Jing Wan continues to eat calmly.

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As for whether she is really calm or pretending to be calm, she is the only one who knows.

Li Hongyuan is determined to feed Jing Wan. The rest, whether it's Princess Heyang or the border situation, will be put aside. What he changed was mainly in the imperial city of Qiyuan. In addition to jingwan, other forces were secretly converged and changed the pattern of the Imperial Hall in secret. In fact, it was not much different from the previous life, and the biggest change was probably luopeishan. In the previous life, he always kept a low profile and didn't participate in the struggle for the legitimate. In addition to the Imperial City, there were official transfers, but everything was under control In the process of control, there is no situation for the time being. Besides, there are many spies in countries other than Qiyuan, but these people are collecting information tightly, and they are not allowed to act rashly without orders. These people, even don't know who their real masters are. So far, the situation outside Qiyuan has not changed.

Therefore, the border situation in the West doesn't need to be discussed with Princess Yang. He knows what's going on. It's just a small problem, but it's inside Qiyuan. In the past life, it was not solved, and the small problem caused a major disaster.

There was nothing more than the problem of greedy for money and money. One layer of exploitation finally left little in the hands of the soldiers. As a result, these soldiers joined hands with the local military households that operated for two or three generations, became the local chief and oppressed the common people. Because the trouble was not small, they went to heaven to listen to him. His old son sent someone to deal with it, and then he became the imperial envoy of the old nine old ten who worked for the DPRK. Only these two men One is the eldest, and the other is the third. They are not young, and their families have a big heart. They have a lot of ideas in secret. Therefore, they disagree on this matter. As a result, they can't solve the problem because they don't agree all the time, and then they cause a riot because of the instigation of the intentional people. The son of the emperor and the relatives of Qiyuan Wang, one was injured in the riot, one was arrested.

The court is divided into two groups, one is for appeasement, the other is for repression. Emperor Lecheng is an emperor who doesn't like fighting. He finally appeases the culprit of the uprising, but he can't condone it. After all, it makes him lose his face. Only the imperial emissary sent again is still on the way. The border conflict escalates again, and the angry mob cuts down the old man In one arm of the tenth, the local garrison made the decision without authorization and adopted bloody repression.

If there is repression, there will be resistance. However, if the other party is a civilian, it will cause some threats to the garrison at the beginning. The consequences are self-evident. And guarding is a temper tantrum, the last order together with the old and the weak women and children to kill, we can imagine how much shock caused.

What's more, the news has been leaked from the beginning. Under the arrangement of the people who are concerned, almost everyone knows Qi Yuan. As a result, people's hearts are not stable. Even the ruling position of the Li Dynasty is questioned. The house leakage happens overnight. Soon afterwards, there is a big flood in the south, which has affected millions of people For the inaction of officials, there are very few levees without problems.

The disaster from heaven, the result is that emperor Lecheng came to carry the pot.

The emperor Lecheng's criminal edict has not yet been issued. Well, the victims rose up and robbed the local granary. Moreover, those rich people and many officials did not end well.

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In the end, it was natural to send troops, but it didn't take long. It was almost more than a month before the chaos was settled.

Fortunately, other places have been prepared, and the enemy has not taken the opportunity to attack Qiyuan. After all, even if Qiyuan is out of civil strife, it is within control. Qiyuan is also a giant to some extent. If you want to bite off a piece of meat, you have to see if you have the ability.

After this, Le chengdi's face was gloomy for a long time.

It was thought that the enemy had made trouble behind the scenes, but when we found out the final result, it was all internal.

Li Hongyuan was far from being favored in his previous life, because he was excellent, had a good reputation, and had the qualification to fight for the throne. His Laozi should have felt sorry for him, but because of his outstanding, he was not very popular, because he was a ghost, regarded as unlucky, and was not qualified to think about that position at all, but he didn't know it and was very sad for a time.

After this incident, his father was more and more reluctant to see him. At first, he was inexplicable. What did this have to do with him? Gradually, some rumors about his birth mother spread quietly. His birth mother is the Pei family of the first aristocratic family in the south of the Yangtze River and the legitimate daughter. Pei's family was loyal to the royal family of the former dynasty. Pei's family did not want to be loyal to the new Lord. They reached an agreement with the new emperor to return to the south of the Yangtze River. It is said that from the beginning of the border riots, rumors and incidents, to the later uprising, Pei's family had the shadow of Pei's family. But there is no evidence of all this. It should be noted that emperor Taizu personally made a decree that unless Pei's family committed a major crime of rebellion, Emperor Li should not embarrass Pei's family.

There is no evidence, which means that Pei family can't be moved. Even if they want to work in secret, it's not so easy. Because Pei family has a flourishing generation in Jiangnan. Apart from not being an official in the dynasty, there are many other aspects. In particular, Pei family has many famous scholars. These people have many disciples, but many of them are official in the dynasty. You think Pei family doesn't Is there no influence in the official arena? Naive!

