Jingwan is not surprised to hear her grandfather say that Princess Heyang. However, according to what she learned from the book and from mother Gong, if her grandfather did meet with her, it may not be very strange that a princess with "big feminism" would let her grandfather change his view on women.

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"Princess Heyang has been criticized in many places, but it can't be denied that she is really a heroine among women. Women are not allowed to be men." Luo Peishan's tone has a touch of admiration, which is more like those colleagues who regard each other as officials of the same Dynasty, and mingle the feelings of any men and women.

Yun Niang is still charming. When my grandfather met her, I was afraid that she was still young and charming. My grandfather could not be confused by her, but was deeply influenced by her. Tut, should we say that Lord Luo has a lot of moral integrity and strong ability to accept some things? Jingwan felt that if her grandfather threw her into her previous life, she would be able to get along well in a short time.

However, does grandfather know that Princess Heyang is the boss behind the rouge pavilion? Jingwan doesn't have much to say. After all, it's not something she should know. Now jingwan feels that mother Gong seems to know too much. She used to be in the palace, but she was afraid that it was very difficult. How could such a person be released? Why would you like to go to a place far away from Beijing to serve such a little girl? "How could grandfather meet princess Yang?"

"Princess Heyang is still alive and is in the territory of Qiyuan. Whether it's rumours or historical books, it's not the truth. According to Princess Heyang herself, after killing the king of the northern Huns, she took advantage of the chaos and escaped by herself, but she was seriously injured. As for how she came back to Qiyuan, she didn't hear about it. "

"Does the grandfather know where she is now?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since, except for that meeting."

"When was that?" Jing Wan is curious.

"Twenty years ago, it was the eve of the transfer of foreign officials to the capital."

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"Did Grandma see Princess Heyang then?" On the eve of her marriage, grandma should have known Princess Heyang well, but at that time, she was still young. In her most spirited years, grandma should have left Beijing with her grandfather.

Old lady Luo seemed to recall something and smiled, "I have seen her once, dressed in a man's suit, capable, but she didn't hide the fact that it was her daughter. There are groups of maids and guards around, and the handsome men and women are pretty. They are really laughing and cursing, fresh clothes and angry horses. At that time, there were disciples flirting with good women, which made her a hero. Although she is a woman, she does all the things of a man. She strolls in the flower house and enters the gambling house. She is generous and generous. Like the Playboy, she is more attractive to women because of her relationship. Even if she can be seen at a glance that she is a woman, many girls are still attracted to her. It is said that there is a flower chief who is dying for her. She makes a lot of noise. However Your grandfather should be the most aware of this, "old lady Luo glanced at luopeishan and said with three points of teasing," after all, at that time, your grandfather was dragged out to drink with Princess Yang every three or five minutes. "

"Grandmother, are you not angry?" Is this a woman who pulls her husband out for a drink, or a woman who has a bad reputation, countless faces, and a romantic heart. At that time, her grandfather was also in middle age. When she was equally charming, she didn't worry about being cheated by Princess Yang?

"It's a fake to say that he's not angry at all, but he's not angry because your grandfather is dragged out by Princess Yang every time. After he comes back, he's cleaner than his social colleagues. He's never drunk before. He doesn't have any powder on his body. He comes back early. He brings some interesting things back from time to time. I haven't seen him before It's not pleasing. " Old lady Luo looked at luopeishan with a smile.

Luo Po Shan's old face was red, but he said, how did the old wife fail to respond to it?

"I knew it was with Princess Yang that she said something like" this lady may like it ". It turned out that this lovely princess He Yang. After Princess Heyang left, your grandfather became a pimple again. Alas, if Yunying is unmarried, maybe she will also admire Princess Heyang. "

Luo Peishan's face is black. He was almost dug by a woman unconsciously? Then I saw the old wife's expression. I was teased by the old wife? Forget it, the big man can still take care of her.

"Princess Heyang is well-known and knowledgeable. She often asks for your grandfather. Maybe it's because your grandfather is also very talented and has some similar interests. What's more, if Princess Heyang is a man or a woman, she can be seen clearly only when she is a woman. Her heart and pity is a woman. If your grandfather is fickle, she will either not meet with Princess Heyang, or he has already died in the hand of the Lord Heyang. "

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Eh, so to speak, in those wild histories, it seems that I haven't mentioned the matter of having a husband with Princess Yang.

She may be romantic with Princess Heyang, but she has the bottom line principle, and the husband of a woman doesn't touch her. On the contrary, if such a person offends her, she may be in danger of life.

