should a girl thank that infatuated person for such a precious thing? "

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Luo Jingying changed from panic to coyness. "But Mammy, I have nothing. How can I thank him?"

"How can a girl have nothing? You have the most precious thing in the world, that is yourself." "It seems that the nurturing mammy said with deep meaning," the girl must at least meet him and say thank you to her face

Speaking of this, Luo Jingying was a little frustrated, "but my grandmother won't let me out."

"If the girl really wants to go out, and the maid has a way, it depends on the girl's courage."

Luo Jingying's eyes suddenly brightened, "what dare not, Mammy quickly say."

"In fact, it's very simple, but it's just to change clothes and go out the back door. The maidservant is familiar with the woman who guards the back door."

"Mammy, I'm going out. I'm going out now."

"Don't worry, girl, and wait for tomorrow morning. Today, my maid will send out the news first, so as not to waste her time tomorrow."

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"But how does mammy send the news? He is..." The prince's residence, Luo Jingying also knows, is not so easy to approach. She was also dazed last time, so she didn't ask him how to deliver the message.

"According to the attitude of the infatuated person towards the girl, she will definitely stay outside the house and pay attention to the girl's movements. Therefore, the maidservant only needs to go out once to find the other side."

"Is what mammy said true?" Luo Jingying asked a little excitedly, feeling very sweet.

The nurturing mother nodded her head firmly.

"Then I'll bother Mammy." Luo Jingying said with a sweet smile.

"It's all for the maidservant." After the salute, he retired.

Ah, a simple, ignorant and stupid girl, immersed in her illusory love, unable to see the current situation. Luo's family has been tied to Prince Kang's boat. Anyone with a little brain should know that if they continue to entangle with Prince Rui, there will be no good fruit to eat. Don't think that they won't happen. Prince Rui's purpose is so obvious. Once they get it, how can they hide it. But up to now, Luo Jingying thinks she's hiding well. Even if there are one or two people around, they don't know who they are.

However, she was only a servant, only obeying the master's orders. However, Prince Mingrui is more favored, but Luo's family is forced to tie up with Prince Kang's family. However, it doesn't matter. Prince Rui hasn't stopped. In the end, he only keeps Sanfang. How about making Sanfang become the pillar of Luo's family.

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At the same time, Luo Rongping, the third Lord of Luo, also received a gift from Prince Rui, 100000 Liang silver, plus a gorgeous dagger inlaid with several gems. It's so simple and rude to intimidate Gary.

Luo Rongping is very clear that in this family, there are many things that my father will only tell my eldest brother. Now the Luo family is in a battle of seizing the legitimate power. It's reasonable that he should not hesitate to follow the steps of his family. However, he wants to escape from Prince Rui, even though it's in great difficulty. Not only that, his father doesn't value him at all. It seems that he is the same without him. Moreover, he has spent so much time on the people of Prince Kang before, which has basically no effect But now, to see Prince Rui, it is obvious that we should "reuse" him. Is to choose the family to be united and continue to be invisible. Even if the Luo family finally has the merit of following the dragon, it may have been mediocre all its life? Or choose to be separated from the family, be put in important position and gamble on the brilliant future of one person and ten thousand people?

Luo Rongping quietly looked at the things on the table, he did not think too much time, put things away. Obviously, he chose lust and deviated from the family.

In addition to a few people who know about it, Luo's family and many people outside think that Luo Peishan was forced to go on Prince Kang's boat, but Luo Rongyan still has some doubts. Maybe the source of this is his father. He took his daughter into consideration and chose sun Yilin. This idea didn't just emerge in the brain, but rooted in the general. After all, my father only talked about this problem. In the next day or two, things basically came to a conclusion, which is too coincidental.

But in the court, it was also not peaceful, because the old minister of the Ministry of officials was as expected by others. After the meeting, he was ready to retire. Sure enough, the official official handed in the book of retirement. Emperor Lecheng refuted it twice, and at the time of the third time, it finally came to pass.

As the head of the six ministries, the minister's book of the Ministry of officials is the head of the Ministry of officials. Li Hongming was going to take Luo Peishan back to his subordinates and push him to this position, but now there is a change. Although he hasn't given up yet, whether to push or not makes him hesitant.

You should know that now, Luo San is only married to sun Yilin, and there is no substantial involvement. It is still a year before Luo San and Ji. Moreover, Luo family may not wait for her to marry as soon as Ji. In such a long time, any changes are possible. In order to win the trust of Luo Peishan, Prince Kang and others are making full efforts. If Prince Rui pushes again Basically, it's only for those of Prince Gong's department who are sure of everything. Moreover, luopeishan also has the possibility to use for himself. So, is this bet a bet or not?

Li Hongming called all his staff together and discussed all aspects carefully. Although Princess Su did not have the ambition of taking power like the queen, she could not ignore her wisdom. Therefore, Li Hongming asked about her opinions. There is a great risk in pushing luopeishan. However, if Li Hongming plans to succeed, it may bring huge benefits. What's more, Li Hongming does not have a more suitable person in his hand, and the person who is qualified to sit in that position holds other key positions. He can't let out the benefits of his hand and years of operation for the position that hasn't been reached 。 Final decision - push!

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Because he has fallen into the mire, Luo Peishan is no longer worried about so much, and he is no longer leisurely when facing the court. Besides his own affairs, he is less talkative, and he becomes active. At this time, people can also see the power of the Minister of rites, who is rich in learning and talented. That mouth is more like a knife and a sword. Most of the time, it's just to the point Those who argue with him, in nine out of ten, will be almost spit blood and "killed" by his anger.

He did not expect that Luo Aiqing, who is full of elegance and loose temperament, is actually a "fierce general".

Emperor Lecheng left luopeishan to talk and made friends with his officials.

Luo Peishan is also honest. When he doesn't want to get involved in a dispute, he will naturally keep a low profile. When he has to do something, he will no longer hide it. If he doesn't do something else, he will increase his confidence for his descendants. Otherwise, there will always be those who want to bully and bully. If he is still alive and still an official, he can't let it go.

As for jingwan's being bullied by dingguogong's wife, it will not reach lechengdi's ears. Lechengdi only thinks that it is Luo's younger generation who may have a dispute with other people and suffer losses.

Luo Peishan's attitude also clearly told Le chengdi that he went to the position of minister of the Ministry of officials. As for the help he would give to Prince Kang, it was inevitable. In order to put Prince Kang on the throne, he would go all out. Now it depends on whether Le chengdi is going to crush Prince Kang.

Luo Jingying's upbringing mother is expected to be very good. There are indeed Li Hongming's people near Luo's house. She just shows a little look for people, and someone directly looks for them. However, the expected next day was not agreed, but another day later. Only because emperor Lecheng asked the courtiers today to recommend the candidates for Minister of the Ministry of official affairs, no accident, tomorrow will have results, at this time, Li Hongming has no time to deal with Luo Jingying.

However, they probably did not expect that they fell into the eyes of the third party with clear words and deeds.

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