Luo Peishan just shook his head and said nothing. I don 't want to do anything. I asked Jing Wan to go to the flower house.

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When Luo Peishan was drumming in the flower house, Jing Wan came and changed into a simpler suit. He didn't wear anything on his wrist. As usual, luopeishan didn't know whether she really didn't care, or whether she kept everything in her heart. This kind of jingwan made people feel sad. At the same time, luopeishan was inexplicably angry.

If they really don't care about it, how can they treat the people they care about? They all want her to be good. She's indifferent. They're all busy after all. If they just hide in the bottom of their hearts, why can't they say it? They are all her close relatives. Even if they don't want them to worry, she doesn't know. The more they don't say it, the better they are More worried? At least let them know what she's thinking, so that they don't look like flies.

I feel the coldness of luopeishan, and it's obviously right for me. Jingwan is inexplicable. "Grandfather, what did granddaughter do wrong?"

This completely ignited the anger of luopeishan. Catch Jing Wan and scold him. Let alone Jing Wan. The people who are waiting on him are confused. But they don't like to hear his words. There is an alert servant girl who goes to the main courtyard.

Old lady Luo listened to the servant girl's words and hurriedly went to the flower house. Only heard

“…… You are good to this, good to that, do your best to this, and meticulous to that. Why don't you be better to yourself? You are now 14 years old, not 41 years old. What you need is the innocence of the girl's family. You should have expectations and expectations for the future. Even if you see through the world, it is not now, but a long process of decades. A little girl film wants to go to the end step by step. What do you want us to do with these old things? As your close relatives, don't we deserve your trust? Do you have to carry everything on your own? " Luo Peishan gives vent to her anger, but the anger subsides. Seeing Jing Wan standing in the same place and weeping, she still feels sad. After all, the child's mind is heavier, saying that she is open-minded, which is true. But because she cares too much about the people she cares about and doesn't care about herself, it sometimes makes people feel a little sedulous. Although Luo Peishan knows that she is absolutely sincere, but this is true Some, all bound her, she can't do true open-minded. If the shackles are untied, she will live more recklessly, and her life will be colorful.

It has to be said that luopeishan is really a mature man. He has not been with jingwan for a long time, so he has accurately seen the problems of jingwan.

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The old lady Luo, who thought something was wrong, was approaching slowly. "Wan Wan..."

Jing Wan quickly wiped away her tears. She didn't want her grandmother to worry.

"That's what you are. Your grandfather is right. You can cry if you want. Don't hold it." Then I glanced around again. "It's all scattered. What are you doing here?" No matter in the distance or near, people are leaving. Even the people who serve them have consciously avoided, leaving only three of them.

Luo Peishan looks at Jing Wan for a moment and continues to say: "it's not necessary for you to consider the rise and fall of the Luo family's honor and disgrace. How incompetent is Luo Peishan to rely on her granddaughter to maintain the family's glory? If Locke really lost, it can only show that the Locke family's gas is at its end. "

I don't know if it's because of their words, or Jing Wan can't stop tears. "At least my grandfather and grandmother treat me so well, and my granddaughter don't think it's worth it. Besides, as a member of the Luo family, what should I do?"

"Silly child, you have this heart is enough. This person has seven passions and six desires. He has to go through ups and downs. He can't refuse everything completely because he wants to refuse a certain taste. He can wrap himself up tightly. Maybe he will succeed in life. However, his life is dull and tasteless. When he gets old, he turns around and finds that there is nothing worth remembering. Isn't it a pity? In fact, grandma sometimes even hopes that you can taste some painful and bitter taste. Although that will make us feel sad as elders, it's always better. When you clearly hope for a day, you don't hold any hope for it. You can completely expect such a day. You don't want to try, and how can you conclude that you won't get it. What's more, you can tell Grandma what you think. Even if you are deviant, grandma won't blame you. If you have grievances, you can let them out. " In the past, when she was in Qi'an mansion, because there was no marriage involved, Mrs. Luo didn't see any problem with jingwan. However, through these two marriages, she realized that jingwan was not normal. Although it was not necessary to show coyness when talking about marriage, it was not necessary to be heartbroken after retiring, let alone to show unhappiness to her mother-in-law in the future I was worried, but I didn't respond at all. It's really abnormal.

Jing Wan had a good cry, and she was really relaxed. Maybe she can be more free and easy.

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When Jing Wan's mood calmed down, she also realized that today's grandfather was not only promoted to the Ministry of rites, but also met with other things. Otherwise, even if he said these words to himself, he would not be furious. "Grandfather, is there anything else going on today?"