Moreover, Pei's family has a high reputation among the people. Moving Pei's family means that the whole south of the Yangtze River moves with it, and there may be a large number of officials going out of office. The big family with the Duke of the kingdom is still in charge.

No emperor would like such a large and uncontrolled family. Li Hongyuan, a son of Pei family, was naturally angered by him at this time.

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To some extent, this is the beginning of Li Hongyuan's fate change.

But now, when Princess Heyang knew a little drizzle through her Rouge Pavilion, Li Hongyuan had arranged everything for a long time. In the overall situation, he still didn't move. He just controlled the man behind who was stirring up the wind and planning everything. He would probably be sent to the capital soon. The man who was said to have died early in the previous life, Li Hongyuan wanted to see the end Is it from Pei's family. Mother race? Ah, tyrant Li Hongyuan cut most of the branches of Pei family.

It's probably the old nine and the old ten who went to deal with this. He has relieved the biggest disaster, so he doesn't know what their end is. If it's better, he'll probably come back from his work, if it's worse, he'll smash it up. It's probably training, and then maybe he'll be abandoned by the people he depends on. His life will be over.

He had made preparations for the flood in the south two years ago. The key place had already reinforced the dike. Although it was impossible to completely eliminate the flood, the serious consequences caused by the disaster could be reduced by at least 60%.

As for those who want to make trouble here, he has already set up a plan. As long as the other side dare to start, he will become a turtle in a jar immediately.

Jing Wan didn't disturb Li Hongyuan when he thought about things, but it would hurt his stomach to see him drink again and again like he didn't know what to eat. After all, her fiance was still holding together and doting on her. Hesitated for a moment, "Lord, it's the worst thing to drink on an empty stomach. It's better to drink less, or eat something first."

Li Hongyuan looked at her with a smile, as if she had never been through God. "Jiao Jiao is concerned about this king?"

Jingwan also smiled, not having been bullied "pathetic" before. "It's not impossible for the prince to think so."

"It's not easy to hear something nice from Jiaojiao. All right, no more. " Throw the cup at you. Pick up the chopsticks and eat something. "Are you ready?"

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Generally speaking, when the other party's food is good, she will eat well. If the other party's food is not good, she will continue to eat with her. However, considering that they are still unmarried, and that he is a little strange to her connivance, he chooses "willful" once, nods, "my daughter has eaten well."

Li Hongyuan put down his chopsticks, approached jingwan, and laughed jokingly, "Jiao Jiao has put out all the rules at this time. It wasn't like this before. She pinched and bit me on my body. She was brave enough to shut me up?"

Jingwan blushed. Which one should not be mentioned? What's the matter? Do you want to settle accounts with her now? Jingwan doesn't speak, but just looks at him quietly. Whether she is conservative or not is that she is not a native girl. This has happened. She is too shy and ashamed. It's no fun to hold on.

Li Hongyuan is worried about irritating her. It's not easy to eat her mouth in the future. He reaches out and pinches her face. "I really can't help you." Needless to say, Grandpa Mu immediately asked people to fetch water and wash their hands and mouths.

Li Hongyuan has tried to wash jingwan's hands, but jingwan avoids rejection. Pick up the eyebrows and say nothing.

"Forget the rest. Take this Buddha bead." Li Hongyuan went to the Buddha's Pearl and circled jingwan's wrist. "Let's go, Ben Wang will take you back." In fact, if you can, you want to keep jingwan for a while, but it's not a short time. It's not good for him to see jingwan before marriage.

Although more intimate things have been done, this kind of intimacy still leaves jingwan at a loss. They used to be just a couple of friends. It's unreasonable that they suddenly got so close to each other. Although most of them were the unilateral acts of Prince Jin, he seemed to be very familiar with himself and did everything naturally and casually. No one would think that he was a "stranger" when he saw them. "Apart from the three sisters in law, is it the same with his fiancee?" Jing Wan asked curiously.

Really, it's just pure curiosity.

Li Hongyuan took a look at her and said carelessly, "I'm not familiar with them. I haven't seen them before."

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So the topic stopped and didn't go on.

Li Hongyuan took her hand and walked slowly with her step. "Next door is a yard as big as this one. In front of it is Rouge Pavilion. This place was originally yunniang's place. I'm going to rebuild it."

Jingwan knew that Prince Jin was revealing some things about the exploration of Mishin to her, so he only had ears and no mouth.

"Jiao Jiao, you and I are one. You don't need to be so careful. There is nothing you can't know about my affairs."

"Thank you for your love, but I don't think it's the right time."

Li Hongyuan sighed helplessly and said nothing more.

On the carriage, Li Hongyuan still pulled her into his arms and held her, just holding her.

Jing Wan was sent back to Luo's house. When she entered the door and disappeared, she was driven away by a carriage.

Instead of looking for yunniang, I went back to the Royal Palace directly. In front of the gate of the Royal Palace, there was another Zun

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