Old lady Luo doesn't say it's OK. As soon as she says it, Lord Luo's face turns black again. He remembers that he and Princess Yang have put on their women's clothes. She seduced him and threatened him when she didn't succeed. After his righteous and strict refusal, she laughs wildly. "They all say that Lord Luo is a gentleman, and it's true." The pink curtain was lifted. Then, Lord Luo's face was black, but he was also afraid of color. Because, on that bed, one poisonous snake after another crawled out of every edge. He was really tempted to get on the bed, and would definitely be killed alive by the poisonous snake.

"Princess Heyang is disliked by countless men, but more men are crazy for her and willing to be her patron; she is disliked by countless women, but more women envy and envy her unrestrained and unrestrained."

Jingwan's eyes are moving, and Princess Heyang is indeed enviable, including jingwan. Of course, it's not that she envies her powerful harem, but that she is not constrained in such a social environment, but the envy is over. It's the natural, geographical and "human harmony" that makes such a princess Heyang. It can't be copied. If other women breed, they shouldn't Do you want to die, or do you want to die?

Luo Peishan coughed softly, "what should be said, what shouldn't be said, have said so many, three wenches, you are a clever child, you should know grandfather grandmother's intention."

"The granddaughter understood that it used to be her granddaughter who failed to live up to her grandfather's and grandmother's good intentions. She will never again."

"Just understand. ——Come, girl, come and talk about it. It seems that the situation of this flower is different from the Qunfang manual you wrote. What's the matter? " Maybe he got Jing Wan's real idea, and Luo Peishan was so concerned about the day. If your prince Kang is not rare, I luopeishan will not go up in the face of shame, offend me, and really fight against you. You are not the ninth five, who is afraid of whom. If there is an accident in the future, we can always find a way to keep our good grandchildren. As for sun's son-in-law, ha ha, it depends on the situation.

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Old lady Luo saw Luo Peishan's eyebrows go away, but wan wan looked more beautiful, and her heart seemed to be relieved. See ye and sun together chatter, laugh and shake their heads, and turn back to the main courtyard.

Luo Peishan is very angry with Jing Wan. The noise is not small, but the other owners don't have a special person to inform them. After learning the news, most people are not prepared to ask about it. When the people who ask about it rush here, there is nothing left. And the person who will be asked about this is probably the person in the second room.

Luo Jingbo and sun Yijia are in front of each other, while Luo Rongyan and Zhang are not far behind.


"Go back. It's nothing."

They were relieved to hear that from old lady Luo. "Grandma, what's going on?"

"Naturally, your little sister made a mistake, and your grandfather said something."

"Little girls make mistakes, too?" Luo Jingbo is quite incredible.

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"No matter what you say, it's impossible for people to be saints. How can your little sister not make mistakes?"

Luo Jing smiled and said, "well, what's wrong with my little sister?"

Old lady Luo took a look at him, and at this time, Luo Rongyan and Zhang arrived, and said lightly, "the fault is that she is not selfish enough, that she only wants to be nice to others and good to herself, and that she wants to deal with everything by herself. Do you think these mistakes are enough, and should she scold?"

Old lady Luo's words silenced them all, and each one looked different

"All right, go back." After that, Mrs. Luo left first.

It has to be said that Mrs. Luo's words have a great impact on them. If these are really jingwan's mistakes, they may be the source of this mistake. Because they don't do enough, jingwan has to do more, because they can't help her, so she needs to carry it on her own. Most shameless, probably belongs to Luo Rongyan.

Li Hongyuan received "Wan Wan Wan's daily life" in the evening as usual. Do not Li Hongyuan find out the problems of Jing Wan? No, even if it's not clear, he knows more or less, but he doesn't care too much. After getting married, he can always make her get used to his good attitude towards her, and let him solve any problem with his habit. However, now, it seems that his idea is not very good. He can suppress his jealousy by force, and let Wan Wan Wan get engaged and back from marriage, back from marriage and engagement, even if Wan Wan doesn't care about others In the same way, it will definitely have a great impact

According to the indulgence degree of Lecheng emperor to Li Hongyuan, it's not impossible for him to marry Jing Wan as his concubine. However, in fact, it's not the case. Li Hongyuan is very clear that he is not his favorite son because of his family background and his temperament. In fact, he is not happy with Lecheng emperor. However, only by doing so can he reduce his guilt and regret It is precisely because of this mentality that more and more indulgence is just a vicious circle. In addition, the most critical point is that no brother will be given the throne, so I want to compensate him and give him the best things except the throne, including my wife.

No matter how excellent Jing Wan is, no matter how heavy she is, in the eyes of the ninth five year plan, it is not worth mentioning. If Li Hongyuan says that he takes a fancy to Jing Wan, Emperor Lecheng will never stop him. It doesn't matter whether he is a concubine or a side concubine. The position of the imperial concubine? Sorry, don't even think about it. As Li Hongyuan's mother-in-law, after she had no status, even

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