Luo Peishan sighed and turned to drum up a evergreen tree beside him. "Prince Kang, he can't help the wall." After the early Dynasty, I simply said that although it was calculated by Li Hongming, he didn't think that Li Hongming did anything wrong. "If it wasn't for the empress and the sun family to support him, he would have been dead by calculation. If he had ascended the throne, in the future, it would have been the relatives who were in power and the harem who were in charge."

"The Hougong government? Does grandfather refer to the queen now, the Empress Dowager of the future? "

Luo Peishan took a look at her, so she said that this lovely grandson, in addition to being "merciless" at some times, is really impeccable in other aspects.

"This, isn't it?" You should know that in the previous dynasty, it was a very serious thing for the Hougong to do politics. In the Qiyuan Dynasty, when the Li family was in charge of the river, the Hougong was directly included in the Zuxun of the Li family. Now, the queen, frankly speaking, is also the daughter-in-law of the Li family. Is there any courage to challenge Zuxun?

"Grandma, there's nothing to be said. It depends on who holds the right of speech. I want to say that if empress sun just wants to be the power behind the scenes after her son ascends the throne, her ambition is still small."

This time, along with Luo Peishan, they all stare at Jing Wan.

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Jing Wan smiled and said, "if I want to say that Li Xing, the grandson and the empress, then she is really powerful."

"It's true that you dare to think of others." Luo Peishan said, "I'm not sure whether the empress has paid attention to her future political career. However, her ambition can't reach the level you said. Maybe she didn't even think about it." Luo Peishan felt his beard. "So, the empress's ambition is still a little smaller."

Jing Wan laughs but doesn't speak. It's not that she dares to think, but that she has had a queen in her past life. That's the real careerist. She's powerful and new. There are many other queens, female presidents, female prime ministers, and many outstanding and great women. They are all good. In her opinion, no woman should be born out of weakness and become an accessory Yong this article, for the Queen's ambition, therefore, do not feel anything.

"The problem now is that it's not so easy for me to help Prince Kang wholeheartedly."

"If it's as your grandfather thinks, then the empress will settle Prince Kang. The reason why Prince Rui's calculation is so successful is that she has grasped Prince Kang's temperament. The empress is not so easy to calculate."

"That's right, but the clay figurine is a little more earthy. Prince Kang may be a little more mediocre and incompetent than Prince Rui, but the emperor's son may not have taken advantage of the empress's intention. Therefore, the Queen's words are not 100% effective. Moreover, there is a word called" Yang Fengyin disobeys Yin ". The queen can still see Prince Kang all the time, Moreover, if the empress interferes too much, it will inevitably lead to the resentment of other courtiers who support Prince Kang. This is due to the power of the dragon, but also to different degrees. Although the government of Dingguo is the first, the final benefits can't be fully occupied by the sun family. Therefore, this same faction also has a dispute of interests. It's normal for them to crowd out each other. I now occupy the position of minister of the Ministry of officials and squeeze in After that, the interests of many people must be thinned. It is no more normal for them to fan the flames in front of Prince Kang through today's affairs. "

Jingwan thought for a moment, "in this case, grandfather can do his best, but he can't do it. That's just as they wish. It's not too bad to really turn against Prince Rui."

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"That's true, girl. What are you going to do in the future? Can't wait for that time to get you and sun Yilin back from marriage? The whole capital city, like sun Yilin, is willing to be a clean man with status and status. I'm afraid there is no second one. When Prince Rui ascended the throne, even if he could not remove the sun family, the Duke of Dingguo would not exist again. It's not impossible for you to come back, but it's not what your grandmother and I want to see. "

"Let's keep sun Yilin together. If he has integrity and has to live or die with the Ding government, then, before that, if he doesn't feel sorry for me, how about I keep him for the rest of my life? If there are still children between us, I will raise them wholeheartedly. " After a meal, "grandfather, a woman may not have to depend on a man to live a lifetime, or have a good man for her is happiness, and a woman's heart may not be a small world in the backyard."

At this moment, Luo Peishan finally understood that, as a good grandson, she really didn't care about her children's love. She lived in pairs all her life, but her ideal marriage was lucky. She had to and never demanded it.

"Grandfather is very happy that you can say that."

"Grandfather, you are not a qualified taxi doctor." Lord Locke's respect for women is not like that of the times.

"It can only be said that grandfather once met a very special woman who had a great influence on his grandfather."

Jing Wan immediately took a look at her grandmother with the eyes of gossip.

"It's not what you think. The man is the holy little aunt, Princess Heyang. "

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